The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

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The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by PC Engine Fan X! »

The fourth Matrix movie trailer is already out -- aptly titled "The Matrix: Resurrections". Yes, Neo's back and it seems the first three Matrix films were just a dream? What...!

It will make it's grand debut on the big screen December 22nd, 2021 which falls on a Wednesday indeed. (You might recall the sci-fi CG flick of "Final Fanasty: The Spirits Within" debuted on a Wednesday as well at the American film box office back in the day which was quite different as far as releasing big-buget films on the silver screen.)

The background setting takes place in of all places...San Francisco, CA for this 4th Matrix sequel. I do recall when the 4th Matrix sequel was announced back in September of 2019. Director Lana Wachowski is at the helm for this fourth Matrix sequel this time around.

Yep, Warner Bros. will have the entire American film box office to themselves this upcoming Christmas 2021 holiday season without any major Hollywood blockbuster films to compete against it (Top Gun Maverick was slated for a December 2021 theatrical release but has been pushed back to a Memorial Day 2022 debut).

Should be well worth wait to re-enter the Matrix world/mythos.

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It was all a dream!

Post by NYN »

...and I haven't seen it. The movie will share the same fate. Is it already the 20 year cycle? Huh.
So Larry Fishburne's portrait of Morpheus was also a dream? How utterly fitting. It's great how the subject matter is just made for this kind of actor integrity. The ever changing form of codes and avatars... No, Neo. That wasn't me. You've been dreaming.

Thanks for the warning, though.
WhatImageeven mean, though?!
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by Mischief Maker »

My expectations are rock bottom. Lana Wachowski was also director of Jupiter Rising.

As we learned from Suicide Squad 1, a talented editor can make a trailer for the most garbage movie look amazing with a good musical accompaniment.

Neo stopping bullets with his mind is the boringest Neo.
Prediction: Neo and Trinity are now just self-aware programs.
That said, I'm still a stan for the Wachowski's Speed Racer.
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by Leandro »

Neo now needs to scream with emotion to activate his powers. I don't remember this in the originals. Maybe it's a code update

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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by orange808 »

Because, harvesting body heat from a bunch of homo sapiens is the only possible way they could get energy... I heard the plot, laughed, and ignored it. Saw a little of the movie on television. Reeves "woke up", I laughed, turned it off, and never watched anything "The Matrix" again. The premise is stupid. Should have gone with a Logan's Run/Wall-E and had Reeves wake up to a green recovered planet--and a machine that has outlived it's use case. The plot isn't innovative; it's nonsensical. If I can't suspend disbelief, nothing else matters.
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by mycophobia »

fwiw they originally wanted to use human brains for processing power but the studio didnt think audiences would understand that

Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by xxx1993 »

This will be my final movie of 2021.
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by Mischief Maker »

On a related note, I find it hilarious that "take the red pill" is the rallying cry for hardcore social conservatives when the original Matrix movie was a metaphor for coming out as trans.

Once you learn that fact it's impossible to ignore, the signs are everywhere. All the way down to the Agent of the System whose catchphrase is leaning really hard into deadnaming Neo.
orange808 wrote:Because, harvesting body heat from a bunch of homo sapiens is the only possible way they could get energy... I heard the plot, laughed, and ignored it. Saw a little of the movie on television. Reeves "woke up", I laughed, turned it off, and never watched anything "The Matrix" again. The premise is stupid. Should have gone with a Logan's Run/Wall-E and had Reeves wake up to a green recovered planet--and a machine that has outlived it's use case. The plot isn't innovative; it's nonsensical. If I can't suspend disbelief, nothing else matters.
The sequels are unnecessary garbage, but the original Matrix is a masterpiece and you're missing out.

And nobody is impressed that you figured out the body heat generators are unrealistic, so did all the fans.

Newsflash! Imperial Stormtroopers have really bad aim!
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by BryanM »

Here's a link to the trailer so you don't have to do anything more than click. Looks surprisingly interesting. The new direction looks great.

It's neat how the old films have gathered some Zeerust. It's not as bad as the Lost In Space robot, but give it some more time.
a talented editor can make a trailer for the most garbage movie look amazing with a good musical accompaniment.
eeeh I'm way too old to be befuddled by flash and pizzaz. If an ad doesn't stand alone as its own work of story+media, it's just its own music video and who would be tricked by the same old trick they use every single time? Wild Wild West~~~ (Wait did Smith really pass on starring in The Matrix for this???)

