What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Anything from run & guns to modern RPGs, what else do you play?
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BulletMagnet »

Finished up Puppeteer the other day; it's pretty much the opposite of a "hardcore" game, in terms of both theme and challenge, but after bashing my head against Gravity Rush 2 for several weeks it was just what I needed. While the core is a bit rough, the excellent presentation and localization - some of the best I've seen in either department in some time, frankly - is more than worth putting up with the occasional groan-worthy instance, as every single level manages to put on a good show. Combing through the areas trying to find everything can be a bit of a slog, but at the same time causes you to notice little details you might have missed otherwise; trying to Platinum this thing looks like it'd be a grind, especially without a guide (which would kind of kill the point of experiencing the game as intended), but the time I did play was, in my view, time well spent. A more polished sequel could be something of a classic, but again, there's no way this thing sold well enough to ever warrant one, which is a real shame.

I might see if I can wrap up Iconoclasts next; by the weekend I hope to give the Secret of Mana remake a try.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by gameoverDude »

Trails of Cold Steel II (PC)
NBA Jam TE (arcade)
BIL wrote:(re: Space Harrier II)
Needless to say, a pseudo-AC version with screaming Super Scaler velocity would be nice. I often think how goofy the original comes across in comparison to the sequel, stylistically, where technically it's the total inverse!
Agreed. Sega should get M2 to work on that.

The Mega-CD version of Super Monaco GP is a letdown. It's on some compilation. I watched a video on Youtube to see what it was... nothing but the cartridge game with clearer voice samples. Hmph. Sega should've tried to bring back the roadside scenery, even if it wouldn't be near the same quality as the arcade. The Amiga & Atari ST computer versions actually try. Jaguar XJ220 on MCD looks good with loads of scaling sprites.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BrianC »

gameoverDude wrote: The Mega-CD version of Super Monaco GP is a letdown. It's on some compilation. I watched a video on Youtube to see what it was... nothing but the cartridge game with clearer voice samples. Hmph.
The other games in those Mega/Sega CD compilations were also disappointments with very little, if anything, over the Genesis/MD versions. Golden Axe for Sega CD is actually missing the two player mode!
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Mero »

To be fair those Mega CD Mega Games releases were just compilations, I didn't expect them to be any better than the MD originals.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Marc »

So I gave Run Saber a proper spin last night, rather than loading it up, laughing at what a rip it is, and turning off as I did a week or so ago. It's... OK I guess. It's smooth and responsive enough and there's nothing actually offensive about it, it just pales when compared to its obvious inspiration. That wobbly power kick thing isn't very convincing though, and the main weapon just feels a bit limp and powerless compared to the massive 'swoosh' of Strider's sword. I'll probably play it through to completion more out of curiosity's sake.

Started Super Metroid for the first time since its year of release. It's solid, the map design is truly excellent, and the soundtrack is awesome, but I didn't and still don't get all the 'best game on SNES / ever' plaudits. The controls annoy me - and I know there are a legion of speed runners frothing at the mouth over that comment - particularly that little pause/stutter just before a jump. Why does it do that? It's a bit dull graphically, and overall I just feel that the subsequent Castlevania titles all went on to perfect this formula (I'm thinking of the DS games in particular). Still, I kept heading to 'just one more; save point, so it's not like I'm trying to rag on the game or anything, it just appears to me that its reputation is somewhat inflated.

I must be almost done with Lost Odyssey. Finished the ancient ruins on disc 4 last night and was dismayed to be thrown straight into a boss fight after almost an hour of the dungeon, without any sniff of a save point. I'd not prepped the party (was still running with a bunch of heavy hitters and just one proper magic user), and it looked pretty bad - as in 'if I loose an hour's worth of progress, I'm deleteing this game and the save data' bad. 45 minutes later I'd expanded almost every recovery item in my inventory, but hit that point where you know the fight is turning in your favour. Another five minutes later I won. If you'd have told me that one of my most enjoyable moments in gaming so far this year would come from a JRPG I'd have laughed in your face, but there you go. Just cruising the map and mopping up side quests in previous areas before I plod on.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Mischief Maker »

Finally picked up Furi from gog on sale.

