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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Vexorg »

Twister: ***

Pretty average mid-90s romantic comedy that just happens to be set in the middle of a big-budget mid-90s disaster film. Apparently Helen Hunt's hair in this film has the same ability that Wile E. Coyote does to endure whatever disfiguring misfortune might occur and then be back in perfect condition in the next scene. Also, for some reason, this film was turned into a pinball machine by Sega around the time it came out.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

Image <-- this poster, watching Transformers (2007), yesterday.

Very occasionally, I feel nostalgic for The Transformers. I snap out of it pretty quickly, but unfortunately, part of this affliction is checking out whatever the latest live-action film is. Last time around, this entailed watching all of the fourth, "Age of Extinction." It was blandly exhausting dogshit. This time around, I simply glanced at the fifth's climax, in which Marky Mark and a Page 3 girl were dangling from a metal blimp screaming "OHHH NONONONONO," much like Schizo McBoof and his interchangeable supermodel GFs in the previous trilogy. So, dogshit. But why, exactly? I looked up the 2007 original's climax, and it was elucidated in one shot.

Michael Bay loves peppering his alredy-tepid robot fights with humans - named participants and hapless bystanders alike. In these films' PG13-at-most contexts, each meaty target generates a field of anti-tension. Outside of neatly scripted dispatches (cf Anthony Hopkins' winningly hilarious sendoff in "The Last Knight"), we all understand no harm may befall these overripe bundles of potential NC17 horror. You want to see what rocket backblast does to a nearby human face? Pff, hit up, noob! What's that? You'd rather just watch robots fight? What are you - fuckin gay?!

Combined with the wafty, ineffectual robot action, and Bay's insistence on dishwater "Down-Home Family Drama" unfit to anchor so much as Anal Coeds IV, it is all very tiring. The third film's city destruction sequences are marginally less stultifying for allowing a bit more collateral, though to be sure, the movie overall remains a big piece of shit.

The 1986 animated movie, while trying in a few spots (anything involving the retarded Dinobots, and the small retarded boy-bot they befriend) has all of two humans in it, and remains good fun - Toei's vivid animation, Vince DiCola's fiery score, and a first-rate cast augmenting TV stalwarts Peter Cullen, Frank Welker, Chris Latta and co. transcend its innate To Sell Toys limitation. Enjoyable!

ALL OF THIS TO QUERY: is Bumblebee (2018) any different/better than Bay's crummy flicks? I heard he's fucked off to a producer role, and it's slightly less awful in the usual departments (bad fights, execrable human soap bullshit, generally monged and unlikable attempts at "humour"). I will probably give it a go anyway. :sad: Some small part of my 80s kid brain wants there to be a similarly decent live counterpart to the fondly rewatchable '86 movie.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Sly Cherry Chunks »

Bumblebee 2018 is a by-the-numbers Fish Out Of Water flik in line with Short Circuit or the recent Sonic The Hedgehog movie. The blue car villain is dispatched in a very satisfying way.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

Oh snap, that sounds Not Painful :o ta SCC, I will give it a go!
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

Transformpachi II BEE STORM Image
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Sly Cherry Chunks »

Bay really knows how to appeal to my inner horny fifteen year old. I cant hate any of those movies apart from the 2nd. Love the toys though, just completed my 2007 movie decepticon collection a few weeks ago. I remember how horrified I was when I first saw those crumpled tin-foil designs for the first time, I was living in a tiny attic above a classical music shop in the UK. Now I love them!
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Mortificator »

Horror of Dracula

I was surprised when Harker turned out to be there to slay Dracula in this version, but he's unforgivably incompetent for someone who knew he was walking into a vampire's castle all along. The scene where he descends into the crypt was very tense regardless. Love Dracula's smile as he sees the sun go down.

Though Christopher Lee obviously puts a lot into the character, the content missing from this adaption diminish his menace. No ship massacre, no shape-shifting, no wolves at his beck and call. I don't get a sense of place... given the lack of sea travel, are they in England the whole time? Why does Dracula need to cart around soil from his "native" land then?
Vexorg wrote:Twister: ***

Pretty average mid-90s romantic comedy that just happens to be set in the middle of a big-budget mid-90s disaster film. Apparently Helen Hunt's hair in this film has the same ability that Wile E. Coyote does to endure whatever disfiguring misfortune might occur and then be back in perfect condition in the next scene. Also, for some reason, this film was turned into a pinball machine by Sega around the time it came out.
Some woman in the audience back when I saw this got upset at the "marry your penis" line. :mrgreen:
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by MintyTheCat »

It's a pretty good short on the Dust channel.


