Prelude to the Apocalypse

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Iran War. When.

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

FinalBaton wrote:would a battalion ever send troops somewhere that didn't help them in any way to advance toward their objective? wasting resources and man/hours in the process?
It's more a matter of the opposing army, even after you've made numerous efforts to negotiate, declaring that it's just going to overwhelm and slaughter you, no survivors; the only question is whether you sit there and let them slaughter you or go down resisting.

I'll ask for a third time: what should they have done instead?
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

They don't have a real answer to that because they're not remotely leftist.

An agitator like me would point out that the USA is probably the last country on earth that protects slavery in its constitution. These agitators would also suggest that if we had a congress of actual human beings, the 13th amendment would be fixed within a month from now.

The liberal hates hearing this fact, since slavery is one of those inarguably "bad" things now thanks to the hard work of a bunch of communists and Quakers in the past. So the liberal, more interested in their personal mental comfort (identical to how Barbara Bush didn't want to bother her "beautiful" mind sparing a thought for dead Iraqi civilians) will bat this fact aside to justify their continued inaction: it's a lie, it's exaggerated, it's "different" now, it's a "conspiracy theory", that can't be true, these people are annoying, etc, etc. Anything to safely ignore it, as it doesn't affect them personally.

The fascist would just argue those people deserve it - glossing over how it kills jobs in the labor market, harming the fascist themselves. It's really about causing pain to an outgroup for them.

"Tone policing" is just a form of concern trolling to waste everyone's time. There is no tone or trick you can use to convince someone who prefers the status quo to a world where we favor those with all the money and all the power slightly less. They hate bullying because it works, and because it's literally the only weapon we have. Just like it was in the past, with stuff like women's suffrage and so on.

"Please disarm yourself and let me continue beating you for another 50 years" is what's being conveyed there.

(Also note how the liberal's conflict aversion warps their worldview: the world is constantly in change, nothing ever stays exactly the same. The status quo itself is not a static state, it's currently going in a vector toward a specific direction. A difference between liberals and fascists is that fascists are at least actually aware that they're fighting for change.)

(Also note that stuff like how Fox News demonizes the poor is by definition "screeching and bullying". That shit really works!)
Mischief Maker wrote:If you told me 15 months ago that I'd walk away from this primary with a higher opinion of Marianne Williamson than Liz Warren, I'd have called you a crazy person. But here we are.

I did not expect her to commit career suicide over a couple snake emojis. I mean she had to know she was persona-non-grata on Wall Street and the only job available to her in a hypothetical Biden White House would be "tour guide," right? Was Bloomberg paying off one of her consultants to dose her morning coffee with LSD? It would certainly explain Big Structural Bailey:
I'd have told you a hundred times out of a hundred that Williamson was better than Liz. And I knew jack shit about Mary. Shit, by now you're probably seriously considering my argument that Yang was toward the top of that pile (damning with faint praise here) because "at least he's talking about offering something material". We've all seen how much just getting people thinking and talking about what's possible can do.

Warren hasn't committed career suicide - she's 70 years old, she'll win her reelection in 2024 by a landslide if she wants it, and she can retire to collect her checks from wall street at any time. She isn't like guys like Ro Khanna who have to actually bend to the wind, due to their youth.

The only question I had about her was if Bailey was a prop like Socks was, to be discarded after the race was over.

(And of course the emojis had nothing to do with anything. She stuck the knife in Sanders with her lie before snakegate, remember? She was always a weapon against him from the start, they have never been on the same team. She's a capitalist, not a leftist nor a reformist. All the stuff about passing reforms eight years after she's done being president and has no power to push for them, was a lie.)
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by FinalBaton »

BulletMagnet wrote:I'll ask for a third time: what should they have done instead?
Who knows what they should have done, it's up for them to figure out. It's hard to speculate what would have turned out different had they din't, but they would have put their time and energy elsewhere and maybe some changes of strategy would have emerged from that. regarding which candidates to filed/push. Sometimes, little tweaks in strategy and preparation go a long way

And as I'll say for the third time : it's one of many things they mishandled, so it's not the sole area to point for blame
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Ten Seconds Ago wrote:They don't have a real answer to that
lol "who knows"

Anyway, I have a real answer: purchase a major television network. If we don't have the budget for that, use infomercials to buy time.

