What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Anything from run & guns to modern RPGs, what else do you play?
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

Fist of the North Star: Paradise Lost

Finally a good FOTNS game. Pretty stripped down for a Yakuza game, appears to be on the short side. Absolutely loving the absurdness of it.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BulletMagnet »

If you just blow through the story missions it's pretty short, but of course that's not the point; if you haven't healed and killed an equal amount of people at the medical clinic while grooving to a rap remix of the Ode to Joy you are not properly Doing the Kenshiro.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

I plan to pretty much do everything like I do in every Yakuza game. Even with all that it won't be too bad, if the internet is correct. Certainly a welcome reprieve after Yakuza 6, Kiwami 2 and ESPECIALLY 0 which was a 100+ hour monster.

I put in 5 hours when I started it up.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by gameoverDude »

Sly Spy (arcade) - Working on a 1CC. So close to a 007 game, I'm wondering if Data East wanted to make this an official one but couldn't get the license for some reason. You'll recognize some expies of certain James Bond villains in this & there's even a "Golden Gun", which is like RoboCop's Cobra- it doesn't run out of ammo, but instead gives you unlimited shots to raze everything with for maybe 15-20 seconds. Strangely, your jump kick is more powerful than a bullet (it'll kill a tiger with 1 hit... I'm guessing 1 kick counts as 2 bullets worth of damage). To use that you have to be out of ammo.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BrainΦΠΦTemple »

was messing around with the idea of doing a no damage clear of Mega Man X2 but once i got to the x-hunter base, i immediately realized i won't be able to put up with violen since his wrecking ball is completely random horseshit, so i'm skipping that one and jumping to MMX3 later

edit: just beat violen without taking damage. it's horseshit, but i might keep trying
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Marc »

gameoverDude wrote:Sly Spy (arcade) - Working on a 1CC. So close to a 007 game, I'm wondering if Data East wanted to make this an official one but couldn't get the license for some reason. You'll recognize some expies of certain James Bond villains in this & there's even a "Golden Gun", which is like RoboCop's Cobra- it doesn't run out of ammo, but instead gives you unlimited shots to raze everything with for maybe 15-20 seconds. Strangely, your jump kick is more powerful than a bullet (it'll kill a tiger with 1 hit... I'm guessing 1 kick counts as 2 bullets worth of damage). To use that you have to be out of ammo.
I mentioned this one a few pages back. Used to be able to loop this in my teens, had trouble with Jaws when I picked it up for Switch. Sure I used to be able to get him stuck in a loop of just jumping backwards and forwards while I wasted him, now he always manages to catch me with his jumping attack, at which point I drop my gun and the whole thing plays like Dragonninja, which I detest. Any proven method for him?
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Blinge »

Steamflogger Boss wrote:Certainly a welcome reprieve after Yakuza 6, Kiwami 2 and ESPECIALLY 0 which was a 100+ hour monster.
Did you fulfil all of Haruka's whims in Kiwami?
Fuck that second karaoke part :|

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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by ACSeraph »

Been a while since I posted on here, only have time to lurk these days. I miss this place...

Anyhow been back into Final Fantasy XII via the HD remaster. It's been so long I forgot how good the series used too be. So sad the fans shunned this game, Gambit is one of the best systems I've ever seen in an RPG.

Also bought Red Dead 2 recently, but haven't spent much time with it. I loved the original but I'm finding 2 a little slow so far.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by ED-057 »

I gave up on Agarest 2 a while ago and started playing Agarest Zero instead. It's like the first game except more evil. They DID fix it so at the beginning of a battle it doesn't take ages for the units to appear on the screen. That almost makes up for the additional load times, boring animation when locations appear on the world map, and added clunkiness of the UI. Another good point is that when you're setting up your actions during battle, the window is now off to the side instead of right there in the way of everything. But they screwed up rotating the playfield, now 2 out of 4 views are generally nothing but the backside of a tree/mountain *facepalm*

At the end of the first gen, there's an event. You go in, there's some dialog and suddenly you're in gen 2 and tossed into two battles. No savepoint, no shop, no using items/PP. Oh, and four characters just disappeared from your party. I thought "maybe this is one of those battles that I'm not expected to win?" but no, when I died I got the plain old gameover screen. I had to reload my first gen save and proceed to grind all the characters that I hadn't been using to prepare for the surprise battle in gen 2. Lame.

