Recommend me a game for my wife

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Re: Recommend me a game for my wife

Post by Ixmucane2 »

In the action/arcade space, I second the recommendation of Bubble Bobble: straightforward controls and simple rules, strictly cooperative and easier as a team, low-pressure with a gentle learning curve. Bubble Bobble sequels, Pang and Snow Bros are fairly close in spirit. Then there are more complex but somewhat forgiving platformers, like New Zealand Story.
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Re: Recommend me a game for my wife

Post by To Far Away Times »

While "the difficulty is the whole point" genres like shmups, fighting games, and Dark Souls are probably off the table, I think there's a surprising number of games that have a far more broad appeal than we typically give credit for.

Games with lots of social interactions, dialog, story, or ways you can influence the world.

Games like Hades or The Witcher have a lot of crossover appeal. Hades has an excellent easy mode for new players. The Witcher has a TV show, so you can start with that too. There's that new Harry Potter game that dropped recently. That might be a good one.
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Re: Recommend me a game for my wife

Post by To Far Away Times »

I should probably add in that I know atleast two ladies who got into gaming through The Witcher III, but the initial appearance of a heavily combat focused game can be a turn off.

I was talking about the Bloody Baron quest early in Witcher III with Mrs. To Far Away Times, and the dialog options and how that shapes the world, and that was a big selling point. She enjoyed it, didn't finish the game but got pretty far into it. Talks about the characters and memes alot.

Also, I have a close friend who's spouse is a professional Witcher artist/streamer/cosplayer, so make of that what you will.

The games don't have to be two button games with bright colors. Subject matter is 80% of it, avoid dudebro FPS mechanics and "git gud" games and you are golden.

Next on the list is to get Mrs. To Far Away Times into my personal favorite - fighting games - but i've only known a couple ladies who ever got into that genre. Definately a hard sell. One of my buddies was damn near a professional fighting game guy, his sis was pretty damn good too. Traveled to Vegas for Evo and all that. I could beat him *sometimes.* Thousands of matches played over the years.

The most important thing is finding what's enjoyable, don't worry about mechanics or bright colors, or number of buttons. Find an in route. Find a community. You'll go deep in the rabbit hole no matter what.

May from Guilty Gear is cool? There's you're opening to introduce fighting games... That sort of thing.
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Re: Recommend me a game for my wife

Post by BIL »

Witcher seems popular with chicks in general. I've a Polish colleague who read the original novels in high school, like fifteen years before they were translated to English. She said they were always regarded as crossover favourites amongst fantasy readers. I'm only glancingly familiar, but I get a bit of the ol' swashbuckling romance novel vibe from sexy greybeard dude and his fiery honeys, as we all know, ladies dig a strong sensitive soul with a good jawline. ;3
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Re: Recommend me a game for my wife

Post by Wolf_ »

I think pokemon games are a good starter, turn based combat so it isn't rushed, obvious weaknesses to teach basic strategy (use electric against water types, ect), tons of creatures to appeal to any style preferences she has, and a general sense of fun/adventure.

Animal crossing is also a solid bet.

Personally I think A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening (DX or the Switch versions), or Super Mario RPG/64/Sunshine/Paper are great entry level games because they are beautiful, fun, and only mildly challenging after a very gentle starting difficulty.

Alternatively you could pick a game based on the tv shows/books/hobbies she is into.
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Re: Recommend me a game for my wife

Post by Lander »



It's got solid-but-not-too-hard platformy / shooty gameplay, a veritable war chest of charm, and a well-told story that weaves together mythic adventure and wholesome funnies in a similar way to the early Paper Mario games. Good comfy fun.

Also: Visual Novels. Be it something lighter like Ace Attorney, or the soul-crushing grimdark tragedies that lurk in the genre's deeper depths, chicks seem to dig it.
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Re: Recommend me a game for my wife

Post by guigui »

Lander wrote: Also: Visual Novels. Be it something lighter like Ace Attorney, or the soul-crushing grimdark tragedies that lurk in the genre's deeper depths, chicks seem to dig it.
Little derail of OT here.
Had a good fun with Ace Attorney the 1st, did not play the sequels. Had a blast with 999 on the DS. Now I'm tempted to go for soul-crushing grimdark tragedies. Though I do not have much time to play, and most of those games are quite expensive. Any recomendations to go for a really good one ?
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Re: Recommend me a game for my wife

Post by Lander »

guigui wrote:Little derail of OT here.
Had a good fun with Ace Attorney the 1st, did not play the sequels. Had a blast with 999 on the DS. Now I'm tempted to go for soul-crushing grimdark tragedies. Though I do not have much time to play, and most of those games are quite expensive. Any recomendations to go for a really good one ?
I'm not very au fait with the genre, but I think the one I tried was a DS game called Time Hollow - recommended by an ex after playing through a few Ace Attorney games.