For the liberals, they should change nothing strategically. Joe Biden is the perfect liberal candidate, they're scientifically engineered in a lab to lose. For them they're doing everything perfectly, everything's working without a hitch.

The err the some people have is they think Joe doesn't want to retire and kick back after Trump's reelected. So naive.

The Maddows of the world can't get any ratings under a Democrat regime, it's terrible for them.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by FinalBaton »

okay self-proclaimed Martin Luther King Jr. lmao (how high can one be, of his opinion of himself, really?)

so you're saying this whole impeachment thing was worth it? so what were the benefits of that adventure, exactly?

name me 1 serious benefit of this ordeal for the objective that is : defeating Trump(knowing full well that it was gonna fail).
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Yes, Martin was a democratic socialist and would be hated far more than Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are if he were still alive today.
FinalBaton wrote:so you're saying this whole impeachment thing was worth it? so what were the benefits of that adventure, exactly?
The benefit is that they get Trump reelected. That was the purpose of that, besides acting as a distraction of anything of material concern, and creating an illusion of "resistance". So the rubes ignore how they rubberstamp his bills for him.

You're acting like the democrats and republicans are oppositional here, when they factually are not. They have shared donors and shared interests. This is like... I dunno? Really basic stuff here. Politics on television is wrestling.

"The purpose of the president isn't to wield power, but to attract attention from those who do." - Adams, 1981

The most powerful people on the planet aren't stupid. Definitely not more stupid than those who actually buy kayfabe.
name me 1 serious benefit of this ordeal for the objective that is : defeating Trump
Name me one serious reason why you think their objective is defeating Trump?

They get paid the same if they win or lose, remember.

Nancy Pelosi's faction controls the house and they never had to give the senate the ability to vote Trump "not guilty" and give him good press. She could have held it up forever and lied saying the republicans were blocking her to protect Trump, and that would have been a decent ending to the storyline if the goal was to earn points for her team. It's a tactic republicans use all the time.

also note: You care more about Trump than how our 13th amendment protects slavery. Trump is completely transient and irrelevant in comparison.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Queen Charlene »

defeating Trump won't defeat the systems that allowed Trump to take power. the President of the United States is a figurehead and nothing more.

if Biden wins, everything stays the same, but then all of the Kathies and Dons of the Democrats could act holier than thou and accomplish nothing while the country continues to go to shit and fan the flames of war and profit. meanwhile, all of the nationalists making the world hell can continue to do what they do without being punished for it, but at least it's not a Trump presidency!

meanwhile, if Trump wins, everything stays the same, but then all the capitalists, warhawks and nationalists can commit unspeakable acts upon non-white, non-male individuals the same way they always have, while also talking big about the measly $1200 that a fraction of the population will be able to claim and talking about how Trump is God himself -- again, nothing changes.

it's fucked, and it's fucked because this is the very backbone of American society. it always has been, and as long as we all collectively continue to accept it, it always will be.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by FinalBaton »

Sure, I agree with all that. The backbone itself is messed up.

But why did you all wanted Bernie then, if it makes no change? Why get so invested in this particular Pokemin?
(Bryan did give his take already on this)

Here in ''Cuckada'', it is pretty much ''socialism-lite'' (especially in Québec). There are still some things to fight, like for-profit education system (although it is a heck of a lot cheaper than the US), and some stuff that has nothing to do with Right or Left but that instead needs to be fought ''on the street'' (Yacht owners using fiscal paradises). But we do have a pretty hefty amount of social programs and I am thankful for that. althought there's still plenty tweaks to be done and gimmickry to get rid of(parties sitting on bonuses, bad budgets etc).

I do hope US citizens will get more social programs, and a more meaningful choice of candidates/parties (right now it seems pretty useless indeed)
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Queen Charlene »

FinalBaton wrote:Sure, I agree with all that. The backbone itself is messed up.

