Prelude to the Apocalypse

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by ED-057 »

Hoagtech wrote:I cant believe you guys are dumb enough to defend the narrative on this one.
Unfortunately, some people can always be relied on to follow the narrative, whatever it may be.

Only two kinds of people oppose freedom on principle: Wannabe slaves and wannabe slave holders. The current crop of pro-oligarchy, pro-censorship, pro-war, pro-crime, pro-warcrime, lying, crying, cheating, spying Democrats fall into one or the other of these categories, or perhaps both at the same time. Maybe the saavy ones also hold stock in big pharma, big tech, or jackboot manufacturing. It's possible. However, my guess is that most of them are just addicted to corporate media and can't escape from the delusion which it has constructed for them. They will be the first to tell you how terrible life is inside the matrix, but they will never, ever try to leave it.

Note to resident Dems, you are free to respond with more regurgitated fake news, but before you do that I think you should know that I'm not going to read it. Fair warning. I still remember that time that a certain somebody was displeased that I didn't read their regurgitated fake news when it was posted in response to my own post calling out that exact fake news. (Gosh, why wouldn't I want to read more about the lies which I just told you were lies? It's confusing, I know.)
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

ED-057 wrote:you should know that I'm not going to read it.
"Change my mind!"
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

ED-057 wrote:Only two kinds of people oppose freedom on principle
Only one kind of person would suggest that being willing to accept any restrictions on any of one's freedoms under any circumstances amounts to opposing freedom itself.

It continues to astound me that so many of the people who claim to defend "true" freedom from the hordes of "liberty haters" ( :roll: ) are so utterly unable to accept the simple and vital notion that their freedom to extend their fist stops at my nose.

Once again, in the end Calvin and Hobbes sums it up: "Not for everyone, you dolt! Just me!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

ED-057 wrote:Unfortunately, some people can always be relied on to follow the narrative, whatever it may be.
It's good to see someone who's taking a look at the world through their own eyes, rather than living in the 2-dimensional cartoon worldview painted by the hyper-partisan med...
pro-oligarchy, pro-censorship, pro-war, pro-crime, pro-warcrime, lying, crying, cheating, spying Democrats

Anyway. Meanwhile, back in freedom land, one lone hero of liberty battles the black gate of tyranny barring people from infecting a children's palliative care ward:


Godspeed, you sensible man.
Also, as per the hospital spokesperson, the guy's just a lying slimeball who can see his sick daughter any time he wants, but has left her alone in the hospital for 9 months:

St.Amant’s Health & Transition Services’ current pandemic visitation practice is in line with Manitoba Shared Health’s Long-Term Care visitation principles whereby Designated Family Caregivers are welcome to visit their family members. At St.Amant, Designated Family Caregivers, who are unvaccinated are welcome to visit within the visitation pod (which is away from all other residents).
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Durandal »

Hoagtech wrote: The side effect to this is Trudeau freezing digital currency assets to the rebels?
Once again your defending allowance of a political weapon to control the people which can certainly backfire if your opposing party steps into power.
Do you like the thought of Conservatives freezing your bank account due to protest??
The option where the leadership barely does anything out of respect for the protesters' freedoms, while incurring hundreds of millions in economic damages per day (which will most certainly get passed down to the laborers below in the form of lay-offs and "corporate restructuring") as these peaceful protesters block vital transport routes, would undoubtedly be seen as a sign of a weak leadership that cannot even defend the well-being of its own state against a bunch of truckers, and is therefore in need of replacement. The option where the leadership enacts the measures necessary to quell these protests and return things back to normal would be seen as a sign of a tyrannical leadership that does not respect the sovereignty and freedom of its own people, and is therefore in need of replacement. It's a lose-lose situation. You do not want a nanny state, nor do you want a state that repeatedly grinds down to a halt or starts bleeding millions per day the moment that a handful of people of any political persuasion feel like parking their monster trucks in the middle of the road and sit there for weeks. It seems Trudeau is taking the centrist approach here.

The third option is of course to give in to the protesters' demands, which begs the question of what these demands exactly are, and how long these convoys are going to run this until they're satisfied. The original goal, as far as I understand it, was to put an end to vaccine mandates and vaccine passports... even though the rest of the world was already on its way to slowly relax COVID restrictions and Canada would have certainly followed, as several Canadian provinces have since announced to lift mask and vaccine mandates come next March "despite" the convoy protests. So... what are they still hanging around for?

