Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

Welcome to the Salad Toss show! The carnival of carnage! Can we rescue the grassman from becoming green grue? Or will M.C. Tusk slap you? Find out, today!


Part 15: Breath of Fire II Walkthrough—Hide-and-Seek (Uparupa & M.C. Tusk)

MERINID-DE's ART GALLERY: https://www.deviantart.com/merinid-de
Special thanks for giving me permission to use it!

"PLOT POINTS" THUS FAR (Beretta upgrades her wares for every 8 plot points you get, up to a max of 24):
1. Breaking Nympho's curse
2. Recruiting Seso.
3. Acquire the 2nd Tier dragons
4. Recruit 3 tenants and expanding Township.
5. Defeat Jailer.
6. Finishing the cooking contest in SimaFort.
7. Defeat Kuwadora.
8. Ranger's Guild cutscene
9. Defeat Munmar.
10. Defeat M.C.Tusk.

The Algerfruit from the merchant is the only one he has. Lose it, and you have to fight arguably the hardest boss in the entire game, before then going through the cave again. Resetting will definitely save you time.

There are two holes that will allow you to get an extra item when you draw an Uparupa out of it. See the two red Xs' on this map:

https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/snes/5635 ... a-cave-map

C.Sludges/Goo Champions:
Run away with probability 3/8 (turn 1-4) or 100% (turn 5-7)
Otherwise, 1/64 defend, 63/64 attack

[The probability of running away is intended to be 1/16 (turn 1), 1/8 (turn 2), 1/4 (turn 3), or 3/8 (turn 4+). However, the turn number was capped in the wrong direction before looking this value up.

Additionally, Goo Champions are intended to have a 129/256 chance of casting Fire Breath on turns where it doesn’t run away or defend. However, the upper byte of the Y register is cleared before this probability and spell list can be read]

1/64 defend
Otherwise, 129/256 cast spell, 127/256 attack
Spell list: Cure 2, Atk-Up, Def-Up, Hush

If used BuildUp last turn, attack
Otherwise, 3/4 BuildUp
Otherwise 1/64 defend, 63/64 attack

1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (25%) or cast Jolt (75%)
[Like many spellcaster enemies, DinaFung is intended to just attack when its AP is 12.5% or lower. However, this check is bugged, so this will never happen.]

Pimas/Ugly Ducklings:
50% to run, if any monster has escaped or died
Otherwise, 1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack or cast Speed

Stone Golems:
50% to defend
Otherwise, Heal or Attack

Cockatrices (37.5% Counter-attacks):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (25%) or cast Hush/Silence (75%)

Arubans/Fallen Elves:
75% to Attack Twice
Otherwise, 1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack once or cast Hush/Silence

1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (25%) or cast spell (75%)
Spell list: Dream Breath (25%), Cycone (75%)

Stinger (37.5% Counter-attacks):
1/64 defend, 63/64 Cure 1
Stinger has a 3/8 chance to counter the Attack command.

UPARUPA AI (100% Counter-attacks):
Do Nothing

Phase 1 (381+ HP): Attack (75%), Raaaaaage (25%, Deals 48 non-elemental Damage to All)
Phase 2 (380 HP or lower): Attack (50%), Raaaaaage (25%, Deals 48 non-elemental Damage to All), Rejuvinate (25%)


Sail down-right to Melodia!

Melodia (Defensive Formation):
—Run from Golems. Use Auto on single enemies, and Jolt + Flameblast on multiple enemies
Talk to Ringmaster
—TRADE: Speed Suit (Sten)
Sail to Guntz in the lower-right

—SELL: Herbs, Antidotes, Panaceas, Guts Belt, Longsword, Silk Glove, Iron Plates, Headbands, Royal Crown, & Gold Armor
—BUY: Fire Spices till x4 slots left, then buy x4 Thunder Rods
Deposit all but 600z
Sail right to Township

Go inside base for restoration, then save
—COOK: x3 Stat Boosters + Conch = x2 Gold Bricks; x4 Thunder Rods = x1 Hardtack
Visit the 2nd room in the well

Uparupa Cave:
—Sirens: Scatter; Ryu chooses one while the others choose another
—X1 Stinger: Scatter; Ryu & Rand strike before Lin finishes
—X2-3 Stingers: Fire Spice/Fireblast with melees.
1st Room: Use a Smoke Bomb, go left to get a Quarterstaff for Lin, use a Smoke Bomb when all are out of the water, get a Coin.
2nd Room: Dip into lower passage for Ocean Robe
3rd Room: Use a Smoke Bomb, then buy Alger Fruit!
Go to the Uparupa hole that’s just next to the leftmost one!

