GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by God »

It took me over a month to notice but mah boi Zen has been banned. What happened? His last bunch of posts don't seem to be too incriminating.
Praising the Nuremberg Laws on page 15 of the Brexit thread was the straw that decisively broke the admins' back, though frankly I and others smelled it coming a mile away and should have acted a good deal sooner.
I hope he was banned for being a loudmouth or something like that instead of his stance on immigration.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

OMFG ImageImageImageImageImageImage

Bankrupted, disavowed, on the precipice of obscurity...

What the fuck do you mean "who?" Who? What are you - a fucking owl? (■`W´■)


All sorted then? The things I do for you shitbirds. Image


But nao, according to neckbeard twiggy man NEIL DRUCKMANN, great auteur who kicked that hussy AMY HENNIG out of the company like a real man should,




Well anyway, no harm done! To tell you the unsurprising truth, I am ENJOYING the schadenfreude of this all-new unmitigated shitshow! My favourite reality show GAMERS VS JOURNOS has come again! ImageImage It's gonna be rough sailing, gamers - batten down the hatches and haul in the jib, before it gets COVERED IN SHIT :o If you are looking forward to Last of Us 2: Last Harder, you better not so much as google the fucker! Spoilers are spilling all over the information superhighway - like tinned goods in the aftermath of a crushing head-on lorry collision, one which launched Driver A clean through his windscreen, and Driver B's, bringing him crashing down mouth-first onto a post-mortemly stiff cock! :shock: We are all gawking, and some are dodging rolling tins, but nobody can look away from the fiery necrophiliac thrills of a SUPER AAA BLOCKBUSTER caught shitting in the bushes after losing its keys!

Commiserations to fans if the game is in fact ruined by toxic idpol, and sheeit. I, too, once cared for serialised moviegame entertainments. Long ago, before I fell for the old "hgame under a crate propped up with a stick" trap, and was transported to the hellish battlefield of Hardcore Gayming. I know now why you REEE, but it is something I can never do. Image

Even so, I wonder what the people will see, at the end of the time which can never be returned to. A shit game I reckon, but how many fousands will it cost to produce?


BTW, Bryan, do you play Ikari Warriors via MAME? Asking, as I remember you mentioning its shitty NES port recently. I tried out MAME Guevara AKA Guerilla War, in anticipation of its upcoming Arcade Archives release, and HOLY FUCK the rotation was awful! No response until held down, then it blasts off with no chance of overshoot correction... sticky, annoying and quickly fatal, with these games designed for instantaneous control.

Assuming Ikari controls similarly in MAME... if you've a PS4 or Switch, I highly recommend the ACA versions of Ikari and its sequel Dogosoken/Victory Road! MUCH nicer handling, the rotation buttons respond instantly, plus you can snap-aim with the right stick. I recommend this PS4 button config (see foot of post), or as near as you can get on Switch. It'll never replicate the LS-30, but it's a damn sight better than MAME's shitshow, even in the aggressively sword-slashing Dogo! Image


ACA T.A.N.K. aka TNK-III came out great too. A surprisingly fine time to be a Hard Gaymer, with Hamster and M2 banging out one killer release after another, the iconic and unheralded alike! :o
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Sly Cherry Chunks »

-And if youre still interested in ETHICS, lying buzzfeed hack Mark Di Stefanos got his comeuppance this week.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by kitten »

isn't druckmann praising anita like really old news - something he did ages ago? wasn't that kind of what everyone was doing as posturing toward the idea their company is woke? did something more recent happen? naughty dog has had some controversy but they're probably the only western AAA studio i still care about the output of, i really loved TLoU.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

Sly Cherry Chunks wrote:-And if youre still interested in ETHICS, lying buzzfeed hack Mark Di Stefanos got his comeuppance this week.
Also, recently-convicted Peter Bright AKA DrPizza, formerly of Ars Technica, joins the considerable pile of "Male Feminist" sex offenders.


