The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Blinge »

what the fuck is that real?
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Every word, and that is why Bob is the GOAT Image
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by kitten »

BIL wrote:(ooh! anecdotes >;3)
spicy :oops:
jesus christ, is he doing okay? guy seems like he's doing worse than charlie kaufman in a charlie kaufman movie.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Still catching up. :lol: It's been a busy few episodes of the Bob Show, first with Hotdog Girl pegging him into next Easter, and now his apparent loss of faith. It's poetic, and shit! A real Easter story. Will Bob roll back the stone and emerge into the light a new man, or Shit Himself And Do Nothing? Place yer bets! I'm gonna pop down to the bookies' tomorrow to FUCK THEY'RE CLOSED DUE TO COOF, FUCK MY FUCKING MISERABLE LIFE, ITS LIKE I'M IN VIETNAM - JUST LIKE BOB WAS :O

TBH, like their fictional predecessor Anal Dirge Prat, I only check in on Bob n' co occasionally now. Too easy to waste hours in the internet clownshow - though just like Alan, he never disappoints!

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Blinge »

are...are those lines.. tweets?

Oh no, they're from a book he wrote? Wow my reading comprehension is terrible these days.
oh who am i kidding it always was
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Blinge wrote:they're from a book he wrote?
U BEST BELIEVE Bobbu a true & honest BOOKMAN


Its book y'all
It's book y'all
It's bookety-book-a-its-book-ya'll

Mushroom Kingdom: Am I book enough

You'll see the horrors of a faraway place (Bob likens consooming children's entertainment to overseas service), meet the architects of law face to face (Bob exposes the callous hearts who destroyed his Brooklynite Working Class Hero headcanon with YOSHI'S ISLAND), see mass murder on a scale never seen (Mario did 9/11), and all the ones who tried hard to succeed (Bob spends his twenties jerking off in his car outside his family's house). This is the way (to become a bitter 40y/o diabetic with an international reputation that'd make Judas Iscariot weep with pity), step inside.

TLDR: Bob is a textbook Ignatius J. Reilly. Moderately intelligent, massively arrogant, and doomed to sleepwalk in a self-satisfied fug, occasionally recoiling as deferred cost bops him on the nose. Diabeetus, fired from dream job, fired from dream job again, Hotdog Girl publically pounding his prostate, etc.

It's a brutal, tragic way to live, and nobody ever should. If someone dear to you is this way, consider dragging them kicking and screaming out of it before they become Bob. They'll probably thank you for it someday.

OTOH, they might just be a cunt. We're all on a tightrope here. Can't save all the Bobs, might as well laugh at the biggest of 'em.


I ain't gonna lie, SMB3 is the greatest game ever made like Bob Chipman is the thinnest man ever born. Even among FC platformers it's nothing special. Gimmick! is special. SMB2J is a damn sight more competitive. But that is a topic for Other Gaming. Fuck kind of forum are we, if we can't even stay Off Topic? If I've hurt your virgin boipucci with this claim, meet me in front of R2RKMF, and bring ten good men with mops, bleach and Hefty bags. I won't have my staff soil their hands on your disgraced remains. Image
Last edited by BIL on Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:10 am, edited 3 times in total.

Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by xxx1993 »

Bob Chipman? Like that movie critic MovieBob? That one?
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

kitten wrote:i think your advice is mostly spot-on but i'd mostly just suggest humility over a tight lip. making friends is fun! even on forums.

I've made what I would consider real friends through the internet. Maybe my perspective is warped, but I have taken the time to meet quite a few of them in person as well.

@FB: Twitter really is a mostly awful place where people just kind of randomly scream their thoughts. You get that on forums sometimes too but forums tend to be a lot more structured plus everyone left on forums now is a goober.

Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by xxx1993 »

Most of MovieBob's reviews tend to be shit anyway. I still remember when he shit all over The Expendables just because of it beating Scott Pilgrim vs. the World at the box office. And I loved both movies, but it's Scott Pilgrim's fault for opening up on the same day as The Expendables.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BryanM »

SMB3 is the greatest game ever made like Bob Chipman is the thinnest man ever born. Even among FC platformers it's nothing special.
I have to disagree a little! The bulk of platformers back then are very barebones, really only enough to sustain a few levels before running out of ideas. The amount of variety and gimmicks were very generous for the time.