VS. Uparupa (520 HP): Scatter
Turn 1: Auto Battle so it hurts everyone (death warp)
Turn 2: Electric Whelp while everyone attacks

Snag the Buster Sword & Iron Shield!
—EQUIP: Buster Sword then get everyone’s Defense to 69
Having low Defense is actually *helpful* if the difference is 99-137!
Death Warp

Re-equip everyone
Retrieve Zenny from the bank
—ORDER: Rand/Sten/Lin/Ryu

VS. Ringmaster (1520 HP): Defensive
Turn 1: Rand (W. Seed → Ryu), Sten (Fireblast), Lin (Fire Spice), Ryu (Fire Whelp)
Turn 2: Rand (Fire Spice), Ryu (Fire Whelp)
Lin & Sten: One uses Wisdom Seed on Ryu, the other uses a Vitamin
Turn 3: Sten (Fireblast)

—CHANGE PARTY: Ryu/Rand/Sten/Aspara



Wrong title.

Image Image

Actually a pretty good line... But it's incredible that "blood" made it in there.


The old translation is always getting "Alger" and "Owl" mixed up.

Image Image Image

Amazing. Amazing prose, all-around. Also, that last textbox is from the demos. Those were cut from the Retranslation, though Ryusui still translated the lines.
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

PARTY CHAT (Aspara is recruited!):

Image Bosch: I never know who I'm gonna run into traveling with you...that's the fun of it! Take that Aspara character for example. Sometimes I can't tell if it's a he or a she!
I think the proper pronoun in that case is "they/their"... right? As in, "I can't tell if they're a he or a she"?
Image Rand: Aspara the Grassman... A real wild card, that one. He's got the perfect poker face...no telling what's going on in that head of his. Now, I don't think he's plotting against us or anything...but damn, does he ever laugh or cry or get pissed off or anything?
The game usually calls him "he", but it's not a for-sure thing. Even Ryusui doesn't know for sure. He just knows there's a perverted old man later on that gets confused as to his gender :mmmhmm: !
Image Lin: Those bastards at the Battle Show were gonna use me the same way. It pisses me off just thinking about it! I could never just sit there and wait for someone to set me free like Aspara... I'd be kicking and screaming to the end!

Image Nina (in the lobby): Talking to trees is a handy trick... Let's bring Aspara along and see what he can dig up!
This is a hint. The Elder Tree we're trying to find is NOT the only one around... There's several of them! Unfortunately, most of them aren't very helpful, so I don't usually visit them in the main walkthrough.
Image Nina (in her room): Aspara's been asking us how we all got together for the first time... Come to think of it, I don't have a clue how or why it happened, but I'm happy it did!
Breath of Fire II in a nutshell.
Image Sten: Ah, Melodia...the things I could tell you about that place! It is...it's so...er...um...there.
I think this is a joke on his character demo. He tried to do his "magic monkey thing", and absolutely no one gave a darn. That probably stung, even if there was a language barrier.
Image Tapeta (in the lobby): Our leafy friend Aspara...his talents are quite invaluable, but it pains me to see a face that does not wear a smile... I know! I shall bring my razor-sharp wit and cunning wordplay to bear! Even the most determined frown cannot resist!

Image Aspara (in the lobby): To gather in the same place allows us to communicate with minimal expenditure of resources. It is quite efficient.

Image Aspara (in her room): I've never had a room of my own before...


PARTY CHAT (Deis is recruited!):

Image Bosch: The legendary sorceress, Deis... I always thought somebody like that would be all fire and brimstone... She's always so sweet on Ryu, it's almost disturbing...

Image Rand: So, the legends of Deis's magical prowess being matched only by her beauty are founded in fact after all... Of course, the legends also say she's over 10,000 years old...
I think the correct possessive case for names ending in "s" is...




"Deis' staff", not "Deis's staff"... Or are both technically correct?
Image Lin: Men sure seem to love people with bounce to 'em like Deis does! You too, Ryu?
The text you see in the patch itself is "Most men would walk barefoot over hot coals and broken glass for a chest like mine. What about you, Ryu?"... But, that was a translation error. Ryusui didn't have context for a lot of Township party chat, so he thought Deis was speaking here.
Image Nina (in the lobby): Deis said I was just a 'sprout' compared to her... I know I can never be as powerful as a legend like her... But she doesn't have to be so brutally honest...

Image Nina (in her room): I'll continue to refine and improve my skills. Matching Deis spell-for-spell may be an impossible dream, but I'll still try! Even if she is the stronger magician, please be sure to bring me along from time to time!
Dang, even the game admits that Deis is basically Nina, but better. "Spells" are the least of Nina's problems, when you consider Deis' bulk, her speed, and her regeneration...
Image Sten: The legendary serpent-lady Deis has a crush on you, Master?...That's it. I officially resign my position as this team's resident expert on the fairer sex!

Image Tapeta: Oh, tres bien, tres bien! Never before have I seen such a heart-stopping example of womankind! Ooh! I feel my legs turning to pate every time I look at her!
Yep, he's~ got a type, alright. Nothing but "hot witches" for him!
Image Aspara: So, the legendary sorceress Deis has allied herself with us... If memory serves, her longevity is matched only by the Elder Tree Gandharve...