My first impression is this game is the three-way lovechild of Hyper Light Drifter, The Red Star, and Mike Tyson's Punch Out!
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BIL »

BrianC wrote:
gameoverDude wrote: The Mega-CD version of Super Monaco GP is a letdown. It's on some compilation. I watched a video on Youtube to see what it was... nothing but the cartridge game with clearer voice samples. Hmph.
The other games in those Mega/Sega CD compilations were also disappointments with very little, if anything, over the Genesis/MD versions. Golden Axe for Sega CD is actually missing the two player mode!
I was mulling over picking up the JP "classics collection" with GA, Columns, Super Monaco, Bare Knuckle and Revenge, just for the heck of it (new and cheap, and I found the whole "XTRA VALUE" aesthetic charming) - but then the new voice sample on Joe's ninjitsu made me laugh out loud. :lol: Prepare for hilarity! Zeed's creepy laugh was redone too. Now it's just random fat guy belly laugh.wav

One of those Thunder Force Gold Pack 1 (Saturn) situations. Absolutely no reason to bother if you've already got access to the MD carts. Although I guess, unlike TFGP1, it might be a shade cheaper to get the disc. And just like TFGP1, it'll save you a few square inches' shelf space! Lighter too, always good for warding off subsidence. That shit will decimate your property values.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BulletMagnet »

Quickie impressions of the Secret of Mana remake, after an hour or two on the PS4:

- It's been quite a few years since I last played the original, but on the whole it seems pretty faithful, in both good ways and bad; I recognize a lot of the weird little pauses and throwaway auto-animations from years ago (man, does seeing the twin copyright dates of 1993 and 2018 on the title screen make me feel old), which will strike anyone unfamiliar with them as anachronistic and awkward. The same, frankly, goes for the combat; smack something, wait for the stamina gauge to refill, repeat (a few aspects have been tweaked, but Ys this ain't). And yeah, the broken magic system, perhaps the part of the game that's aged least well of all, remains intact.

- That said, a lot of the negative takes on the game I've read seem to believe that the legacy issues are magnified because the charm of the original has been lost; personally, I would only concur to a limited extent. No, the polygonal visuals don't have the same impact as those lovely sprites of yesteryear, but if you were expecting them to, you're not being reasonable; honestly, at least in the early going, I rather like the way the thing looks overall, especially for a relatively low-budget project. The visual style remains evocative in much the same manner I remember, and the bits of new artwork are nice too (the flamingos on the title screen do look weird though, and it would appear that the original title artwork must be MIA, as it doesn't seem to have been rescanned for higher resolutions, though I'd defer to someone with better-trained eyes on that one).

In like manner, so far the redone soundtrack doesn't tickle the ears in the same way as the original, but again, that's a largely impossible task for such a nostalgic title, and in any event you can just switch it over if you like. Much of the English voice work is unfortunately iffy, though I'd blame that in part on the scope of it, since every single random townie NPC line is fully voiced; it's impressive that they tried, I suppose, but I'd have probably preferred a more focused, polished effort on the main-ish characters while leaving everyone else mute. That said, Japanese voices are also here, or you can just turn the voices down completely in the options menu; for purists that's probably the preferred setting, since like the original game there are no facial animations when anyone talks.

- One notable extra is a model viewer for characters, monsters and weapons as you encounter them, which is nice, but it's very bare-bones; a bit of flavor text or even just some stats (a list of which monsters drop what would have been particularly appreciated, especially since there's a trophy for obtaining all equipment, some of which you can only get from certain critters, in places you only visit once) might have made the feature more of a showcase, especially since the remake is supposed to expand on the story a bit. It would have been the ideal place to toss in a few details that weren't evident in the original, though the occasional extra conversations during inn stays are a nice little nugget when they show up.

- Will need more time to judge the ally AI, but I can report that the behavior grid from the original is gone, replaced by a much simpler handful of general instructions, though you can still tell each member how long to charge their weapon. Dashing is a bit different now; it still uses stamina, but drains it slowly, and recovers very quickly when you stop. It's also easier to control than before, albeit a bit slower, so overall I'll probably end up using it a good deal more frequently this time around.

