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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BulletMagnet »

HenAi wrote:Your argument only works if you assume that everyone's working with more or less the same basic values and goals. Which just isn't the case - which, in turn, is the biggest reason we need democracy at all.
It's true that people can deliberately vote "against the facts" even if they are well aware of them, but I like to think that the majority of people, when presented with accurate information and the choice to follow it or not, will at the very least agree to live in the real world. Name any issue which frequently persuades people to vote the way you mention: climate change, taxes, government services, gun rights, abortion, gay marriage, etc...the reason most of them do so, if you ask them directly, is because they've been fed false information for years on end that they genuinely believe to be true, with little to no resistance from the opposition to even attempt to cancel it out. As I've said before, democracy only works if you've got an informed and empowered electorate, which is why muddying the waters Heritage Foundation-style is perhaps the most effective way to undermine it; that being what it is, while there are always exceptions, I doubt too many people are truly voting in bad faith.
If anyone who wasn't a complete idiot had any input into the presidential race whatsoever, then we wouldn't even have this thread now would we?
Yes, yes, everyone is stoopid, everything sucks, nothing matters, choice is an illusion, we've been here before. And we went to Iraq right afterwards.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Giest118 »

New page. That means it's time to earn my $10,000 check from Hillary "Asmodeus" Clinton.

Reminder: Will stop posting this if someone can prove that none of this exists. :D
Trump openly calls for the U.S to commit war crimes and advocates for the murder of innocent women and children. ... y-members/ ... 12496.html ... -families/ ... n-shapiro/ ... ommit-war/

Trump doubles down after veterans speak out claiming U.S soldiers would not commit war crimes or torture children even if ordered to. Trump responds with, “They’re not going to refuse me. If I say do it, they’re going to do it.“ ... ommit-war/ ... onald-tru/ ... war-crimes ... -0011.html ... t-refuse-h ... ar-crimes/ ... commit_war

Trump on torture: “Even if it doesn’t work they probably deserved it anyway.” ... n-torture/ ... deserve-it ... deserve-it

Trump renews calls for torture citing public executions and mass rape committed by ISIS promising for the U.S to do the same, “fighting fire with fire.” ... ng-torture

Trump says Geneva Conventions a problem and needs to be changed since, US soldiers are to afraid to do their job due to laws which outline the definition of war crimes. ... 4?cmpid=sf

Trump threatens to shoot down Russian planes starting war with Russia. ... ail-454902

Trump says he, "won’t rule out” using nuclear weapons in Europe. ... 61101.html

Trump calls for a global nuclear rearmament. ... thinks-so/ ... ear-genie/

Trump says he would declare a World War as President. ... -1.2712682 ... ce-france/ ... ld-war-iii

Trump's solution for high gas prices is to violate The Geneva Convention by invading several of America's allies in the Middle East and Africa unprovoked to forcibly seize the oil fields for himself. ... -iraq.html ... 0458db29b9

When asked for clarification about the above mentioned plan to steal land from multiple nations on two different continents Trump responded with, “We’re not stealing anything. We’re taking.“ ... 45,00.html

Trump says during debate he wants to invade Syria with 30,000 soldiers. ... oops-isis/

Trump runs TV add promising to seize foreign oil fields. ... paign.html

Trump promises mandatory Death Penalty for anyone accused of murdering a police officer despite no legal grounds to impose that. ... -officers/ ... h-penalty/

Trump thinks lethal injection is “too comfortable” Wants to devise a more painful way to execute people. ... l-justice/

The man Trump hired to write his books for him says he honestly believes Trump would start a nuclear war if president. ... -tells-all

Anne Frank's sister (now 86 years old) says that Trump reminds her of Hitler. ... lf-hitler/

North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-Un endorses Donald Trump. ... nald-trump ... ald-trump/ ... SKCN0YN35S ... -1.2655453 ... orth-korea

Russian leader with history of human rights abuses Vladimir Putin endorses Trump. ... 08601.html ... ouncement/