The current goal of the Freedom Convoy, and please correct me if I'm wrong on this because I cannot find anything more coherent on the matter either in this thread or online, seems to be just... protest because they can? To try and oust Trudeau? For freedom? I literally haven't the faintest idea. I've watched this Fox News video titled "What do the Canadian Freedom Convoy truckers want?", and the video doesn't even remotely try answering that question, while the comment section beneath it is just as vague, mostly chanting "We want freedom!" without going into any specifics other than "the freedom to not get vaccinated and move anywhere we want", although that is already happening soon anyways. Even if the state wanted to pacify the protesters by giving into all of their demands, it's kind of an impossible task if the protesters can't agree on a more coherent goal beyond just "Freedom!".
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

BulletMagnet wrote:It continues to astound me that so many of the people who claim to defend "true" freedom from the hordes of "liberty haters" ( :roll: ) are so utterly unable to accept the simple and vital notion that their freedom to extend their fist stops at my nose.
There's a definitely unwillingness by certain hardcore libertarian and conservative types to accept that freedom is not and is never absolute; to function as a modern society we have to accept that we have certain basic responsibilities to our fellow people. Eschewing those in the name of "freedom" is essentially admitting to being a sociopath. Being told to wear a mask in crowded spaces (for the same reasons doctors do when performing surgeries) and to get vaccinated is not an infringement on freedom; it's a mild inconvenience that we accept as a society that's part of what it means to be responsible citizens towards one another until we can get the pandemic under control and hopefully go back to normal.

We are absolutely not at that stage though, and giving up at this point is simply going to cause more waves of deaths. Largely conservative deaths though; it's especially odd to see conservatives so eager to encourage its base to essentially commit suicide. It'll be interesting to see what happens in the next American election, if the sheer number of dead will significantly affect voting outcomes.
Sengoku Strider wrote:Godspeed, you sensible man.
Basically he's intensely butthurt over having to be vaccinated in order to enter a facility that's taking care of very sick people, some likely with compromised immune systems. I remember reading some similar bullshit news about a moron complaining he wasn't allowed to stay at the Ronald McDonald House charity for similar reasons. Apparently their "freedom" demands include the "freedom" to pretend germ theory is no longer a thing and to spread disease without consequences.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

Durandal wrote:The current goal of the Freedom Convoy, and please correct me if I'm wrong on this because I cannot find anything more coherent on the matter either in this thread or online, seems to be just... protest because they can? To try and oust Trudeau? For freedom? I literally haven't the faintest idea.
It started with some truckers mad that they weren't allowed to cross the border unless vaccinated. It gained momentum on social media, and before they even got to Ottawa the thing was co-opted by a bunch of different groups and snowballed into a movement demanding the dissolution of the elected government:

The protest calls for the end of vaccine mandates in Canada during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.[55][56][1] Freedom Convoy's spokesperson Ben Dichter stated on Fox News that "We want to get rid of the vaccine mandates and the (vaccine) passports. And that passport, that's the really concerning one".[57]

As the convoy reached Ontario, it began to expand from its original goals. Several protesters voiced opposition to perceived authoritarianism and corruption by Justin Trudeau, stating they wanted him "out of office", while others said: "This is not an anti-vaccination movement, this is a freedom movement".[58][59]

Jason LaFace, Canada Unity's Ontario organizer for the convoy, said that the intent of the protest was to dissolve the government.[60]

Many of the restrictions that the protesters object to are provincial jurisdiction.[61]
One of the main organizers behind the convoy, Canada Unity (CU), acknowledged that they had planned to submit their signed "memorandum of understanding"[62] (MoU) to the Senate of Canada and Governor General Mary Simon,[63][64] described in the MoU as the "SCGGC". The MoU which was signed by James and Sandra Bauder and Martin Brodmann, was posted on the Canada Unity website in mid-December 2021 and publicly available[62] until its February 8 retraction.[65] Bauder, whose name is at the top of a CTV News' list of "major players" in the convoy, is the founder of Canada Unity.[66] CTV cited Bauder saying that he hoped the signed MoU would convince Elections Canada to trigger an election, which is not constitutionally possible. In this pseudolegal document, CU called on the "SCGGC" to cease all vaccine mandates, reemploy all employees terminated due to vaccination status, and rescind all fines imposed for non-compliance with public health orders.[67] If this failed, the MoU called on the "SCGGC" to dissolve the government, and name members of the CU to form a Canadian Citizens Committee (CCC), which is beyond the constitutional powers of either the Governor General or the Senate. The original MoU contained no specific mention of cross-border truckers as it had originally been drafted and delivered over a month earlier, but then was reissued for the protest.[65] By February 8, there were 320,089 of the 1,000,000 signatures on the MoU Canada Unity had hoped for.[68] A February 8 article in The Guardian, on how the convoy was the result of an "unrivalled coordination" between QAnon, conspiracy theorists, anti-vax, anti-government organizations", including Bauder's vow that the protesters would remain until all their demands were met. Organizers felt a groundswell of fresh support for the MoU could trigger a new federal election, and investigations into Prime Minister Trudeau.[69]
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

I enjoyed how the trolls were literally blocking a bridge. :mrgreen:
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

BryanM wrote: The part that pisses me off is the same as it always is: she would have gone to the hospital probably ~10 days earlier. Except: $$$$$$$$$$$. Worried about the money.

More than a few people here probably thought I was being a much bigger asshole than usual that year. It wasn't just standard 2016 election depression.