Then in gen 2 there is an event at a town where you get an insane boss battle. I managed to get past it. But after some dialog there is an even more insane battle. Everytime I die and reload and I have to wait for the story crap to go by again.

After a while I said eff it and opened the save file in a hex editor. The character stats follow their names. PP is at $766E0 (gold is also near there) and the last dword in the file is the checksum. Easy stuff.

Now here's the dumb part. I gave Eugene 700,000hp so I could stop dying. But that tweak alone wasn't going to help me kill stuff, so I let a few rounds go by while I built up my SP. Aaaaand then the battle ended unexpectedly without me doing anything. And your party decides to retreat from the town. Go figure.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Ajora »

I was very disappointed with Bare Knuckle 3 (Streets of Rage 3 in North America). The music was extremely grating and the emphasis on telling a dark story about a criminal syndicate looking to initiate a nuclear war was poorly executed and felt out of place. And maybe it's just me, but the hit detection felt slightly off. There's a good game underneath all the problems, but I found the game annoying more than anything.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Marc »

Ghosts 'n' Goblins. 34 years I've been playing this shit of a game on and off, and I'm still no better at dealing with those red arseholes. It's a doddle up to stage 3's midpoint, but from then on it all feels a bit random. First one of ST3 I normally run to the end of the second of the first two raised bits, wait, then turn, and he runs into my fire 90% of the time. Then I take the middle route and run straight at the one in the mini pit there, that works every time. But then you get the one at the end of the level and to this day I don't have a reliable method of nailing him 100% of the time. Then there's that shitty platform section at the start of ST4, which is a nightmare until you get the hang of the awful collision detection again. ST5 I'm actually not too bad at, but by this point I normally only have one/two lives to try and get through it with. Usually, yes, git good would be the answer, but I don't feel everything here is completely controllable. That said, I still adore it.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Sumez »

I think Ghosts n Goblins is quite easy up to stage 5 once you learn it. You can memorize almost everything, and if you keep a steady pace forward at all times, most of the randomness will be mitigated too. Actually stage 5 is usually where my game ends, despite never losing any lives before then.

Stage 3 is probably the first real obstacle for most players, and funny enough my way of tackling it is very different from every other approach I have seen, so I think the best approach is just replaying it over and over until you find what works best for you. Some people prefer the upper path at the branch, but the lower one is much more consistent for me.

For the first arremer I run forward and only stop at a very specific location, turn around and wait for him to land behind me. The consistent way of dealing with any arremers you can't spam out of existance before they take off, is to wait until they land, and once they are on the ground don't do anything as they walk back and forth a bit. After a short while they will stop up and follow up with a fast rush towards you. When doing that rush, they won't be able to dodge your attacks, so just spam daggers in their face and they will die before they reach you.
The only risk with this approach is that some time they fire a single projectile at you right before rushing which means you need to dodge. I find that's especially common for the one right before the boss on this same stage.
Also remember you can deal more damage faster if you tap forward between each throw to reset the cooldown when mashing attack. I usually just mash forward and attack simultaneously.

The second and third (on the lower path) arremers are easy to take out before they take off, so they are a non-issue (as long as you position yourself correctly - I try to get close with a well aimed jump). Right before the branch there's a hidden armor too, so getting hit before that isn't a big issue.
The arremer right before the big drop down is a little random to me, but usually if I can't take him out with a lucky mash, you can escape him by jumping down. Position your jump correctly and you'll spawn a new hidden armor, too, which can help with the fight against the last arremer on the stage.
Just take care not to activate the point bonus item, as it will override the armor.

The shitty platform section is just pure memorization. No one should ever fail this one if they know what to do.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Marc »

Oh yeah, a couple of attempts at ST4 and I'd memorised the platforms again, just a bit frustrating when returning after a long break, and I can understand how a new player would find the odd movement and collision detection there really off-putting. Love it though, never managed to take to Ghouls in quite the same way.