Image Deis (in the lobby): Boy, you sure know how to pick a flophouse! There's barely enough room for me and my radiant majesty! But hey, if it's your flophouse, I guess I can't complain, right? Ahahahahahahaha!
...Is she saying she's fat?
Image Deis (in her room): [She's talking in her sleep. She seems to be quite enjoying herself.] Hee hee...oh, Ryu, you naughty boy...Zzz...zzz...
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

Alright guys, ready to learn how to take on some of the game's best writing, coupled with some of its most frustrating gameplay! Ready to hear a new way of mixing me & Skaizo's voice? Then come! Welcome to Highfort!

NOTE: Tell me if the game's audio is loud enough compared to us!


Part 16: Breath of Fire II Walkthrough—Wanderer (Highfort 1/2; Trubo)

THUMBNAIL ART BY: 「せいはち」(The uncropped version is in his art gallery!)
せいはち's ART GALLERY: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3498832
Special thanks for giving me permission to use it!
[Pixiv is basically the Japanese version of Deviant Art]

PLOT POINTS (Gone forever, if done before recruiting Beretta. She upgrades her wares for every 8 you get, up to a max of 24):
1. Breaking Nimufu's curse on Jean.
2. Recruiting Seso.
3. Acquire the dragon powers from the old man behind the waterfall.
4. Recruiting three residents and expanding Township.
5. Defeating Jailer.
6. Finishing the cooking contest in SimaFort.
7. Defeating Kuwadora.
8. Finding out about the Gate incident at the Rangers' Guild.
9. Defeating Munmar.
10. Defeat M.C.Tusk.

75% chance to Attack twice
Otherwise, 1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack Once (75%) or cast Def.Down/Weaken (25%)

Goo Champions (Weak to fire):
Run away with probability 3/8 (turn 1-4) or 100% (turn 5-7)
Otherwise, 1/64 defend, 63/64 attack
[The probability of running away is intended to be 1/16 (turn 1), 1/8 (turn 2), 1/4 (turn 3), or 3/8 (turn 4+). However, the turn number was capped in the wrong direction before looking this value up. Additionally, Goo Champions were intended to have a 50% chance of casting FireBreath... However, the upper byte of the Y register is cleared before this probability and spell list can be read.]

1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (25%) or Jolt (75%)
[Like many spellcaster enemies, DinaFung is intended to just attack when its AP is 12.5% or lower. However, this check is bugged, so this will never happen.]

Pollens/Bomb Seeds (Weak to ice):
If used BuildUp last turn, attack
Otherwise, 3/4 BuildUp (doubles the damage of the next Attack)
Otherwise, 1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (87%) or cast a spell (13%)
Spell list: Spark/Flare (75%) or Flameblast (25%)

Death Bringers (Weak to fire & holy):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (93%) or cast Death (7%)

Pharaoh Mages (Weak to fire & holy):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, with probability 100% (turn 1), 5/8 (turn 2), 1/4 (turn 3), or 0 (turn 4+), cast spell
Otherwise Attack
Spell list: Frost (50%), Zombie Breath (25%), Iceblast (25%)
[Note that in a lead-off attack, the first enemy action occurs on turn 2]

Raloobas/Larvae Crawlers (Weak to fire & holy):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Poison Breath with probability 17/256 (if over 50% HP), 33/256 (if over 25% and at most 50%), 65/256 (if over 12.5% and at most 25%), or 129/256 (if 12.5% HP or under)
Otherwise attack

Soulflickers (Weak to holy):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (25%) or cast a spell (75%)
Spell list: Steal HP (Sap/Drain) or steal AP (Drain/Leech Power)

TURVOE AI (50% critical hits):
Always attacks twice
[Round 1 ends when Sten dies, or when Sten takes 4 actions]
[Round 2 will cause a game-over, if Sten can't beat Turvoe in 5 actions]


Sail to Whale Cape
Use a Smoke Bomb and walk lower-left into big tree to talk to Gandharve
—X2 Striker Bears: Whelp one, while Aspara Blunts the other (always works)
Use a Smoke Bomb after stepping left of upper-left patch of dirt
—EQUIP: Coin + Bamboo Rod to Ryu, Bare Knuckle to Rand, Bowie Knife to Sten, & Clothing to Aspara
Spawn some fish near the leftmost house, then fish out a Manillo
—SELL: Gold Bricks, Ocean Robe, Iron Knuckle, Copper Baton, Iron Bands, Headbands, & Escutcheons
—BUY: x1 Speed Shoes, x1 Holy Scarf, & x5 Courage Belts
—EQUIP: x1 Courage Belt to Ryu, x2 Courage Belts to Rand, Speed Shoes + Holy Scarf to Sten
Go counter-clockwise around the continent back to Melodia

Talk to exposition bot
—CHANGE PARTY: Ryu/Rand/Sten/Lin
Roll on over to Highland (far right continent, below Township)
—X2 Basilisk: Fireblast + Jolt; Ryu Whelps one, Lin attacks the other

