Hi everybody,
I'm a great fan of the Gradius/Salamander saga so I created with my friends an original fan game named Salamander NG.
It features original weapons and enemies, multiscrolling stages, 2 endings, original music and an online high score table.
New version 0.98 is available now, hope you will enjoy it.
p.s.: I write from Italy as the graphic creator, the music developper is english and his name is Matt Carr.
Most looks great, but the weapons are much too weak to be like Salamander. It looks cool with big space rocks in the start of stage 1, but at the very start of the game, you don't want to feel your weapons are totally useless, it won't draw players in.
Thank you for playing my game.
Weapons are a sort of evolution about the first Salamander game, so you will find missiles, double, option and force field. Lasers are 3, blue (based on the old laser), red and green (an evolution of the ripple laser), plus you will find bombs, life and bonus capsule, ...with 4 options, force field and missiles... who can stop you (at least in easy mode, normal and hard require agood skill).
A full run (in very easy difficulty) with all weapons used in.
If game seems a little slow is because he's playing "very easy mode", that is for practice or beginners.
A thing to keep in mind is that colourblind people might not be able to tell apart some of your pickups, since they seem to only have different colour glows. I would suggest to either use a graphical representation of the weapon or a letter to make things a bit clearer. Also if you can find someone who is actually colourblind to testplay for you it would help to find out where enemies might be hard to see on certain backgrounds. Just something to think about.
Otherwise the game looks pretty competent, but I do have to agree though, the weapons look a bit weak.
Thank you for your feedback.
About colourblind people, I could change that weapons that are different only for colour (ex. speedup/speeddown/hyperspeed)...about background, in youtube video is maybe harder to see some enemies but in game is a little different, however maybe background in stage 1 does not help in certain points, expect a lttle variation about colour... (but I don't know colourblind people...)
About weapons, in normal mode is easier to be more powerful than in hard/NG mode, with 4 options, missiles and lasers, however maybe weapons will be upgraded (and for now in version 0.98b you can find a new weapon, the tailgun...)