Advice on PC Engine RGB

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Re: Advice on PC Engine RGB

Post by Rulumi »

Steven wrote:Why would you want to disable the SuperGrafx emulation? The only thing I can think of is if you want to play Space Harrier, but that is a known compatibility problem with the SuperGrafx, so I'm guessing and hoping that they should have built a fix for that into the SHDS3.
It's SuperGrafx emualation isn't the best, but also there's the possibility for some incompatibilities with the SuperGrafx mode in itself (and some indeed exist) with PC Engine software because of how the SuperGrafx works.

NEC and HUDSON knew this, so they added the mode button in the console so it can be switched back to how a PC Engine would be and ensure full compaitbility.
evil_ash_xero wrote:Doesn't Terra Onion's device have sound issues? I read a thing on RetroRGB that there is a fix for that. I probably
should have read more, but I didn't.
They are a Spanish company, are they not? I hear that they have pretty bad customer service. My family is from Spain, so this doesn't surprise me.
I think they fixed the analog video output issues on the last revision of the original model, but they discontinued that and only sell the HD one now, which has issues of its own that I think haven't been fixed?

Also I think they moved to Andorra, take that as you may prefer...
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