And these goobers' number one grievance in the entire world is being bullied to wear a mask or maybe take a vaccine. If they're being 100% honest and not just grumpy about falling from the top 3% into the dregs of the top 15%. I can't bring myself to take them serial.
First of all, I hope your family is okay. I'm with you. We have to fix it. This is ridiculous.

I'm sorry that happened and I honestly would force Americans to implement universal health care if I could (although I admit that's toothless because I hate guns and thuggery). I will keep voting and I'll endure the "communist" and "bro" slurs. I just want better health care, I know we can do it, and it will be better for less money. Sounds too good to be true, but that's because American health care is too bad to be true.

I'm still deeply cynical and jaded, but I will keep voting.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

So one of the 3 main super not-racist organizers, Chris Barber, has been arrested..

He can be seen here with not one but two confederate flags in his garage, no doubt hung there by the mainstream media narrative because it hates freedom.


His social media must have also been hacked by the narrative...for years.

(Warning, contains exactly what you think it does)


Next leader in line is podcaster Benjamin Dichter, who probably just got sued by a Muslim charity for defamation completely by accident. Along with co-spokesperson Tamara Lich, a member of the secessionist Maverick Party (I'm serious, they changed their name from 'Wexit Canada'), who are 100% not run by literal neo-Nazis.

One of whom also absolutely does NOT own an authentic Nazi officer's dagger that he brags about on Stormfront.

Anyway, good luck to those stalwart heroes of freedom in defeating the yellow claw of tyrrany.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BIL »

Jesus Bryan, I hope your mom saw better days after that. I remember you mentioning your dad years ago. I know we're tribal enemies after I went ham on the whole SJWs vs Neckbeards thing, but believe me brother, I worry about our Burger shumpers and your barbaric frontier healthcare. :sad:
Founded by three self-identified Groypers -- an alt-right neo-Nazi ideology connected to the fandom of American white supremacist Nick Fuentes -- they used social media such as Telegram and Facebook, as well as the infamous neo-Nazi forum Stormfront to recruit new members.
I can't believe all the Nazi trouble a barely-closeted Mexican dwarf and his band of Hobbits are causing the West. Image

It's a good thing we've got this 300lb Canadian dyke and her stuttering cokefiend BF to skewer 'em diligently. Image
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Hoagtech »

Sengoku Strider wrote:So one of the 3 main super not-racist organizers, Chris Barber, has been arrested..

He can be seen here with not one but two confederate flags in his garage, no doubt hung there by the mainstream media narrative because it hates freedom.


His social media must have also been hacked by the narrative...for years.

(Warning, contains exactly what you think it does)


Next leader in line is podcaster Benjamin Dichter, who probably just got sued by a Muslim charity for defamation completely by accident. Along with co-spokesperson Tamara Lich, a member of the secessionist Maverick Party (I'm serious, they changed their name from 'Wexit Canada'), who are 100% not run by literal neo-Nazis.

One of whom also absolutely does NOT own an authentic Nazi officer's dagger that he brags about on Stormfront.

Anyway, good luck to those stalwart heroes of freedom in defeating the yellow claw of tyrrany.
This is your problem Sengoku.

You drag this bullshit in here representing opposing views in a happenstance that has nothing to do with the issue at hand.

People are tired of the mandates and or threat of future mandates and you exemplify the opposition as “God rock #37”

It may be fun to you but in no way represents the movement.

You want it to be racist and racist association makes it easier to avoid in your side of politics and sign off on.

But it’s not..

So why assault the intelligence of the topic by pretending it is?

You want a Canadian Q’anon to step out on the fold so you can point at him and say. SEE!! THERE HE IS!! I KNEW IT!

But in reality it’s an issue about governance exceeding their “Emergency Powers” without a vote 2 years later.

For someone referencing your so called “crank news outlets”. I have no idea where you get your Onion on crack from. But I have a feeling there is a lot of emojis and phrases that “you agree with”
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

Hoagtech wrote:But in reality it’s an issue about governance exceeding their “Emergency Powers” without a vote 2 years later.
On this side of the border we're just coming off a President who, just off the top of my head, signed the most "executive orders" of any in history, outright stole one Supreme Court seat and forced through two others, refused to divest his business interests upon taking office, hired unqualified family members to posts with access to classified information, openly attempted to exploit both foreign and domestic actors to insulate himself from being voted out, gleefully continued the tradition of ordering military operations without Congressional approval, and from that day to this continues to assert that "executive privilege" makes him and any attempt to dig into any of this completely untouchable, and all the while have heard nary a peep from you or anyone else who is very suddenly incredibly concerned about excessive government power.

And why is this? Because "well his case is different. Everyone is obviously out to get him, he's just defending himself. Everything is biased, people who are being oppressed like we are need to take drastic measures just to survive. People like me are under assault. These aren't normal circumstances. It's an emergency."

This isn't about the government having too much power nor the circumstances under which it's wielded, it's about who gets to wield it, and moreover whose alliances you're willing to tolerate in order to make sure it's you.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Hoagtech wrote:It may be fun to you but in no way represents the movement.

