Prelude to the Apocalypse

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

Sengoku Strider wrote:But if they ever actually made all the sissy leftists disappear in their mythical Ten Days of Darkness, day 11 would be the party fracturing along its inherent fissures and turning upon itself
Chances are you're right on this point to at least some degree; whenever some potential for cooperation between the parties is discussed the axiom of "if the country only had a singular outside threat to unite against stuff would get done" always makes an appearance, and the same principle surely applies to disparate factions within a single party. At the moment, while all of those factions on the right seem to define said "adversary" at least somewhat differently and employ different labels (the left, the elitists, the globalists, etc.), somehow that never seems to stop them from voting in near-lockstep for the same people in the end.

If I may take this opportunity to bang my usual drum, however, (what passes for) the American left is also a coalition of sometimes-conflicting interests, and absolutely has a "common threat" to unite against, namely a conservative movement which has outright rejected the democratic process and intends to exclude them from governance altogether by fiat; somehow, though, they can never seem to get it together when it matters like the right can. Part of this, I'd posit, are the inherent biases in favor of rural conservatives in particular which are baked into our current electoral system, but another major factor is that the American "center", when push comes to shove, bases its own vote on perceived grievance, just like the right, far, far more than it will ever admit; "sure, we wouldn't have a democracy anymore, but on the other hand we could really stick it to anyone who's ever used the term 'flyover country'". Nothing makes a right-wing candidate smile more broadly than hearing someone say he doesn't keep up with all that politics nonsense and just "goes with his gut" when he shows up at the polls.

Offer them all the social services and fiscal responsibility you want, none of the guys in diners the news networks rushed to interview in the aftermath of Election 2016 gave a rat's ass about any of that; again and again, they want to be heard, they want respect. Translation: a less in-your-face variant of yeeeahhhh fuck yooouuu yeeeahhh.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

BulletMagnet wrote: Offer them all the social services and fiscal responsibility you want, none of the guys in diners the news networks rushed to interview in the aftermath of Election 2016 gave a rat's ass about any of that; again and again, they want to be heard, they want respect. Translation: a less in-your-face variant of yeeeahhhh fuck yooouuu yeeeahhh.
You seem to be a bit obsessed with the concept of revenge. You may be projecting?

Here's why America is a pack of furrless big-brained freaks of nature on a sled to hell. :-)

First, a lot of people have a right to be upset and the Democrats haven't offered them anything of substance to vote for. We still never give people things to vote for. It's always vote against. And, regular people don't run for office. Even if a person wanted to, you can't get into a position of power without corporate money. Most of the candidates suck.

We're also over-obsessed with the presidency. The real problems are coming from our legislatures--and voters are largely disengaged from those elections.

There's also the problem that minorities know don't really matter to the government. People aren't stupid. What are young adults going to think when their parents and grandparents already told them that the government is rigged? It's more than dinner conversation, those young people soon know the deck is stacked from everyday experience.

Across the entire electorate, people are also fighting the grind of life. How is an average person supposed to keep up? We have other things to do besides wait in line to vote for some grifter we have never heard of. And, any time you meet a politician, lawyer, insurance person, or banker, you're talking to a grifter. There's nothing driving engagement. People aren't rushing out for revenge. They aren't going out and getting people into the legislature because they aren't motivated at all. Senate and House races are usually two grifters running against each other--and the third option is usually a libertarian crank nut job. They don't let honest people in.

There's nothing to vote "for". All we ever do is vote against shit in presidential elections. There's too much corporate money in the elections. People don't have enough confidence, time, or motivation to pay attention.

And, if someone dares to suggest that our current government technologies are insufficient and we need to keep thinking, they get labeled as dangerous traitors. The whole thing has become a religion and everyone (on both sides of the aisle) seems to worship the Constitution like a god. I guess that makes sense, because I don't think we could agree on a new one.

