GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Zen »


All these "Journalists", seem very upset.

We need guidance here.
What does the "President of the Video Game History Foundation" have to say on the matter?


Nazi-Paedo Armageddon . . . Fuck me!

Thank you, Mr. President;
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

This recent focus on protecting imaginary children* while actual children are involved in sex trade every day rings particularly hollow for me.

*Twitter, Reddit and even the UN for extra lulz.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Zen »

God bless J. dubya Flynt. We share the sacred madness of being the last of the few, that reference GamerGate unironically!

That being said; It's time to put back up the bunting!


WOOOOOOOO! + Bonus ;Extended cut!

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An before thread "outsiders" start tut-tutting with their impotent tone-policing, I will now steal from that thieving bastard Denis Leary, re-present my impeccable credentials and say; Fuck Off.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Skykid »

I feel like I'm looking into the eyes of a maniac.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Ed Oscuro »

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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Durandal »

what a crazy man!!
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Sly Cherry Chunks »


The leader of Gamergate himself; St*v* B*nn*n, sex robots and SJWs freaking out over internet kissing devices. This story has everything.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Sly Cherry Chunks »

It took me over a month to notice but mah boi Zen has been banned. What happened? His last bunch of posts don't seem to be too incriminating.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BulletMagnet »

Praising the Nuremberg Laws on page 15 of the Brexit thread was the straw that decisively broke the admins' back, though frankly I and others smelled it coming a mile away and should have acted a good deal sooner.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

Jesus H Christ.

Edit: I'm in favour of the clarify...
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Blinge »

Oh, well that earned a smirk from me.

I did consider going one by one through said laws and evaluating them in the thread but then I remembered my promise to myself to be more zen (small z) in my own life.
political arguments in this place do not spark joy.

I always found it amusing how he posted his mug in the pets thread and awkward silence followed for months
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by thchardcore »

Left wing social justice gladiators in America are out of control. It has become a parody of itself to the point where satire is damn near impossible. This extends to every facet of life. Anyone see the social justice banking ads making the rounds on social media?

God forbid you share your opinion if it doesn't fit the narrative. God forbid you don't agree with fringe lifestyles. God forbid you believe in god, unless its Islam, then they think it's dope.

If you are a white Christian straight male, make sure the bulls eye on your back matches your shoes. They won't be happy until everyone is eating the same stale loaf of bread. I'm not surprised it has made its way into video games. This is what happens when you ignore history and cling to victimization.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Blinge »

thchardcore wrote: God forbid you believe in god, unless its Islam, then they think it's dope.
Yeah this one is increasingly convincing for me tbh.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Weak Boson »

I feel like it's probably worth pointing out that there is a reason for lefties to treat Islam different to Christianity - the latter being the dominant religion of (say) the USA and fully integrated and enshrined in its systems of power; the former being the religion of a minority and an increasingly vulnerable one at that. So it's easy for a classic edgy youtube atheist's attacks against Christianity to be framed as a systemic critique which doesn't implicate individuals; whereas the same critique levied against Islam is ripe for being hijacked by the far right and other such bottom feeders, and often consciously employed by them. In a context-free, ahistorical, Sam Harris-style world of abstract discourse solely about "ideas" there is no meaningful distinction, but IRL I think it's legitimate to point out how this framing does matter.

That's not to say there aren't plenty of twitter warriors who garble the point beyond recognition and apply it in the wrong places, resulting in seemingly unprovoked righteous hostility against otherwise inert statements. I guess the internet is just one big feedback loop of the direst tenancies of humankind :)
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by FinalBaton »

Weak Boson wrote:the former being the religion of a minority
Yep, definitely is why the left is enamored with them. Identity politics is the order of the day(which I find incredibly dumb. why target people based on their skin's melanin proportion? Or which holy-book they read or don't read? or what they have between their legs? or who they want to kiss?), BIG time. and the left's focus is set almost entirely on minorities. ergo, if you're a minority, they will automatically carry you in triumph
Weak Boson wrote:far right and other such bottom feeders
I hate the far right, but tbh it's no worse than the far left. Both sides are retarded.