I do like all the attempts to cut trailers with different tones; Mrs.Doubtfire as a thriller, Jaws as a homoerotic romance thing, etc.

How you could make a good music video with Beaster Day as your source material.... now that person would be a wizard indeed.
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by pablumatic »

The trailer makes the movie look like the definition of the modern "soft reboot."

A sequel that hits on many of the same story points as the original movies while keeping some of the original characters in to make it appear plausibly like a sequel instead of a full remake.

I have no interest in revisiting that story.
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by Durandal »

I'm glad that Resurrections seems to be going back to placing focus on Neo as a character. Nobody cared about Zion in Reloaded/Revolutions because there are no characters native to them that we're given any reason to care about (while also being unable to make up for it on a sheer visceral level like the Matrix fight scenes in Reloaded being some of the best action that Hollywood has to offer, at least when it didn't go into early 00's CGI mode). The more the sequels veered away into scope expansion creep the worse they got, culminating in the Zion defense sequence in Revolutions that's probably the most expensive scene in the franchise aside from the highway chase, and also the most boring one yet.

I am a bit worried that the aging actors probably aren't as flexible as they used to to do any practical stuntwork. That's probably why Lawrence Fishburne got recast by someone younger as well. Keanu seems to have transitioned from a Monk to a CGI Mage, if the trailer is anything to go by.
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by DenimDemon »

Damn looks terrible. Image wise. Some much hype from RED camera for this? Looks video as hell. Funnily the best looking imagery comes from 100% CG scenes.

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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by BryanM »

Durandal wrote:The more the sequels veered away into scope expansion creep the worse they got, culminating in the Zion defense sequence in Revolutions that's probably the most expensive scene in the franchise aside from the highway chase, and also the most boring one yet.
My friend made an MSPaint comic making fun of the movie at the time, the mecha fight was a huge part of our derision. Will have to dig through my old harddrives sometime to see if I can find it, it's been hella long...

The Animatrix did a better job of building empathy for the Zion peasants by well, you know, giving some of them a little screen time and I think one of them even got to be a mini-MC of their own narrative? Amazing how that works. (When I think of NPCs that really shouldn't matter, the lizardmen from the lightnovel franchise Overlord rank super high up there. Going into their arc, noone should give a shit about them. By the time it's over, many would end up invested in their swamp people problems. All thanks to spending an entire hour from their point of view.) It's obviously rather difficult to invest in it over the matrix, what with the fantasy world being far more appealing than the real one, with all of those shitty worn out Matrix sweaters and no color and what not. ... I guess they could have made Zion more appealing to live in, like a Blade Runner city?

It was said the final fight scene in the rain was stolen from Volcano High, so I watched it one time. I can thoroughly say... I can't say if it was or wasn't. But wouldn't disagree with anyone who said it is or isn't. An anticlimax either way. Hype payoff is a horribly difficult thing to land, especially when it's about action and not devious bullshitting/politics: how were they going to top or continue from Reeves superman flying at the very end of the first movie?
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by orange808 »

Mischief Maker wrote: The sequels are unnecessary garbage, but the original Matrix is a masterpiece and you're missing out.

And nobody is impressed that you figured out the body heat generators are unrealistic, so did all the fans.

Newsflash! Imperial Stormtroopers have really bad aim!
We all thought we saw masterpieces at a certain age. Youth gives us a right to be wrong. I'm not moved, though. The Matrix was an empty vehicle for special effects and costumes. And, truth be told, even John Carter was a better film.

Newsflash! You don't have to ignore major parts of the plot to enjoy a masterpiece! :-)

All bad guys in action movies are bad at shooting and fighting. For me, it's hard to watch these days. I always laugh when I hear "only imperial stormtroopers are so precise". Obviously, a masterpiece won't get unintentional laughs like that.