Finally, we have AOC out there committing unforced errors and selling utopia. She's the anti-Trump sometimes. With power comes responsibility. You can't just broadcast your mind when you're in a position of power.

"Defund the Police" (and go with the honor system) was actually a secret code for more social workers. *wink wink* *nudge nudge* ;-)

Hey, don't the take the things I say literally. It's a secret code! Are you fucking serious? You think that's a good idea? Saying that is a good idea? Really? Governing is about secret code phrases? Fuck.

Time and again, from climate to open borders, she clings to things that can't be done at all. It's not a negotiation. You ask for everything to open a negotiation, but this isn't a negotiation. It's life. You can't speak to people that way about policy goals. People need to hear the truth. You can't tell them that we don't need a border policy or that we can fix everything without sacrifice. Don't suggest we can live without police or a standing military, either. That shit is bonkers.

She poisons the well with extreme utopian fantasy. And, people like Hillary poisoned the word "realistic" with her shameless corporate funded triangulation. What do we get? We get: an environment where we can't really sit down and figure out any real sensible compromise. I'm sorry, but I'm not talking about revenge, here. The problem is: nothing works.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

"Defund the police" means "stop giving massive raises to the police", not "abolish the police".

Like "abolish profit", the left are really really bad at slogans since the world model we have is groomed from birth to be pro-capitalist as fuck. Every slogan they come up with has to start at the nearly impossible task of deprogramming people from what they've been told since they were children. (As George Carlin always says, children will believe any bullshit an adult tells them!) It's an impossible uphill task. You always end up with a giant wall of text like Tom Tomorrow.

(Frankly, I believe it's intentionally engineered that we that don't have the words to quickly describe the reforms we'd like.)

The police are a self-governing body like the Catholic Church was. There's really no oversight. If even the slightest change is to happen with them, literally the only leverage the government has to use is the carrot and stick of funding.

... fuck, this just reminded me that shit fucker who poisoned lots of people with lead for profit is getting off scott free. Motherfucker, we live in a world where literal batman villians run everything.
they can never seem to get it together when it matters like the right can
That's because there are no left candidates to vote for. Want to step on a minority or the poor in general? You have a million candidates. Want to support the New Deal? Want to vote against banks or imperialism? We have like two politicians like that in the entire country.

We have a republican president currently. We had a republican president before him. And a republican before him. And a republican before him. Why the hell would 'leftists' be interested in supporting that? It's like asking them to eat a shit sandwich, you have to beat a leftist into a broken shell of a person that doesn't believe anything can ever get better, to have them feel good about doing that.

While I'll admit president Joe Manchin is 3% more republican than the average Dem, they're still hella republican.

The whole Seder thing of ordering people to vote for one fewer concentration camps is a self defeating strategy. We're already fuckin' dead, debating the merit of the country being nuked 3,999 times instead of 4,000 is an exercise for pedants, not humans. Elevate a down ballot DSA candidate with that airtime instead, ffs.

Ah, the latest Biden meme making the rounds. Very inspiring leadership. Much vote-getting they will have.

Argh... and being able to see behind the curtain isn't great for anyone's mental health or the democrat's attempt at kayfabe. Here's current white house counsel-lady Remus defending Alito's honor from a wretched satirist. The same white house that did not have a planned response for when Roe was gone, despite every rando person on the planet knowing it was coming. Why is the white house staff full of republicans like this? What a mystery.

"Hi Joe, I worked for Satan for ten years." "Great! Yer hired!"
“Rudderless, aimless and hopeless” is how one Democratic member of Congress described the White House.