- As I suggested earlier, I get the sense that the project was somewhat rushed, since it feels like the team wanted to add more creature comforts and updates than they had time to; you still can't compare gear to what you have until you buy it, though the stats screen is a bit more candid about resistances and such. Also, analog-only movement; the control pad is used for certain other functions, and you can't switch one for the other. It doesn't feel terrible IMO, but it's still an option I would like to have had. Item rings also don't always appear around the character they're for, and don't remember which item you were on when you back out, though you can scroll through the various screens while you're still in them; one weird setting they do give you is the ability to hold more than 4 of each item, up to 12 IIRC, if you'd like. I don't know if they plan on patching stuff like this in at some point, but it would go a long way towards making the package feel more complete if they did.

That's probably about all I'm comfortable critiquing so far; in the early going, I'd say that if you remember what kind of project this is and keep your expectations appropriately in check you'll at least like it better than most of the naysayers. Further impressions to come...
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Sumez »

No, the polygonal visuals don't have the same impact as those lovely sprites of yesteryear, but if you were expecting them to, you're not being reasonable
While I wouldn't realistically expect it to actually look as good as the old game, is it really unreasonable that a remake of a game 25 years after the original release should look at least as good as it did then? I mean, I'm unsure what the point of this remake even is.

Meanwhile Seiken Densetsu 3 just saw a recent re-release in Japan, and Square Enix are still robbing the west off it.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BulletMagnet »

Sumez wrote:While I wouldn't realistically expect it to actually look as good as the old game, is it really unreasonable that a remake of a game 25 years after the original release should look at least as good as it did then? I mean, I'm unsure what the point of this remake even is.
Personally, I actually do think the remake looks quite nice; I'm a little ways farther in now, and at least so far I can't really complain too much about that aspect. I've heard plenty of generalized gripes about the visuals, but few specific criticisms outside of "their mouths don't move" and "they aren't sprites". If you know of a more in-depth breakdown of exactly what's "wrong" with the presentation I'd be interested in seeing it, because to me the remake does a fine, if imperfect, job overall of evoking the original with 3D graphics and, to a lesser extent, a more "orchestral" soundtrack.

As for the "point" of the remake, well, obviously it's to make some extra cash with an existing (and much-diminished...maybe they're testing the waters for a revival?) property off of folks who are curious enough to either replay the game in slightly different form, or try it for the first time after hearing the hype - I can only imagine the second group will be largely disappointed, though, as the basic framework of the game remains largely ignorant of both the genre's and the medium's myriad refinements over the past quarter-century (a figure which still catches me off guard). I frankly find it difficult to envision how anyone could appreciate anything about the remake without being familiar with the original release and thus able to judge for themselves which parts were wise to stick close to and which ones they would have liked to see changed; there's no way there'll ever be anything resembling a consensus on much of it, which is why I can only assume most of Square regularly loses sleep over the FF7 remake, heh.

To be sure, I wouldn't have minded some more "meddling" by Square in certain areas (heck, the original had a bunch of content cut from it after the SNES-CD was cancelled, I'd have loved to see some of that, or at least enough to fill in some of the underbaked "just sitting there" elements left over in the final release), but again, in this day and age this series wasn't ever going to get mainline-Final Fantasy levels of resources devoted to it; if memory serves the preceding remake of the original Seiken Densetsu was a phone game before they ported it to the PSN. It's partially the nostalgia talking here, to be sure, but for the moment I'm having a pretty good time all told, warts old and new notwithstanding.
Meanwhile Seiken Densetsu 3 just saw a recent re-release in Japan, and Square Enix are still robbing the west off it.
Who knows, maybe we'll eventually get the Mana collection, especially if Square can sucker some poor fan translator into letting them use their work for a song...then again, they cleaned up SoM's translation a bit for the remake (without such assistance, I assume?), so anything's possible! That being said, I also seem to recall that a lot of folks like the third game less than the second (I only tried a little of it, so I can't comment much), so again, methinks expectations would be wise to keep in check even if it does head our way.