Played a couple of others on the comp that I'd never tried before. SonSon was surprisingly good fun. Never really bothered with Side Arms before - found that a bit of a mixed bag. Not a fan of shooting power-ups to change them, and grabbing even one speed-up makes the thing way to fast for my taste. Managed to not lose a life up until the third (I think) stage, where you're in a big blue tunnel scrolling down and the game starts throwing shit from every side. Probably would have been OK there if I'd kept the super-robot thing.

Trojan though... oh god that's cack.

Fancying some Gun.Smoke and more GnG later I think.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Ajora wrote:I was very disappointed with Bare Knuckle 3 (Streets of Rage 3 in North America).
The music is definitely really a mixed bag, usually for the worse (in part because it doesn't seem to have the same iconic style it had in the first and second games). The battle system is really great though, and the gauge system for specials is really neat. I would have liked the penalty for using it when empty to be about half of what it is in the Japanese version, though. The US version has next to no penalty, encouraging spamming of specials, and the Japanese version has a massive penalty where often using it empty can cost more than being hit does, so you don't want to use it until the bar is filled up at least halfway.

BK3/SoR3 also has the worst level segment in any beat 'em up ever made, specifically the train tunnel with the ninjas where optimal strategy is to slowly wait for the ninjas to eat the trains. It's stupid.

Streets of Rage Remake v5 is probably the best of the series, in spite of being a fangame. It is absolutely solid and packed with content, can be setup to be an even better fast paced SoR3 style game with the classic SoR1 and SoR2 routes which are super fun to play (SoR3 based route choices exist too, and it has a level editor with extensive fanmade level packs available).
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

The one thing I remember about SoR3 is that the game is just too damn long.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Sumez »

I find that's an issue with most games of the genre. Especially the ones that repeat the same enemies endlessly.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by drauch »

Isn't it moreso the console exclusives that are much longer? Seems like arcade is always in the 20-30ish range, when console a lot of times doubles that. That's why I've always played SoR much more casually.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Sumez »

Oh yeah, for sure.
AvP is pushing it, though.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by WelshMegalodon »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote:BK3/SoR3 also has the worst level segment in any beat 'em up ever made, specifically the train tunnel with the ninjas where optimal strategy is to slowly wait for the ninjas to eat the trains. It's stupid.
Someone hasn't played the train stage in Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon MD...
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Mischief Maker »

Steamflogger Boss wrote:The one thing I remember about SoR3 is that the game is just too damn long.
Oh, did I mention that Fight'n Rage saves your progress at the start of every room with score and everything so you can quit and continue later?

Anyone who likes belt-scrollers even a little needs to play this game!
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by drauch »

That's pretty rad. Game seems pretty sick. I'm not too keen on the chibi art style, but I can get over that pretty easy. Having the GOG option is always a big plus in my book.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by mycophobia »

WelshMegalodon wrote:
BareKnuckleRoo wrote:BK3/SoR3 also has the worst level segment in any beat 'em up ever made, specifically the train tunnel with the ninjas where optimal strategy is to slowly wait for the ninjas to eat the trains. It's stupid.
Someone hasn't played the train stage in Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon MD...
yeah that stage suuux. game as a whole is mediocre though
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Ajora »

I just finished blazing through Harmony of Dissonance on Maxim mode, which was far too easy for its own good. Added to this is the base game's problem of not having nearly enough warp points, making backtracking very tedious. Maxim is still a very fun character to play as though.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by gbaplayer »

Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix HD

4 hours into it, so far i like it, also the battle system seems a little bit slower than in part 1?
Or maybe thats just me...
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BrainΦΠΦTemple »

Alright, even though the fight with violen is total horseshit and seems to just be a complete gamble most of the time, i guess i'm committed to a dang no damage clear of mega man x 2. it's way more of a bitch to get a no damage clear in than the first one was.
there's a pretty rad safe spot i found though behind serges when you fight him in the X-Hunter fortress. you use the charged power shot of flame stag's weapon to dash through the big ass serges tank and then you can stay behind him and spam the charged sonic slicer
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by CMoon »

