ST: Battle Garegga (20.7.14 - edits, record replays list)

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Post by captain ahar »

i am a stupid. i haven't cracked 4 mil. i am playing on the souky demo (so stage 1 only) and have cracked 400 thou. as i only have the demo i have been trying to intigrate heavy scoring as much as possible. still can't figure the best way to disect the boss.
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Post by Vorpal »

To end level 1 with 50,000+ requires practice. If you are using an armor piercing ship, the main trick is to camp just to the side of the two ball turrets for a few seconds (4-5 is good). Your armor piercing shots (or options if playing Gain) if positioned correctly, will not damage the main body, but will come into contact with that big rear propeller which is worth a lot of points. Once you've seen the rear propeller flash from your bullets for a bit, switch to the "trailing" option formation (hit C 4 times) and fly to the very top corner of the screen and blast the central propeller with option bullets. You will get about 10x more points by killing it with options than you would have if you killed it with armor piercing.

If you are playing a non armor piercing ship, I recommend picking up 4 options during the level (above strategy only requires 1 or 2). When the boss dips down the screen a bit, so that the rear propeller is in full view, ram into him. Pick up 3 spare options (the 4th was insurance, because 1 option always tends to fly offscreen or some stupid crap for me). Now you just focus on flying to the top corners and whaling on that central propeller with those trailing options.

It's up to you how you want to deal with the rest of the turrets/propellers, I have my own order down that I'm comfortable with, describing it would take too many boring pages to read :P

Question to Icarus (or someone else who wants to join in): is there a way for non armor piercing users to kill the twin cannon body?
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Post by Icarus »

captain ahar wrote:i am a stupid. i haven't cracked 4 mil. i am playing on the souky demo (so stage 1 only) and have cracked 400 thou. as i only have the demo i have been trying to intigrate heavy scoring as much as possible. still can't figure the best way to disect the boss.
Vorpal wrote:Question to Icarus (or someone else who wants to join in): is there a way for non armor piercing users to kill the twin cannon body?
Dissecting the bosses is the best and most enjoyable part of Garegga, but the strategies themselves also rank among the hardest in the game to do. Having said that, there is a simple, global strategy for taking apart each boss. Using screenshots from several of my practice replays, and this Bornnam Stage 1 replay (XVID - 29MB) as a visual demonstration, I'll try and talk you through each tactic step by step.

And thanks for making me get off my arse and rewrite the stage 1 boss strategy ^_-)

Also please note that these strategies can be taken in any order, but the recommended order of execution is listed as follows (important info noted in violet):

TARGET STAGE 1 SCORE: 580,000pts
    If you approach the Tail section from the front using Shot, you risk damaging the Tail Turret too much and destroying it along with the Tail cover, which loses you about 50k in points. The optimal method is to approach the Tail cover and the Tail Turret from the side, using Option bullets to damage the Tail cover and Turret. If you are using a piercing ship (Gain, Grasshopper, Wild Snail) then you only need one Option, and should attack from the right side like in this screen:


    For non-piercing ships, you'll need at maximum 3 Options, and attack from the left side of the tail, like in this screen:


    For ships with a straight-type Shot, you can stay to the side and adjust your ship's position so you don't hit the Tail Spines, but for those ships with a wider firing range, you can altrnatively change to Trace Options and attack from the very side of the Tail Turret.
    Note these two small turrets located on the main body of the boss:


    When they are both destroyed, the twincannon will activate. You can make your life easier however, by only destroying one of these turrets. This gives you the advantage in space (less bullets to dodge) and plus, you can activate the twincannon whenever you please.
    There are two aiming turrets located on the underside of each wing:


    When both on one wing are destroyed, the propellor turret on that wing will activate.

    Knowing this, you should aim to destroy all but one wing turret, and preferably, leave just one on the right wing alone. This will keep the right side propellor from activating, giving you some time and space to maneuver.

    Now, when you destroy the wing turrets on the left side, the left propellor turret will activate. If you are using a piercing ship, you can damage the propellor from below quite easily, but for non-piercing ships, you will have to completely destroy the armor underneath the propellor before you can attack the propellor itself.


