RQ: Dodonpachi Dai Fukkatsu Ver. 1.5

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Violent Ken
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RQ: Dodonpachi Dai Fukkatsu Ver. 1.5

Post by Violent Ken »


It's just a strategy request for the scoring system...

I started playing in the Power Mode (the Bomb mode is for n00bs) and I need to know some important things:

-What's the difference between the "Normal" & "Boost" modes on scoring...I noticed that "Normal" makes the Hyber bar growing quickly and the Hit counter too...maybe I'm wrong...

-What determines when it's the right moment to switch in each mode?

Thanks a lot for your help!
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Post by MrMonkeyMan »

Hyper Basics (Power Mode)
When a hyper is active the normal shot will give you an extra hit for every bullet you shoot. Some bullets will not be canceled immediately, but if you keep shooting them they will not keep adding to your chain, so 1 hit per bullet. When canceling bullets with the normal shot your hyper meter will not go up at all.

When a hyper is active the boost shot will more easily cancel bullets, but this will not increase your chain (seems midbosses and normal bosses are the exception). On the flip side, canceling bullets in boost mode will very quickly fill up your hyper meter.

Chain Basics
The hit count of your chain is more important then you may realize. It acts as a multiplier that increases when you reach certain hit counts. These are the values I am aware of (may not be exact).

1000 chain = 2x multiplier
2000 = 3x
3000 = 4x
5000 = 5x
7000 = 6x
10000 = 7x

How the multiplier works is that when you destroy an enemy with a multiplier, the value of the enemy will be added to the value of your chain times the multiplier. It was also add as many hits as your multiplier to your chain's hit count. So killing an enemy worth 200 points with a 5x multiplier will add 1000 points to the value of your chain and 5 hits to your hit count.

Unfortunately the multiplier is only applied when you destroy an enemy when your hyper meter is full and are not currently using a hyper. So, when using a hyper it is best to use the normal shot to get to the highest multiplier you can before the hyper wears out and then switch to boost mode to fill up your hyper meter, and then chain normally.

Basic stage strategies are to use hypers for the first half of a stage (up to and during the midboss encounter) to increase your hit count and then chain the rest of the stage with a full hyper meter (can be difficult).
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Post by Violent Ken »

Thanks for the explanations mate! :P

I wasn't so far! :D

But I saw your vids on the stages 1,2 & 3 and you had your hyper gauge full before the end of the 1st bridge in the first stage...I can't have a full gauge at the same moment but only after a few enemies, so I lost many Hits...

My best score ATM on 1st stage is around 800.000.000...
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Post by Violent Ken »

So, to make a real basic strategy, you need to:

-Grow your Hyper gauge then cancel as many bullets as you can to increase Hit count...(all in Normal mode)
-When the Hit count is high...switch to Boost mode to make a full Hyper gauge and then finish the stage without using hyper to increase the score...

Do you advise me to keep the Boost mode when the Hyper gauge is full or to switch to Normal mode?

We can add that the Boost mode is slower than the Normal mode (really great to pass boss patterns...)
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Post by MrMonkeyMan »

Feel free to use whatever shot type you want when not using a hyper. I usually stick to the boost mode because you're a lot more powerful, but there are times when I use the normal shot for the extra speed, and to help keep enemies alive a bit longer to hold my chain.
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Post by Violent Ken »

Thanks a lot for the advices mate ;)
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Post by brumma »

Can someone create a general FAQ / Strategy Guide for DDPDFK? Something that goes over all of the basics (scoring, what the gauges mean, how to unlock hidden midbosses, etc.) as well as some strategies to get better scores and unlock some of the hidden features?
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Post by sourdiesel »

how do i unlock the first mid boos from DDP on DDP dfk 1.5?

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sourdiesel wrote:how do i unlock the first mid boos from DDP on DDP dfk 1.5?

http://www.cave-stg.com/forum/index.php ... 22#msg8822
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Post by robivy64 »

I have found that collecting the bees and destroying the silos always unlock the DDP midbosses.

I autobombed on a few runs and was still able to pull it off.

And i'm pretty sure you have to have the full hyper meter before you destroy the first silo, not before it appears.
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Post by Taylor »

Is that for Strong mode? I think it works differently.

AFAIK for Strong all you've got to do is take out the silo's before the tanks roll over them for the first boss and you'll see all the others unless one kills you.

The first time I played the game I unlocked it without even knowing, and met every midboss until stage 4 (as I died on the stage 3 one). Wasn't collecting bees because I had no idea where they were.
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Post by robivy64 »

I have not unlocked Strong mode yet, I am just playing the original two modes atm. Bomb mode is what I was referring to though.
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Re: RQ: Dodonpachi Dai Fukkatsu Ver. 1.5

Post by AKRATEN »

is it possible to get a more in depth strategy of this game.