—EQUIP: Bandana & Wristband to Ryu, and Defender + Circlet to Sten
Snag Speed Suit & Papillon in the basement
Snag Restorative before walking out
—SELL: Speed Suit & Papillon
—BUY: Up to x18 Herbs, x18 Vitamins, & x3 Ammonias
—STORE: All your Zenny

VS. Turvoe (110 HP):
Pretend in Round 1 and die
X2 Fireblasts in Round 2

Heal Sten via healing fountain
—Pharaoh Mummies: Fire Blast + Melee
—Deathbringers: x2 Fire Blasts
—Goo Champion: Flare
—Bomb Seeds: Melee
1st Many Door Room: Get Dream Jewel from upper-right room
Treasure passageways: Get Assassin Dagger & Hawk Knife from the first left and right passages, take the center path, then go to the right to find the gang!



Don't worry, Ryu. There's plenty of fish in the sea.


L & R mix-ups, always a classic.


How do you "reduce casting"?


Ah, you spelled "treasure" incorrectly.


Amazing how literally every single textbox of this mini-game has problems :wink: !


Hey, that's my favorite band!
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

Sten & Trubo launch their counter-offensive, and uncover Spuke's diabolical plan! Can they her?! Find out, today!


Part 17: Breath of Fire II Walkthrough—Pincer Attack! (Highfort 2/2; Shupkay)

STEN & KANJI ART BY: 「せいはち」(The unaltered version is in his art gallery!)
せいはち's ART GALLERY: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3498832
Special thanks for giving me permission to use it!
[Pixiv is basically the Japanese version of Deviant Art]


PLOT POINTS (Gone forever, if done before recruiting Beretta. She upgrades her wares for every 8 you get, up to a max of 24):
1. Breaking Nimufu's curse on Jean.
2. Recruiting Seso.
3. Acquire the dragon powers from the old man behind the waterfall.
4. Recruiting three residents and expanding Township.
5. Defeating Jailer.
6. Finishing the cooking contest in SimaFort.
7. Defeating Kuwadora.
8. Finding out about the Gate incident at the Rangers' Guild.
9. Defeating Munmar.
10. Defeat M.C.Tusk.
11. Acquiring the Famous Flute.

75% chance to Attack twice
Otherwise, 1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack Once (75%) or cast Def.Down/Weaken (25%)

Goo Champions (Weak to fire):
Run away with probability 3/8 (turn 1-4) or 100% (turn 5-7)
Otherwise, 1/64 defend, 63/64 attack

Death Bringers (Weak to fire & holy):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (93%) or cast Death (7%)

Pharaoh Mages (Weak to fire & holy):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, with probability 100% (turn 1), 5/8 (turn 2), 1/4 (turn 3), or 0 (turn 4+), cast spell
Otherwise Attack
Spell list: Frost (50%), Zombie Breath (25%), Iceblast (25%)

Raloobas/Larvae Crawlers (Weak to fire & holy):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Poison Breath with probability 17/256 (if over 50% HP), 33/256 (if over 25% and at most 50%), 65/256 (if over 12.5% and at most 25%), or 129/256 (if 12.5% HP or under)
Otherwise attack

Soulflickers (Weak to holy):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (25%) or cast a spell (75%)
Spell list: Steal HP (Sap/Drain) or steal AP (Drain/Leech Power)

MAGIC GATE AI (Absorbs elemental Damage... Except from dragon spells):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%) or cast a spell (25%)
Spell list: Cyclone (50%), Fire Breath (25%), or Typhoon (25%)

SPUKE AI (50% Counter-Attacks... But only if Katt or Rand Attacks. Weak to Holy, Resists All Else):

Phase 1 (Over 50% HP):
Turns 4n+1: Attack if Silenced, otherwise Silence the character with the highest current AP (can be affected by Dare)
Turns 4n+2: Attack if Silenced, otherwise Silence the character with the highest current AP (can be affected by Dare)
Turns 4n+3: Jolt (50%), Death (25%), Lightning (12.5%), or Curse (12.5%)
Turns 4n+4: Cure all ailments, if applicable. Otherwise, Silence the character with the highest current AP (can be affected by Dare)

Phase 2 (50% HP or less):
Turns 4n+1: Attack if Silenced, otherwise Leech Power from the character with the highest current AP (can be affected by Dare)
Turns 4n+2: Jolt (50%), Death (25%), Lightning (12.5%), or Curse (12.5%)
Turns 4n+3: Attack if Silenced, otherwise Leech Power from the character with the highest current AP (can be affected by Dare)
Turns 4n+4: Cure all ailments, if applicable. Otherwise, Leech Power from the character with the highest current AP (can be affected by Dare)

The game designers probably wanted her to gain a 50% Counter-Attack rate, once she dropped to half HP or lower. But, the programmer accidentally typed $001F, instead of $0F1F—so instead, she checks the Animation Data of whoever attacks her.