Motherfucker, how are you 39? *detoxing frantically* DrPizza is particularly notable for stealing Christopher John Goldberg aka Amir0x's WR, not only partaking in child pornography but personally going after children.

Fire n' Brimstone Fundy blowing truckers in a rest stop? "Male Ally" preying on women and/or kids. A familiar classic, updated for the modern age. It's almost like these guys are all compensating for something. Image
kitten wrote:isn't druckmann praising anita like really old news - something he did ages ago? wasn't that kind of what everyone was doing as posturing toward the idea their company is woke? did something more recent happen? naughty dog has had some controversy but they're probably the only western AAA studio i still care about the output of, i really loved TLoU.
It's being touted Cluedo-style as the alleged killer of TLOU2. :lol: No idea how it'll turn out - it certainly looks bad, on the face of it, much like recent Game of Thrones, Terminator and Star Wars leaks which all presaged total shitshows. Spoilers are everywhere BTW - if it was something I cared about, I'd book a month on Mars. Doing crosswords. From the 1970s. Image

Doesn't help that a book by David "Dany Kinda Forgot" Benioff appears prominently in one leak. Image

I just find it hilarious that Juanita's ghost continues to menace the Gamer People, like some hellish alien parasite that erupts from the slightest cellular remnants. :mrgreen:
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Sly Cherry Chunks »

Man-sized pubic louse, J*s*n Schr***r is currently damage controlling the whole Disobedient Canine situation as we speak. As Bil would say: IDGAF - but would appreciate it if someone can confirm the TLoUII rumours when its finally released. Got the first one free with my PS4 in November, haven't installed it yet.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by kitten »

BIL wrote:Spoilers are everywhere BTW - if it was something I cared about, I'd book a month on Mars. Doing crosswords. From the 1970s. Image
i don't really look anywhere other than here for gaming stuff, and i doubt the discords i'm in are the type to care abt a game like this. will still keep my head down, though, appreciate the warning. rare i care enough to not want a game spoiled, but this is probably the only game all year i'll give a toss about in that regard.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BryanM »

lol thank god I checked this thread today. I don't even skim it normally, since it's not my thing. Woulda missed this callout by months normally.

MAME is a huge pain in the dick in all kinds of ways when it comes to analog controls. It's particularly shitty whenever BryanM is in the mood for Super Hang-on; I have like a dozen binaries because they constantly break old game sets in MAME. So if I run the wrong one - oopsie, gotta reconfigure that thar Hang-on.

It is possible to find a sensitivity setting that isn't complete dogshit for Ikari Warriors, where a tap gets you one angle of rotation usually and you rarely overshoot while holding it down. Still, there will be screwups when you'll over or undershoot a press. (And it's a game where you'll be using the shoulder buttons massively, so much crabclaw.) It's no rotary joystick.

It's a game that makes a good case for less generalized control settings when needed. IW would be better on it if they used the discrete angles for button controls - it would be beyond trivial to implement, less than 2 hours of work. MAME is so weird about this - they expect you to have a rotary for Ikari Warriors, but not shoebox speakers for Donkey Kong?

It's only been recently that I've gotten a joypad with analog buttons, so I have no idea how they could fare. I image really badly in IW, since you have no idea what value the rotation variable is at. There's eight directions to face, and ~360 degrees divided among them. And as enticing using the soft lean for the first time in my life in Hang-on is, the idea of using the shoulder buttons to steer is appealing as gooey dog vomit.

> it would be beyond trivial to implement, less than 2 hours of work

... shit, I just realized I technically could do this in a couple days at most, so of course someone else had to have done it years ago when they recently went open source.

I found this forum thread where they point out IW (and your Che Fighter 2 Turbo) uses a 12 position switch, not a 360 one. So a full rotation of the guy took 8 clicks, or a 240 degree rotation of the stick. Naturally have no idea if MAME ever fixed any of this fuckery.