Who was this 'Democratic member' ?
Liz? AOC? One of the 'progressive caucus' or 'Squad' idiots?
^ Here's your 'opposition party' in shill mode. The question isn't why leftists aren't excited to give these people power, but why anyone with a brain or a soul would want to? They're even losing their core supporters these days.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

orange808 wrote:First, a lot of people have a right to be upset and the Democrats haven't offered them anything of substance to vote for. We still never give people things to vote for. It's always vote against.
Presumably you (and Bryan), aside from having repeatedly seen my recurring thoughts on the subject here since, well, forever, noticed that I used the phrase "what passes for the American left" in my most recent posting, so I'm assuredly in the same camp as far as wishing non-plutocratic politics had a greater presence is concerned, but I'm not talking about people who don't vote for Democrats, I'm talking about those who, even when "conventional wisdom" says they shouldn't, actively do vote for the GOP. En masse.

If nobody on the ballot appeals to you, you either stay home or put "Mickey Mouse" as a write-in candidate (this is, of course, half of the reason we wound up with President Trump, but we're focused on the other half for the moment); you don't vote for the person whose platform is the most blatantly opposed to both your interests and your values unless you're vicariously aiming to stick your thumb in somebody else's eye.

As for the gaffes committed by The Squad and others, I'm not going to say they haven't been counterproductive at times, but I also can't help but note that "grab 'em by the pussy" and "two Corinthians" - just for starters - did absolutely nothing to dissuade the suburban soccer moms and "values voters" - or any other "frustrated" parties - from turning out in droves for Trump and remaining affixed there ever since. Something is keeping the right from letting their candidates' "less considered" moments (and, y'know, their entire platform) affect their attitudes, let alone their actions, to pretty much any extent, and pure spite is the only common element I can detect across the seemingly incompatible groups that never step out of line no matter what happens. It's always, always, always there.
You seem to be a bit obsessed with the concept of revenge. You may be projecting?
The only "revenge" I can claim to want for most folks is that they, regardless of how they vote or have voted in the past, have reliable and affordable health care, housing, the ability to easily vote, clean air and water, a living wage, the ability to send their kids to school without worrying about them being shot, and so forth. About the only "bloodletting" I advocate in pursuit of this "vengeance" is making the tiny handful of people who have ascended to near-godhood over the past half-century give considerably more back, in terms of both money and power, to the country (and the world) that has enabled them to lead existences the rest of us can't even begin to fathom.

Meanwhile, those very same fellow citizens are voting for candidates who, just off the cuff, want my boss to completely control my life, the ability to completely overrule my vote because in their heart they just know I cheated, and the power to fine or arrest me because I openly criticized someone for using a racial slur and made them feel bad about it. Presumably women, gays, etc. have even more to complain about than I do.

Maybe I am just high on my own fumes at this point, but I do like to think my aforementioned desired endgame for those on the other end of the political spectrum can stand as relatively non-onerous by comparison.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Even on a sliding scale, it's hard to see the liberals as left of anything. The class war is capital versus labor. Capitalist and anti-capitalist. The libs... considering they always side with fascism over taking a 5% pay cut... mislabeling them as such is a contributing reason there is no left presence in USian mind palaces.

Bill Burr, the vampire-priests on TV... they're not voting against their interests when they side against reinstating the income tax. (It really hurt seeing Bill Burr that unhinged, frothing at the mouth like that. Shows you how capitalism makes us all complicit - if the only way to survive is to become a vampire, who else will be left in their old age but vampires?) As for the normies who aren't as plugged into watching the actual sausage factory do its thing, well, they have been voting D. They've been voting for the D so hard. Most of them don't live in a swing state so it doesn't matter whatsoever though.

A guy from Uruguay was dunkin' on us today, which was humiliating. Yeah, they have more democracy down there. Our system needs to be blown up and replaced with something marginally better.

Literal accelerationists are unicorns, you might as well disregard them completely. If it makes you feel any better, 70% of the country doesn't want Biden and 60% doesn't want Trump. I mean, that's what we're going to get, but nobody is going to like it.

Btw, the presidential election is normally supposed to start on December. But rumors suggest Trump will announce his bid earlier than normal. So I hope everyone enjoyed your 1.5 year vacation; the elections, they never end.