Bridge Room: Re-equip the party and use Auto
—Goo Champion: Jolt
—Pharaoh Mages: x1 Fire Spice + Melee
—x2 Deathbringers or Larva Crawlers: x2 Fireblasts while Ryu & Rand Defend
—Cockatrices: x2 Fireblasts + Ryu & Rand melee
Equip your party like so before Magic Gate:

Ryu: Buster Sword, Buckler, Clothing, Bandana, x2 Courage Belts
Lin: Copper Baton, Wristband, Breath Armor, Bandana, x2 Courage Belts
Rand: Hack Claw, Iron Shield, Tanned Armor, Bronze Helm, x1 Courage Belt
Sten: Assassin, Iron Shield, Speed Suit, Bronze Helm, Speed Shoes + Holy Scarf

VS. Magic Gate (1530 HP): Normal
Smack it upside the head while keeping everyone at full HP (Sten acts as healer). Use a Vitalizer or Hardtack if Typhoon is used

Equip Solblade & Silver Knife right before...

VS. Spuke (980 HP): Normal, 50% Counter-Attack rate on Rand & Lin
Turns 1-2: Ryu & Sten attack (Shupukay accidentally looks at the wrong byte)
Turn 3 (over 50% HP): Defend, then watch and see if Shupukay kills anyone with
Death. Rand revives them before finishing the fight, if so
Turn 3 (50% or under): Finish her; You just leapfrogged her only chance to attack!



Sten is completely unimpressed by the "drop you into a giant pit" trick.


She's "Shupkay" in the text boxes, but "Shupukay" in the actual fight.


The dashes are supposed to signify her elongating a word, but I don't think the English language uses them that way? Ryusui changed it to "Reeeeeeefresh" or something like that, in any case.



Ok, THAT'S actually pretty funny! I actually prefer that to Ryusui's rendition, tbh :mmmhmm: .


Alright, so it's not exactly the same between the Official & Retranslation... But the imagery is there.
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

Alright guys! Ready for a special guest? Ready to grind Sten? READY TO RELIVE YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE Image ?!?


Bonus #5: Breath of Fire II Walkthrough—Sten Grind at Highfort

SPECIAL GUEST: Word on the Wind
She can be found on Hardcore Gaming 101's Top 47K Games of All Time podcast at http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/category/podcast

She brought up a good point. Rather than having to feed Sten EXP throughout the game, or needing to slowly grind him here, you could probably OHKO Turvoe with a Shaved Ice from Guntz, and some good luck. I don't know how MUCH good luck we're talking about there, but it's definitely possible.

The target's wisdom gives Death the base hit rate:
Target is enemy: 48/64, 46/64, 44/64, 40/64, 32/64, 24/64, 16/64, 0
Target is player: 40/64, 38/64, 36/64, 32/64, 24/64, 16/64, 8/64, 0

The caster's wisdom gives a modifier:
+0, +10%, +20%, +30%, +35%, +40%, +45%, [+50% or bypasses player Resistance entirely]
[The last one depends on if you're a PC or an Enemy. PCs get the 50%, Enemies get it guaranteed, in the 205-255 Wisdom range]

The SkullBR and DmndBR multiply the caster wisdomm modifier by 1.5x and 0.5x respectively, but do nothing to the base hit rate of Death. So, if Katt had 46 Wisdom, her base chance of getting hit by Death is 36/64. The final boss has the 2nd highest Wisdom modifier you can have (45%), so that becomes 52/64. Hence, the DmndBR reduces that to... 44/64. SkullBR would make it guaranteed to land.

TL;DR, DmndBR is almost worthless, and the SkullBR is actively detrimental.

LVL 19—Sten outspeeds Trubo at this level, so he can defeat him with two Fireblasts.

Tools → RAM Watch → Watches → New Watch → Put in relevant Address (change "size", if you're putting numbers higher than 255) → "Poke" said Addresses
[This is assuming Bizhawk. Terminology may differ across emulators]

7E520E: Slot 1's EXP (change "size" to "4 Bytes")
[Slot 1's other stats, like Attack, Defense, Condition, and etc., come shortly before this one, if you want to play around with those]
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

Today, we find out what me & Word on the Wind were talking about, in the most disgusting episode yet!  The Queen of Tunlan saga!


Part 18: Breath of Fire II Walkthrough—Decadence (Queen of Tunlan)

(Image was from a Breath of Fire II commercial in Japan.  I'd link it, but... It spoils one of the games most dramatic moments)


If‌ ‌any‌ ‌monster‌ ‌is‌ ‌under‌ ‌75%‌ ‌HP,‌ ‌Cure‌ ‌1‌ ‌on‌ ‌whichever‌ ‌monster‌ ‌is‌ ‌missing‌ ‌the‌ ‌most‌ ‌(absolute)‌ ‌HP.‌ ‌If‌ ‌there‌ ‌is‌ ‌a‌ ‌tie,‌ ‌choose‌ ‌the‌ ‌last‌ ‌monster‌ ‌slot‌ ‌among‌ ‌those‌ ‌qualifying.
Otherwise,‌ ‌1/64‌ ‌defend‌ ‌
Otherwise,‌ ‌Attack or Cast a Spell
Spell‌ ‌list:‌ ‌Poison Attack or Zombie Attack