Imam of known Islamic Terrorist (Omar Mateen) endorses Trump. ... -pro-trump

K.K.K endorses Trump. ... ses-trump/ ... ses-trump/

Convicted Neo-Nazi Terrorist Don Black endorses Trump. ... te-2015-12 ... ald-trump/

Chinese Communist Party endorses Trump. ... trump.html

Serbian War Criminal Vojislav Seselj endorses Trump. ... ill-video/ ... back-trump

Greek Neo-Nazi leader Ilias Panagiotaros endorses Trump. ... -neo-nazis

White supremacist cult leader August Kreis III endorses Trump during sentencing hearing after he is found guilty of child molestation. ... 49878.html

Russian Fascist Aleksandr Dugin endorses Trump. ... ndorsement
https://4threvolutionarywar.wordpress.c ... der-dugin/ ... mp-endorse

Trump brags about endorsement from convicted murderer and repeatedly accused fraudster Don King. ... eat-system

Trump praises Iraqi Dictator Saddam Hussein. ... ein/211359 ... terrorism/

Trump retweets quote from Italian Dictator Benito Mussolini. ... ini-quote/ ... mussolini/

Trump uses picture of Nazi soldiers in official campaign poster. ... ewstwitter

Trump picks famed Neo-Nazi White Supremacist Leader as Delegate. ... california ... California ... -delegate/

Trump's son gives interview with Holocaust denying radio show host who wants to bring back slavery. Trump then gives the radio host press credentials and invites him to events. ... _interview ... 0?lo=ap_c1 ... radio-show ... premacist/

Trump tweets anti-Semitic Hillary Clinton picture created by Neo-Nazis. ... y-clinton/ ... nazis.html ... .Z7LCceAS9 ... -backlash/ ... avid-post/

Legal Experts find dozens of Trump policy propositions that would violate the constitution. “Trump is threat to rule of law.” ... power.html

Trump Retweets message from Pro-Hitler, white genocide conspiracy Twitter account multiple times. ... tm-retweet ... itter-user ... jewmerica/ ... -1.2506735

Law Scholars agree, in order to enact plans Trump would have to violate First Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Bill of Rights, 14th Amendment, due process, equal protection, and the doctrine of enumerated and limited executive powers. ... he-1st-ame ... nstitution

The ACLU made a list of all of Trumps unconstitutional propositions. (It’s 28 pages long.) ... pmemos.pdf

Trump's Immigration plan unconstitutional. ... en-shapiro ... itutional/ ... servative/

Trump's Muslim plan unconstitutional. ... /77007942/ ... story.html ... ms-n476041 ... itutional/ ... e-m/207420

Trump pledges to open up Libel Laws on Newspapers in order to curb Freedom of the Press. ... uld-do-it/ ... to-be-kept ... ibel-laws/ ... reporters/ ... g-lawsuits ... -amendment ... ibel-laws/ ... 871309.php

Trump fights against separation of Church and State. ... mas-2016-1 ... dom-relig/ ... ts-is.html

Trump promises to violate freedom of religion and freedom of speech to force retail workers to say Merry Christmas again. ... res-video/ ... -should-be

Trump argues for the repeal of the 14th Amendment (Which would allow for the creation of a government similar to the totalitarian police state from the novel Starship Troopers in which Americans could only earn their rights through loyalty to the government.) ... stitution/ ... ate-2015-8 ... story.html ... hright-ci/

Co-Chair of Trump's Presidential campaign calls for black attorney general to be lynched. ... a-20160706 ... /265174441

Top Trump ally threatens GOP delegates who won’t vote for Trump with being executed for treason. ... -delegate/

Senior Trump Campaign staffer calls for police to make black community leader and political opponent “disappear” ... -disappear

Trump's right hand man made millions working for Arms Dealers, Dictators and War Criminals and defending them from allegations of torture and genocide. ... lobby.html ... tators-and ... st-clients

Trump supporter arrested building pipe bombs to target Muslims. ... slims.html ... t_BAYBrand ... t_BAYBrand

Trump supporting ex-cop calls for, “lone-wolf patriots” to murder blacks at The GOP convention. ... onvention/

Trump supporter yells pro trump slogan before open firing and murdering 6 people. ... story.html ... -1.2587675 ... mazoo.html

Trump refuses to condemn violence committed by his supporters. ... SKCN0WM0RJ ... lies-.html ... is-rallies ... l-rallies/

Trump supporters chant at rally for Hillary to be lynched.