But why did you all wanted Bernie then, if it makes no change?
the main difference is that Biden cannot (and will always refuse to) be changed in any way. Biden literally created the policies that created Trump. he has shown absolutely no true desire to change his platform, and almost every announcement he makes just pushes him farther right. Biden is indistinguishable from any Republican in office.

at least with Bernie, at the very least, there is a higher chance that he would actually listen to the concerns of the people and work to enact the things that we need in our lives. he literally spent the later half of his campaign not even campaigning because he was too busy working to give actual aid to the people who need it and working to actually spread the word of progressive change. not to mention Bernie has a storied history of protesting and fighting for the rights of those who live within marginalized identities and communities dating as far back as before photos were capable of being printed in color. Biden, on the other hand, only has history in war profiteering and hard capitalism (he's even trying to pressure re-opening the country when it's in one of the worst states it's ever been, wanting to put millions of people back to work to "keep the economy going", completely ignoring the fact that people are going to die).

this is why Bernie is someone that we wanted to put faith in; there is far more faith that he would actually be willing to listen to the people. this is also why he was never truly destined to win against Biden. Biden and Trump will both allow the people who are truly in power (the companies and the politicians) to continue to profit off of pain and suffering, and in fact, will gladly increase pain and suffering if it means more profits for the 1%. so to them, and to the rest of us, it literally does not matter which one of these two rapists wins the office.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by FinalBaton »

Thanks for your answer Queen Charlene, that was well explained take
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by cj iwakura »

Except that Biden and Sanders are in the same party, and he'll listen to what Sanders has to say and maybe give him a cabinet role.

Both of which are impossible in a Trump presidency.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Queen Charlene »

there is no discernible difference from the Democratic and the Republican party in 2020. Joe Biden giving Bernie Sanders a role in cabinet is absolutely laughable of an idea -- it is far more likely that he will pick a woman that he can fondle and harass and smell and leave Bernie to rot. don't fall for the con -- this is just 2016: the second chapter.

additionally, Bernie will never get a role in the Senate or any sort of cabinet because he fundamentally represents everything the Democrats and the Republicans don't want; he's a progressive candidate who wants to gut significant elements of the system and empower the people. an empowered, healthy, and well educated people is not a people that can be milked and manipulated for greater profit gain and stock market benefit. and we've already seen that the government will literally throw away votes and lie in order to get what they want. this is not something that just magically "happened" under Trump, the building blocks of all of this were constructed decades ago, before any of us were even born. Obama (and Biden) did nothing to stop this, and in many ways, only helped actively contribute to it (hello surveillance state!).
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by cj iwakura »

As long as Trump gets removed from office, I'll accept a return to the status quo. It's that bad as it is.

Imagine a candidate who doesn't shout out abrupt undiscussed policy changes and insult-slinging over twitter, good lord.
heli wrote:Why is milestone director in prison ?, are his game to difficult ?
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

If I can just interrupt this collective wrist-slitting and give some good news. Thanks to Bernie Sanders staying in the race and driving the youth vote, Jill Karofsky took back a Wisconsin supreme court seat away from a Scott Walker appointee.

I actually got called by a Sanders phone banker before the primary for some reason (wasn't I already on the list for my volunteer time?) so I told the guy just to skip the spiel and put me down as an enthusiastic "yes" then move on to someone who actually needed to hear the message, but the phonebanker took a moment to say he was also supposed to urge me to vote for Karofsky.

Thank you, Bernie! We'll take it from here.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Argh, I keep looking for his endorsement of Clinton back in the nineties... damn search results are jam full of worthless stupid fluff.... maybe rationalwiki or wikipedia has a source...

@$*(F.... a ton on the election stuff, barely a peep on the 90's which brought us to where we are today. Internet is really creepy like that, like the entire world didn't exist until the late 90's. An SCP kind of thing..

ah damnit I give up. If someone wants to be a hero and help me out, I'd be obliged.