1/64‌ ‌defend‌ ‌
Otherwise,‌ ‌with‌ ‌probability‌ ‌100%‌ ‌(turn‌ ‌1),‌ ‌5/8‌ ‌(turn‌ ‌2),‌ ‌1/4‌ ‌(turn‌ ‌3),‌ ‌or‌ ‌0‌ ‌(turn‌ ‌4+),‌ Dream Breath
Otherwise‌ ‌Attack‌ ‌
[Note‌ ‌that‌ ‌in‌ ‌a‌ ‌lead-off‌ ‌attack,‌ ‌the‌ ‌first‌ ‌enemy‌ ‌action‌ ‌occurs‌ ‌on‌ ‌turn‌ ‌2.‌]‌

Attack if‌ ‌BuildUp‌ ‌was used last turn
Otherwise, Buildup (75%)
Otherwise,‌ ‌1/64‌ ‌defend‌ ‌
Otherwise,‌ ‌Attack (75%) or Fire Breath (25%)
‌ ‌
1/256‌ ‌defend
Otherwise, Miss (48%), Cast Def-UpX/Shield (40%), or Critical Hit (12%)

Defend (50%)
Otherwise,‌ ‌Attack (75%) or Cast 8.0/Quake (25%)

Run‌ ‌away‌ ‌with‌ ‌probability‌ ‌3/8‌ ‌(turn‌ ‌1-4)‌ ‌or‌ ‌100%‌ ‌(turn‌ ‌5-7)‌ ‌
Otherwise,‌ ‌1/64‌ ‌defend,‌ ‌63/64‌ ‌attack‌

[The‌ ‌probability‌ ‌of‌ ‌running‌ ‌away‌ ‌is‌ ‌intended‌ ‌to‌ ‌be‌ ‌1/16‌ ‌(turn‌ ‌1),‌ ‌1/8‌ ‌(turn‌ ‌2),‌ ‌1/4‌ ‌(turn‌ ‌3),‌ ‌or‌ ‌3/8‌ ‌(turn‌ ‌4+).‌ ‌However,‌ ‌the‌ ‌turn‌ ‌number‌ ‌was‌ ‌capped‌ ‌in‌ ‌the‌ ‌wrong‌ ‌direction‌ ‌before‌ ‌looking‌ ‌this‌ ‌value‌ ‌up.‌ ‌ Additionally,‌ ‌Hemogluttons ‌are‌ ‌intended‌ ‌to‌ ‌have‌ ‌a 25%‌ ‌chance‌ ‌of‌ ‌casting‌ ‌Dream Breath‌ ‌on‌ ‌turns‌ ‌where‌ ‌they ‌don’t‌ ‌run‌ ‌away‌ ‌or‌ ‌defend.‌ ‌However,‌ ‌the‌ ‌upper‌ ‌byte‌ ‌of‌ ‌the‌ ‌Y‌ ‌register‌ ‌is‌ ‌cleared‌ ‌before‌ ‌this‌ ‌probability‌ ‌can‌ ‌be‌ ‌read,‌ ‌so‌ ‌this never happens.]

If‌ ‌any‌ ‌monster‌ ‌is‌ ‌under‌ ‌75%‌ ‌HP,‌ ‌Cure‌ ‌4‌ ‌on‌ ‌whichever‌ ‌monster‌ ‌is‌ ‌missing‌ ‌the‌ ‌most‌ ‌(absolute)‌ ‌HP.‌ ‌If‌ ‌there‌ ‌is‌ ‌a‌ ‌tie,‌ ‌choose‌ ‌the‌ ‌last‌ ‌monster‌ ‌slot‌ ‌among‌ ‌those‌ ‌qualifying.‌
Otherwise,‌ ‌1/64‌ ‌defend‌ ‌
Otherwise,‌ ‌Attack (75%) or Fire Breath (25%)

1/64‌ ‌defend,‌ ‌63/64‌ ‌attack‌ ‌‌

Run‌ ‌away‌ ‌with‌ ‌probability‌ ‌3/8‌ ‌(turn‌ ‌1-4)‌ ‌or‌ ‌100%‌ ‌(turn‌ ‌5-7)‌ ‌
Otherwise,‌ ‌1/64‌ ‌defend,‌ ‌63/64‌ ‌attack‌ ‌