Base premise being that a highschooler wakes up one day to a reality where his previously-present parents blinked out of existence 12 years ago, and finds a magic pen that can rewrite time. Cue various attempts to remedy the situation - and generally use it for good - and the existential monkey's paw scenarios that arise as a result.

That said, I bounced fairly early after my imagination took the existential horror and ran with it, so this is probably where actual genre-familiars chime in and point out that it's not actually all that dark once you get past the initial tragic premise. YMMV.
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Re: Recommend me a game for my wife

Post by Blinge »

try Hide the Sausage
Edit: fucksake GP got in there days ago :cry: :cry:

(not like that)
BIL wrote:Finally finally, an especially marmite pick: Silent Hill 2. Chicks love it, seriously, I have decades of hard proof.
same hahahah.
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Re: Recommend me a game for my wife

Post by MintyTheCat »


TWISTER is not a bad game to 'play with the wife' when things get a little stale in the bedroom. Perhaps invite a few naughty friends along too?

Might be a good policy to ask the ladies partaking to wear spandex and definitely not jeans.

Certainly worth the price of entry :)

If you are then into humiliation play, why not finish that up with a few rounds on tatsujin-ou?
That tends to achieve the desired effects in no time at all.
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Re: Recommend me a game for my wife

Post by Blackfielding »

Try "Gris", "The Witness", or "Firewatch".
"Gris": This beautiful, artistic platformer game offers a visually stunning experience and focuses on exploration and emotional storytelling rather than challenging gameplay. "The Witness": This puzzle game takes place on a mysterious island filled with intricate puzzles that gradually become more complex. It encourages exploration and critical thinking. "Firewatch": It's an adventure game set in a tranquil forest where you play as a fire lookout. The emphasis is on storytelling and building a connection with the characters. Or she can go to CSGOPolygon on PLG.BET and try her luck.
Last edited by Blackfielding on Tue Jul 04, 2023 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Recommend me a game for my wife

Post by Obiwanshinobi »

BALLANCE is all you need, I hope. Developer dedicated it to his wife and I'm darn sure he tried to make it very much just what you ask for. Ace presentation, and the gameplay second to no other ball-rolling game that I'd tried. Likewise, if you have Wii set up, Kororinpa just might do the job. Its sequel, in Europe released as Marbles! Balance Challenge isn't any worse, but I suggest trying first one first. Also among Hudson Soft's last (?) remarkable works, Tetris Party brings very inclusive co-op mode with it. I introduced both Kororinpa and co-op Tetris Party to my mom, who has never been really into any gaming at all, and her response was rather welcoming.
As for point & click, well, World of Goo comes to mind immediately (PC or Wii).
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Re: Recommend me a game for my wife

Post by Herr Schatten »

Thanks for the ongoing suggestions.

We tried a few things and can now narrow down the preferences a bit. She really enjoys puzzle games, especially the stressless kind, but has zero interest in immersion, story or characters. For example she loved the puzzles and minigames in the Layton series, but hated sitting through the dialogue and cutscenes to the point that she eventually stopped playing the game altogether.
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I can recommand this wife

Post by NYN »

Herr Schatten wrote:but has zero interest in immersion, story or characters. For example she loved the puzzles and minigames in the Layton series, but hated sitting through the dialogue and cutscenes to the point that she eventually stopped playing the game altogether.
Sound instincts, right there. That's a keeper. No irony. Legitimacy cannot be taught, nor preached. It's the feels. Play the game. Stop at the hubbab.

Thanks for getting back with that reaction. :D
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Re: Recommend me a game for my wife

Post by BrainΦΠΦTemple »

hAve her play the shmupz on action 52
nO-miss superplAyz i \m/ash in shmupz + mOsh w/ ur mom
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Re: Recommend me a game for my wife

Post by ChurchOfSolipsism »

Tetris, Puzzle Bobble, and Gris.
GaijinPunch wrote:How about Hide the Sausage?
:lol: :lol:
BIL wrote: Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:01 pm Imagine a spilled cup of coffee totalling your dick and balls in one shot, sounds like the setup to a Death Wish sequel.
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