JP Saturn power problem (I hope)

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JP Saturn power problem (I hope)

Post by jp »

OK, so I decided to hook up one of my Navi Saturns tonight and give it whirl. But its power input looks different from any other console I've ever seen. It has two inputs for the power:
1. One looks roughly like what you would plug into a cell phone.
2. The other looks like nothing I've ever seen before. It has 4 prongs on the inside, each for a different voltage according to the manual.

Anyways, I hooked up both of them (because you're supposed to), and the Saturn booted up fine, I did the date thing and all that, and then when it started to load of PDIIZwei, in the intro screen it goes back to the main menu as if there had been an error. So I put in Mega Man X3 since its a PAL game and... for some reason... that and the US are the formats the system supports. This time, the screen goes dark and starts to get fuzzy and a weird sound comes from my TV. So I turn off the system, put in an Action Replay, and see if I can get a JP game to work. Now, it freezes up during the title screen. But when there's no game in there, it'll load up the action replay.

I'm thinking one a few things is wrong. Either, for some odd reason, my NOT using a step down converter is making it operate weird. Or (and this one would suck), there's a problem with the laser or motor. I'm hoping not, because if thats a case, then I have an $800 paper weight (granted, I'm sure the other works fine if this is the case, only its across the state, argh!)

Anyways, any insight would be appreciated.
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Post by it290 »

Hmm, I'm not sure. It certainly sounds like a laser issue, but I guess it could be power. Not sure if you'd want to do this (it is a Navi, after all), but maybe you could open it up and try to see if it's possible to swap in a regular Saturn power supply? You could isolate the problem that way. Also, what are you plugging into? I thought the thing was supposed to be hooked up in a car.

Anyway, maybe you should contact ASSEMbler and ask him, as he's one of the few people who probably knows about the Navi.
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