Trump supporters shout racist/sexist/homophobic chants at rallies. ... is-tweets/

Trump supporters try and ruin the life of the journalist who reported the above story.

Trump supporters send sexist/anti-semitic death threats to journalist. ... f-melania/ ... itic-abuse

Trump supporter physically attacks minorities at gas station. ... 03602.html ... rs-attack/

Trump files DMCA notices to get micropenis painting taken off the internet. Art galleries refuse to exhibit it after threats of violence from Trump supporters over the depiction. ... 38442.html

Trump supporters send death threats to artist for making aforementioned painting of Trump depicting him with a small penis. ... in-london/

Trump supporters track down previously mentioned artist through home address and brutally assault her. ... s-drawing/ ... ws_twitter ... supporter/ ... trait.html ... -of-his-f/ ... -1.2623129

Trump encourages his supporters to use violence, again and again and again. ... len/209176 ... -be-viole/ ... Tauyk_LiqK ... vents.html ... 5c91815913 ... lence.html ... t-rallies/ ... es-n537101 ... -in-court/ ... olence-now ... egal-fees/ ... nt_sup.php ... -violence/ ... 2743363967 ... y-violence ... -evidence/ ... er-assault ... oast-coast ... is_events/ ... alifornia/

When asked for comments on two of his supporters who brutally beat and urinated on homeless man, Trump responds by defending the men as just being “passionate”. ... panic-man/ ... te-1516392 ... story.html ... ate-crime/ ... rters.html

Trump defends his supporters attacking man with, “He was obnoxious maybe he should have been roughed up.” ... irmingham/ ... r-beating/ ... ly-violent ... oughed-up/ ... up-2015-11 ... bama-video

Trump tells crowd he would love to punch protesters. ... -the-face/ ... 90981.html ... -the-face/ ... lly-punch/

Trump may pay legal fees for supporters arrested for assault. ... story.html

Trump supporters shout N-Word while they beat African American man so badly he’s hospitalized for concussion. ... crime.html ... me-charge/ ... z4BdP8m7xM

Mob of Trump supporters brutally attack meditating man for having sign saying, “America is already great.” ... est-signs/ ... reat-sign/ ... -1.2488491

Trump claims pictures of woman savagely beaten was a Trump supporter assaulted by democrats until image revealed to have been a hoax showing actress Samara Weaving on the set of a Television show. ... l-n2174835

Trump supporters call for black man to be lynched and set on fire while shouting, “Sieg Heil!” at Trump rally. ... rotesters/ ... r_on_fire/ ... rally.html

Trump Supporter laughs while attacking peaceful protesters and reporters with pepper spray. ... per-spray/ ... ers-video/

Trump supporters start physical altercations and spits on Latino after being “revved up” during rally. ... s_violent/ ... -1.2398331

Trump supporter who beat and kicked protester charged with assault. ... sault.html

Trump supporter pepper sprays a 15-year-old girl point-blank in the face after she was sexually assaulted by another Trump supporter, shouting “nigger lover” as she attempted to run away. ... _hometown/

Trump supporters attempt to provoke violence telling Jews to, “go back to fucking Auschwitz” and accosting black woman screaming in her face for her to “go back to Africa.” ... rump-rally ... to-africa/ ... to-africa/ ... lack-woman ... ter-rally/

Trump supporter who sucker punched protester, “Next time, we might have to kill them.” ... o-kill-him ... y-assault/