The pendullum swings farther and farther to each opposing side in recent years, it seems, and XTREEM opinions are au goût du jour. Can't say if it truly is worse than 20years ago, but it certainly appears like it on social media and in the MSM too
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by mycophobia »

I think my favorite thing about GamerGate is the gaming
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by drauch »

Man, white straight males really just have it the hardest, huh :cry:
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by FinalBaton »

tbh what interests me more is calling out (and making fun of) the loons à la brianna Wu as the stories happen. This is the true spirit of this thread :P nothingmore
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Blinge »

Weak Boson wrote:I feel like it's probably worth pointing out that there is a reason for lefties to treat Islam different to Christianity
Well it's either falling over each other to appear virtuous or born out of a genuine good intention to outwardly treat a minority within western countries with respect and care as a counter/reaction to the hatred spewed by the far right. In my opinion it gets taken too far because what is Islam but conservatism from overseas.
being the religion of a minority and an increasingly vulnerable one at that.
In global terms i wouldn't call a 5th of the world's population a minority.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Weak Boson »

Blinge wrote:In global terms i wouldn't call a 5th of the world's population a minority.
Sure, but that's why I was specifically talking about the dynamics in one country. If we were talking about Islam as it manifests itself in a Muslim majority country then obviously it would be a different conversation. But I don't see much insight being gained from analyzing the global Muslim population because you lose a lot of context stemming from a certain group's history, culture and interaction with other groups/subgroups etc.
Blinge wrote:In my opinion it gets taken too far because what is Islam but conservatism from overseas.
I can see where you're coming from since obviously immigrants from conservative majority Muslim countries are liable to bring some of that conservatism with them. I guess my overall point is that if it's the "conservative" part you don't like, then it's best to focus on that since you don't risk muddying the waters to the benefit of the far right.

But to dig a little deeper, I'd argue that it's a mistake to view Islam as entirely exogenous to the US. This is a narrative upheld by various species of the far right who will always view the Muslim population of the USA as foreign. It's a refutation of secularism and a nod to the "(white) Judaeo-Christian" meme favoured by the likes of Prager and Shapiro. (Christian) conservatives want to make it a choice between "us or them" but leftists should be inclined to reject this false choice.

I suppose it depends in part on whether or not you believe that second/third generation immigrants represent the culture/country of birth, or that of their forefathers. There is probably some empirical research on this. But my understanding is that you tend to see a synthesis, with my feeling being that integration is the tendency of an open society and compartmentalization that of a closed one. So I would argue that, regardless of the scheming of your enemies, it's wrong to deny a community in a secular society the ability to define who they are for themselves by tethering them more closely to outside cultures than those of the country in which the they live.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Blinge »

Weak Boson wrote:[ But my understanding is that you tend to see a synthesis, with my feeling being that integration is the tendency of an open society and compartmentalization that of a closed one. So I would argue that, regardless of the scheming of your enemies, it's wrong to deny a community in a secular society the ability to define who they are for themselves by tethering them more closely to outside cultures than those of the country in which the they live.
I'm with you part of the way. But some cultures integrate more readily than others. It seems to me the pressure to maintain the religion, customs and worldview from the original country is far greater if it's an Islamic one. Gated communities etc. Us and them doesn't just come from the destination country.
*shrug* I hang with a lot of 3rd gens from various countries and most of the italians etc are indistinguishable unless you know their name.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Weak Boson »