...But I do feel like Ikari Warriors could do with a few more elaborate midbosses and boobs. Maybe a guy or a duck riding an innertube in a river. Otherwise it's pretty much the example of a platonic, idealized game like Galaga.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

LAST OF US 2 MASSIVE SPOILERS ImageImageImageImageImage Image


Don't mind me, just enjoying a Twitter slapfight involving an ill-advised reference to holocaust cinema - would be rude not to share the salty goodies. Image WTF I love Leigh Alexander now! Image

BryanM wrote:I found this forum thread where they point out IW (and your Che Fighter 2 Turbo) uses a 12 position switch, not a 360 one. So a full rotation of the guy took 8 clicks, or a 240 degree rotation of the stick. Naturally have no idea if MAME ever fixed any of this fuckery.
This is how ACA handles 'em - TBH, even wracked by MAME badness, I always thought of Obada-san's stuff (TANK, Ikari, Dogo & Guevara) as eight-way games. :o In ACA, you can likewise opt to go with "conventional" controls (unified 8-way movement/aiming, with a strafe-lock button), but predictably, sacrificing the ability to aim one way while moving another, or indeed not moving at all, is a bad idea! Better to adjust to the twin-stick setup (I suggest using the dpad for movement, and setting Triangle+Circle to "rotate left" and "rotate right," for occasions when you absolutely cannot afford to miss a diagonal - keep grenade and shot on L1/R1, it's comfy!).
...But I do feel like Ikari Warriors could do with a few more elaborate midbosses and boobs. Maybe a guy or a duck riding an innertube in a river. Otherwise it's pretty much the example of a platonic, idealized game like Galaga.
Bryan I tell you, in the last straits of Ikari, I was BEGGING GOD AND JESUS for a nice KillDozer M6-ULTRA or DeathFist MORITZ-IV to battle - AT THE SAME TIME even! Image With lots of deadly kamikaze zako and Red Grenadiers on the side - omnomnomnom! IN FACT, I would have the legions pouring OUT OF THE TANKS THEMSELVES, ensuring a LAST DEADLY BATTLE before you tip Life Support Hitler out of his wheelchair, causing him to explode like fifty pounds of shite in a ten-pound bag! Image Image No matter their number - I would SKULLFUCK THEM INTO THE VERY MAW OF DEATH, MY IRON HOG COMPACTING THEIR MANGLED REMAINS WITH IKARI* SO PROFOUND AS TO GAG THE REAPER Image Image Image

* "great anger; fury"

Instead, though: REAMS AND REAMS OF ROTE MEMO LANDMINES (beacons aykshually Image). I love Ikari AND Obada-san but in these moments I said "FUCK EM" just like STALLONE at the climax of "RAMBO 3: FIRST BLOOD III: GET ME OUTTA AFGHANISTAN PLS" :shock:

And I did it all too, just so I could put my RAMBO 2: FIRST BLOOD II: GET ME OUTTA VIETNAM PLS poster back up. 3; Men are such feeble creatures when provoked. :sad:

At any rate my old Shumps Compatriot, I do not wish to subject you to this thread about basement neckbeards and the strong women who PWN them/are PTSD'd by them, any more than I already have - so I will conclude with a link to RIDIN SPINNAZ: JUNGLE BOUNCIN' WITH PAUL AND VINCE I mean RARF AND CLARK Image


Now, Gamers: with recent fiery uproars all across BURGERVILLE, and even CUCK ISLAND getting into the act with violent fighting come again, I think we can say...

Gamergate is over. (■`ω´■)


Image Image Image

GAMERS WILL NEVER DIE #gamergateforever (;`ω´;)
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Blinge »

Cool can we fix the apostrophe in the thread title now
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

Blinge wrote:Cool can we fix the apostrophe in the thread title now
A man - a gingerman - has forsworn his lifelong oath in a fit of despair, and you are concerned with piffle! (;`ω´;) Burinju, if we were not Hard Gayming Bros, I would demand you sport #gamergateforever in your sig line, to prove you are still hard and stiff and true!