Trump bodyguard throws veteran White House photographer to the ground and chokes him. ... is-morris/ ... est-rally/ ... rally.html

Trump security refuses to allow black Muslim woman into event despite her having bought a ticket and being a Trump supporter. Yet let white anti-trump protesters into event. When confronted over the racism security guard says, “If I’m told by Trump’s campaign that some people can’t come in they can’t come in.” ... -campaign/

Trump brags he could murder someone and still not lose support. ... se-voters/

Trump holds event in Atlanta with GOP officials. Kicks the only black Republican official out of the event with no explanation. ... planation/

Trump has dozens of black supporters ejected from his rally for no apparent reason. ... 1f60ec98ba

Trump jokes about murdering reporters. ... reporters/

Trump responds to questions about violence committed by his supporters with:
“People come with tremendous passion and love for their country. When they see what’s going on in this country, they have anger that’s unbelievable. They don’t like seeing bad trade deals. They don’t like seeing higher taxes. There’s some anger. There’s also great love for the country. It’s a beautiful thing in many respects.” ... n-rallies/

North Carolina Authorities consider prosecuting Trump over charges of inciting a riot. ... h-inciting ... -riot.html ... 201729567/ ... iting-riot ... nst-trump/

Trump calls for the execution of children.
(The Central Park Five were a group of minority boys aged 13 to 16 accused of attacking and raping a white woman back in 1989.)
After buying ad space in four New York Newspapers calling for the death penalty to be brought back for these black children. Trump was quoted saying about the boys:
“They should be forced to suffer! Criminals must be told that their CIVIL LIBERTIES END WHEN AN ATTACK ON OUR SAFETY BEGINS!“ ― Donald Trump
Years later after DNA evidence proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the boys were innocent and falsely convicted Trump refused to apology for his statements claiming they were still “somehow probably guilty” ... e-new-york ... -park-five ... wsrc%5Etfw

Trump says if alive during World War 2 he “might have” supported the Japanese internment camps. ... nternment/

Trump considers plan to replace all Muslim TSA agents. ... -1.2695675 ... d=40269164

Trump wants to appoint his sister as the next Supreme Court Justice. ... -believes/

Trump says the Chinese government "showed strength" in response to the Tienanmen Square protests in which they massacred between 250 to 3,000 civilians and peaceful protesters.
“The Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak.” ... -interview

Trump calls for the execution of Edward Snowden. "Kill the Traitor" ... l-traitor/

Trump sanctions a foreign power committing espionage on The Secretary of State. (This is called High Treason) ... .html?_r=0

Public Policy Polling polls Trump supporters and discovers:
60% Support banning Muslims from entering the United States (Unconstitutional)
50% Support the Confederate flag hanging on the capital grounds
30% Support shutting down all mosques in the United States (Unconstitutional)
30% Wish the South won the civil war (Treason)
25% Islam should be illegal in the United States (Unconstitutional and the best example of what a violation of the first amendment would be)
25% Support the policy of Japanese Internment (Unconstitutional)
20% Support banning homosexuals from entering the United States (Unconstitutional)
10% Say Whites are a superior race
^ (11% aren’t sure one way or another) ... _21616.pdf ... ng_the_u_s ... g-america/

The Economist polls Trump supporters and discovers:
15% disapprove of slavery being abolished (Unconstitutional and morally wrong)
^ (Another 20% aren’t sure one way or another)
50% support the use of torture on foreign enemy combatants (Violates not only domestic but International Laws)
^ (Another 25% aren’t sure one way or another) ... plines.pdf ... share&_r=2
Last edited by Giest118 on Tue Aug 09, 2016 10:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by trap15 »

Can you please stop fucking reposting that, I like not having to scroll for 5 minutes to see the next post.
@trap0xf | | scores | FIRE LANCER
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Ed Oscuro »

This was astonishing: ... han/212229

It's basically like random forum posters who can't hack it suddenly see Trump as their meal ticket so they're falling over to try and find "new angles" (i.e., smears and rants) to support him. Maybe "the media" isn't perfect, but bringing in the amateurs isn't making things better.