    Once you have damaged the propellor enough, swing up to the gap next to the propellor and attack using Trace Options. This also has the added bonus of adding damaging to the central propellor.
    Now you can destroy that small central turret you left alive, activating the twin cannon. When the twincannon activates, aim to destroy the right side cannon only, leaving the left side cannon. With only one cannon able to fire, you can safely dodge the large missiles it fires. In fact, you can often sit in one spot, and every missile that is fired will miss you ;)

    Now you can destroy the last wing turret on the right side, activating the right propellor turret. Tackle the right propellor in the same fashion as the left side, but take care to dodge the attacks from the twincannon. You'll want to try and nip into the gap next to the propellor and attack using Trace Options, as this will also damage the central turret.
    If you still have time, watch the boss' movements carefully, and nip into the gap in the top right corner, and attack the central propellor using Trace Options. Don't worry about the twincannon, as with the right side of it's turret destroyed, it is unable to attack anything on the right side of the screen.


    The one thing you must watch out for is getting trapped. If you manage to destroy the central propellor and have time and a large enough space, quickly dash over the nose of the boss to the other side. (See Icarus demonstrate the noseslide using Golden Bat: DIVX - 1.1MB)

    Destroy the last part of the twincannon, the leftside turret, to force the boss to use it's fan attack. You should suicide a good distance from the boss, and use the invincibility to get right up close to the twincannon's base, like in this screenshot:


    Fire to destroy the twincannon's base, and then to destroy the boss itself. Do not worry if you are killed again, as you will require all your stocked Weapon bullets for the birds that come next :)
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Post by Icarus »

For those who have missed it, I've added a Quick Replay List of all the available downloads for the guide. I'll mirror the list here temporarily:

EDIT: Replay list now updated. Many thanks to rjpageuk and snacky of for helping me host this huge set of replays!

There is actually about 2GB worth of material so far, including kusoplays with Flying Baron and Bornnam, as well as different versions of stage and trick strategies. If someone can give me a hand finding large, permanent space to host the files, I'll pop up more for your viewing pleasure.
Last edited by Icarus on Fri Nov 11, 2005 2:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by D »

The online html manual is also on the game cd.
Pop it in your pc and search for html files!!!!

The online version has a few more updates though as I can remember.
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Post by captain ahar »

hi, i just want to make sure i understand something about medaling. i would just play to find out, but the easiest method is still beyond my skills at this point. i can chain and even survive (sort of) but not both yet.

okay, assume i've brought my medal value to MAX. if i release two medals at once in a wave, miss one but grab the other before releasing another medal, will i keep the MAX value medal chain going?

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Post by Vorpal »

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "releasing" a medal, but there is a way to keep your medal chain if you miss some (only in a certain situation though).

One example would be during Stage 4, near the boss where there are metal railings and houses which, when destroyed with Weapon, will yield many many medals. The ones from the railings will fall, and it is extremely difficult to collect all of these, but do not fret. If you managed to destroy one of the houses as well, then the medals that it yielded will be sitting there waiting, still at MAX value. So if you miss any medals that fell from the railings, the stationary ones from the houses will bring you back to MAX level (provided you destroyed the houses before any medals fell off screen) and all is well.

Another way to explain it is: if you lose a medal, it will instantly reduce any future medal yields to 100. If 2 medals are on screen at once (which often happens) and you miss the first one, the one that is still falling will not be of a reduced value... only medals that appear on screen after you lose a medal will be reset back to 100. But, if you can obtain that medal that is still falling, then it will bring your medal value back up to snuff.
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Post by AWJ »

captain ahar wrote:hi, i just want to make sure i understand something about medaling. i would just play to find out, but the easiest method is still beyond my skills at this point. i can chain and even survive (sort of) but not both yet.

okay, assume i've brought my medal value to MAX. if i release two medals at once in a wave, miss one but grab the other before releasing another medal, will i keep the MAX value medal chain going?
The way medals work in Battle Garegga (and Batrider) is actually very simple conceptually. Whenever you collect a medal, the medal type is set to (medal_you_just_collected + 1). For example, collecting a 400 point medal sets the medal type to 500 points. Whenever a medal drops off the screen, the medal type is reset to the lowest type (100 points). The value of each medal is determined at the instant it is created.