[The‌ ‌probability‌ ‌of‌ ‌running‌ ‌away‌ ‌is‌ ‌intended‌ ‌to‌ ‌be‌ ‌1/16‌ ‌(turn‌ ‌1),‌ ‌1/8‌ ‌(turn‌ ‌2),‌ ‌1/4‌ ‌(turn‌ ‌3),‌ ‌or‌ ‌3/8‌ ‌(turn‌ ‌4+).‌ ‌However,‌ ‌the‌ ‌turn‌ ‌number‌ ‌was‌ ‌capped‌ ‌in‌ ‌the‌ ‌wrong‌ ‌direction‌ ‌before‌ ‌looking‌ ‌this‌ ‌value‌ ‌up.‌ ‌ Additionally,‌ ‌Cellulites‌ ‌are‌ ‌intended‌ ‌to‌ ‌have‌ ‌a‌ ‌75%‌ ‌chance‌ ‌of‌ ‌casting‌ ‌Sap‌ ‌on‌ ‌turns‌ ‌where they ‌don’t‌ ‌run‌ ‌away‌ ‌or‌ ‌defend.‌ ‌However,‌ ‌the‌ ‌upper‌ ‌byte‌ ‌of‌ ‌the‌ ‌Y‌ ‌register‌ ‌is‌ ‌cleared‌ ‌before‌ ‌this‌ ‌probability‌ ‌can‌ ‌be‌ ‌read,‌ ‌so‌ this never happens.]


Talk to old hag
Sail up till you see land, then right to Mt. Maori
Talk to Gedd the Diet Guru with Lin
Sequence triggers…

Mt. Maori (Scatter):
—Most Enemies: Auto
—Beckonshroom: Treat like Shotgun Heads in Whale Cape
—X2 Atlasi + Beckonshroom: Defensive; Flameblast + Jolt, while Ryu & Lin pick an Atlas to gang up on.  Kill the other Atlas on Turn 2.  Done correctly, the Beckonshroom should heal itself, instead of attacking.
—X1-3 Atlasi + Others: Flameblast at least once
—X2 Gangas: Whelp + Lin one, if you can.  Otherwise, x2 Fire Spices & Attack
1st Cave: Snag the Thorn Whip from bottom chest
2nd Cave: Snag Flame Sword while ducking into room to reset encounter rate
Top Floor: Get the rightmost shroom in the center island, then get Mirror!  
Entrance: Get the Mirror, drink from the fountain, then sail back to Melodia

—UNEQUIP: Courage Belts from Rand
—CHANGE PARTY: Ryu/Lin/Sten/Aspara
—EQUIP: Silver Knife + Courage Belt to Ryu, x2 Courage Belts to Lin, Thorn Whip + Courage Belt to Aspara, & Courage Belt to Sten
—UNEQUIP: Holy Scarf from Sten
Enter the Queen

Queen (Defensive; Normal for Cellulites (or Scatter on solo Pepsins, if safe)):
For red rooms
—Prioritize Pespsin → Leukocytes → Hemogluttons.  
—Use Flameblast on Pepsins, if they appear in a group (use Wisdom Seeds if needed)
Fast Foods to Sten, Power Foods to Ryu

For blue rooms
Arrange Courage Belts so everyone’s either under 99 ATK or over 132 ATK.
Prioritize attacking Cellulites above all else!
—Once Aspara hits LVL 19, you'll want to swap in Rand!
Get Therapy Pillow by talking to woman in treasure room
Rest at the Inn



You'd think they'd at least be able to decide on "singular vs plural" within the same text box...


Now THAT I would've like to see!
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

And now... The seed of evil that started it all...


Part 19: Breath of Fire II Walkthrough—Memories (Aruhamel)

PLOT POINTS (Gone forever, if done before recruiting Beretta. She upgrades her wares for every 8 you get, up to a max of 24):
1. Breaking Nimufu's curse on Jean.
2. Recruiting Seso.
3. Acquire the dragon powers from the old man behind the waterfall.
4. Recruiting three residents and expanding Township.
5. Defeating Jailer.
6. Finishing the cooking contest in SimaFort.
7. Defeating Kuwadora.
8. Finding out about the Gate incident at the Rangers' Guild.
9. Defeating Munmar.
10. Defeat M.C.Tusk.
11. Acquiring the Famous Flute.
12. Finding out about the Queen of Tunlan's condition.
13. Defeating the monsters inside the Queen's body.
14. Defeating Aruhamel.

There's a stat booster you could get on the 3rd Floor—a Miso Soup that raises Wisdom. But, we already have all we need for cooking Gold Bricks later, so I didn't bother.

C.Bears/Striker Bears (50% Critical Hits; No resistance to status ailments):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%) or Atk-Up/Might (25%)

S.Idols/Stone Faces (Weak to Fire; Always goes last; No resistance to status ailments):
50% to Defend
Otherwise, Attack or Cold Breath

Gangas (Always goes last; No resistance to status ailments):
50% to Defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%) or Cast 8.0/Quake (25%)

Rapiders/Rapid Hunters (Attack twice; Weak to wind):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, FireBrth with probability 17/256 (if over 50% HP), 33/256 (if over 25% and at most 50%), 65/256 (if over 12.5% and at most 25%), or 129/256 (if 12.5% HP or under)
Otherwise Attack

Jackies/Army Men:
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (87%) or Cure 1/Heal (13%)

[These have perfect Magic Defense... But that doesn't matter against items. Fire Spices are counted as an "Item Attack", rather than a "Magic Attack"... Fire Spices just happen to have the exact same effect as the Fireblast spell.]