Though calling any entertainment media "the greatest ever made" is goofy nonsense of course. Everything is transient and a stepping stone to something bigger or more focused or a passing breeze before a new trend comes en vogue - Pong doesn't cut it and SMB3 is a minimum to aim for, not a maximum. Ahh, I used to talk about this with my friends in the distant past - that one should strive to make something more than a thing you like. But Nintendo certainly doesn't feel like making a Mario game that's more Mario than Mario - everything since 3 has been scaled backward in scope. Just a couple suits these days, none of the rare SSR cosplay outfits that let you do kooky things like turn into a stone statue to crush fireballs. And the difficultly scaled way back to the point where people have to make their own levels where they kick shells off of pipes and jump on them just to feel anything.

It's also a good example of a player agent's power level being pushed very far forward - that SMB35 nonsense where it's obvious the enemies aren't obstacles whatsoever. SMH. As you say, great training wheels but poor depth.

(Argh, and trying to kill time at World 8 a few days ago made me finally accept my new controller is dogshit for platformers. If I press buttons too far they'll stick a bit and take almost a full second to reset. My first hint was when the Mario Maker level I made at cheetah speed and one block width platforms wide apart was too hard to clear, what a disgrace.)

Anyway, that's my opening paragraph on my Why Ghostbusters is the Best Movie Ever Made essay thank you for reading it.

* A former version of this publication linked an actual song from Paint Your Wagon before the author realized no one deserves such torture and apologizes.
FinalBaton wrote:besides, peoples opinions are set and don't change, so it's just a waste of your time to bicker on twitter
Opinions formed rationally can actually be changed or softened through argument. A common anecdote on LessWrong is that it's not common for there to be this huge back and forth between nerds that culminates in that most impossible of impossibilities: someone admitting they were wrong on the internet.

But also as they say it's impossible to convey adult thoughts in 280 characters. Tweeter is just a place for screaming propaganda catchphrases rudely at one another. <- (All of my text to the left of here amounts to 468 characters. The hell is that? It's barely a fart!)
But that is a topic for Other Gaming. Fuck kind of forum are we, if we can't even stay Off Topic?
Shit as an anarchist nobody gonna tell me what to do.

Are there any videogames about catfish noodling? My heart tells me a world with any redeeming value must have a couple.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

I went a bit far with "nothing special" :oops: It's perfectly above-average hop/bop. But as we all know, when you nerdfight on the internet, you best come heavy or not at all. Image Anyone repping SMB3 for greatest anything will not, indeed, come at all. For around a fortnight. After internet war criminals inflict a pants-shitting GAMER BEATDOWN on their hellnoparts. Image


In Bob's favour, he avoids contact with anyone who won't hit their knees and gulp Cancel Cum if called racist. That is what makes Hotdog Girl's social media hammerlock into surprise anal intrusion so devastating.

There was nothing he could do about it. Hotdog Girl was a made womyn, and Bob wasn't. He had to bend over and take it. It was among the woke. It was some real greaseball shit. They even shot Bob in his Patreon, so his mother couldn't spot him his tendies.

Fuck, the internet makes me wish me old nan were still here, I FINALLY get the whole "stfu ya wee fanneh! me stories comin on!" thing. Image
BryanM wrote:Are there any videogames about catfish noodling? My heart tells me a world with any redeeming value must have a couple.
I suspect the world of coin-operated fishing games (and the arcadier console ones) might be a worthy uncharted frontier... kinda like arcade train conductor and commercial haulage games, which I plan to deep-dive when I'm seventy or so. Not Deer Hunter though, awful deer programming AFAIK. My grandpa likes those, and even he says the deer is an assclown.

For now, all I know is that one Sega fishing game for Dreamcast had some fuckin hardcore BGM when you were wrasslin' with the shark, who was IIRC a sort of "OH FUCK ME" random boobytrap. I can imagine! My only sport fishing experience is with relatively weeny fish like tarpon and marlin and wahoo, but even those WILL destroy an incautious type's shit. :o This one guy got taken out by a 20kg Mackerel to the sternum, holy fuck. :sad: Without world-class equipment, expertise and fitness, that three-ton beast would drag you and your chair overboard, then bite your cock, balls, taint and asshole off in one Straight Outta Creto *CHAWMP* - like Bob inhaling a box of tendies! :shock:

Like Panzer Dragoon Orta's dreamy/creepy "Robo Rapist Daisakusen" stage, I'm still not certain if I just dreamed it. But that's even more incentive to verify.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »


CYBER PUNK? More like CYBER I'M IN A TERRIBLE FUNK :O Factions of ResetEra wanted Grand Wizard Mike Pondsmith's literal genocide cancelled in its very crib. It backfired :shock: Now, it is the beginning of amazing television. (they coulda just let CP2077 do the damage on its own! rofl! Image)



above: lovable POODLESTRIKE fights to hold back the breach with nothing but his POUND SAND OUGI and sheer HIKARI NO WILL POWWA. Image

Hold on
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That we can survive in the future to come

Well, front-row seats at NeoGAF, I tell thee. A right weenie-roast, as their splinter forum goes up in smoke. I still can't believe the formerly pious GAF, who once banned our own Comrade BLOODF for brainwrong, would pivot into a den of based savages - ONLY AFTER their top man got #metoo'd, for barging in on a showering ladyfriend, like a complete and utter retard!