Caved in and bought Hollow Kinght. Metroidvania's (or even just 2D plaformers in general) aren't my favorite genre, but HK has legs and its cool to see how the world opens up after a couple hours. That said, I don't know if any of these titles will ever manage what SotN managed, but that's subjective for everyone. Loving the super responsive controls and difficulty curve.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by CStarFlare »

Started going through The End is Nigh today. It's fun but it hasn't managed to recapture the Super Meat Boy magic yet - the feeling of momentum is missing and it's got a lot less charm. It also feels a lot harder, even in the first couple of hours. The Future levels are absolutely nightmarish - thanks to them I'm nearing 900 deaths in the first two hours. Oops. I'm torn on whether I'm having fun with collectables on every screen but the hidden areas are a real bright spot for the game, I love thinking "what if I was able to just barely make my way over there..." and there's always something waiting when I do. I'll keep playing it but something tells me I won't be as obsessive about 100%ing it as I was SMB, nor do I really expect to play it again once I've finished.

I took a break and Masochisia as it's been in my Steam library for over a year now. Finished in two hours which was just about perfect. It was interesting and had an all right vibe, but I think if it went on any longer I'd have grown bored - there's next to no gameplay and a lot of backtracking. The Steam reviews are all shouting the big reveal out so I admittedly didn't get to have the fun of the "based on a real story" bit dawning on me, but it was a neat little journey that had some fun surprises at the end. For less than the price of a cinema ticket I can't be salty about an OK game that lasted about as long.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BurlyHeart »

Don't know where to post this, but Oniken and Odallus are getting a limited physical release from Play Asia for Switch and PS4. Considered it, but the price on gog is much more appealing. Might buy them when they're next on sale. The games look interesting, and I'm looking forward to the upcoming Blazing Chrome from the same team.

Despite my New Year's resolution to 1cc Metal Slug, I haven't being playing it much lately. Fired it up last night and, to my surprise, no missed to the 5th stage for the first time. Everything's a breeze apart from that crazy bastard O'Neil. Going to focus on learning the 5th now.

Accompanied by more than a few Blue Moons, I also credit fed my way through Knights of the Round last night. I had high hopes after reading this -> http://www.sebastianmihai.com/main.php? ... pth-review, but came away a little disappointed. Perhaps there's something I'm missing, but I didn't find the game to be all that fun. The lack of a grab mechanic means crowd control can be a little boring as you try to maneuver around enemies. I may revisit the game whilst more sober. Captain Commando is up next on the collection, and I'm looking forward to it.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Leandro »

Leviathan wrote:
Accompanied by more than a few Blue Moons, I also credit fed my way through Knights of the Round last night. I had high hopes after reading this -> http://www.sebastianmihai.com/main.php? ... pth-review, .
Awesome review, loved his enthusiasm and knowledge. To me this game's only fault is the final boss being a pallette swap of a previous boss. Otherwise it's perfect. I remember I could only get to Muramasa on 1 credit, I need to tackle this one again sometime.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BurlyHeart »

Leandro wrote:
Leviathan wrote:
Accompanied by more than a few Blue Moons, I also credit fed my way through Knights of the Round last night. I had high hopes after reading this -> http://www.sebastianmihai.com/main.php? ... pth-review, .
Awesome review, loved his enthusiasm and knowledge. To me this game's only fault is the final boss being a pallette swap of a previous boss. Otherwise it's perfect. I remember I could only get to Muramasa on 1 credit, I need to tackle this one again sometime.
This part particularly stood out to me: "This game is one of the few I have finished in arcades with one token. I would put a token in, and play for as long as I could. When the game was over, I would rinse and repeat. To be able to finish it, I believe it took more than a year. Sometimes the joystick ball would be missing and we'd screw in peeled chestnuts from around the nearby park. If no chestnuts were available we'd hold on to the joystick rod which caused blisters. "

His review is probably the main reason I will go back to the game. Definitely feels like I'm missing something with it.
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