The upshot is, you can let a medal drop without losing the chain as long as (a) there is still another medal onscreen to collect, and (b) you don't create any more medals prior to collecting that medal. Why? If you create another medal at this point, it will be a 100 point medal and you're screwed no matter what you do with it. If you drop it, the medal value will reset, obviously. But even if you collect it, the medal value will be set to 200 points, which is scarcely better.

Grounded medals aren't treated any differently by the game; their importance comes from the fact that they stay onscreen for a long time and you can choose when to collect them.
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Post by captain ahar »

Vorpal wrote: ...
AWJ wrote: ...
thanks you both answered my question, apparently my hypothetical was correct.
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Post by Icarus »

AWJ wrote:The upshot is, you can let a medal drop without losing the chain as long as (a) there is still another medal onscreen to collect, and (b) you don't create any more medals prior to collecting that medal. Why? If you create another medal at this point, it will be a 100 point medal and you're screwed no matter what you do with it. If you drop it, the medal value will reset, obviously. But even if you collect it, the medal value will be set to 200 points, which is scarcely better.
Don't forget though, that even if you accidentally create a low value Medal after dropping one, if you still have one high value Medal onscreen, collect the low value one first then the high value one, then you can keep your Medal chain going.

As long as you collect the highest value Medal on screen last, you can always keep your chain going, or rescue it if you lose it. There are very few occasions where this is achievable, though.

The rest of your explanation is right on the money, though ^_^
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Post by DC906270 »

Anyone know if the central propellor (stage 1 boss) can be destroyed on Saturn? as i have seen the players doing this on the Battle Garegga DVD playing PCB (seems to only take a couple of shots?), but when i try it on Saturn it doesn't seem to destroy easily, and then the cannon turret comes out and makes it difficult to be positioned at the top of the screen. Anyone know if there is any way of stopping the cannon turret from coming out to enable me to destroy the central propellor (on Saturn version)
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Post by Icarus »

Please read the stage 1 boss strategy posted at least twice in the thread, and also download the accompanying video replay. All strategies are written for both Saturn and Arcade versions (both identical) and all replays captured from the Saturn version.

In short: use Options set to Trace Form (and attack from the side), or a piercing bullet to weaken the central propellor first, then use Options set to Trace to destroy it.
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Post by Icarus »

Replay list now updated! For convenience, I'll mirror the whole list here.

Many many thanks to rjpageuk and snacky of for helping me host this massive list of replays! You guys rock!

More stuff to follow in the near future, once I get a bit of time to play and capture more footage.
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Post by azmun »

I've been searching everywhere but no luck in finding out exactly how to access the extra options in the easy (english) menu. Can anyone tell me how to activate BLAST CHIP and WAIT CONTROL? Also, what exactly does these options do? Thanks.
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Post by Rastan78 »

AWJ wrote:I wonder--do Gain's and Miyamoto's option shots count as piercing shots for targets that score differently when destroyed by piercing as opposed to normal shots? I can't play either of these characters even semi-competently (they're much too fast for me) so I don't know...
Just came across this question that was asked a while back, but I don't think it got answered. It works that way for Gain but not for Miyamoto. This makes it extremely easy to score well from the first boss (at least 500k) with Miyamoto as his options have no problem taking out all three propellers with a little help from the trace formation. Gain on the other hand you have to weaken the side propellers from the front with your option shots and then switch to a trailing formation at the last second so you don't destroy them with the swords.
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Post by gs68 »

*tries to access the videos hosted at*

You don't have permission to access /files/fw/st_garegga/st4_medalrails_ghettostyle.avi on this server.
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Post by Icarus »

gs68 wrote:*tries to access the videos hosted at*

You don't have permission to access /files/fw/st_garegga/st4_medalrails_ghettostyle.avi on this server.
I think the replays are hosted on the same server as the site, and are also subject to the same problems of bandwidth that have occured recently. Please remain patient, as they will pop back up at some point.
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Post by BulletMagnet »

A few things I haven't thought to ask yet...

1) Somewhere in the original post it was said that a "wait control" option could be found in the "simple" options of yet I haven't found it. Was that a typo?