You want it to be racist and racist association makes it easier to avoid in your side of politics and sign off on.
Have you ever considered that you want to pretend it's not a problem because it makes it easier for you not to have to acknowledge it? Remember that the twice-impeached former president once directly referred to neo-Nazis as "very fine people". We fought a world war over this; nobody sensible would utter those words about neo-Nazis.

Part of the problem is that the conservative moment as a whole is explicitly turning a blind eye to this sort of thing. Right wing violence is potentially a much bigger threat to America in general than fundamentalist Islam is, especially when driven by these movements that nostalgically yearn for an opportunity for mass genocide. You can pretend they're on the fringe and therefore irrelevant, but by ignoring them and allowing them to grow in numbers you're essentially risking ending up with Nazi Germany all over again. One of the biggest mistakes humanity seems to keep making is telling itself "this bad thing could never possibly happen again" despite having taken little to no preventative steps to avoid a future repeat.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Whole books could be written on the parallels of today's liberals vs the ones back in the Weimar Republic. It's hardly surprising since they're the same kind of people funded by the same interests. Will fight and murder like hell to make sure the lives of the many continue to get worse, won't even put up a "nooo don't do that" complaint to prevent the lives of the powerful being made better.

Concern troll fascists pretending their movement isn't entirely about punishing the "types" of people they don't like is also a classic mainstay. There's an ideal cookie cutter fantasy that's their ideal (that they themselves of course don't meet), and it doesn't matter if fascists don't all agree which of the following need to be done away with: indigenous natives, immigrants, atheists, non-christians, Italians, boys who dye their hair blue, boys who kiss other boys, women who have guy friends, their doormat liberal allies, etc. They don't disagree in any way that matters, which is why these purity purges are always such a broad sweep. There's only one kind of person it's ok to be, after all.

Things never really change since people don't change. I see a headline of "Biden continues Trump initiatives to begin to privatize Medicare" and just nod my head, my expectations met once again.

Those of you in Queen Country might pity us, but I'm sure your NHS is primed for a hosing in the future as well. Things are gonna get a lot worse before we all die.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

Hoagtech wrote: This is your problem Sengoku.

You drag this bullshit in here representing opposing views in a happenstance that has nothing to do with the issue at hand.

People are tired of the mandates and or threat of future mandates and you exemplify the opposition as “God rock #37”

It may be fun to you but in no way represents the movement.

You want it to be racist and racist association makes it easier to avoid in your side of politics and sign off on.

But it’s not..

So why assault the intelligence of the topic by pretending it is?

You want a Canadian Q’anon to step out on the fold so you can point at him and say. SEE!! THERE HE IS!! I KNEW IT!

But in reality it’s an issue about governance exceeding their “Emergency Powers” without a vote 2 years later.

For someone referencing your so called “crank news outlets”. I have no idea where you get your Onion on crack from. But I have a feeling there is a lot of emojis and phrases that “you agree with”
I've linked tons of references in my posts.

You American conservative guys reading this, seriously, please. You are being fucked with, and not by me.

The conservative news bubble has gotten to an incredibly dangerous place. I'm not asking anyone to become an ardent Leninist. I'm just asking one thing:

Demand evidence from the people giving you opinions.

The positive contribution conservativism has to society should be just what it says in the name, conservation. An understanding of history and its weight.

I'm a historian. The most basic thing first year students have to do is provide facts, then provide an analysis which derives logically from those facts. Otherwise they fail the assignment. This is the legacy of Western civilization going back to Socrates and Plato.

A huge amount of the conservative commentariat and political class are cheating at that, the very thing that should the core competency of the ideology.

Don't fall for the "Oh yeah? Well the liberals..." dodge they live by. That's a separate debate to be had on its own terms. They are fucking with you, and it's to serve their interests, not yours.

You're being told that "people are tired of the mandates" - no, they're tired of covid. I've posted sources showing that 84% of Canadians & 90% of truckers are vaccinated. As are 79% of conservatives.

I've posted sources showing that Canadian support for mandates is not only overwhelmingly positive, the majority want more.

And if for some reason you don't even want to believe that, I've already brought up multiple times the easily verifiable fact that we just had an election where the party handing out all these mandates was re-elected.

You're being lied to, by the people whose ad-driven salaries you're paying with your time and attention. What you're being told is the will of the people is wildly opposite to the actual will of the Canadian people. They tell you this even though these organizations have the information gathering capabilities to know that in an instant. And it's because it reflects what these American commentators want people to think about American politics, not because it's accurate information about what's happening in Canada. They don't care about that.

I'll address one last thing because I have to go do actual work:
You drag this bullshit in here representing opposing views in a happenstance that has nothing to do with the issue at hand.
The reason I started this post off saying that the conservative news bubble has gotten to an incredibly dangerous place, is what it has normalized. I mentioned before that conservatives should be the ones to understand the weight of history. These days, in conservative circles that largely seems to be expressed in references to Nazi Germany.