Speaking of things, has some recent posts covering whether Nader really was a spoiler, and what Americans could learn from stategic voting in Canada.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Giest118 »

trap15 wrote:Can you please stop fucking reposting that, I like not having to scroll for 5 minutes to see the next post.
Fine, I spoiler'd it. You no longer have to slog through the eight billion elephants in the room to get to quash's next conspiracy theory.

I lost $5,000 in shill money from Asmodeus for spoilering it. You'd better appreciate this.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by quash »

Conspiracy theories? Like how it's been proven that the Democratic party conspired against its base? Or how they planted protestors at numerous events? Or how they were actively corroborating with media outlets to manipulate the narrative in their favor?

Your "elephants in the room" are one part taken out of context and one part nearly irrelevant. Trump says this shit to get media coverage, and, surprise, it's worked. I swear, it's like you don't want to understand why he does this. His entire campaign strategy is outlined in The Art of The Deal. The answers are right under your nose and you simply ignore them while playing right into his hand.

BM is upset I didn't pay his tabloid caliber journalism any mind. Meanwhile, he still hasn't provided any substantial insight on Hillary's Syria strategy; thankfully, others have picked up the slack on that. While we're at it, you can try to explain why Hillary isn't beholden to the people literally making her campaign possible.

I fully expect something about my feelings (while conveniently ignoring how nearly all of his positions are primarily emotionally driven), how liberals are always right (even when they propose things that Republicans were twenty years prior), and how I'm crazy for not believing that the Democrats are only looking out for what's best for everyone (because political hegemony always works in everyone's best interests).

Also, you've completely missed my point yet again; obviously, I can't prove that you're a shill (unless I waste my time doxing you, which I promise you, I don't care enough to do), but I can show how you're acting like one.
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Mischief Maker
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Mischief Maker »

quash wrote:His entire campaign strategy is outlined in The Art of The Deal.
The Art of the Deal was ghost-written by Tony Schwartz who has publicly denounced his own book as a work of fiction ever since Trump took the nomination. Here's a choice quote:
This year, Schwartz has heard some argue that there must be a more thoughtful and nuanced version of Donald Trump that he is keeping in reserve for after the campaign. “There isn’t,” Schwartz insists. “There is no private Trump.” This is not a matter of hindsight. While working on “The Art of the Deal,” Schwartz kept a journal in which he expressed his amazement at Trump’s personality, writing that Trump seemed driven entirely by a need for public attention. “All he is is ‘stomp, stomp, stomp’—recognition from outside, bigger, more, a whole series of things that go nowhere in particular,” he observed, on October 21, 1986. But, as he noted in the journal a few days later, “the book will be far more successful if Trump is a sympathetic character—even weirdly sympathetic—than if he is just hateful or, worse yet, a one-dimensional blowhard.”
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by quash »

That's great. It doesn't change his general approach to politics being outlined in the book.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by quash »

I think what's most telling about this thread is the poll that accompanies it. Even with myself being the single most vocal supporter of Trump, the results are nearly split. It just goes to show that not everyone is drinking the Kool Aid, and every time you attack someone who dares to deviate in the slightest (as we've seen a few times already), you lose even more support.

The people who don't know who to vote for yet are the ones you should fear the most. Because they know that there's some serious fuckery afoot, and they know that it's mainly the neoliberal establishment pulling the strings; they just don't know what should be done about it yet.