It was one of the best, most backhanded endorsements ever, blood basically leaking out of his teeth as he was like "Bill Clinton is terrible, but Dick Armey, Newt, etc are the antichrist" and didn't campaign for him or anything like that since he wasn't important back then. As the avatar of those of us who eat shit, it's too bad he can't resign like that these days. The closest he got was back in 2016 when he said "people won't listen to me, and shouldn't listen to me" during one of the million times he was told to drop out and endorse Hillary by Johnny Newsguy.

I personally would love the Jesse Ventura/Chris Hedges candidate that threatens to run third party and then does, but I'm sure that would go similar to how Nader is called the antichrist by everyone even Democrat adjacent...

Edit: Found it. Thank god for forums, they remember what the news ticker seeks to bury:
Brother Bernie wrote:"In terms of who to support for president, the choice is really not difficult. I am certainly not a big fan of Bill Clinton’s politics. As a strong advocate of a single-payer health care system, I opposed his convoluted health care reform package. I have helped lead the opposition to his trade policies, which represent the interests of corporate America and which are virtually indistinguishable from the views of George Bush and Newt Gingrich. I opposed his bloated military budget, the welfare reform bill that he signed, and the so-called Defense of Marriage Act, which he supported. He has been weak on campaign finance reform and has caved in far too often on the environment. Bill Clinton is a moderate Democrat. I’m a democratic socialist.

Yet, without enthusiasm, I’ve decided to support Bill Clinton for president. Perhaps “support” is too strong a word. I’m planning no press conferences to push his candidacy, and will do no campaigning for him. I will vote for him, and make that public. Why? I think that many people do not perceive how truly dangerous the political situation in this country is today. If Bob Dole were to be elected president and Gingrich and the Republicans were to maintain control of Congress, we would see a legislative agenda unlike any in the modern history of this country. There would be an unparalleled war against working people and the poor, and political decisions would be made that could very well be irreversible.

Medicare and Medicaid would certainly be destroyed, and tens of millions more Americans would lose their health insurance. Steps would be taken to privatize Social Security, and the very existence of public education in America would be threatened. Serious efforts would be made to pass a constitutional amendment to ban abortion, affirmative action would be wiped out, and gay bashing would intensify. A flat tax would be passed, resulting in a massive shift in income from the working class to the rich, and all of our major environmental legislation would be eviscerated.

The Motor Voter bill would be repealed, and legislation making it harder for people to vote would be passed. Union-busting legislation would become law, the minimum wage would be abolished, and child labor would increase. Adults and kids in America would be competing for $3.00-an-hour jobs.

You think I’m kidding. You think I’m exaggerating. Well, I’m not. I work in Congress. I listen to these guys every day. They are very serious people. And the folks behind them, the Christian Coalition, the NRA, the Heritage Foundation, and others, are even crazier than they are. My old friend Dick Armey is not some wacko member of Congress laughed at by his colleagues. He is the Majority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives. Check out his views. No. I do not want Bob Dole to be president. I’m voting for Bill Clinton.

Do I have confidence that Clinton will stand up for the working people of this country—for children, for the elderly, for the folks who are hurting? No, I do not. But a Clinton victory could give us some time to build a movement, to develop a political infrastructure to protect what needs protecting, and to change the direction of the country."
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

So apparently Daddy doesn't even have the patience anymore to wait for McConnell to rubber-stamp his nominees and wants to just bypass Congress entirely.

A quick reminder tally for the suspiciously-quiet but totally good-faith Don't Tread On Me crowd:

More efficient light bulbs and having to ask for plastic straws at restaurants: Tyranny.

Repeatedly asserting absolute power over both the entire federal government and the states? Peachy Keen! :lol:
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Back in 2015 I remember talking to a guy who non-ironically called Trump a "patriarch". I suppose he subscribed to the fantasy version of that term.

Dead Homer Society once wrote that of all the forms of authority it undermined, the #1 sin of The Simpsons was that it portrayed TV Dad as a buffoon. This older generation who grew up on Leave It To Beaver really do just want a Strong Dad to take care of them.