Oh, and over a dozen shootings for the fourth and the identity of the mayo killer were released. Murdering someone for putting too much mayo on a sandwich is such a sign of the times.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Koa Zo »

This is sad and terrible. Shinzo Abe shot twice in the back.

edit: I see this was posted in the deadpool/tragedies thread.
Figured political assassination fit with prelude to the apocalypse.
However, at this point, reporting and statements from the murderer so far do not indicate a broader political motive or conspiracy.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

A small taste of the shenanigans to come in the wake of the Dobbs decision. Wait 'til they get to the likes of frozen embryos and surrogate mothers. (Not to mention the whole "you have no right to privacy" thing.)
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by GaijinPunch »

RegalSin wrote:New PowerPuff Girls. They all have evil pornstart eyelashes.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by ED-057 »

If it pleases you, dear reader, take a gander at this juicy collection of evidence implicating multiple crimes. Then take a moment to consider 1) all the people who had knowledge of it and kept quiet 2) all the people who lied and said there was no story 3) the censorship campaign aimed at making the story stay hidden
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by GaijinPunch »

Oh no! Prostitution! What a fucking scandal! Gaetz fucked under aged prostitutes and is still a Senator for God's party.
RegalSin wrote:New PowerPuff Girls. They all have evil pornstart eyelashes.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by ED-057 »

Oh no! Prostitution! What a fucking scandal! Gaetz fucked under aged prostitutes and is still a Senator for God's party.
That isn't the scandal, numb nuts. Some people are always intent on missing the point even when it is spelled out for them in the plainest possible terms.

So tell me, you got censored by big tech for saying that about Gaetz, right? right? right? right? right? right? right? right? right? right? right?
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BIL »

Burgerland Senki Vol. 722: Nazo no Pedo Pete :shock: Image
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Durandal »

ED-057 wrote:
Oh no! Prostitution! What a fucking scandal! Gaetz fucked under aged prostitutes and is still a Senator for God's party.
That isn't the scandal, numb nuts. Some people are always intent on missing the point even when it is spelled out for them in the plainest possible terms.

So tell me, you got censored by big tech for saying that about Gaetz, right? right? right? right? right? right? right? right? right? right? right? ... yped_query

Don't seem like it.
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

The top post was something about lefties saying Hunter Biden is the king?

I don't know of anyone on the left who views Hunter as more than an embarrassment at best, the bipartisan nature of corrupt nepotism at worst.

Did this person listen to a Chapo Trap House clip about Hunter and think they were serious? Is this like the righties who were entirely oblivious to the satire of The Colbert Report?
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

ED-057 wrote:If it pleases you, dear reader, take a gander at this juicy collection of evidence implicating multiple crimes. Then take a moment to consider 1) all the people who had knowledge of it and kept quiet 2) all the people who lied and said there was no story 3) the censorship campaign aimed at making the story stay hidden
This whole thing has been sad from the start. I almost feel sorry for right wing media muckrakers who are still trying to make fetch happen with this.

1. He's not a politician.
2. He's not in public office.
3. He's not a government employee.
4. He's not running for anything.
5. He's not president.

I could write a billion more versions of that, but you only need the first one to understand why this has never been a story. There was no media cover up. It's that literally nobody cared except for right wing media sock puppets who were told to care. "Fucked up rich kid on drugs" wasn't connected to matters of state. It wasn't going to stick as a Joe Biden character issue because after 8 years in the White House and 40 years in the senate he was very much a known quantity. That's why the democrats rigged their primary to put him on the ballot to begin with. As a public figure he was safely, reliably, boring and known.