Most of the predictions I've made so far have come to pass, and I'll throw another one out to check up on a few years from now: Trump is just the beginning. He will most likely win this election, but will probably not be able to accomplish as much as he'd like. If he loses, then this prediction will become even more likely, as a Hillary presidency would be a catastrophe, and thus an even greater revolutionary figure will come along and pick up where Trump left off. I don't know who it'll be just yet, but it'll be huge, believe me.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by ED-057 »

Yes, yes, everyone is stoopid, everything sucks, nothing matters, choice is an illusion, we've been here before. And we went to Iraq right afterwards.
And this is good? or bad?
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Xyga »

quash wrote:and thus an even greater revolutionary figure will come along and pick up where Trump left off. I don't know who it'll be just yet, but it'll be huge, believe me.
Strikers1945guy wrote:"Do chicken balls?!"
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Lord Satori »

quash wrote:That's great. It doesn't change his general approach to politics being outlined in the book.
The fact that the book is entirely a work of fiction doesn't change anything in your eyes? :|
BryanM wrote:You're trapped in a haunted house. There's a ghost. It wants to eat your friends and have sex with your cat. When forced to decide between the lives of your friends and the chastity of your kitty, you choose the cat.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Durandal »

quash wrote:That's great. It doesn't change his general approach to politics being outlined in the book.
So perhaps there is some truth behind the stories of Harry Potter after all?
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Mischief Maker »

quash wrote:That's great. It doesn't change his general approach to politics being outlined in the book.
Trump is like a religion.

His followers cherry-pick the parts that sound good while intentionally ignoring all the contradictory, incest-y, genocide-y parts.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BryanM »

Mischief Maker wrote:Trump is like a religion.

His followers cherry-pick the parts that sound good while intentionally ignoring all the contradictory, incest-y, genocide-y parts.
For a ton of people, those are their favorite parts. <(o_o<
I think what's most telling about this thread is the poll that accompanies it. Even with myself being the single most vocal supporter of Trump, the results are nearly split.
>O_o)> There's probably some sock puppets pumping Hillary's total a bit. Her superPAC has too much money to spend it on the standard channels, and they vent a lot of it on ineffective (I'd argue counter-effective) internet presence. In contrast, Trump has no money.

Still the forum demographics being what they are, most of the people here who think Trump is slightly less bad would be accelerationists like me. With a Trump victory, we lose 4 years. Hillary, we lose 8 to 12. The thought of going further to the right over the next 12 years is just sickening to us.

It's worse than jumping into the spikes in a Mega Man game. It's more like editing the ROM so all the stages are impossible to win.
In order to save America, we must first destroy America. That's what the DLC told us and I for one believe them.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Giest118 »

quash wrote:I think what's most telling about this thread is the poll that accompanies it. Even with myself being the single most vocal supporter of Trump, the results are nearly split. It just goes to show that not everyone is drinking the Kool Aid, and every time you attack someone who dares to deviate in the slightest (as we've seen a few times already), you lose even more support.

The people who don't know who to vote for yet are the ones you should fear the most. Because they know that there's some serious fuckery afoot, and they know that it's mainly the neoliberal establishment pulling the strings; they just don't know what should be done about it yet.

Most of the predictions I've made so far have come to pass, and I'll throw another one out to check up on a few years from now: Trump is just the beginning. He will most likely win this election, but will probably not be able to accomplish as much as he'd like. If he loses, then this prediction will become even more likely, as a Hillary presidency would be a catastrophe, and thus an even greater revolutionary figure will come along and pick up where Trump left off. I don't know who it'll be just yet, but it'll be huge, believe me.
BryanM wrote:In order to save America, we must first destroy America.
Hmm... You guys have a point. I should really just let you keep talking.

Whatever the case, someone is going to get proven wrong about some candidate. Let's find out who... together.
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Lord Satori
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Lord Satori »

BryanM wrote:Hillary, we lose 8 to 12. The thought of going further to the right over the next 12 years is just sickening to us.
You are aware that the maximum years a person can be president is 8, right? Unless you're seeing something I'm not...
BryanM wrote:You're trapped in a haunted house. There's a ghost. It wants to eat your friends and have sex with your cat. When forced to decide between the lives of your friends and the chastity of your kitty, you choose the cat.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Xyga »

He means after Clinton there won't be another disruptor like Trump immediately, the next one will come later, after two or three more presidencies of extremely slow and painful decay. And that new disruptor likely will be the antechrist or even worse.
The bubble to burst with Trump will be much smaller = accelerationism.
Strikers1945guy wrote:"Do chicken balls?!"
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by EmperorIng »

BulletMagnet wrote:Name any issue which frequently persuades people to vote the way you mention: climate change, taxes, government services, gun rights, abortion, gay marriage, etc...the reason most of them do so, if you ask them directly, is because they've been fed false information for years on end that they genuinely believe to be true, with little to no resistance from the opposition to even attempt to cancel it out.
"If you ask people directly why they support certain policy positions, they will admit it's because they've willfully believed false information this whole time."