Hang on, upon refreshing my memory, he's not a gingerman at all. Never mind, fuck him right in his doughy Soft Gaymer asscheeks. Senility is nibbling at me, I fear.

Burinju, in truth, at times like these, I don't know whether I prefer playing games, or watching them. Image I have felt my heart pound as I fought out from beneath a horde of armed killers in Saigo no Nindou, their blades and clubs pixels from opening my skull as my sickles took theirs - but never have I watched a lusty man taking his brawny lover up the ass in grunting, sweaty detail, like some witlessly raunchy 21st-century Carry On Camping remake! Image Is this what my grandchildren call "Wii Sports?" :shock: Is this what it means to be "mature gaming?" It's a confusing time to be elderly, my young friend.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Blinge »

Oh my god. look at that fucking waste of cells.
what a fucking pussy.

I love the comments saying "red pill swallowed " etc like a pat on the back.
This video is what entitlement looks like.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

I think I need to start referring to Blinge as Burinju.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

Blinge wrote:Oh my god. look at that fucking waste of cells.
what a fucking pussy.

I love the comments saying "red pill swallowed " etc like a pat on the back.
This video is what entitlement looks like.

I'm not certain he isn't avin a larf TBH, I've been burnt before! fun either way :mrgreen:
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

BIL wrote:
Blinge wrote:Oh my god. look at that fucking waste of cells.
what a fucking pussy.

I love the comments saying "red pill swallowed " etc like a pat on the back.
This video is what entitlement looks like.

I'm not certain he isn't avin a larf TBH, I've been burnt before! fun either way :mrgreen:
I'm seeing these vids as sarcasm...hopefully.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

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Internet sperging...
At levels impossible!!
Poe's Law. Immutable.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Blinge »

Steamflogger Boss wrote:I think I need to start referring to Blinge as Burinju.
Only my friends call me that..

... so go ahead :oops:
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

Sleepover at Burinju's place! Yeet.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Jonny2x4 »

kitten wrote:isn't druckmann praising anita like really old news - something he did ages ago? wasn't that kind of what everyone was doing as posturing toward the idea their company is woke? did something more recent happen? naughty dog has had some controversy but they're probably the only western AAA studio i still care about the output of, i really loved TLoU.
There's some rumors that Neill Druckmann was responsible driving away Amy Hennig, but I haven't seen anything to substantiate such a claim. I think most people are just angry over TLOU2 leaks. As someone who never played TLOU1 and had no attachment to the characters, the leaks actually made me more curious to play both games to see what the fuzz was all about.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

As an inveterate Hard Gaymer who considers Mainstream Gayming about as relevant to his hobby as his grandma's soaps, the TLOU2 fallout has been everything I could've ever wanted. (spoilers) At last, the KKK and the GNAA are united in stomping on the true enemy in all of this, the journos. Image



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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by kitten »

:[[[[[ i just played through all 30-something hours of TLoU2 on its hardest difficulty and it fucking suuuuucks. god damn this game is really obviously a product of an ongoing culture war.

kudos to the ending for actually being daringly bleak, but all the stupid, time-wasting dogshit nonsense the narrative does to get there is so profoundly unnecessary and really just reduces everything. i've never seen a game have such little respect for pacing & trimming its fat. 30 fucking hours. jesus christ.

been finally soaking in all the social media response now that i've finished it for myself and this shit is a circus
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by WelshMegalodon »

I refuse to believe this isn't either trolling, satire, or bullshitting.

Where are they even finding guys like these? Middle school cafeterias?
Indie hipsters: "Arcades are so dead"
Finite Continues? Ain't that some shit.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

WelshMegalodon wrote:
I refuse to believe this isn't either trolling, satire, or bullshitting.

Where are they even finding guys like these? Middle school cafeterias?
I want to believe that too, but they also gave the game a 2/10 score. If they are trolling they are very committed and I would say to the point of actually damaging their integrity since the game does not deserve a 2 by their metrics.