^fair enough. I guess thinking of it as (to what extent I don't know) a difference in degree, rather than a difference in kind, is where we can comfortably agree :)
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Rob »

drauch wrote:Man, white straight males really just have it the hardest, huh :cry:
This dude had it (the concrete) pretty hard. :shock:
Weak Boson wrote:Sure, but that's why I was specifically talking about the dynamics in one country.
Muslims are treated with kid gloves in the western world, while there are around 50 nations where they enjoy undisputed cultural dominance. The "increasingly vulnerable" are those that are required to lose an ever-growing share of their nation (with everything that entails) to host and give special treatment to outsiders like Muslims.
who will always view the Muslim population of the USA as foreign.
Because it is.
"(white) Judaeo-Christian" meme favoured by the likes of Prager and Shapiro.
So close. Yes, "Judeo-Christian" is an entirely ahistorical and subversive meme that Zionist propagandists like Prager and Shapiro favor, used to manipulate conservative Christians.



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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Blinge »

Shit's fucking crazy
it's so fucking crazy.

Atheism when.
I know that won't fix everything, but religion is a force multiplier, always.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

Blinge wrote:Shit's fucking crazy
it's so fucking crazy.

Atheism when.
I know that won't fix everything, but religion is a force multiplier, always.
Hard to say. The writers did a good job and people desperately want to believe.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by quash »

Mama, just killed a man
Put a Tweet against his head
Made accusations, now he's dead

Mama, life had just begun
And now I've made him throw it all away

Mama, ooooooooo
Didn't mean to make you die
If my accounts not back this time tomorrow
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

Yeah, Season 5 of Virtuous Humanity vs Gamer Menace has had some good stuff. I was sure dour ol' reality would finally pull the plug on our ragtag band of grifters - but the plucky hounds have managed to once again sink the bar yet nearer to the Earth's molten core!


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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by quash »

Cursed Millenial Images will be a thing in our lifetimes and one of its main subjects of mockery will be crochety old people who never got over GamerGate.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by kitten »

the alec holowka suicide is fucking appalling and has upset me tremendously. i genuinely believe zoe when she says that she was abused by the guy and that he was controlling & manipulative, but there's a huge number of things extremely wrong with the callout that i was going over with a few friends on discord as soon as it came out and well before the suicide:

1 - date from alleged events

zoe admitted this was nearly a decade ago, so it feels in really, really poor taste to bring this up now. people change, heal, and move on. while other people came out saying that alec had continued some similar behavior patterns in more recent history, his sister mentioned he was both getting help and had both spent a lifetime suffering from both abuse and mental illness, himself. zoe is no longer small time and alec wasn't exactly the "industry legend" she was making him out to be back when this happened.

2 - alec's mental state

despite knowing that he was mentally ill and admitting that in the callout, she still went forward with it. zoe made a game called fucking depression quest and frequently preaches about caring for mental illness - to do this to someone obviously unstable and damaged is vicious. callouts frequently result in the accused departing social media, losing their job & future opportunities for employment, and significant worsening of mental health.

3 - size and shape of platform

twitter is a fucking hellscape of rabid opinions clashing into each other and she chose to distribute this callout to over a tenth of a million followers. people hellbent on social justice are notoriously invested in cancelling and harassing someone who has been called out, and the idea she didn't know this would result in fucking massive destruction of another person's life is completely ludicrous. her callout had a small aside in the 2nd tweet about not going after the guy, but tacking that onto the end and in such an unemphatic way made the callout seem bloodthirsty.

4 - punching down and on her own

alec at this point had less than a quarter of her followers on his personal account and less than a tenth on his company account. he had also gone to bat against gamergate and co-created a game very much for social progress & feminism. what about this was not unnecessarily cannibalistic?