I've just posted a guy literally brandishing a Nazi officer's dagger. A woman from a secessionist party with leadership positions taken over by open neo-nazis. Confederate battle flags in the garage of a guy from Saskatchewan. A guy who runs a podcast ranting about radical Islam taking over Canadian politics (here in liberal gay marriage pot smoking Canada). I've also posted Nazi and Confederate flags in the crowd. I've posted crowds at the convoy cheering at the words "white supremacy" and people on stage openly declaring that they're white supremacists. The Ottawa police reporting over 200 calls to their hate-motivated crimes hotline.

In a movement which is occupying the capital city, demanding the dissolution of a democratically elected government, against the will of the people.

That's what you're being conned into handwaving as "bullshit" and "happenstance." Ask how much of this really aligns with what you believe to be right.

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BIL »

BryanM wrote:Those of you in Queen Country might pity us, but I'm sure your NHS is primed for a hosing in the future as well. Things are gonna get a lot worse before we all die.
All but certain thanks to Nu Labour immigration policies AKA Muh Very Own Voter Bloc. :sad: One of many fine arguments for pinning Tony Blair down and systematically destroying him with a pavement saw before dousing the remains in holy water.

("Yo thats some racist shit right thurr" Bitches please, I'm an immigrant too! THE GOOD KIND :cool:)

EDIT: FUCKING LMAOOO Speaking of ruhruhruhruhRACISME :shock: Never change Burgerville Image

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Sengoku Strider wrote:That's what you're being conned into handwaving as "bullshit" and "happenstance." Ask how much of this really aligns with what you believe to be right.
That's another big reason I can't talk politics with people. Saying they're being "conned" is equivalent to calling them stupid children - that their brains don't work. Just a nicer more diplomatic way of putting it. It's actually much more respectful to assume they're not total idiots, that they are the fash. Somebody's the fash, and maybe perhaps the guy furious about someone bullying the fash on the internet is part of their team perhaps maybe.

Maybe they personally don't want literal death chambers. Maybe they want to drink out of a regular drinking fountain while making the other guy drink out of a garden hose. Personally I think "regular drinking fountain = reward" is pretty dumb, but it's only dumb by the metrics of my own terminal values. If you want to feel like you're better than other people, that kind of petty oppression makes some sense.

As they say, most people don't operate in facts and logic. They operate in feelings. On one hand, you have to feel an ocean of pity for someone whose life is so horrible that a drinking fountain is considered luxurious. On the other, it's hard to have empathy when causing pain to others is the beginning and end of their ideology.

A strange choice for someone who likes such a super chill franchise as Earthbound.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

BryanM wrote:Saying they're being "conned" is equivalent to calling them stupid children - that their brains don't work.
No. It isn't. Smart people can get conned by slick con-artists and doesn't help to stop con-artists by claiming that only stupid people fall for it.

Well meaning people can be duped by slick campaigns that are designed to dupe people who mean well but are ignorant of the ulterior motives these campaigns have. That's not necessarily a reflection on the people being duped so much as it is how much practice scammers have had trying to find marks.

It should not be seen as embarrassing or ostracizing to admit you were wrong, but there is a very real culture of entrenched loyalty that literally doesn't care about examining whether or not they might be wrong, so long as they're maintaining loyalty. This is part of how Trump and other right-wing figures manage to remain such popular figures; they emphasize loyalty to abstract values rather than being elected on concrete merits such as their work track-record.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by ED-057 »

BulletMagnet wrote:Only one kind of person would suggest that being willing to accept any restrictions on any of one's freedoms under any circumstances amounts to opposing freedom itself.
First sentence, and you already 1) drag out the strawman and 2) start apologizing for the oligarchy.

That's Democrats. Nothing they won't lie about, and no unjust cause they won't rally behind at the behest of their puppet masters. LOL
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote:This is part of how Trump and other right-wing figures manage to remain such popular figures; they emphasize loyalty to abstract values rather than being elected on concrete merits such as their work track-record.
You're projecting your terminal values onto other people, which is an error we're all prone to making. Most Trump voters got exactly what they wanted from the man: income tax cut for the wealthy, making blue-hairs feel bad for the poor.

I'm not saying absolutely 100% of everyone wasn't tricked: quashie right here broke ranks and admitted the guy and his administration were neocons about five minutes into the administration. After defending them for a couple years. It happens.

But he's very different from the average trumpguy, what with the empathy and actual material concerns.

The right-wing is popular because it makes its members feel good. Feelings are as real as bread Roo, right up until you're starving to death.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

ED-057 wrote:First sentence, and you already 1) drag out the strawman and 2) start apologizing for the oligarchy.
If I'm that far off base, please explain to me what in heaven's name it means to "oppose freedom on principle", and why complying with a vaccine mandate during a pandemic means I'm not only doing just that but doing it "in service to the oligarchy".
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Ed Oscuro »

The trucker riot was like 70 guys. That's kind of important to point out.

I thought we all knew by now that Trump's main purpose to the right is simply giving them permission to feel good about being selfish ("prosperity gospel"), racist, etc.