Rebel X wing fighters have no rear guns at all--despite having a droid to watch the rear? Why? With no rear guns, they decide to just run down the trench and two wingmen commit suicide so the leader can shoot the exhaust port? Is that the best plan we can come up with? Yes, they needed "sacrifice" for drama, but it's still nonsensical. Only three tie fighters can engage the biggest threat to the station? Why aren't there hundreds of tie fighters to engage the small rebel attack? Vader's wingmen can't ever shoot? Why? (The Death Star is very expensive and everyone dies if it explodes!) Can't stay back from the leader and cut the throttle when fighters try to come in behind? You don't let someone get behind you when you're defenseless from behind. Shit. There's plot holes everywhere. The rebels don't immediately evacuate when Leia knows she was being tracked? She admitted that there may be no weakness and she knows the Death Star can destroy planets. Leia doesn't get dropped off somewhere else, change ships, and then safely deliver the plans? (Solo isn't going to stop her and she's obviously good for the money.)

Fat guy dies first! Cover me Porky! Okay, Porkins. It's a fat joke! Get it? haha.....ha... ha.... .... ha... ...... ... hmmm.... ... ...

We could go on and on. Filling plot holes isn't always a good thing, either. Metaclorians are so eye rolling and stupid, I barely have the words. Obviously, you can't build a supernatural force into the lore and completely demystify it later. That's trolling!

But, none of that quite compares to the idea of running that huge network of humans for body heat. That's dumb. The Matrix is set in an alternate reality that is obviously supposed to be virtually identical to my own. When the imprisonment of mankind is the main pillar of the entire plot, the motivation for trapping human beings can't be bullshit. Even worse, they present you with that laughably stupid core plot point almost immediately.

I'm not sure the blue pill / red pill thing is anything more than a cheap rip off of the Alice books. It's whatever you want it to be. Not a huge fan Carroll's writing style, but he had imagination in spades--and he amused me more than the Matrix ever could. People with less imagination always try to make up for it by swiping his ideas.
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by DMC »

always laugh when I hear "only imperial stormtroopers are so precise". Obviously, a masterpiece won't get unintentional laughs like that.
Very entertaining though!
"Only Imperial Stormtroopers Are So Precise"
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by TransatlanticFoe »

orange808 wrote: Rebel X wing fighters have no rear guns at all--despite having a droid to watch the rear? Why? With no rear guns, they decide to just run down the trench and two wingmen commit suicide so the leader can shoot the exhaust port? Is that the best plan we can come up with? Yes, they needed "sacrifice" for drama, but it's still nonsensical. Only three tie fighters can engage the biggest threat to the station? Why aren't there hundreds of tie fighters to engage the small rebel attack? Vader's wingmen can't ever shoot? Why? (The Death Star is very expensive and everyone dies if it explodes!) Can't stay back from the leader and cut the throttle when fighters try to come in behind? You don't let someone get behind you when you're defenseless from behind. Shit. There's plot holes everywhere. The rebels don't immediately evacuate when Leia knows she was being tracked? She admitted that there may be no weakness and she knows the Death Star can destroy planets. Leia doesn't get dropped off somewhere else, change ships, and then safely deliver the plans? (Solo isn't going to stop her and she's obviously good for the money.)
Okay so there's always a nerd to defend this sort of thing so here I come. Frankly I don't think any of the above is inconsistent or unbelievable

1. Yeah it's the best plan. None of the rebel fighters are fast enough to outrun a TIE without diverting power from the guns, which is why they can't drop another set of fighters in behind when Vader and goons come in. You don't have rear guns on a fighter, it's inefficient use of power and you'd get done in a dogfight by something which doesn't waste resource on rear defence. Rear guns are on the Y-Wing bombers, arguably a better use of 3 pilots to crew these than an extra few X-Wings - but it's not beyond reasonable, given the state of the rebels, that they don't have them operational
2. Lack of defence (for special effect and budget limitation reasons) is explained in several lines of dialogue
"The empire doesn't consider a small one man fighter to be any threat, or they'll have a tighter defence"
"Our censors count thirty rebel ships but they're so small they're evading our turbolasers"
"We'll destroy them ship to ship to ship, get the crews to their fighters"
They don't need a support fleet because the Death Star is designed to counter a large scale assault. Small fighters are not considered a threat, so their own fighter compliment is limited - it's a weapon of terror which the Empire believe is essentially invulnerable. Why have hundreds of fighters and pilots that you don't need? Stick them elsewhere in your fleet. It makes sense that the Death Star's fighter contingent is little more than a couple of sentry squadrons
3. Only three fighters engage in the trench due to speed and space limitations, see what happens when Solo arrives and blasts one - any evasive action is risky. No point in sending hundreds down there when only the front couple can shoot. Similarly you don't send fighters to attack from the other direction - the closing speed is so fast that you have one shot and it's unlikely you'll score a hit. Better to tail them where your fighters can line up their shots
4. Vader's support do not attack because he orders them to cover him. They're there to stop any rebel ships that decide to drop speed and attack from behind (in the short window before they're outrun)
5. The rebels don't evacuate because they opt to make a stand based on available data, no doubt transports are ready to go if they need to but the supplies/crew are needed if there is a viable plan. If they couldn't formulate an attack plan from the Death Star data, they would likely have opted to evacuate

