Video Capture

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Video Capture

Post by FMK »

I'd like to know which hardware I need to capture gameplay.

I play on a Sony FS100 via component cable, shmups I play on my monitor with a XRGB2+, and any DC game via vga-cable.

My TV doesn't have any video-out.

Do I need extra cables or a VCR? It's possible to capture while playing in the monitor via DC-VGA or XRGB? And which capture cards are recommended?

I've searched the net for good articles on game capture, but found none. If you know some, please post the link.

Thanks in advance.
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Post by GaijinPunch »

Canopus sell good products, but they're pricey.

You can get a card with VGA-in, but they're even more expensive. Chances are, you'll be looking at something with composite and s-video in, and capturing that way. I have never seen a capture device with any type of RGB input, but I could b wrong.

Doesn't matter if your TV doesn't have any outputs... the card will most likely have a through-put option where you can caputre and output to the TV. It will look like shit probably, but playable.
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Post by Specineff »

I suggest Studio 8 analog capture card. The software only is worth the price. I got mine for 50 bucks off Ebay, and love it.
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Post by zakk »

The PMS Sweetspot capture card will take component, rgb, svideo and composite inputs. It will only capture at 480i resolutions.

Capturing the output of the DC-VGA or XRGB is not going to be possible on a cheap budget. Progressive resolution capture bumps you right up into the 'professional' level of video capture, where things get insanely expensive and require some pretty dedicated+beefy hardware to do.

For capturing higher resolution stuff like that, really your best bet is to get a scan converter and downcovert the progressive signal to interlaced. This can get expensive too, depending on how much you care about image quality.
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You could use a mini DV camcorder to upload to your PC...

Post by PC Engine Fan X! »

If you have a mini DV camcorder, with the software that came with it, you can transfer DV footage via firewire cable to your PC to see what you captured on DV tape being played on your PC monitor.

Or here's another option, by using an analog RGB monitor and using your mini DV camcorder to capture your shmup replays. Then by hooking up your DV camcorder to a stand-alone DVD-Recorder machine, you can transfer it to a DVD-R. With the "burned" DVD-R shmup replay disc, you can get it transfered to your PC's HD...and with some properly video conversion programs, you can produce some cool shmup replay vids small enough to even fit on a PSP Memory Stick Pro Duo card to watch on your PSP "on the go". I have got my 30 minute total running time Super Replay vid of Ketsui on my PSP memory card which is a mere 256MB size one. Consider upgrading to at least 1GB, 2GB or even the latest 3GB Sony or Sandisk Memory Stick Pro Duo cards when they be come available to store some serious MPEG-4 shmup video footage.

PC Engine Fan X! ^_~
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