The limits of this kind of politics vary state by state. People froze to death in Texas because the guv wanted to own the power grid, with no apparent political consequences. In Virginia, permission only extended as far as getting "critical race theory" out of the schools. Youngkin read it as a mandate to oppose mask mandates in schools but it turns out that's not what the people wanted.

On the "Dems don't do anything" front, we're actually seeing some tangible progress for the first time in years. Nancy Pelosi's been put on the spot for her stock trading, and in NY Dems are considering doing a reverse gerrymander to help balance out the GOP one. I know people are going to complain about Dems busting norms, but that ship has sailed; it has to be on the table since the GOP has done it for years.

As far as the COVID stuff goes: There's a chance COVID becomes as endemic as the seasonal flu and we have to live with it, including taking more risks. It's unclear whether it's gonna be like the 1880s Russian virus, or just have a third season and be done, but COVID is *very* good at mutating. But I don't have much patience for adult-sized babies who disrespect people who are ill or in positions of vulnerability, like teachers and cashiers. Wearing a mask is not really a great hardship for most people.

p.s. Bernie and Tulsi are being dumb on Ukraine. RIP Ukrainians.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by ED-057 »

I only visited this thread for the purpose of injecting a little dissonance into the Democrat delusion, since they are such big fans of forcibly injecting things where they aren't wanted these days. But since I was asked, I guess I can make one more post so that everyone can ignore it and I can go back to ignoring this thread.
If I'm that far off base, please explain to me what in heaven's name it means to "oppose freedom on principle", and why complying with a vaccine mandate during a pandemic means I'm not only doing just that but doing it "in service to the oligarchy".
What does it mean to oppose freedom on principle? Well, I can't describe what happens inside another person's brain since I am not a mind reader, but here is the behavior that I have observed:
1) The Fake News saying that freedom (the concept or the very word itself) is either anti-vaxx propaganda, white supremacy, or a "dog whistle"
2) A proliferation of authoritarian policies being put in place without substantial evidence to show that they will help to achieve any stated goal, remaining in place long after they have demonstrably failed, and lacking reasonable exceptions for situations where they clearly do not apply.
3) Petty, spiteful, bonkers, and downright totalitarian reactions to anyone perceived as 'questioning authority', including attempts to discredit, mock, censor, threaten, cause financial harm, cheering for workers being fired, and all the rest of it

The censorship aspect is of course its own whole category of wrongness, for which I will refer you to Glenn Greenwald: ... he-fi.html

If you want to talk about freedom, you need to acknowledge certain trends, both long-term and short-term. Over the long term, "temporary" taxes become permanent, the number and scope of government agencies increase, budgets increase, and the legal code gains more and more pages. Over the short term, well, we started with "two weeks to flatten the curve" and pretty soon the Stasi are stationed at restaurants to ask for "your papers, please"

So when someone comes along insisting that you should "just" cede a "little" more control over your own life to whatever supposedly benevolent authority, there is a 99.9% chance that:
1) give an inch and they'll take a mile
2) you'll never get it back
3) another door is opened to future abuse
When there is also a lockstep government-corporate campaign to crush dissent, you can be sure the chance is 100%.

Letting the power-hungry, corrupt scumbags in government run amok because of COVID was just as dumb as doing it because of Sept. 11 2001. It's a disgrace that so many people fall for the same BS again. Last time, they "only" built an unconstitutional mass surveillance apparatus, threw a bunch of people into torture camps, and installed onerous security theater into airports. It remains to be seen what kind of Orwellian nonsense manages to stick this time. Freedom of movement down the toilet? Digital passports tied to a social credit score? Government ownership of your body so they can perform medical experiments at their whim? Various internet censorship policies?
complying with a vaccine mandate
Getting a vaccine and complying with a mandate are two different things. Humans are capable of giving informed consent and have the right to be afforded a choice. Mandates are for farm animals.

And what happens when all the Napoleans out there decide to push for a mandate so they can feel important and it turns out that their vaccine doesn't stop infection, it doesn't stop transmission, and it becomes plain to everyone with eyes that the virus they were supposedly going to eradicate is just going to become endemic after all? All while the Napoleans double down seemingly for the sake of their own egos and/or pharma profits? The anti-vaxx crowd was a miniscule joke a decade ago. Now their ranks are increasing exponentially. Nice work.
"in service to the oligarchy".
Need I point out, again, how the billionaire class made an absolute killing during the pandemic response? Small businesses crushed by "laws" that never saw a legislature while big businesses stayed open? 8-figure revenue gains for big pharma? Government officials cashing in at the stock market at every turn? You think this is just happy coincidence? The overton window has shifted solidly in the direction of authoritarianism, corporate power, and technocracy.