The Trump campaign sent Rudy to the Ukraine to try & dig up dirt (and he did such a clumsy job putting out feelers it was in the papers literally before it happened). Trump got impeached for illegally trying to withhold military aid to Ukraine, putting the screws to a foreign power under threat of invasion to get them to find anything on Hunter that could help Trump against his political opponent. Both of those things are actual, real corruption carried out by political figures using public money. But worse, they're evidence of how dumb they are, that they spent so much time and political capital on something that would never matter from the start. The idea that swing voters were going to care more about the potential crooked business dealings of a guy who wasn't even in the election than Trump's actual resume of court convicted crooked business dealings was something only a complete doofus would get themselves on tape and impeached over.

Like, let's look at this story, and assume 100% of it is true.
documents, texts and videos that show he spent a staggering $30,000 on escorts in a five-month period.
Ok, so 1/4 of what Trump paid Stormy Daniels using laundered campaign donations to keep quiet about him doinking her in a hotel. This might be the glassiest glass that glass houses have ever been made of.

The material has been in the FBI's hands since December 2019, raising the prospect that its investigation into Hunter could lead to charges over his dealings with prostitutes – though experts say prosecutions over prostitution charges alone are rare.
In other words the feds already passed on this years ago. When Joe Biden wasn't even in office and was just chilling, collecting fat cheques on the speaking circuit. Why?
Former FBI agent Dennis Lormel said an investigation into the hooker payments would likely focus on the person supplying the prostitutes, but could ensnare Hunter as a john.

'From a federal standpoint, he would be caught up, but I would be looking more at the apparent madam and making a case against her and expanding that,' Lormel told
Because, as he states, they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, and they weren't going to get that if they even wanted to take the trouble - because the payoff (likely a fine) would not in any way be worth the time, money & effort. So there is nothing that smells of coverup here. Particularly because...
The president's son is currently the subject of a federal investigation which is reportedly examining potential tax crimes, money laundering and alleged illegal foreign lobbying linked to his overseas business dealings.
...he's under investigation anyway. Do I think Hunter could wind up with a stiff fine for trying to hide the escort money trail? He seems to do a lot of crackheaded things and covers his tracks with neon paint, so no, that wouldn't shock me. But what would shock me is if a guy who survived in the shark pool of US senate politics as long as Joe Biden did would leave any smoking bank statements. Hunter does not in any way seem like the kind of guy dad would be entrusting to run point on his graft. It's literally numbers 6 & 7 of Biggie Smalls' Ten Crack Commandments.

Number 6, that goddamn credit? Dead it
You think a crackhead paying you back, shit forget it!

7, this rule is so underrated
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

That's one way to look at it.

The other way to look at it: Trump gave his followers a fun and entertaining story to remain engaged in while reminding everyone else that politics is horrible shit that no one should care about. I know I love being reminded of democrats receiving some of their bribes from their family and friends being given stacks of cash through "jobs".

The very idea anyone on the side of capital would be punished for anything is such a quaint fairytale these days. Even as a joke, it's way too stale to have any life left in it. You can dump lead into the water supply and as long as you managed to make a buck off it somehow, it's all cool man.

As for the fictional Chapo version of the man, well. There is a grain of 5% of truth in the bit, which is why it works. Hunter is a way better failson than Don Junior. They both pissed themselves in bed sure, but Hunter has knocked up a lot more women he doesn't pay child support to, and never got slapped by his dad for not wearing a suit to a baseball game.

I don't even know 100% if Hunter is a pedo or not, no one spoil it for me I need to discover it organically.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

BryanM wrote:The very idea anyone on the side of capital would be punished for anything is such a quaint fairytale these days.
Sounds like somebody's got a case of the sour grapes for being left out of the Inner Circle.


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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

That's awesome. :mrgreen: But, it isn't a real gold card without a picture of Teddy Savalas! Boomers love that kind of sh*t.

In other news, foreign policy makes every head of state bend into pretzels. I wish Biden would use a more disciplined approach to commenting on other nations. There's a Biden comment in today's news from his trip that made me shudder. Can't say it directly, though. Almost nobody can. Lots of ways to smear and cancel these days.