Wow, this guy here is a true political independent. If only people weren't such bigoted unintelligent racists we'd live in perfect Democrat harmony. If only they could see the light. Who will show them the light?

Last edited by EmperorIng on Fri Jun 30, 2017 5:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Mischief Maker
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Mischief Maker »

Is it me or is this thread is going in circles?

I seem to recall hearing this accelerationism argument twice before and twice before I replied that it's the same shit I heard from pouting liberals in 2000 and 2004, and both times this accelerationism hypothesis was put to the test and failed to make things better.

In fact, letting George Bush jr. stack the Supreme Court made things significantly worse. I'd rather take 8-12 years of Clinton corporatism than 30+ years of Trump's promised overtly bigoted judges doing their damnedest to return this country to the days of segregated drinking fountains.

Accelerationism is as much a failed ideology that people desperately prop up Weekend-at-Bernie's-style as trickle down economics.
Last edited by Mischief Maker on Wed Aug 10, 2016 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Giest118 »

EmperorIng wrote:"If you ask people directly why they support certain policy positions, they will admit it's because they've willfully believed false information this whole time."
Fox News is known for its 100% accurate-at-all-times reporting.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Xyga »

Mischief Maker wrote:Accelerationism is as much a failed ideology
It's a gamble.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BryanM »

Mischief Maker wrote:In fact, letting George Bush jr. stack the Supreme Court made things significantly worse. I'd rather take 8-12 years of Clinton corporatism than 30+ years of Trump's promised overtly bigoted judges doing their damnedest to return this country to the days of segregated drinking fountains.

Accelerationism is as much a failed ideology that people desperately prop up Weekend-at-Bernie's-style as trickle down economics.
But Mischief Maker. After Bush II, the democrats locked down a super majority in congress. They had absolute, irresistible power, the likes of which no one has had for decades.

They used this opportunity to pass Obamacare, the biggest give away to insurance com- er, I mean a really nice thing for the people with pre-existing conditions, at least. Then we didn't start bombing Cuba or Iran. In the terms of the Overton Window, that was fucking completely unthinkable. Look at us, not bombing Iran. That's fucking awesome. People just take it for granted that you're supposed to bomb Iran, so it's quite the achievement that we're just barely not doing so.

tldr: Bush 2 is responsible for Obamacare and us not bombing Iran. He's an American Hero dude, too, in his own very special way. It's so easy to hate the things we have instead of ephemeral dreams of what might have been.

Shit, Obama's pretty great in the grand scheme of picking out turd sandwiches. Why can't we just cancel this whole election thing.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Giest118 »

BryanM wrote:tldr: Bush 2 is responsible for Obamacare and us not bombing Iran. He's an American Hero dude, too, in his own very special way. It's so easy to hate the things we have instead of ephemeral dreams of what might have been.
And for those, we only needed to enter into an unnecessary war and rack up a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit, which took 8 years to even cut down to a third of its former glory.

I'm not sure the risk/reward is on point in this particular game. If we do elect Trump, what will we do with our hypothetical god-like power four years from now? Will we get hamsters? Will these hamsters outweigh the surgical-precision incompetence that Trump will display, which will fuck things up horribly, but not TOO horribly?
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Mischief Maker »

BryanM wrote:But Mischief Maker. After Bush II, the democrats locked down a super majority in congress. They had absolute, irresistible power, the likes of which no one has had for decades.
Obama won with a super majority because he ran an excellent campaign.