Star Wars largely holds up as consistent within the rules it sets itself (silent, physics accurate space battles would be boring or beyond the available technology to film). Even stormtroopers not hitting anything, at least in the original film, makes sense because they want them to escape so Vader can track them to their base. Tarkin's dialogue indicates he's not fully on board with it. "Only imperial stormtroopers are so precise" only comes across as dumb when they consistently fail to hit a cow's arse with a banjo in the next two films. And Jedi's "an entire legion of my best troops await", only to be bested by 3 foot tall teddy bears with pointy sticks. But the first film on its own? Yeah it pretty much nails things.
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by Mischief Maker »

Also in Jedi, there were entire fleets with swarms of fighters guarding the Death Star 2.

Also in Empire, Vader had the hyperdrive for the Millenium Falcon disabled and wanted the crew taken alive. There's always an excuse for poor Stormtrooper aim in the first two Star Wars films.

Ewoks were hated for good reason.
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by Sumez »

I kinda agree The Matrix isn't that great, but the human battery concept being illogical really doesn't play into that. I think it's kept low enough in the movie to never really matter. It's irrelevant why the robots made the matrix, the only thing that matters is that they did.
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by orange808 »

Xwing would be a heavy fighter and designed specifically to offset the disadvantage it faces against the Empire's huge fleet of tie fighters and clone pilots. The tie fighter is a lightweight fighter and built to attack in large numbers. Yes, there would be a rear gun on the Xwing. The design exists solely to support the plot. The A-wing wouldn't have a rear gun. It's a lightweight fighter that would match the tie on speed. In the case of the rebellion, I would assume the Awing would be faster than the tie--otherwise it makes no sense to build them (because the rebellion doesn't have endless resources).

The slow Ywing bomber should be well equipped with 360 turrets. Of course, that's also not there in the film. Truthfully, given that no rebel fighters can outrun the tie fighters, the Ywings should running the trench with support above and behind from Xwings. Just admit it's a plot device, audiences are lazy, and move on. :-)

What are Vader's wingmen covering him from? The rebels aren't doing anything. Also, Solo shouldn't be able to fly right into the fray and easily snipe Vader. There should hundreds of ties scrambled to protect the space station.

It's all nonsense and it's specifically crafted around the plot. Lucas needs to deliver his scenario and the audience can't be bothered with details or anything complicated. The circumstances are an afterthought. It's a superficial cowboys in space summer blockbuster. It's tons of fun, but I wouldn't call it a masterpiece.

The Rebels choose to be dumb because they choose to be dumb? That's not an answer. The Death Star doesn't arrive immediately. Most of the people would be evacuated by the time the Death Star arrives. Once again, it's all specifically crafted to produce drama and avoid taxing the viewer with details. Yes, the fighters and a skeleton crew of ground support would stay behind to make a stand and that's all.

Even a large scale assault would include rebel fighters. Furthermore, the quotes don't actually make sense. Saying something dumb out loud doesn't make it any less dumb. Large frigates, dreadnoughts, and carriers would (of course) get chewed up by the Death Star's turrets and main gun. Fighters would be the only sensible way to destroy the turrets, so the fleet could reach the Death Star before they got picked off (one by one) with the slow main gun. You can't explain away dumb things. Saying dumb things doesn't make them NOT dumb. The first wave of a large assault would attack the turrets with fighters. The Death Star needs fighters because it isn't traveling with a fleet to protect it. Fighters are a threat--and it's obvious.
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by Sumez »

Yeah I can hear Star Wars really isn't something you care about :D
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by Austin »

Normally I am not too keen on reboots (or even sequels decades later), but I really enjoy the Matrix series and am willing to go into this one with an open mind.
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by Mischief Maker »

orange808 wrote:Xwing would be a heavy fighter and designed specifically to offset the disadvantage it faces against the Empire's huge fleet of tie fighters and clone pilots. The tie fighter is a lightweight fighter and built to attack in large numbers. Yes, there would be a rear gun on the Xwing. The design exists solely to support the plot. The A-wing wouldn't have a rear gun. It's a lightweight fighter that would match the tie on speed. In the case of the rebellion, I would assume the Awing would be faster than the tie--otherwise it makes no sense to build them (because the rebellion doesn't have endless resources).