In any event, here are a few additional items of possible interest:

- I don't know if it's my imagination playing tricks, but I find myself using charged-up attacks a lot less than I remember; rarely does the extra downtime required for even a level 1 or 2 charge seem worth being able to keep the opponent stunned with quick, steady individual hits, especially when your partners are contributing to the effort.

- On that note, the new AI system seems even simpler than I first thought; the only four options you get are "attack same enemy as player" "attack different enemy than player", "assist [Character A]" and "assist [Character B]", though you can still instruct them to target a specific baddie separately. Normally, the latter is basically a prompt to follow up attacks, though if you want both allies to hang back without attacking you can simply set them both to "help [Other AI Character]" and they'll stay out of the fray. I'd still have probably preferred the grid, though.

- I saw mention of bugs in reviews of the PC version, and despite a patch having landed before I started playing I've encountered one seemingly random crash so far; on the bright side, while you can still manually save at the usual spots the game also auto-saves at various points now, so I didn't lose much progress. Still, hopefully they'll keep the fixes (and/or enhancements) coming.

- While the game does a laudable job of retaining a lot of the original's little visual details and quirks, two are missing which notably disappointed me: 1) No more view of your characters flying into the stratosphere and plummeting back to earth when you use cannon travel; you just see the cannon go off, and then everyone landing at the destination. 2) When staying at an inn characters no longer get under the covers, nor have any sort of sleep animation; I have to admit I miss the sprite's big-mouthed snoring. Not something I plan on starting an email campaign over, but a bummer nonetheless.

- Speaking of which, one new flourish I could have done without is that the final hit on an enemy now triggers a unique "fall down" animation that proceeds their "dying" animation - it does add some character, but it also slows things down if you want to see if a slain enemy drops a treasure chest, since it won't appear until the entire sequence is over.

- One other addition I'm glad to see is a "what you're currently supposed to be doing" segment in the menu; directions could sometimes be fleeting and/or unclear in the original (especially without a copy of Nintendo Power nearby), so it's good to be able to have at least some reference handy to keep things moving. While we're here, though, the camera here feels just a touch more "zoomed-in" than it used to; hardly to the point of crippling the game, but I would have liked the ability to pan around a bit with the right stick to make it harder to accidentally miss something, especially since it's not being used for anything else.

Again, my memory might be off, but progress so far feels a lot faster than I remember, even though I'm having to wrack my brain to remember how certain stuff goes; guess we'll have to see how far I get, and how fast.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Marc »

Fuck, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is fun, but the extent of its cheating AI in 150cc upwards is laughable at times.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Blinge »

Started Ultima I: First age of Dank
(hue hue memes!)

With no small amount of help from Welshy to get the FM towns emulator working.
It's cool so far! I was one shotting everything in a dungeon's first floor before realising I wasn't even using a weapon.
Then i got buttrammed outside.

Not sure whether I want this to be a nighttime chill game here and there until i get bored or if I'll make a concerted effort to finish.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Sumez »

Why are you playing the FM Towns version?
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Blinge »

Why not?

Cause.. the dungeons have walls.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Sumez »

Well, since the game was originally developed for Apple-II, I'd personally default to either that or the DOS version (since you are actually playing it on a PC, but I'm guessing DOSBOX is required), so I was thinking there must be some special reason for you to set up an FM Towns emulator and play that version?

Or to put it more simply, if the FM Towns version is recognized as the "best" version of the game, I would like to know why, as I know nothing about the variations of it, and it's the first time I've heard of that.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Mischief Maker »

Still playing the Hotline Miami-esque randomly generated spaceship hijacking game Heat Signature.

I don't know that I'd call it the best indie game of 2017, there are so many contenders, but it's definitely the most addictive.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by SpryteMix »

Super Street Fighter II X (Turbo) to polish the dust off due to an event taken place this weekend. Also been playing some Breath of the Wild and Puyo Puyo Tetris on Switch.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by WelshMegalodon »

Sumez wrote:Well, since the game was originally developed for Apple-II, I'd personally default to either that or the DOS version (since you are actually playing it on a PC, but I'm guessing DOSBOX is required), so I was thinking there must be some special reason for you to set up an FM Towns emulator and play that version?