All the mass surveillance and police state garbage is also a perk for the billionaires. It's not for your benefit. The feds don't give a crap if you become the victim of a crime. But they will make sure that the names of Jeffrey Epstein's clients don't get out. Remember that.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Koa Zo »

ED-057 wrote:since they are such big fans of forcibly injecting things where they aren't wanted
Is that comment intentionally alluding to Conservatives' preoccupation with having things rammed down their throat or to their long-standing obsession with sodomy?
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

ED-057 wrote:Need I point out, again, how the billionaire class made an absolute killing during the pandemic response? Small businesses crushed by "laws" that never saw a legislature while big businesses stayed open? 8-figure revenue gains for big pharma? Government officials cashing in at the stock market at every turn? You think this is just happy coincidence? The overton window has shifted solidly in the direction of authoritarianism, corporate power, and technocracy.

...all 100% completely true. Like, wow.

But here's the thing. I'm circling back to what I wrote above:
You American conservative guys reading this, seriously, please. You are being fucked with, and not by me.

Don't fall for the "Oh yeah? Well the liberals..." dodge they live by. That's a separate debate to be had on its own terms. They are fucking with you, and it's to serve their interests, not yours.
Thing 1: Let's agree that, for the most part, the democrat establishment is pretty much what you're saying it is. They're wealthy individuals tied up with corporate money whose primary individual concern is the preservation of power and the accumulation of wealth.

You want to talk about oligarchs - I think the term plutocrats is more accurate, but we'll stick with that. Let's look at their counterparts on the other side of the aisle:


14 of the 20 richest members of congress are Republican. The top 50 as a whole is a 27-23 Republican-Democrat split.

Now let's look at the ownership of the main conservative media outlets:

1. Fox News – Rupert Murdoch - $22 billion
2. Newsmax - Christopher Ruddy - $100 million
3. Breitbart - Larry Solov, Susie Breitbart, Mercer family - billions, but exact figures undisclosed. Robert Mercer alone is worth over a billion.
4 .The Gateway Pundit - Jim Hoft - Not on the oligarch list. He's lost untold sums in lawsuits for false reporting, and Google Ad Sense demonetized their front page in September because they're not interested in catching stray bullets.
5. The New York Post - Rupert Murdoch again.

I could go on and on down the list, but you get the point.

Now let's look at the point you raise, small businesses getting crushed and billionaires:


There's been an acceleration during the pandemic on behalf of the absolute top guys for sure, but on the whole it's not something that's new. The split really goes back to the 1960s, with major union breaking meaning there was no longer a counterpoint to corporate ownership just hogging everything. It has nothing much to do with whether a Democrat or Republican was in charge.

Now recall that lockdowns didn't begin under Democrats, they began under Trump. Mitch McConnell introduced what became the CAREs act, which included $208 billion in loans to industry. This turned out to be pork barrel time, with a number of Trump donors receiving funds.

I could go on and on, but the TL;DR is, either one of these sides trying to pretend it's all the other guys being greedy and authoritarian is just flat out lying to you. It's not the players, it's the game.

But the disinformation bubble conservative media have actively worked to create has gotten dangerous. "Corporate media is Democrat lies! It's all a mainstream narrative!" But as I've shown, they're every bit as much the corporate media, run by the equally ultra wealthy. They've taken genuine concerns about bias in media reporting, and used them to obscure the fact that they're working to create a coordinated narrative on behalf of the other ultra-wealthy in congress I listed above.

And it's dangerous, because they've successfully untethered their version of the "truth" from verifiable reality through convincing their followers the other side is all lies, despite every media watchdog regularly proving it's largely the opposite. But they don't matter either.

They don't matter to the point that "fact checking" has become a point of disdain in conservative discourse. Think about what an absurdly dystopian coup for information control that is.

Which brings us to narratives, and forcibly injecting things where they aren't wanted:


64 000 people and/or bots thought this statement was a sane and lucid enough remark for a sober adult to make that they clicked 'like' on this today.

We have officially reached bonkers town.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Ed Oscuro »

Candace married into British nobility somehow. She's quite a specimen.

Like I said upthread, there's actually traction this time for a better fix to insider Congressional trading than the STOCK act. Even Nancy, who previously had said that they should be able to play the stock market, seems to have come around.

Sure, cynicism has its place but it shouldn't get in the way of actually looking at the details of who's behind what, and how to fix the problems we have. Progressive (i.e., 'evil braindead leftist') Dems have been leading the charge on that one and many of the other good ideas floating around. I will give credit to any GOP members if they want to do something positive.

Incidentally, one of my "favorite" facts is that West Virginia's governor is the wealthiest man in the state, and he's no longer a billionaire.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

ED-057 wrote:So when someone comes along insisting that you should "just" cede a "little" more control over your own life to whatever supposedly benevolent authority, there is a 99.9% chance that:
1) give an inch and they'll take a mile
2) you'll never get it back
3) another door is opened to future abuse
Dude, this is literally the summary of your position that I gave in response to your original post: if you're willing to give up any freedom, to any degree, under any circumstances, you don't value freedom at all (though of course the standard attached rider goes beyond merely devaluing freedom to outright "hating" it, and possessing an intense desire to take it away from those who have it, just because :roll: ). Where exactly do you get off accusing me of "dragging out the strawman"?