2) In the options menu you can adjust the extend rate: does doing so affect how quickly the rank increases, like it does in the different arcade versions?

3) AWJ, do you plan on doing any more "rank hacking" in the future? There's still a lot to be determined, and that sort of thing could be invaluable.
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Post by Rastan78 »

What do you guys think the best Garegga joystick layout is? Lately I've been playing like this (picture the staggered six button astro city style layout):

B C a
A _ c

Lower case denotes autofire and the middle button on the bottom row is empty. I use the thumb for A, index for B and middle finger for cycling through option formations with C and flipping off Blackheart mkII at the credits end.

The autofire A and C aren't altogether necessary but I think they're cool to have depending on the ship used. The autofire C is a lot of fun to break out for the mayhem factor if nothing else.

Does anyone have their own preferred methods? Is there a typical layout favored by arcade players in Japan that anyone knows of? Don't give me some nonsense about just using the standard Saturn pad with defaults. :wink:
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Post by Randorama »

I always play like:

N auto B

With N being the normal fire (in Cave games, it means having a button for lasering/using the secondary fire) and B being bomb. I usually put the middle finger on "auto" and tap on necessity with the index finger. On Garegga, i use "B" for the options and "N" for the weapon, which makes a lot of sense if you think of it in terms of secondary weapons, no? :wink:
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Post by Dave_K. »

Icarus wrote:Replay list now updated! For convenience, I'll mirror the whole list here.

Many many thanks to rjpageuk and snacky of for helping me host this massive list of replays! You guys rock!
Will these movies be back online starting Jan 1st? I'm assuming they reached their bandwidth limit in December?
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Post by Icarus »

Hi guys, sorry for not replying to your questions. Been busy and stuff -_-;;
azmun wrote:I've been searching everywhere but no luck in finding out exactly how to access the extra options in the easy (english) menu. Can anyone tell me how to activate BLAST CHIP and WAIT CONTROL? Also, what exactly does these options do? Thanks.
BulletMagnet wrote:1) Somewhere in the original post it was said that a "wait control" option could be found in the "simple" options of yet I haven't found it. Was that a typo?
First, to access the Special Options in the English version of the menus, you just press the R-trigger on the joypad. Just like you would if you wanted to access the Special Options in the Japanese version of the menus.

here's a screengrab of the Special Options as it appears in the English version of the menus.


Blast Chip, when switched off, stops the game from displaying all the shrapnel that appears when stuff is damaged or destroyed. If you are new to the game, or have trouble focusing on the screen to see the small bullets, then turning this OFF is recommended. Leaving it on makes the game spray shrap whenever things are shot and destroyed, just like the arcade version.

As for Wait Control, this option needs to be unlocked. The conditions are ALL Clear Normal difficulty with one credit only. You'll notice that I do not have it unlocked, as this is a recent save file (my old records and ALL scores have been wiped by the previous battery failure). Wait Control will usually appear inbetween Blast Chip and Easy Menu Mode in the menu list.

My source for this info is alamone's Garegga FAQ, and having it unlocked previously myself. Ala is a trusted source. His FAQ is mirrored on my server, here.

Wait Control recreates the slowdown of the arcade PCB. Most noticeable in later stages when shrapnel and bullets are flying all over the place. ^_-

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BulletMagnet wrote:2) In the options menu you can adjust the extend rate: does doing so affect how quickly the rank increases, like it does in the different arcade versions?
I would assume so. I've never actually messed with the Edit configuration for in game options, so I can't really say.

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Dave_K. wrote:Will these movies be back online starting Jan 1st? I'm assuming they reached their bandwidth limit in December?
I don't know. If access to is restored by then, then you should be able to access these and other ST guide replay material. until then, it's all up to rjpageuk and the other admins.

