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Post by Minzoku »

Okay, Nemo, I have an argument for you now. [These days, I prefer to think about it a bit before saying anything that could possibly be considered negative.]

I don't care if you don't approve of his purchase--I wouldn't have bought it, either--but look at it this way. That Saturn has a market value of at least $1800, I believe. jp paid less than $1600 for it. Furthermore, he plans to use it, as opposed to buying it and letting it collect dust until after he's dead and gone.

If the price tag is what bothers you, consider if he instead bought... oh... the Mona Lisa for the same money. Can't do anything with THAT, right? It's just a really famous painting, and unless he resold it for the millions it's worth, he can only either show it off or destroy it [which would be stupid, but really the only other option possible].

On the other hand, if he bought a copy of Mobile Light Force [1 or 2, doesn't matter] for $1600, yes, that would be a seriously poor decision, because 1. it's a crappy port, and 2. it's painfully cheaper to get it somewhere else. Even if that was somehow a "special" copy of MLF, it would be a truly frivolous purchase.

Again, I don't care if you disagree that the purchase was worthwhile, but at least try not to sound as though you're guilt-tripping him for buying something he wants, and for a good price for it.
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Post by The n00b »

Seriously stop with the Africa crap. I remember being a small mexican kid and being told "Eat all your food, there are people starving in Africa!" I imagine many kids in America ,who grew up to be obese, were told this. Now we have an obese population....and there are still starving people in Africa. Still I would like to think that cleaning off that plate of enchiladas when I was 9 helped some kid in Africa somewhere right before he died from an ak47, got run over by a tank, or died from some disease that I can't even pronounce...

The continent deserves more than to be the starting point for guilt trips, catchphrases, and obese kids. If any of those people were serious about helping Africa; they would grab a shotgun, some shells, a 50 lb box of twinkies, and a plane ticket to Africa.
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Post by Leeram »

Well done mate, it's good to hear about people getting the things they want.

$1500 isn't that much comparatively, about £800 or so. It's only about the price I paid for my N64 and PSX and a couple of games when they came out. It's also about the same as two rarer NeoGeo games and half as much as it would cost for Metal Slug AES.

If it's something you want then the money isn't relevant anyway. Have fun with it but be careful! Make sure it is a named item on your general insurance.


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Post by raiden »

I think I could do it...wait till I have a summer job and spare dough, I will hack a portable gamecube or xbox screen (NOT ps2 ) so jp can carry around a cheap scummy saturn and not the rare00rz $1500 one.
well, if you can do that, you can certainly also build a Supergun by yourself. The soldering involved in the latter is child´s play in comparison.
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