It's usually all so very principled and consistent, this woke stuff. Image

Well anyway, while I wouldn't trust any of these jackals as far as I could throw MovieBob, this latest schism is yet more unbridled schadenfreude, and I am NOMMING IT UP Image I gotta stop rubbernecking! I ain't getting my holiday ST writing done. ITS NOT MY FAULT. pls. ree! reee! *cough* ree i tells ya.

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Sengoku Strider »

I'm sure I've mentioned it before but despite being the kind of leftist who from time to time has thoughts like "you know, when you think about it J. Posadas actually had some good points," I still get PTSD flashbacks every time I see Era stuff. I know a lot of people consider it the one safe place for them on the internet, given how much of the rest of gaming fandom is generally only one female superhero casting away from storming a beer hall and trying to overthrow Bavaria. But it's a hive of neurotic people constantly traumatizing and re-traumatizing one another, throwing each other into lakes to see if they drown. GAF is no better though, it's got its own brand of mutual abuse - excuse me, "free exchange of ideas" - but without the pretence of doing it in the name of protecting the vulnerable.

I avoided Reddit for years given how much straight up evil had been hosted there in the name of "free speech," but when I finally bailed on the fractured psychotic vortex that is the former GAFoslavia, I was shocked at 1) the instant improvement in mental health 2) that Reddit was less terrible, even though its gaming communities mostly seem kind of useless and there are actual literal flag waving Nazis - pardon me, auth rights - there.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by kitten »

what is transera? is that an actual... part of resetera? its own sub-forum? i cannot even parse what that thread linked is talking about. something about cyberpunk 2077 being transphobic? not being transphobic? i tried to look this up and it seemed like a massive headache, seemed to have something to do with them sticking a dick on a girl (which is... bad??? somehow?? good??)? a post-op friend of mine gave her character a dick and was complaining it didn't show up in the sex scenes with women characters. i guess, uh, that's something. i don't know what is happening.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by drauch »

None of the sex scenes in cyberpunk are explicit with crotch shots btw. 'Worst' you see is breasts.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by kitten »

it's apparently a flat crotch. you can give your character a huge honkin dick, but for woman on woman love scenes, there ain't even a bulge. :[ she was pretty bummed out
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by drauch »

Yeah I was kinda expecting a boner myself. I played as a male and they never show anything either on the m/f scenes. But the game had no problem glitching out and showing my hog in front of an entire camp of nomads.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by kitten »

seems fucked imo. can show the world but not your gf???? what have the sjw's done, now.........
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Sengoku Strider wrote:I'm sure I've mentioned it before but despite being the kind of leftist who from time to time has thoughts like "you know, when you think about it J. Posadas actually had some good points," I still get PTSD flashbacks every time I see Era stuff.
As an avid cult-watcher, my favourite wrinkle has been the sentiment that one Black Chamber "got off too easily." BC was the user who made the OG Cyberpunk megathread. Said he'd consider adding a content warning re: The Big Honkin' Cock That Should Not Be, after the issue was (mff!) raised (geddit?! bwaaa! but for real, watch out Black Chamber! :shock:) - and was then found to have joked about wearing a MAGA hat once, on twitter, years ago, which of course meant instant permaban.


^ since banned afaik Image


^ REE on TV...? Image
For once in my life
Let me get what I want
Lord knows it would be the first time

Lord knows, it would be the first time


A forum's user was permanently banned. It's not enough, though. He needs to be... what? Officially censured? Burned in effigy? Kidnapped, tortured into confessing, then executed on livestream? Maybe go after his family too, like all good authoritarians. That'll teach 'em to ignore your videogame forum presence. You want grandma to keep her knees, right?

EDIT: Oh duh, sorry. Go after his livelihood, right, of course. Sorry, I skipped a few steps there. Hopefully he will end up homeless and unable to cover his medical expenses. Maybe he even has a sick kid! If he is financially secure, or self-employed, or his boss tells you to (trigger warning) pound sand, then we can proceed to Compliance Tier 2.

It seems sanity does, at some point, kick in - even at Jonestown there was dissent - hence the mirthful backlash I have been enjoying so. It's not slowing down either. I just wonder what the next brave new frontier world would be, and what will bring about its own inevitable schism. I do sincerely hope nobody dies, except maybe of laughter.