I could put up a torrent of the complete list, but the total list is around 1.2GB in total filesize ^_-

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Rastan78 wrote:What do you guys think the best Garegga joystick layout is? Lately I've been playing like this (picture the staggered six button astro city style layout):
I don't use a joystick, personally. I use a Japanese Saturn pad. I do have my buttons mapped to a custom setup, though. If you take this little diagram as the Saturn pad buttons layout:

Code: Select all

 L               R
     X   Y   Z
     A   B   C
Then my buttons are mapped like this:

Code: Select all

abc              c
     -   b   -
     a+  a   -
a = Shot
b = Weapon
c = Option
abc = easy select of ABC-type ships
a+ = Shot Frequency +1

Of course, I use the Mania type control configuration. I find it better to have Shot mapped to B on the joypad for virtually every shmup played with a Saturn or Saturn-like pad, as it's an easier and more comfortable button to access. Weapon mapped to Y is convenient, and Option as the default R-trigger makes rapid switcing between Option formations simple.

I don't usually increase my Shot frequency in-game, but when it's required, I can just slide my finger across to A and tap once or twice, as needed.

As for an actual joystick layout, Rando's makes sense, and looks quite comfortable if I was using a stick ^_-

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Rastan78 wrote:Is there a typical layout favored by arcade players in Japan that anyone knows of?
I don't know of any preferred layouts, but from what I've seen, they might have autofire rigged up to the Option button. This is to speedcycle through the Option formations, which in effect makes the Options fire in a Wide-like pattern. Some of the replays I've seen have players doing this in some sections, which saves the hassle of setting up to get Wide formation (and thus, the resulting rank increase).
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Post by Icarus »

Dave_K. wrote:Will these movies be back online starting Jan 1st? I'm assuming they reached their bandwidth limit in December?
FYI, the replays should be available for Garegga and other stuff. ^_^
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Post by BulletMagnet »

Icarus wrote:As for Wait Control, this option needs to be unlocked. The conditions are ALL Clear Normal difficulty with one credit only.
Ack, that's almost as dumb an unlocking requirement as having to beat Silhouette Mirage (PS1) on "Normal" in order to unlock "Easy" mode: if you can get to it, you don't need it! :P

However, I noticed that the FAQ you linked to says that some of the extra stuff can also be unlocked once the game clock is high enough, as in RSG: any idea if Wait Control falls into that category?
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Post by Icarus »

BulletMagnet wrote:However, I noticed that the FAQ you linked to says that some of the extra stuff can also be unlocked once the game clock is high enough, as in RSG: any idea if Wait Control falls into that category?
Possibly. I have no idea how long you have to wait before you get Wait Control, though, so I find it (somewhat) easier to unlock it by clearing the game. Not that it's really necessary though ^_-
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Post by Rastan78 »

Icarus wrote:I don't know of any preferred layouts, but from what I've seen, they might have autofire rigged up to the Option button. This is to speedcycle through the Option formations, which in effect makes the Options fire in a Wide-like pattern. Some of the replays I've seen have players doing this in some sections, which saves the hassle of setting up to get Wide formation (and thus, the resulting rank increase).
Yeah, I've already got autofire C and it is pretty fun to use but you need to make sure to have two C buttons with one as default. You can kind of get away with using the autofire C for basic option switching, but if your finger lags for even a bit too long it will really mess you up and give you random formations.
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Post by Rastan78 »

I was watching closely the Miyamoto replay from the Insanity DVD and I think I can safely say that they are using a six button setup with two different autofire rates for the A button. From the very start of the credit the player raises the shot frequency with what from my best guess is a 15hz autofire rate. Much later, I think he maxes the shot frequency with 30hz autofire and uses also autofire option switching. I guess players rigging more than one variation of fire rate for a single button should not surprise us after what we saw being done with Mushi, eh?

Luckily, I think this effect can be duplicated with the extra saturn control options. I tried the 15hz autofire (PCB version) at the beginning with Miya and it made a huge difference. Before, I was just wondering in awe at how the player could hammer through the tanks at the beginning of stage 1 to grab every bomb chip and milk the flamingoes for a much higher point gain by hammering them with four options. 30 shots a second is too fast and creates very large gaps in the shot stream and probably a greater rank increase. 30hz is probably best reserved to the real experts to be triggered in level 6 just to really get extra points from junkey monkey's arms by mowing them down very quickly.
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Post by Icarus »

Yeah, most of the selectable ships have difficulties getting all of the tanks in stage1 without the use of a higher Shot frequency. I myself have Shot Freq. +1 set up on my Saturn pad so I can safely increase Shot frequency to a rate that can enable powerful attacks without the need to power up to a high Shot level. I have my Shot frequency at default+1 from the start of the game up to Nose Lavagghin2, going to a maximum of +3 after the turret wall in stag6.