Bill Cosby, the character vs the actual person, is probably the best demonstration of the fantasy versus reality of what patriarchy really means.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

Okay, it's been a week.

I had this funny analogy in mind that I'm like a Game of Thrones fan saying Daenerys' psycho turn in the final season was a complete betrayal of years of character-building around her being a justice-minded reformer, and BryanM is telling me, "no, no, this has all been foreshadowed since the beginning," but wow, the more I think about it the more GoT predicted this awful primary season. Specifically GoT after they ran out of books and those hacks D&D had to start writing.

The Night King is the looming threat of climate Armageddon.

Liz Warren is Daenerys. People have been building her up for years as the savior, the breaker of chains. Sure, she might have had some racially problematic moments, but for sure she's going to be the one to help us fight back the night king when the time comes. After all, she has her legendary dragons/plans for that! Unfortunately her "flying too low over the iron fleet" moment came during the debates when The Rat asked her if she can provide medicare for all without raising middle class taxes, and just like the ballistaes showing her dragons had the fortitude of hummingbirds, Liz Warren went, "Oh fuck fuck fuck!" slapped a ridiculous head count tax onto her medicare for all plan before scrapping the whole thing and descending into an emotional wreck.

Things got even worse when she saw that the bros of the north liked Jon Snow (Bernie) more than her. And when Jon Snow rebuffed her sexually after learning she was his aunt/Bernie denied her attempt to #metoo him, she said, "then let it be fear"/stomped over to Bernie with a hot mic and said, "I think you just called me a liar on national TV!" So when the bells of surrender were ringing in King's Landing/the moderates were all dropping out and endorsing Biden, she went nuts and nuked all the common people she'd been claiming to want to save from the very start/split the progressive vote to the political benefit of the man whose awful bankruptcy bill was supposedly the whole reason for her entering politics in the first place. Daenerys' creepy fascist speech in the ash covered King's Landing was Warren's dancing selfie with Kate McKinnon.

Bernie Sanders, as I said, is Jon Snow. Despised by the powerful for being a bastard/socialist, but beloved by all the common people on the receiving end of the Night King's depredations despite the cultural/age difference. By his birth/public opinion polls on the issues, he is the rightful king. And based on his well-documented record he's the best anyone in this dark universe can hope for. Unfortunately his biggest weakness is that he doesn't really want to rule and will pounce on any opportunity to bend the knee and pass the responsibility to someone else. His second-biggest weakness is overestimating the rationality of everyone else in the setting, Jon Snow thinks he can dump an ice zombie in Cersei's lap and she'll clearly understand the need to put this existential threat above her petty vendettas/Bernie thinks he can appeal no pudding-brained Boomers by setting aside mudslinging and focusing on the issues.

Plus his enemies are ridiculously powerful. Dana Bash is the zombie dragon, denying him the chance to chase down and face the Night King/denying his request to fact-check Biden's lies about his social security record, so he's reduced to screaming impotently at the zombie dragon/telling voters to, "go to the youtube."

Joe Biden is Brandon Stark. A thoroughly useless character who's mentally out to lunch, who gets dragged around by other people convinced he's going to be the savior, but he never accomplishes ANYTHING. Just like when Bran warged into the tree without the raven's supervision and accidentally let the Night King break through the tree's magic barrier to kill the raven and all the forest children, Joe Biden told Harry Reid to step aside during budget negotiations with Mitch McConnell when the odds were completely in Reid's favor since the Bush tax cuts had a rapidly approaching expiration date, and Biden ended up making the Bush tax cuts permanent, a result that was literally worse than doing nothing.
Every time someone tries to speak to Bran/Biden and partake of his magic wisdom, all he does is say things that are disconcerting with just a touch of the sexually inappropriate: "Sansa you were so pretty when I watched you getting raped on your wedding night/I got hairy legs and kids liked to rub my legs and watch the hairs stand up."

But just when it looked like the old order was being smashed, a star chamber of oligarchs decided to appoint Bran/Biden to be the king, probably knowing that since he was on some far away mental plane that they would be the ones pulling the strings in his name.