Or to put it more simply, if the FM Towns version is recognized as the "best" version of the game, I would like to know why, as I know nothing about the variations of it, and it's the first time I've heard of that.
Graphics, mostly. Compare:

Apple ][:
FM Towns:
The Towns release is also one of only two versions with music, the other being the obscure IIGS release.

As for the "best" version, the original release supposedly has a bug where the dungeon layouts change every single time you go into them, so if I weren't a purist I would recommend the MS-DOS release of the 1986 remake. The fact that this version can be installed to a hard drive gives it a huge edge over the Apple ][ and C64 releases. (The manual for the IIGS release states it can be installed to a hard drive as well, making it the other serious contender.) Granted, the dungeon thing isn't a huge deal with the "Ladder Up" and "Ladder Down" spells, but still.

By the way, this and the DOS releases of the other early Ultima games don't have frame limiters, and DOSBox can't precisely replicate the 4.77 MHz clock speed of the 8088 that would have run them. Anyone wanting to play them in an emulator would have to either eyeball the speed in DOSBox with a low cycle count or play the game in your XT-era PC emulator of choice (PCem is my go-to, but I'm told PCE/ibmpc, PCx86, and 8086tiny are all worthwhile options)

Update: I'm not sure PCem can run this correctly when emulating a 4.77 MHz machine. The text is always garbled, whether on a PC-XT, a Phoenix XT clone, or a Juko XT clone. Thankfully, this issue does not occur in PCE/ibmpc.

Update 2: Scratch that - the text issue doesn't occur when emulating an XT with VGA graphics, only EGA.
Last edited by WelshMegalodon on Wed Feb 28, 2018 4:31 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by gameoverDude »

Alien vs Predator (arcade) - Playing as Predator Warrior. Can get to stage 7 without continues, but no 1CC yet. IMO the first fight with the Alien Queen in stage 4 is actually harder than the Power Loader & Mad Predator, unless you get close (I'll use a spear dive), stay inside, & repeatedly flying kick it to death. The flying kicks need to be chained- any break, and the Queen may land a hit.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BulletMagnet »

Finished the Mana remake, and stand by what I've said along the way: there are plenty of legitimate reasons to rag on it, but the "there's absolutely nothing worthwhile here" commentary strikes me as too harsh by half. I need someone to explain to me why the Final Fantasy Adventure revamp took a largely identical approach and was greeted with loads of "THIS is how you do a remake" praise, while this one wound up in the doghouse; I'll be the first to admit that S-E didn't exactly exert themselves on the project, and that's a shame, but it's far from the travesty it's been declared by many.

I still need to finish up Iconoclasts, but decided to finally give my Wii U a bit of attention, starting with Mario 3D World; I'm not terribly fond of the mostly-static camera, and the more "staggered" feel to building up running speed feels a little awkward, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BrianC »

BulletMagnet wrote:I need someone to explain to me why the Final Fantasy Adventure revamp took a largely identical approach and was greeted with loads of "THIS is how you do a remake" praise, while this one wound up in the doghouse
I generally heard mixed things about Sword of Mana and that it's not as good as FFA.

Some user reviews are a bit out there, though.

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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Sumez »

Yeah I don't think I ever heard anything good about Sword of Mana aside from the art style which is obviously beautiful.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BulletMagnet »

I actually wasn't talking about Sword of Mana on the GBA, but Adventures of Mana, which was done in a style very much akin to the SoM remake, and received quite well when it first released on smartphones (albeit less so on PSN, largely because S-E didn't change much in the platform shift).