The slow Ywing bomber should be well equipped with 360 turrets. Of course, that's also not there in the film. Truthfully, given that no rebel fighters can outrun the tie fighters, the Ywings should running the trench with support above and behind from Xwings. Just admit it's a plot device, audiences are lazy, and move on. :-)

What are Vader's wingmen covering him from? The rebels aren't doing anything. Also, Solo shouldn't be able to fly right into the fray and easily snipe Vader. There should hundreds of ties scrambled to protect the space station.

It's all nonsense and it's specifically crafted around the plot. Lucas needs to deliver his scenario and the audience can't be bothered with details or anything complicated. The circumstances are an afterthought. It's a superficial cowboys in space summer blockbuster. It's tons of fun, but I wouldn't call it a masterpiece.

The Rebels choose to be dumb because they choose to be dumb? That's not an answer. The Death Star doesn't arrive immediately. Most of the people would be evacuated by the time the Death Star arrives. Once again, it's all specifically crafted to produce drama and avoid taxing the viewer with details. Yes, the fighters and a skeleton crew of ground support would stay behind to make a stand and that's all.

Even a large scale assault would include rebel fighters. Furthermore, the quotes don't actually make sense. Saying something dumb out loud doesn't make it any less dumb. Large frigates, dreadnoughts, and carriers would (of course) get chewed up by the Death Star's turrets and main gun. Fighters would be the only sensible way to destroy the turrets, so the fleet could reach the Death Star before they got picked off (one by one) with the slow main gun. You can't explain away dumb things. Saying dumb things doesn't make them NOT dumb. The first wave of a large assault would attack the turrets with fighters. The Death Star needs fighters because it isn't traveling with a fleet to protect it. Fighters are a threat--and it's obvious.
Here's Mr. Realism turning up his nose at the Matrix, but insisting the fugitive rebel base on Yavin, suddenly in possession of the Death Star plans and with only a day at most to prepare a makeshift attack, can design, prototype, and manufacture two brand new and wildly different forms of starfighter specialized for an attack on this specific enemy.

The rebellion didn't build its ships, it smuggled them from the black market and sympathetic governments like Alderaan. That's why the full rebel fleet is a hodgepodge of different ship designs from the spiky and angular Nebulon-B Frigates to the smooth and bubble-like Mon Calamari cruisers, backed up by a similarly eclectic fleet of starfighters. Some are rickety and old like the Y-Wing, some are downright alien like the B-Wing.

The X-Wings in particular were all-purpose craft, capable of dogfighting, bombing, and planetary VTOL landing. Jack of all trades, master of none.

The Tie Fighters were specialized dogfighters built purely for speed and maneuverability. Look at the dogfighting portion of the Death Star battle, every time an X-Wing gets a Tie Fighter on its six, they're fucked. They only manage to survive if an unengaged wingman comes to their rescue. Even Luke.

As for why there isn't a swarm on screen, Darth Vader makes it clear that the trench-runners are a small force that broke off from the main diversionary attack that his intuition told him to take care of personally.

And why the Millenium Falcon saved the day? Besides the fact that it was made clear Han hot-rodded it up to outrun top-of-the-line imperial ships, despite its humble exterior, Vader's wing was matching speed with Luke's slower X-Wing. Even then, it was only thanks to the supernatural intervention of the force that Luke held out long enough for Han to catch up.

And why weren't the empire's tactics perfect? Time and time again Star Wars makes clear that its space nazis are every bit the petty backbiting drama queens as real-life fascists, favoring grandiose pageantry rather than a strategic retreat during the Russian winter. They DID figure out the rebel's attack plans, but Moff Tarkin was too focused on being the guy to order the big dramatic super laser attack to escape.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by Sumez »

Mischief Maker is making a lot of sense. I don't demand realism from my space fantasy, but all of this seems fairly consistent within the rules of the movie's universe.
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by Vanguard »

There's a zero percent chance that this will be good.