I know some middle schoolers and that is insulting to them. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Blinge »

I wanted to be a game journo once. :roll:

Went to one event, maybe 2013? some expo, someone was doing me a favour by taking me there, said i should be networking.
Kept reminding me how he was doing me this big favour. Maybe i should've blown him? :lol:
Hung out for a while, watched him simp around, brownnose, kiss up to people, schmooze, whatever you call it.
Saw other people doing it, most people there were complete twats.
Really turned my stomach, and changed my mind about the whole thing.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BryanM »

Yeah, that's normal for most systems of power. At least it isn't about life and death crap stuff like other media and news is. Hobbyist is the only way to express your own actual voice and opinions. I really like the NES/____ Works guy on youtube, as he's working his way through the entire library.
BIL wrote:A man - a gingerman - has forsworn his lifelong oath in a fit of despair, and you are concerned with piffle! (;`ω´;) Burinju, if we were not Hard Gayming Bros, I would demand you sport #gamergateforever in your sig line, to prove you are still hard and stiff and true!
oi, that comment section, man
that comment section wrote:The system is owned and run by zioinists who hate white people. Their whole plan it to bring about chaos to the point where it's unbearable so they can step in and be the saviours, except they won't be because you'll have to live under their utopian socialist agenda.
... nothing super concerning or off about this guy's brain here, right.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

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oi, that comment section, man
Yep, quite horrifying
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Cuilan »

Since I've kept seeing this thread pop up over the years, I figured I may as well add my $0.02

(note: I've only skimmed through the thread since I don't care THAT much about it. I also can't tell who stands on which side of the issue since most of the posts read like satire/parody/trolling)

Anyways, I think it's kinda fucked up that we're well into the 21st century and bigotry is considered merely a "difference of opinion" that should be tolerated/respected. But I also don't think that it's something that people should be hanged or tossed into a gulag over. That said, I'm not exactly sure what the SQWs hope to gain by resisting egalitarianism, maybe they're just crypto-anarchists trying to prove that horseshoe theory is true or something I dunno. That said, people pretending to be a "woke ally" just because they think it makes them look cool or whatever are overall just as bad. Going back to GG specifically, most of the major personalities on either side of the conflict seem to no longer be relevant (if they ever really were), and yet they keep getting signal-boosted whenever they so much as sneeze; hard to keep the grift going if you don't have a villain to rally against I guess.

Finally, fuck Jason Shreier for essentially being a paparazzi asshole trying to hide behind the guise of a legitimate journalist.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

Cuilan wrote:(note: I've only skimmed through the thread since I don't care THAT much about it. I also can't tell who stands on which side of the issue since most of the posts read like satire/parody/trolling)
We are Revolution 60 fans who desire only a refund from that SCAMMING CUNT Brianna Wu. (■`W´■)

Also - hey, underage Asian kid! Show me your dick! I want to measure it, and see if you can beat the stereotype that Asians have tiny penors! I'll even give you twenty bucks if you get it hard first, ha ha!

Wait! Don't shoot! :shock: Those aren't my words, but the paraphrased words of Mister Wizard, the recently-shitcanned former CEO of EVO. I don't know how this will shake out tbh. HARARIOUSLY, he copped to it - "I'm sorry I measured his penor, wa wa waaa" - then walked it back! WERE HE FRAMED?! Well, should prove mildly interesting. TBH I really just want an excuse to post this again. :o


^ ALSO another notch for the Justice Friends' sizeable pedo contingent, joining luminaries such as Christopher John Goldberg, Peter Bright and Sarah Butts! And like a dozen more I can't be arsed to look up, because this horse is now identifiable at strictly sub-atomic levels. :sad:
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Cuilan »

Revolution 60 looked like garbage from the very beginning, so you guys don't deserve shit. You know what they say about a fool and his money. I bet most of you backed MN9 too.

And it's no surprise that the "core values" guy ended up being a sexual predator himself.
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