It would be even better if we could just tell the truth. We don't govern the other nations our head of states is visiting and we don't always have the option to "cancel" others. We must agree to disagree on a lot of things. It sucks. I'm not saying it's okay to let a foriegn militaries march into other nations. There are red lines. On the other hand, we have allies and energy partners that we cannot "cancel" for doing things that we don't like. It sucks. Doesn't mean we have to offer any endorsements, though! "No comment" is better.

I know, I know. I'm evil (again). I acknowledged the frustrating realities. It's the internet and I'm a pleb, so I should parrot a utopian impossible "heal the world" and "cancel everyone" philosophy. :-) Sorry.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

orange808 wrote:That's awesome. :mrgreen: But, it isn't a real gold card without a picture of Teddy Savalas! Boomers love that kind of sh*t.
I mean, it's not a real credit card either way. It's just a card. Its only function is that it gives Ron DeSantis $20, and gives you lies about him knowing you exist. It does bring you one step closer to the freedom-topia of college professors having to publicly register their political beliefs though. Just like the founding fathers surely intended but probably just forgot to write down.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Lots happened last week. For good apocalypse vibes, have a listen to a Flying Beagle.

For those wanting to make anime real as an escape hatch, perusing Dall-E 2 images might give you some smol hope. My favorites are Homer Simpson in Spirited Away, and the Smol Grill Riding Her Cat Through Space and Time. You might enjoy the Pulp Fiction characters, or the muscular men hugging their anime pillows, though. (One poster notes the general shittiness of it all might have been a downwind effect of their efforts of censorship - the model should be capable of better than this.)

I'd call making Biden to work as their acting puppet is elder abuse, if he wasn't completely evil and didn't want it. Forcing him to ride a bike and then him falling over was deeply disturbing. Well, at least it's better than some alternatives. Can you believe there are people against electing fossils? Is there any idea more stupid than that? Aren't the Clinton and Obama dynasties enough? Why do they want to suffer an additional 90 years with the Buttigieg dynasty? With Biden at least his line ends with him... along with the rest of the world sure, but, silver linings.

Twitter having a showdown with Musk is a typical giant monster fight. It is amusing that there might be an actual consequence for Musk being such a brazen stock pumper; if he actually has to buy Twitter his life is basically over as Tesla stock evaporates into the toilet paper it actually is. Hopefully his publicity stunts and trolls will continue to escalate.

The Yukon is having a lovely melting time. It's a bit amusing how Alaska's been steadily ticking more blue capitalist every presidential election (sans the Clinton outlier of course). Not that they would do anything to save them, but you know how it is, appearances.

Boris being bullied out of power is vaguely amusing. I really enjoy the British people's version of term limits: how their entire party stabs knives into their leader's back so one of them can get a shot at being the next hated leader. It seems so much more pure and wholesome than the royalty bullshit we have going on over here.

The Sri Lanka pool party seems pretty cool. One of the chiller revolutions, for now. The sea of people liberating it from the pigs was something else.

Jerone Davison has this insane ku klux klan ad. Much like I was disappointed that the show Survivor wasn't literally The Running Man... well, in the future ads like this will have actual shooting and blood in them, I have faith in them. I feel so bad for The Onion because how do you even. The next step up from this is literally murdering people, which isn't funny. (You can only do that joke once, and they used it ten years ago.) Then what's the next step up from genocide? Where do you go? There's no way to satirize this stuff.