The first Matrix is an all-time classic and the human battery thing, while silly, is such a small part of the movie that you should just ignore it.
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by orange808 »

Mischief Maker wrote: Here's Mr. Realism turning up his nose at the Matrix, but insisting the fugitive rebel base on Yavin, suddenly in possession of the Death Star plans and with only a day at most to prepare a makeshift attack, can design, prototype, and manufacture two brand new and wildly different forms of starfighter specialized for an attack on this specific enemy.

The rebellion didn't build its ships, it smuggled them from the black market and sympathetic governments like Alderaan. That's why the full rebel fleet is a hodgepodge of different ship designs from the spiky and angular Nebulon-B Frigates to the smooth and bubble-like Mon Calamari cruisers, backed up by a similarly eclectic fleet of starfighters. Some are rickety and old like the Y-Wing, some are downright alien like the B-Wing.

The X-Wings in particular were all-purpose craft, capable of dogfighting, bombing, and planetary VTOL landing. Jack of all trades, master of none.

The Tie Fighters were specialized dogfighters built purely for speed and maneuverability. Look at the dogfighting portion of the Death Star battle, every time an X-Wing gets a Tie Fighter on its six, they're fucked. They only manage to survive if an unengaged wingman comes to their rescue. Even Luke.

As for why there isn't a swarm on screen, Darth Vader makes it clear that the trench-runners are a small force that broke off from the main diversionary attack that his intuition told him to take care of personally.

And why the Millenium Falcon saved the day? Besides the fact that it was made clear Han hot-rodded it up to outrun top-of-the-line imperial ships, despite its humble exterior, Vader's wing was matching speed with Luke's slower X-Wing. Even then, it was only thanks to the supernatural intervention of the force that Luke held out long enough for Han to catch up.

And why weren't the empire's tactics perfect? Time and time again Star Wars makes clear that its space nazis are every bit the petty backbiting drama queens as real-life fascists, favoring grandiose pageantry rather than a strategic retreat during the Russian winter. They DID figure out the rebel's attack plans, but Moff Tarkin was too focused on being the guy to order the big dramatic super laser attack to escape.
I didn't say that shit. Quote where I said it.

Is any of your backstory in the film? Nope.

The fan fiction and myths surrounding the fleet have evolved over time and you conveniently picked your own backstory. That's all fan fiction shit. If memory serves, my comic book loving friends back when Star Wars was a thing in the eighties explained the fleet was specifically constructed for the rebellion--not really smuggled. Although, I admit I never had any patience for fan fiction, comic books, "Speed Racer" animation and silly grunting characters that mysteriously make complex voice sounds with their mouths hanging open, or love pillows. I just watched the movie. I have little geek cred beyond my interest in computers/games.

And, nothing yet makes the laughable and dumb body heat thing in The Matrix watchable. The film is a vapid empty vassel. It's an afterthought crafted to transport a series of special effects and costumes.
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by Mischief Maker »

With the exception of my educated guess where exactly the rebels get their starfighters, every detail was referenced by a line or an action in the film, hence all the youtube links I included to the scenes in question.

I realize dying on hills is what you live for, but you're not gonna out-nerd me on this one, buddy.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by orange808 »

Mischief Maker wrote:With the exception of my educated guess where exactly the rebels get their starfighters, every detail was referenced by a line or an action in the film, hence all the youtube links I included to the scenes in question.

I realize dying on hills is what you live for, but you're not gonna out-nerd me on this one, buddy.
Didn't watch your links and I don't plan on it. I sure as hell didn't go diving into fan fiction and I don't believe you made any of that up. I think we're done here.
We apologise for the inconvenience
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Re: The fourth Matrix sequel movie trailer is out...

Post by BryanM »

I would agree that the first Matrix is similar to Star Wars, sure. A pop culture milestone notable only for setting a new bench mark of special effects and causing a particular style to trend. "Bullet time" was interesting, once. We can kind of blame it for all the leather in the X-Men movie the following year.

Since film lags about fifty years behind nerd culture, maybe in forty years we'll start seeing litRPG stuff start to come into vogue. Male power fantasy hasn't changed much at its core, not since the Epic of Gilgamesh.
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