Disgust with Bush jr. should have made him a single-term president like his daddy, but the overall strategy of the Kerry 2004 campaign was so poor, people stuck with the devil you know.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BulletMagnet »

quash wrote:Conspiracy theories? Like how it's been proven that the Democratic party conspired against its base? Or how they planted protestors at numerous events? Or how they were actively corroborating with media outlets to manipulate the narrative in their favor?
I'm pretty sure that nobody here has called those things conspiracy theories...they're just blurbs you like to trot out at every opportunity (along with Syria!, which makes its latest out-of-left-field cameo as well) in grand "somebody else did a bad thing at some point, change the subject immediately!" fashion.

You want real conspiracy theories, I'll name two of my personal favorites, just from your last couple of posts: 1) Hillary Clinton has dispatched operatives specifically to spread propaganda to the Shmups Forum, and 2 Objective reality doesn't actually exist, but all of society is in on a plot to make sure you don't realize it. :lol:

You know what? Before I waste another second on you, I'll ask you one last time: How can anyone expect to carry on anything resembling a worthwhile conversation with someone who believes the things you say you believe, the italicized portion in particular?
BulletMagnet wrote:Name any issue which frequently persuades people to vote the way you mention: climate change, taxes, government services, gun rights, abortion, gay marriage, etc...the reason most of them do so, if you ask them directly, is because they've been fed false information for years on end that they genuinely believe to be true, with little to no resistance from the opposition to even attempt to cancel it out.
EmperorIng wrote:"If you ask people directly why they support certain policy positions, they will admit it's because they've willfully believed false information this whole time."
First off, spot the difference between what I actually said and what you claim I said.

Second, I'm eager to hear you explain why advocating for a better-informed populace on issues of import (i.e. no, tax cuts for rich people do not pay for themselves, and have never come close to doing so) means that I'm somehow demeaning the very same people I would most like to see better-informed, as hopeless bigots, no less. To quote an old Calvin and Hobbes strip...
Hobbes wrote:Is it a right to remain ignorant?
Calvin wrote:I don't know, but I refuse to find out!
Mischief Maker wrote:Disgust with Bush jr. should have made him a single-term president like his daddy, but the overall strategy of the Kerry 2004 campaign was so poor, people stuck with the devil you know.
That whole "swiftboating" thing probably didn't help either, especially since most people, despite 24/7 election coverage across the board, somehow weren't told it was total bullshit until the election was over. Funny how that works.

You know what? While I'm here, I'll open up my previous question to quash to the whole class:
And Trump - as he's done in the past - will scoff at the official unemployment figure of around 5 percent, saying the real jobless number is much higher.

"The real number of jobless is the number outside the labor force, which is 94 million," the aide said. "And that's the number that we should be talking about, obviously.

"This 5 percent unemployment thing is absolute hokum."
Since the original subject either refuses to acknowledge the question altogether or, more likely, simply lacks the first clue about it, can anyone tell me why the bolded portion of the quote is brazen, consummate bullshit?
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BryanM »

Mischief Maker wrote:Obama won with a super majority because he ran an excellent campaign.
Obama would be a no-name nobody if Gore had won.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Mischief Maker »

BryanM wrote:
Mischief Maker wrote:Obama won with a super majority because he ran an excellent campaign.
Obama would be a no-name nobody if Gore had won.
Well that's completely irrelevant. I'm talking campaign strategy here. I hadn't worked a campaign job in 2000 so I wasn't in a position to analyze Gore's weaknesses but Kerry vs Obama were night and day.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by quash »

But hey, this is all a vast right wing conspiracy. Look, over there, Donald Trump is picking his nose!
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Ed Oscuro »

Man, BryanM, let the counterfactuals go.

@ quash: I'm sure "crooked insiders" would be the farthest thing from your mind if they had gone ahead and investigated.

Oh look, Donald Trump is accidentally calling for assassinations and bombings again! Definitely the candidate of peace.
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