I can 1cc this game but hitting the second extend is difficult , what is the best way to score on strong mode?
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Re: RQ: Dodonpachi Dai Fukkatsu Ver. 1.5

Post by Taylor »

The fundamentals are the same on all modes, get your hit counter up as high as possible with hypers for the first half of the stage, then fill your hyper gauge to max and never use it again. Power just has a lot of advantages doing this! Also note that certain enemies have a higher point value than others, and these are typically at the start of the stage, so including them will give you a much higher score. Dropping your chain after the big tanks in stage 1, for example, will give you basically nothing even if you do the rest perfectly.

If you just want to hit the second extend then I'd aim to chain stage one (the only tricky link is after the last tank in the opening section), and chain stage 2 with the tank trick. Do this and you'll either hit the extend or be close enough you don't need to worry. The tank trick means point blanking the the laser pods that the stage 2 hidden mid-boss drops on his final pattern with your hyper laser, as these will boost your counter to crazy numbers in a matter of seconds.

The problem is keeping it alive long enough to do that without dropping your chain, you'll want to have a hyper ready as you enter the fight and activate it once it starts doing its burst patterns from the main cannon - this way you can shoot down its shots to keep your chain alive while not hurting the tank too much.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd9Z6tF6T7w (Power mode, but it's the same thing)

Also, to clean up what I said above (and in other threads I believe): I know why I was getting confused about the extra boss requirements! Missing a bee means revealing it and letting it go off the screen, if you never even reveal it in the first place it's not a problem and will not stop additional bosses appearing (though obviously you should be aiming to grab them).
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Re: RQ: Dodonpachi Dai Fukkatsu Ver. 1.5

Post by TastySoil »

Does anyone know of any superplays on STRONG mode? I've been playing this style lately and want to see how other people are busting out a high score.
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Re: RQ: Dodonpachi Dai Fukkatsu Ver. 1.5

Post by louisg »

Can someone explain what the tradeoff is exactly between normal shot and boost mode when using the power style? And, is there a big score penalty for using the autobomb modes (since you basically get 9 lives + 1 for each bomb pickup)? Any drawback to using strong? Sorry if this has been answered, I'm still kind of confused :)
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Re: RQ: Dodonpachi Dai Fukkatsu Ver. 1.5

Post by BER »

A few questions:

1. What's the best ship to use for a 1-ALL clear? I've read from a wiki guide that B-STRONG is the best, but I found a set of videos that make the game look easy with C-STRONG. Also, what's best for a normal 2-ALL clear (without Hibachi) and a special 2-ALL clear (with Hibachi)?

2. Is it a good idea to manually bomb or to rely on the autobomb for any ALL clear? The wiki guide has a bomb distribution, but I don't know if it applies to only version 1.0.
Bernard A. DORIA (retired)
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Re: RQ: Dodonpachi Dai Fukkatsu Ver. 1.5

Post by Taylor »

I would say C-Strong, but they're both pretty stupid and cover the entire screen. It might be more of a personal preference based on how much you like wavy shots and the movement speed.

A manual bomb is better than an auto-bomb because it lasts longer much longer. The biggest (only?) problem you're going to have brute forcing the first loop with Strong is the Psychic Laser Section in stage 5. If you ever get trapped without a hyper it's best to manually bomb that try and wriggle out with with the auto-bomb safety net.
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Re: RQ: Dodonpachi Dai Fukkatsu Ver. 1.5

Post by BER »

Thanks, Taylor!
Taylor wrote:I would say C-Strong, but they're both pretty stupid and cover the entire screen. It might be more of a personal preference based on how much you like wavy shots and the movement speed.
Heh, this doesn't make my decision any easier. :)

I think I'll go with B-Strong for its faster movement speed. If I can't stand the wavy shots or if I can't pull off the tricks that I see with the C-Strong videos, I'll switch to C-Strong.
Taylor wrote:A manual bomb is better than an auto-bomb because it lasts longer much longer.
Just as I suspected. I also found out that the manual bomb's attack power is useful for mid-bosses and bosses. But I also suspect that there are difficult areas in the game that don't need the longer invincibility time or the higher attack power that the manual bomb provides. Saving up auto-bombs would be useful for these areas, but I haven't figured out where these areas are.
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Re: RQ: Dodonpachi Dai Fukkatsu Ver. 1.5

Post by BER »

Note to self since it's hard to find: bee locations for the URA paths:

http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Kni ... tiura.html
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Re: RQ: Dodonpachi Dai Fukkatsu Ver. 1.5

Post by nZero »

BER wrote:Note to self since it's hard to find: bee locations for the URA paths:

http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Kni ... tiura.html
Did anyone save these anywhere? I'm revisiting the game now and this site is long gone.
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Re: RQ: Dodonpachi Dai Fukkatsu Ver. 1.5

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Archive.org seems to have an archived copy with the images saved: https://web.archive.org/web/20181011153 ... tiura.html
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Re: RQ: Dodonpachi Dai Fukkatsu Ver. 1.5

Post by nZero »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote:Archive.org seems to have an archived copy with the images saved: https://web.archive.org/web/20181011153 ... tiura.html
Excellent, thank you.
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