There is some reported resistance against Joe Manchin's little kingdom. It won't matter since there's more than ten others willing to take the villain role at a snap, but putting a small dent in their number would be a win. Senators are serious shit, each one of them is worth 2% of all the power in the world.
DeSantis VIP gold card
P'ft. Bernie sent me an entire book for two cent. Stupid socialist.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

Sengoku Strider wrote:
orange808 wrote:That's awesome. :mrgreen: But, it isn't a real gold card without a picture of Teddy Savalas! Boomers love that kind of sh*t.
I mean, it's not a real credit card either way. It's just a card. Its only function is that it gives Ron DeSantis $20, and gives you lies about him knowing you exist. It does bring you one step closer to the freedom-topia of college professors having to publicly register their political beliefs though. Just like the founding fathers surely intended but probably just forgot to write down.
Obviously! Only conservatives should be allowed to take jobs. That's how "freedumb" works! :-)
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

Newsweek wrote:The latest filings show that Trump brought in at least $36 million in the first half of this year through online donations - down from $56 million over the same period in 2021 - and notably less than DeSantis.

The former president's fundraising committees brought in about $17 million during the first quarter of this year.

The Florida governor, who has often been discussed as a potential presidential candidate, raised about $45 million over the first six months of 2022.
That's 2,250,000 gold cards, man's inner circle is massive. Dude rolls deeper than peak shiny-suit era Diddy.

I can't believe Napoleon-level tactics like this weren't able to keep up:


Although I kinda am willing to believe that all Don jr. was entrusted with was going through the donor spreadsheet to harass people into paying to sign a birthday card. I don't know where they fit all the personalized messages though:


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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

Redundant Query: When the good guy with a gun around Indiana shot the other guy with a gun, did all the dead people get 1ups?

Just asking. I see everyone thrusting their hips around and celebrating. Are the corpses that are now dead forever dancing and celebrating?

No. They're dead.

Just thought I'd point that out. Can't stop an active shooter until after people start fucking dying. I win. Why? Because, I'm right and (in this case) facts and logic have a "left" bias.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

Clearly you don't understand that life is an R-rated action movie and I'm the protagonist.

How else can I show off my cool gun unless other people are placed in mortal danger?
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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To Far Away Times
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by To Far Away Times »

I'm sure the three people that died were proud to sacrifice their lives so that we could have our 2A freedumbs and someone could be a hero.

The gun nutters also thank you for the upcoming sacrifices around the nation in the only country where this happens regularly.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Specineff »

To Far Away Times wrote:I'm sure the three people that died were proud to sacrifice their lives so that we could have our 2A freedumbs and someone could be a hero.

The gun nutters also thank you for the upcoming sacrifices around the nation in the only country where this happens regularly.
So what's the score now? Good Guys With A Gun 2 - Mass Shooters +1?
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by GaijinPunch »

Specineff wrote: So what's the score now? Good Guys With A Gun 2 - Mass Shooters +1?
I thought they were at with this one.
RegalSin wrote:New PowerPuff Girls. They all have evil pornstart eyelashes.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

RawStory wrote:After invoking the Fifth Amendment and executive privilege more than 100 times to refuse to answer questions from the January 6th Committee on Tuesday, former White House aide Garrett Ziegler opened a livestream to vent his frustrations to his followers in a nearly 30-minute rant laden with white nationalist grievance on Telegram.

I'm sure they're just blowing this out of proportion. Let's see what this upstanding young God-fearing gentleman has to say about Neocon scion Liz Cheney and the Jan 6th committee.
“They’re Bolsheviks so they probably do hate the Fifth Amendment, and most white people in general,” he said. “This is a Bolshevist, anti-white campaign…. They see me as a young Christian who they can basically try to scare.”

Ziegler, who reshares white nationalist Nicholas Fuentes’ content and has called Cambodia a “s***hole country” on his Telegram channel, quickly added: “I’m the least racist person that many of you have ever met, by the way. I have no bigotry. I just try to see the world for where it is.”

Then, his rant veered into misogyny when he lamented that no one else in his generation was defying the January 6th committee, because “the other people in the White House are total hos and thots.”
I know what's on this guy's hard drive.
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To Far Away Times
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by To Far Away Times »

I wish we could all be as smart as that guy. He's got it all figured out and we're just sheeple.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

:roll: Bolsheviks were/are indeed anti-white. I've never met a white russian. :lol:
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