IMO, you should only ever require +1 for the whole of the game, if you can handle the difficult sections without the need to increase.

Maximum Shot frequency is only ever used from stage6 onwards, as it gives you high attack power at close range. You need it IMO, as enemies will fire at you almost as soon as they appear, and killing them quickly is the only way to stay alive.

If you don't have the luxury of the Saturn options, then try and train yourself to tell the difference between the different rates of Shot frequency. Knowing how quickly to tap, and how much, can really help you if you don't have the ability to rig up autofire, or set control options. ^_-

I think Rando put down a pretty good mini-strategy in an earlier post in the ST guide somewhere, going into a bit of detail about Shot Freq. and related powerup strategy.
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Post by Neon »

Icarus, need clarification, these are both yours:
try and hit the point of origin - the castle keep - as many times as you can with one full Weapon, as it seems that more flamingoes are released the more times you hit the keep, and each released flamingo seems to have a higher point value the more the keep is hit.
In order to yield a large amount of points from the Birds on Stage 2, the first thing you'll need to learn and master is the method to destroy all of these tanks and vehicles, while collecting them quickly.
So in order to get high point values from the flamingoes, I have to destroy the entirety of level 1's tanks and collect all the bomb icons? I have no idea how the guy on the superplay is getting 2 million points on the flamingoes alone - even if I use a whole bomb on the keep, I rarely break 2M total.
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Post by Icarus »

This explanation is going to be pretty long, so if you need further clarification or it put into shorter terms, just let me know ^_^;;

Take into consideration that you get almost twice as many points from the flamingoes using Weapon as you do using Shot, and you'll see the importance of coming into stage2 with as many Weapon bullets as you can get. The most you can have is roughly 3 and a 1/2 Weapons (all collected Weapon bullets and two suicides).

Now, in order to maximise the amount of points you can get from the flamingoes, you need to try and release as many as you can possibly get using your Weapon. To do this, you need to hit their point of origin, an area at the top-right corner of the castle keep, using Weapon (and Shot, although I prefer to keep the rank down by not firing).

Vorpal dropped up a good pic of the target area:


Attack this with full force, and you should generate enough flamingoes to attack. The timing of the initial attack is also important, do it early and you can bunch up the flamingoes into one easily attacked group, leave it too late and they spread out all over the screen, making it difficult to hit lots of them. The best time to hit the keep is when it's between 1/3 and 1/2 of the screen height from the top of the screen.

Hitting the flamingoes' point of origin with Weapon also appears to increase their points value a bit as well.

Also bear in mind that the Weapon itself has influence over how many points you can get. Impact Weapons, such as Flying Baron's Missiles, or Grasshopper's Vulcan, can only attack one flamingo at a time for each bullet used, while piercing and area blast Weapons such as Gain's Magic Bomb and Silver Sword's Napalm can attack multiple flamingoes at once, dramatically increasing score. The length of time the Weapon stays on screen - its "burn duration" - also affects the amount of points gained.

IIRC, Wild Snail and Gain can get over 2mil from the flamingoes because they have multiple hit Weapons that burn for a long period of time.

One final factor is the target point of your Weapon attacks. In this screenshot I have marked the flamingoes' area of movement in relation to the castle keep:


You'll notice that they are at their most concentrated just as they leave the forest, where the Golden Bat is placed in the above screenshot. If you aim all your attacks around that region, you will have a greater chance of attacking a large number of birds at once.

I've put up a few different replays of the flamingoes attack in action using three different ships, here:

Pink Flamingoes - The suicide respawn tech is useful for Gain, as he can get an extra full Weapon to use against the flamingoes (demonstrated on the high-level replay on the Insanity DVD).

The flamingoes are easily the most lucrative secret outside of milking BlackHeart2, but is also one of the trickiest to get consistently, as so much depends on the Weapon you use, and the timing of your attacks.
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