Look, I'll attempt to be fair here: obviously concerns to this end don't come from nowhere. Sometimes it's right out there in the open ("we'll start it as a temporary measure, and hope as people see its benefits there will be support to renew it later") while other times it's more of a "let's hope they don't notice" effort (as I will never tire of pointing out, the portions of Trump's tax cuts that benefit lower-end citizens will be largely phased out in the name of "fiscal responsibility", while those going to the rich are permanent). Are there things in the law that we'd hoped wouldn't stay with us, but have? Absolutely.

Here's the thing, though: in the face of this problem, there are really only two choices: 1) Attempt to mitigate such abuses of power while still giving the government the ability to do some good, or 2) Render the government largely ineffectual, and hope that whoever fills the power vacuum will somehow not do exactly the same thing. Presumably you would prefer that private entities (btw, wouldn't that include, and frankly be dominated by, the "oligarchs" you've railed against?) be given authority over much of what the government is doing in terms of pandemic response (and thus I would also assume that you are outraged by the government's effort in Florida and elsewhere to prohibit private businesses from enacting internal mask/vaccine mandates of their own), but I would love, love, love to hear you argue that the private sector hasn't made an absolute art form out of very gradually giving us less and less, making us give them more and more for it, and exerting increasing control over things we supposedly "own". Or, for that matter, that we should be eager for a return to a time when we had no idea if our food would make us sick or our medicine actually worked (not that, oh, I don't know, colloidal silver or Ivermectin have given us a reminder or anything), and nobody was under any obligation whatsoever to tell us.

As far as the "mitigation" I mentioned, one would hope that anybody concerned with "power creep" in government would be in favor of both a dramatically increased focus on civics, so citizens would have a better idea of what was happening, what it meant, and what they could do to oppose it if necessary, as well as streamlined access to the polls, to enable them to make their voice known (as such, I again assume you're vehemently against the various "voter integrity" measures being enacted across the country, all of which are being "justified" on an event which never actually occurred). Of course such measures wouldn't completely solve the problem - nothing will ever completely erase the human tendency to take just a liiittle bit more - but if you really want to "acknowledge certain trends" you ought to be very hesitant to take the position that any ruling authority which doesn't have the "government" label on it is innately less prone to abuse than one that does.
Getting a vaccine and complying with a mandate are two different things. Humans are capable of giving informed consent and have the right to be afforded a choice.
People are capable of making the logical choice not to smoke, but often don't, frequently for precisely the same fuck you, nobody tells me what to do attitude people are citing as the "reason" not to get vaccinated (it always amazes me how such folks effortlessly manage to be so self-important and so self-destructive at the same time); does that mean that the rest of us shouldn't be able to enact limits on smoking, and just meekly accept the very real, quantifiable harm that being around smokers does to us?

On that note...
And what happens when all the Napoleans out there decide to push for a mandate so they can feel important and it turns out that their vaccine doesn't stop infection, it doesn't stop transmission, and it becomes plain to everyone with eyes that the virus they were supposedly going to eradicate is just going to become endemic after all?
You've already assured us that you're not going to read it, because that's apparently how being an open-minded and well-informed person works, but here it is anyway.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

No one would have batted an eye at any of this if Trump hadn't made Covid-19 a culture war issue to distract from the crisis.

As he admitted on tape.

Of course if Trump had actually taken swift action the problem would never have ballooned to this state and created the need for years of restrictions in the first place. Pandemics are like a forest fire, easily stomped out with swift action (like when Ebola came to the US during Obama's term) but if you pretend it isn't there it becomes an impossible-to-control conflagration that devours cities. Ironically his real estate hustler knee-jerk "everything's fine!" lying to cover his own ass ended up burning him in the election.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Hoagtech »

Mischief Maker wrote:No one would have batted an eye at any of this if Trump hadn't made Covid-19 a culture war issue to distract from the crisis.

As he admitted on tape.

Of course if Trump had actually taken swift action the problem would never have ballooned to this state and created the need for years of restrictions in the first place. Pandemics are like a forest fire, easily stomped out with swift action (like when Ebola came to the US during Obama's term) but if you pretend it isn't there it becomes an impossible-to-control conflagration that devours cities. Ironically his real estate hustler knee-jerk "everything's fine!" lying to cover his own ass ended up burning him in the election.
This isn't about Trump either. Wrong country dawg.

But here we go again, Rather than argue, Ill just start bringing up hot topic words because Trudeau now represents all of liberal opposition and the history of republican flaws.

Here Goes: Jan 6! , Trump!, Neo Nazis!, Racist!, Tax Incentives!, Facism!, Voter Suppression! Houseless People! Mental Illness!

We are talking about truckers in Canada still right?

I must say, You guys are some the wettest rocks I've ever witnessed. Everything you say is wet rock stereotypical.

I know you want to pin me in my dry rock corner, but topics you disagree with don't all off sudden "Dry off my moist rock barrier"

Here's a source I citied so I can back to being an armchair gamer and most importantly... A Historian!!! ... 1846863122

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