Tyrion (and I'm talking about the D&D-written Tyrion) is an old Iraq War Neocon turned never-Trump pundit welcomed with open arms into the #resistance. He has the reputation as the cleverest man in the world, and so his counsel is eagerly sought, but his advice is always dogshit, "We should make nice with Cersei, she always keeps her word!/The way to beat Trump is with a Hillary Clinton-esque centrist!" People more in the know see him talking the the council of Oligarchs at the end and say, "why is this guy being allowed to direct the conversation? Shouldn't he be in jail for war crimes?"

Cersei is Mitch McConnell. A character whose career is defined by slaughtering sacred process cows and taking the nuclear option, often at the same time, yet everybody is convinced they'll listen to reason.

Trump is Craster. An obscene corpulent blowhard with deep insecurities who lusts after his daughters and casts aside his male heirs. Just as Craster is willing to make deals with the Night King so he can run his incestuous compound in peace, Trump is willing to wave off MBS of Saudi Arabia chopping up reporters with bone saws if MBS will do financial deals with him on the side and take that money-pit high rise off his idiot son-in-law's hands. Establishment Republicans show deference to him because he's the only shelter they have in the political wilderness, but the instant he falls out of favor they'll gut him just like they did Bush jr.

Andrew Yang is Petyr Baelish. He comes across as a friend and ally, offering you $1000 a month for nothing, what a nice guy! But if you read the fine print you'll realize he's a sinister libertarian trojan horse. You can't get his pitiful UBI unless you relinquish all other forms of disability, food stamps, and other government safety net, opening the door to them being destroyed once their headcount falls low enough. And the whole thing won't be paid for with a wealth tax but instead a regressive VAT tax that's pitched as a tax on Jeff Bezos, but in reality will fall entirely on the shoulders of consumers. And he outlined this whole sinister plan on the Dave Rubin show, a white-nationalist-friendly platform that even The Rat was smart enough to cancel his appearance on. The Yang Gang is poor crazy Lysa Arryn, desperately in love with him, but destined to go tumbling through the moon door by his hand.

Marianne Williamson is D&D's sexied-up version of Maggie the Frog. On one hand she's a kooky figure with all her mystic woo, on the other hand in her brief appearance she cut straight to the moral rot in the system.

Um... Jaime Lannister is Glenn Beck, losing his Fox show was like losing his sword hand, who shacked up with Samantha Bee/Brienne of Tarth at his lowest moment. She was thrilled to bring him on the side of the #resistance, but once he got it in/realized there was no money in #nevertrump, he immediately ran back to Cersei, leaving her crying in the snow.

I think I'm reaching at this point. Anyone else got any parallels?

And to put a button on this:

Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

I believe that the Yang site was updated eventually to say it'd stack on top of the main types of Social Security, at least.

I guess it's about time for this: What do you all think the chances are that.... Hillary is on the VP slot?

I'm between 30 and 40%.

(Also mad we're not getting a Ghostbusters movie this election year. It was supposed to be a theme from now on out. Cats and dogs.... living together. It truly is the end times.)
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

MLK on urban riots:
Urban riots must now be recognized as durable social phenomena. They may be deplored, but they are there and should be understood. Urban riots are a special form of violence. They are not insurrections. The rioters are not seeking to seize territory or to attain control of institutions. They are mainly intended to shock the white community. They are a distorted form of social protest. The looting which is their principal feature serves many functions. It enables the most enraged and deprived Negro to take hold of consumer goods with the ease the white man does by using his purse. Often the Negro does not even want what he takes; he wants the experience of taking. But most of all, alienated from society and knowing that this society cherishes property above people, he is shocking it by abusing property rights. There are thus elements of emotional catharsis in the violent act. This may explain why most cities in which riots have occurred have not had a repetition, even though the causative conditions remain. It is also noteworthy that the amount of physical harm done to white people other than police is infinitesimal and in Detroit whites and Negroes looted in unity.