I rarely see much SciFi that is worth much these days but very occasionally something decent appears.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by neorichieb1971 »


A movie about the prohibition of alcohol. Lots of southern accents I can barely understand and mindless shooting. Gary oldman stars but is wasted on a couple of scenes.
Its not bad, but I get this sense of how pointless the violence really was. Definitely a case of life was lost for no real purpose.

This industry has become 2 dimensional as it transcended into a 3D world.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Vexorg »

Artemis Fowl: **

This one is getting hammered badly by the critics (Currently at 10% on Rotten Tomatoes) and it's easy to see why. The latest in a series of ill advised adaptations from Disney that has produced some massive box office bombs such as John Carter, the Johnny Depp Lone Ranger film and A Wrinkle in Time , this one ended up skipping theaters and going straight to Disney+ as a result of the current pandemic. This probably means Disney will never make the production costs back, but it also means they won't have to throw $100 million in marketing down the drain after this trainwreck either.

And yes, it's a trainwreck of a film. I'm not familiar with the book series this is based on, but as far as I can tell the story of the film is a bastardization of the plots of the first two books filled with one dimensional characters (Josh Gad in particular plays what looks and sounds like a blatant ripoff of Hagrid from the Harry Potter films) terrible writing and a sudden ending that feels like they blew the entire budget before they could film the third act so they had to find a way to end the film at the end of the second one. The titular protagonist never confronts (or even sees) the main antagonist, who ultimately ends up with about three minutes of screen time total. Presumably this film was meant to set up a series, but the chances of any sequels to this one seem to be somewhere in the neighborhood of zero. That's probably a good thing in the long run.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Vexorg »

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial: ****

Watched this movie a number of times growing up, but hadn't seen it in years. I'm surprised how well it holds up almost 40 years later. I'm also a little surprised how calm it is for much of its runtime. Sure you need the action to move the plot forward, but it's interesting to see how much of this film is basically just mundane everyday childhood activities, only with an alien visitor. It seems unlikely you could make a movie like that today.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BrianC »

I enjoyed ET last time I watched it and It's awesome how recent releases of the film went back to original film elements instead of the edited version.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

Boy and the World

One of the best movies of the last ten years.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Stevens »

Gone through a few since my last post.

I did watch Miami Connection and it was fabulous.

King of Staten Island

This was unexpected, and I didn't know much about it going in other than Pete Davidson was in it. Whoa Marissa Tomei? I have always had a things for her. Wait - is that Bill Burr? What the fuck is going on here? Can they put anyone else in this I really like?

Davidson is the main character but Burr is the hero here. Dad was killed on the job, and you get a kid who grows up without a dad/any male role model and its effects. Burr eventually takes him under his wing and teaches him how to be a man.

This one also hit close to home - Staten Island had more kids with fathers that died working for the FDNY on 9/11 than any other borough. I wasn't working just yet, but when I walked into my first day teaching (Nov 4th 2002 - Although I hesitate to even call it that:) I quickly learned I had five or six kids who's fathers were killed on 9/11. That was just one school.

Motherless Brooklyn

Another one that flew under my radar. Apparently Edward Norton had wanted to make this for years. 1950's (in the movie) detective story. Really enjoyed it.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by vol.2 »

Stevens wrote: King of Staten Island
Interesting. I can't say I'm a huge Judd Apatow fan, but I am a huge Larry Sanders Show fan, so there's always a part of me that hopes I'll like it.
This one also hit close to home

Kind of makes me want to watch it just for the emotional trip. I lived in the city from 1999-2008 and I was downtown when all that shit went down. I finished undergraduate school in May of 2002 and man did the job market stink in the city. I had to keep my job as a museum coat check for a whole year.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

Stevens wrote:Whoa Marissa Tomei? I have always had a things for her.
Fuck yeah you have. B/c you're a horny bastard with exquisite taste. She's still gonna be on my list when she's 80 I'm convinced.
Motherless Brooklyn
I saw this recently as well. Pretty good... the jazz scenes were dope.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Stevens »

GaijinPunch wrote:
Stevens wrote:Whoa Marissa Tomei? I have always had a things for her.
Fuck yeah you have. B/c you're a horny bastard with exquisite taste. She's gonna be on my list when she's 80 I'm convinced.
Motherless Brooklyn
I saw this recently as well. Pretty good... the jazz scenes were dope.
In my early 20's, when I was still trying to find myself, I used to hang out in places just like that. For three or four years I put a suit on to go out on the weekends when I could hardly afford said suit. NYC had a pretty bustling Big band/Swing/Jazz scene in the wake of the Gap adds.

I met a lot of great people during that time, many of which helped give me a far broader world view than I had when I first met them. I mean suburban white kid has narrow world view, go figure.