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by FinalBaton »

This can't be true... this looks like something BIL would have created to amuse himself.

(although there's plenty of PC, ''I'M OFFENDED'' dumpster fires around to keep one entertained)
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

FinalBaton wrote:This can't be true... this looks like something BIL would have created to amuse himself.
It was the monstrous dick that gave it away, wasn't it :oops:



Cancel that, you lousy-ass DICKAPHOBICS Image
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by FinalBaton »

lmao... I had forgotten about the Über masterpiece that is the paper-Gynoug
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BulletMagnet »

My life contains a multitude of regrets, but I'm having trouble thinking of many that top my decision to post that thing.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

It wasn't your fault (;`ω´;) To paraphrase Radiant Silvergun, There Is Dicks Everywhere Image
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Mike Matei is cancelled. 3;

Or has parted company with Cinemassacre, I don't know. IDGAF about that lame YT funnyman shit. Do love he and Jimmy's old stuff though, Jaguar + Jag CD is some good background noise. Anyway, my joint Best Poster Of Shumps 2020 xxx1993 likes to keep tabs so I'm just doing my bro a solid.



No wonder these gameless jagoffs got an insurrection going on :shock: "Haha lmao lol I leik he viedos ok" *WOMP* This is some fascinating shit. What'd Matei do anyway? Personally I've harboured a blistering hatred of him for his shameful 2P Contra performance, I headbutted my screen when I saw him fail to understand Proximity Flamethrower Logic not once, not twice, but THRICE Image Don't tell me he done a racism, or worse, steal a napkins from the local pizza parlour :shock:



I have to disagree, tbh MSC (or rather Milon no Daibouken: Meikyuu Kumikyoku "Milon's Great Adventure: The Maze Suite" I have both CIB Image) hasn't aged well at all, and it's not due to its supposedly cryptic design. It's the engine! What should a snappy free-roaming Bubble Bobble-esque is pitifully dragged down by Milon's irritatingly slow acceleration. You can't react to the playfully divebombing, sniping, chasing foes, instead you have to painstakingly plan Milon's geriatric ass around them. It's not fun. It also turns the boss (singular, it just swaps new sprites - Dragon, Gryphon, Poopman - into the same mortar RNG) into a near-lottery. One of the very few FC games I'd consider selling. I won't though, its little box gives me a god damn boner.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by FinalBaton »

was about to say : kitten I bet you're doing a cute little victory dance now that mike has left Cinemassacre :mrgreen: I 'member you really loathed him

Birro : I don't think he got cancelled. just left. he does have a pretty damn racist cartoon to his resume though. but I'm not sure it's enough to cancel someone IF he has shown signs of growth since(which I'm not sure he has FTR). Everybody did some edgelordian stuff too when they were young, although not always to that extent. but it's not my cracka-ass who should tell you if it's offensive or not. Instead, you'd be better served to investigate this with your moka coloured buttocks.

(what's the capture of banned user? is that reeeeee?)

I will say that I found him allright. but James' movie takes are the best thing on Cinemassacre anyway so Matei is not a big loss.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Blimey those are kinda rude :shock: And also shit. :lol: I would expect no better from the man who made Umezaki-san's masterful Contra look like Micronics-grade kusoge to millions of unsuspecting noobs. :evil:

If he's apologised and doesn't do it anymore, though, what can he do? 3; Here is where I take interest, as the answer has become DIE BROKE AND ALONE Image Destroying people utterly for things they can't undo isn't a helpful approach imo.

Anyway that's just my opinion. What's TRVE FACT is it's a mindset that tends to produce reality television's finest backfires, which is why REE is the best TV going ATM. :cool: SKERETONS are tumbling out of mod closets at furious pace. :shock: They try to apologise but that don't work! True atonement is found only in unemployment line, and GRAVE Image Image

(READY 2 DIE here if BLOODF ever impugns Famicom Ninja Gaiden in my presence Image I'm sorry boss you've always been good to me but that shit is tribal :shock:)
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by FinalBaton »

I'd love to see reeeeeee on TV (news or whatever) 8)

would make for good theatre 8)

But it's already great theatre as it is 8)
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by kitten »

FinalBaton wrote:was about to say : kitten I bet you're doing a cute little victory dance now that mike has left Cinemassacre :mrgreen: I 'member you really loathed him
i can watch avgn again without fear, thank god. the combination of smugness, lying, sycophancy, and taking gamer pride as this giant hill to die on when he was fucking stitching footage together while save-stating and passing it off as legit. don't care what did him in, fuck 'em lol
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