In any event, I finished the "main" game in Mario 3D World, and did so entirely as Mario, but now that I'm tackling the Star area I find myself drawn to The Weege (an odd irony considering his slippery handling in Galaxy is what eventually caused me to quit that one). In many ways the game has been great; there's a good amount of variety, nice callbacks for longtime players, and the "gimmick" stages aren't too bad either, but a lot of my deaths have been the result of the two irritants I mentioned earlier, namely largely-static camera angle that can make it hard to tell precisely where you are, and the fact that you drop like a lead weight from jumps that haven't passed a very specific acceleration threshold. Still, definitely not as much of a no-go as Sunshine proved to be for me.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Sumez »

I never even heard of that remake. It looks worse than the Secret of Mana remake, but to its defense, it didn't give up beautiful pixel art for something objectively worse, but rather primitive Game Boy graphics. It would still have been much better with Brownie Brown style 2D artwork. It's really sad that Square doesn't work with them anymore for this series.

Agreed on 3D World, it's biggest issue is definitely in determining Mario's position in the 3D world during a jump. This is especially apparent in this game, since jumping on enemies is your primary attack, similar to the 2D games. It feels like a left over from 3D Land which introduced this style of camera to showcase the 3D visuals in the game which exactly worked to help discern where Mario was.
Aside from that issue though, I'd say 3D World is much better than 3D Land. And it has this. Don't tell me you weren't rocking in your chair when you reached world 8.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BulletMagnet »

Sumez wrote:It looks worse than the Secret of Mana remake, but to its defense, it didn't give up beautiful pixel art for something objectively worse, but rather primitive Game Boy graphics.
That's kinda the point I've been making; the Mana remake does pretty much the same thing as a well-reviewed predecessor, but gets panned in large part because of how revered, fairly or not, the original game is, as opposed to what's objectively wrong with it (and it's not lacking in that department either). I feel kinda odd semi-defending the remake when it does have more than a few significant shortcomings old and new, but I really do think a lot of people dogpiled on it out of instinctual recoil and idealistic expectations rather than taking an honest look at what was (and wasn't) in front of them.

As for 3D World, it does have a pretty great soundtrack. :)
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Sumez »

I don't think you can really judge a remake without comparing to the original. If nothing of what was changed adds to the experience, how can you justify its existance?
Again, I'm talking about the perspective of the person who plays the game, not the company that produces it hoping to make some cheap extra bucks.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Xyga »

I always like to compare SoM with a popular game like Sor2, since a great part of the enjoyment in that game came from hitting enemies around charged or not.
Animation and sound are just perfectly tuned for that. The graphics and musical identity are fantastic, forging leveling and acquiring equipment simple but exciting and effective etc. SoM soes so many things so right it earned its status, even if there's obviously so much unfinished and non-refined stuff, like AI and annoying magic system, awful dialogue-script... imperfect yet simple and so well executed and inspired that it became a classic.
Honestly I'd done playing those, been a while but if I do one more full run some day it will that remake out of curiosity, but not now.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

My clears this year so far.

Neutopia. Metal Gear, New Super Mario Bros U, Streets of Rage, Hyper Duel, Blast Wind, Layer Section, Yakiniku Bugyou, Mana Khemia 2, Lollipop Chainsaw, The Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition.

Witcher series is such quality. Replayed it for the route I didn't take the first time.

I'm still thinking about what to start next. Leaning towards the first Suikoden since I never beat it but it is so rough around the edges.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Sumez »

Wow, crazy pace!
I'm doing the "52 game challenge" this year, same as I have the last three years - haven't been able to pull it off even once so far. But I'm not doing it for any reasons other than for myself, as an attempt to get through my huge backlog of unplayed games.

So far this year, I have gone through: Ys 8, Dragon Warrior, Dragon Warrior 2, Dragon Quest 7, Rockman World 5, Dragon Warrior 3, Panic Restaurant/Gourmet World, Moon Crystal, Adventure Island 4, and Super Mario Bros. 2 Jap / Lost Levels.

Only one of those I've beaten previously was SMB2j, so I'm on a decent run so far.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

Good luck with your quest. Ys 8 is on my to play list this year.

To be fair a lot of the games I beat are short. I'm trying to beat a game for every system I have. I did it last year and had a lot of fun doing so. The problematic systems for me are 32x, N64 and GBA among some others. Now, I love the GBA, the trick is not replaying a Castlevania or Fire Emblem game on it for the 6th+ time.
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