A lot of late, dimly lit, smoky nights where the drummer would swirl his brushes around the snare and I would pull whatever girl I was dancing with closer. I learned a lot about putting myself out there, love, loss, and how to move on during those years.

In fact going out dancing that first night was one of those lynch pin decisions that would in fact shape a lot of my life till today.

And then yesterday out for a walk the Missus found a copy of Motherless Brooklyn for like $5. Which was great cause I was looking for something to read.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by chempop »

Monsters Inc. Love it so far, about 1 hour deep.

I have seen most Pixar, but somehow missed this one. I usually like what they make, some stand high above the rest (UP, Wall-E.. maybe Inside Out). Monsters Inc might be one of my favorites.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

Tampopo (1985)

What a weird little gem. Apparently HBO Max has a shitload of amazing cinema (although most of it you have to search for). I went through a list of their best flicks, and had quite a bit to chose from. This one actually popped up in a conversation not two days prior so figured I'd give it a go. Quite funny, and very quirky. A bit difficult to watch during a pandemic w/ all the food being shared (among strangers even). And, a squirmy scene where a rather exotic dish was prepared. Some LOL moments which I have found to be rare in Japanese media. Maybe the best credit scroll ever.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by vol.2 »

GaijinPunch wrote:Tampopo (1985)
Worth it for the Showa-era Dekotora alone! Seriously one the best Japanese films of the 80's. Also highly recommend other Itami Juzo films including, but not limited to, The Funeral and Minbo. The Funeral is almost as good as Tampopo, and Minbo is especially interesting because it's the alleged source conflict between Itami and the Yakuza which eventually led to his murder (or suicide if you actually believe that).
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

Thanks for the tips! Will put those on the list.

This was very enjoyable. In 15 years I never saw anything in Japan that clever.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BryanM »

The box office takes are surreal.

#1 movie for the fourth of July? Ghostbusters. $550,000.

This feels like a vast improvement overall tbqh.

The gis on the $21 superstar, How to Build a Girl, is surprisingly effective at making me want to never think about that abyss. And I'm the guy who skimmed that demon house movie by the people who brought us the Terrible CGI The Birds ripoff.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

Fuck! I thought society had finally collapsed and that was a VHS copy of 90s creature shite The Relic playing in somebody's backyard. On a generator. And two out of three of the audience is stray dogs.

Hmm, the fuck, its ratings look alright. But they always do, and I end up getting a big fuckin mouthful. :sad:

EDIT oh lmao that's the RT score nm
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BryanM »

I am beginning to suspect that Afterlife might not be coming out, ever.

It makes no sense because it seems some profit > no profit, but these are rent seeking ghouls we're talking about and they don't subscribe to such simple logic. ie, if the apocalypse doesn't have a calm period, it'll be the death of blockbuster theater movies.

shit, now I feel nostalgic for the days when a block would get together in a back or front yard and watch movies on someone's bedsheets. remember drive-in theaters? google says there's like ~320 of the things, but I'm pretty sure they're all really flea markets
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Mischief Maker »

The Vast of Night is good.

Telling you anything more would ruin it.

It's on Amazon Prime.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by versionfiv »

Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension for the dozenth time

there should've been a shmup based on the Buckaroo Banzai IP
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by vol.2 »

versionfiv wrote:Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension for the dozenth time

there should've been a shmup based on the Buckaroo Banzai IP

Big Trouble in Little China was supposed to be the sequel, but John Carpenter altered the character names and details to fit Kurt Russel better.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by drauch »

Yes, it was originally intended to be a sequel, but this wasn't JC's doing. The original director and screenwriter rewrote almost the entire movie except for part of Lo Pan's character.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by vol.2 »

drauch wrote:Yes, it was originally intended to be a sequel, but this wasn't JC's doing. The original director and screenwriter rewrote almost the entire movie except for part of Lo Pan's character.
The initial screenplay was written by a totally unrelated screenwriter to be it's own thing, it was not a Buckaroo Banzai movie at all, actually. What you are referring to is the 1st rewrite where the director of BB took the original screenplay and scrapped everything "except Lo Pan's character." This article kind of has that info, albeit in a markety way.

I remember reading that durning the initial work on the movie, JC and the director decided that it wouldn't be a BB movie mostly because of Kurt Russel vs Paul Weller. However, I can't find a reference for that. I think I read it in a Hollywood Reporter interview with Carpenter or something. I could be wrong and getting old.

IAC, the rewrite was not BB-BTILC, it was "unknown new script" to BB and then it changed to BTILC (if my memory is any good) or it just went straight to BTILC and I'm mixing shit up.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

We may be from different dimensions. Everything I have read said that Big Trouble in Little China started out as a western. Check wikipedia.
RegalSin wrote:New PowerPuff Girls. They all have evil pornstart eyelashes.
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