5 - phrasing as if she lacks agency

zoe has over 100,000 twitter followers. she was making over 1200 on patreon a month on top of being paid to speak at numerous events and receiving constant exposure and opportunities. the idea that she was a small and helpless victim at the time of the abuse is dubious, the idea that she is now is outright comical. her callout's language positions her as a child and alec as some sort of sinister manipulator when the reality of the situation is that they were both damaged people. alec was very, very likely BPD (borderline personality disorder - a heavily stigmatized mental illness with a roughly 10% suicide rate) and at an age where he'd barely have it under control and with the very high likelihood of personal trauma having exacerbated it. treating him like a monster defiling a helpless person is severely out of line.

zoe controlled the entire narrative and knew very well she did with her heightened position - with his inability to substantially refute (his friends abandoned him immediately and this was very predictable given the momentum of claims like these right now), why did she not at least toss in some admission of behavior that made this seem less one-sided? to reiterate: i genuinely believe she was more the victim in their relationship, but as a recanting of events this brutal to alec, it seems ridiculous to believe her as this bereft of agency and purely taken advantage of. she is an adult but she acts as if she didn't make any of her own decisions (it's alec's fault she alienated her friends, alec's fault she didn't call a friend about what was happening, etc. etc.).

6 - graphically describing sex acts & bringing up her rape

important to note in the callout is that she never accused alec of rape or sexual assault, but she both brings up her rape and also describes sex acts that alec performed in graphic detail. she's not that stupid - to assume this was anything other than deliberately comparing him to her rapist to drive home her legitimacy is quite difficult. she was absolutely trying to make alec look as bad as possible and clawing for legitimacy without meaningful empathy. beyond that, graphically describing what happened was in poor taste.

- * - * - * - * - * -

why wasn't this private? why didn't zoe quietly corroborate with people alec was currently working with before loading the shotgun and firing it right on public media? why didn't zoe just confront alec directly with an e-mail? give the guy a fucking opportunity to come clean on his own before just uploading his wanted poster. she's a person with massive respect & clout within the social justice community - not some nobody - and she absolutely had avenues available to make sure people working with alec were either aware of or safe from his behavior without doing a public assassination she knew would likely destroy his career (at the very best of considerations).

i strongly abhor callout culture, in general, and watched it take the life of a very vulnerable friend of mine who was BPD about two years ago. that death tremendously impacted me and has continued to warp my life in a profoundly negative way since it happened. there is a vast difference between "accountability" and "total destruction," but the social justice sphere treats them as if they're the same damn thing. for all the hatred of the police, there sure is a fucking perverse tendency for policing each other to the point of homelessness, suicide, or permanent damage to quality of life.

if you talk about this in the fashion that i just have in progressive places, you're immediately accused of victim blaming - but what of alec? he's fucking dead. suicide is ultimately the decision of the person taking their own life, but it's impossible to discount the factors, here. this dude would not be dead right now without that callout - is that not by itself reason enough to suggest something was wrong with it, or at the very least something wrong with the culture and vocabulary surrounding it? i firmly believe a victim has the right to hold their abuser accountable, but that's not what zoe was doing, she was sowing ruination and performing a deliberate overkill. naivety on how these things play out is no longer believable, you're accountable for how you choose to go about a callout, especially with that kind of following. the victim/abuser binary paradigm insinuates a black & white nature to interaction that only exists in the case of things like rape or murder, but this was an obviously muddy relationship followed by an obviously muddy character assassination.

i know this forum's political tendencies and i know this thread's political tendencies - i'm either going to be preaching to the choir in talking shit about zoe or shrouding my post in so much sjw-speak it's unreadable to many of you, but as someone in the progressive sphere, i want to very firmly state that i think what happened here was unbelievably fucked up. this is incredibly damning evidence that the polarization of the current political climate is ridiculously severe and that something seriously needs to be done to bridge a gap to reasonability. holding someone accountable for abuse: good. this: evil. there needs to be more talk about how to handle things like this without crucifying the accused. people should be able to bring these things up without them destroying lives. as it stands, alec's death is going to charge the right to beat down opportunities for people to speak up about awful things that have happened to them and charge the left to entrench themselves in excusing hangings like what just happened. we all end up a little more *ominous thunderclap* fascist when there's no meeting ground.
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