A profound judgment of today's riots was expressed by Victor Hugo a century ago. He said, 'If a soul is left in the darkness, sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.'

The policymakers of the white society have caused the darkness; they create discrimination; they structured slums; and they perpetuate unemployment, ignorance and poverty. It is incontestable and deplorable that Negroes have committed crimes; but they are derivative crimes. They are born of the greater crimes of the white society. When we ask Negroes to abide by the law, let us also demand that the white man abide by law in the ghettos. Day-in and day-out he violates welfare laws to deprive the poor of their meager allotments; he flagrantly violates building codes and regulations; his police make a mockery of law; and he violates laws on equal employment and education and the provisions for civic services. The slums are the handiwork of a vicious system of the white society; Negroes live in them but do not make them any more than a prisoner makes a prison. Let us say boldly that if the violations of law by the white man in the slums over the years were calculated and compared with the law-breaking of a few days of riots, the hardened criminal would be the white man. These are often difficult things to say but I have come to see more and more that it is necessary to utter the truth in order to deal with the great problems that we face in our society.
It's always jarring to read or listen to his words, compared to the weak and harmless cartoon version of the man the capitalists always portray him as.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by kitten »

remember when the fbi tried to literally gaslight him into suicide? now the establishment just props him up like he ended racism, because it's super convenient to pretend that's all behind us and his martyrdom saved america. selma won a ton of awards and had universal acclaim a few years back, but that movie was massively defanged neolib garbage for heinous pieces of shit like oprah to pretend they're still on the cutting edge.

"a riot is the language of the unheard," etc.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by EmperorIng »

With the way Biden can barely string together a sentence, and when he does it seems to be something about malarkey or being black, I hope you as well as I am are beginning to mentally prepare for more years to make america great again.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

I dunno. The way they just drowned #metoo in the bathtub for Biden's sake, I think he's the Democratic Trump. By which I mean for these centrists he could shoot someone on Fifth avenue and they'd still vote for him.

It certainly doesn't help Trump that they're busy culling the MAGA population by reopening the beaches and turning hygiene into a cultural issue. Can they temporarily goose the economy before November, yet delay the second wave of covid deaths until after the election? I think it's a coin-flip at this point.

Ultimately this election is going to be a referendum on the candidates' respective hair plugs.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by EmperorIng »

I suppose, in Biden's defense, Trump can barely string together a sentence and when he does it's something about minorities, as well.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Specineff »

Careful. It may soon be illegal to criticize the president's ramblings in a privately-owned platform, just like in Commie China: ... -companies

Can you conceive it if Hillary had been in office and tried to pass this? Then it would be outrageous!
Don't hold grudges. GET EVEN.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by To Far Away Times »

Yeah, the way many rallied around Biden after the accusation was noticeable. Rules for thee, not for me. Even though Tara's history of telling the truth under oath in the past week has started looking real shaky.

Biden is about 10 years too old to run for president. He clearly is not as sharp as he was before. And the things he helped orchestrate when he was more nimble, like the Patriot Act and Iraqi Oil War, were quite frankly horrific by any standard.

Not since the Great Depression has the country been more primed for a "new deal" presidency and instead our choices are two die hard Trickle Down candidates both of who don't even pretend they aren't here to sell us out to their donors.

Is it too much to ask for a functioning adult with a moral compass?
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

That will never go through because money but fuck Trump. I hope it gets tied up and he embarrasses himself.I
To Far Away Times wrote:Yeah, the way many rallied around Biden after the accusation was noticeable. Rules for thee, not for me. Even though Tara's history of telling the truth under oath in the past week has started looking real shaky.

Biden is about 10 years too old to run for president. He clearly is not as sharp as he was before. And the things he helped orchestrate when he was more nimble, like the Patriot Act and Iraqi Oil War, were quite frankly horrific by any standard.

Not since the Great Depression has the country been more primed for a "new deal" presidency and instead our choices are two die hard Trickle Down candidates both of who don't even pretend they aren't here to sell us out to their donors.

Is it too much to ask for a functioning adult?
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