Power Eaters (Weak to fire):
Run away with probability 3/8 (turn 1-4) or 100% (turn 5-7)
Otherwise, 1/64 defend, 63/64 attack

[The probability of running away is intended to be 1/16 (turn 1), 1/8 (turn 2), 1/4 (turn 3), or 3/8 (turn 4+). However, the turn number was capped in the wrong direction before looking this value up. These are also intended to have a 50% chance of casting Drain or Sap on turns where they don’t run or defend. However, the upper byte of the Y register is cleared before this probability and spell list can be read, so this never happens]

RoadSlugs/Lord Slugs (Weak to Fire):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack or Cast a Spell
Spell list: Thunder/Jolt or S.Boom/Lightning

[These are intended to cast only Drain/Leech Power when their AP is 12.5% or lower. However, this check is bugged, so this will never happen.]

If hit by fire dragon/magic/item last turn, or with probability 9/16 (turn 1-2), 3/4 (turn 3-6), 0 (turn 7-10), or 1/4 (turn 11+), use IdiotLzr/Amnesia Beam (“Forget your magic!”).
Otherwise, 1/64 defend.
Otherwise, Attack (75%) or Cast a Spell (25%)
Spell list: Dream Breath (50%), Poison Breath (25%), Cure 2/Rejuvenate (25%)

[Amnesia Beam seems to make all party members forget 1-3 of their spells each time it's used. However, it can be used even when no one has any spells left. Plus, it's ALWAYS used when Aruhamel was hit with fire last turn, even from a dragon or item... So you can stun-lock him].


—EQUIP: Buster Sword to Ryu & Holy Scarf to Aspara
Sail back to Whale Cape, then go back to Gandalf the Elder Tree

Memory (Defensive):
—X2 Rapid Hunters: Auto
—Ganga + Stone Face: Scatter; Paralyze Ganga and kill the other
Go upper-left to Heartland, then talk to sequence trigger in the upper-right
—BUY: x18 Fire Spices
Leave, then re-enter, Gandalf

Memory Tower (Defensive):
—Lord Slugs: Lin melee & Sten Fireblast
—Power Eaters: Auto
—Army Men: Lin Fire Spice
1st Floor: Talk to the top NPC twice to get the Auto Bow & Earth Armor. Equip that Earth Armor to Ryu while casting Exit. Talk to that same NPC for a 3rd and final time, then go to the next floor
2nd Floor: Cast Smoke, then talk to NPC to get to the 3rd Floor
4th Floor: Get Alloy Band in the lower-right corner, then cast Smoke around when you go up and bump into a wall (equip Alloy Band to Lin as you do so)
6th Floor: Cast Smoke when you start going up

VS. Alzheimer (1600 HP): Scatter
Smack ‘em, while Sten uses Fire Spices (makes ‘em always do IdiotLzr/Amnesia Beam)

Cast Exit, then head back to the upper-right
—BUY: x3 Thunder Rods



They really did not check this game, like, at all—did they?



But hey! At least they translated their speech styles!
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

Hello all! I learned how to easily tweak the music in Breath of Fire II! See what the game is like when the music placer has some imagination! When he doesn't score every "dungeon" with "Dungeon Music" :P !


Part 20: Breath of Fire II Walkthrough—Treasure Won (SkyTower & Fusion)

THUMBNAIL ART BY: 「せいはち」(Check the uncropped version in his art gallery!)
せいはち's ART GALLERY: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/24295903
Special thanks for giving me permission to use it!

PLOT POINTS (Gone forever, if done before recruiting Beretta. She upgrades her wares for every 8 you get, up to a max of 24):
1. Breaking Nimufu's curse on Jean.
2. Recruiting Seso.
3. Acquire the dragon powers from the old man behind the waterfall.
4. Recruiting three residents and expanding Township.
5. Defeating Jailer.
6. Finishing the cooking contest in SimaFort.
7. Defeating Kuwadora.
8. Finding out about the Gate incident at the Rangers' Guild.
9. Defeating Munmar.
10. Defeat M.C.Tusk.
11. Acquiring the Famous Flute.
12. Finding out about the Queen of Tunlan's condition.
13. Defeating the monsters inside the Queen's body.
14. Defeating Aruhamel.
15. Receiving permission to investigate the Sky Tower.
16. Recruiting Spoo

You can now buy a Thunder Staff for Katt to equip! It has the same effect as the Frizbees/Thunder Rods, except you can use it infinitely! Magic immune enemies will never be an issue again!

Apart from that, there's nothing noteworthy at her shop yet.

Ammonite Squids (Weak to lightning; No resistance to status ailments):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%) or Iceblast (25%)
[These are immune to normal magic damage... But that doesn't protect them from items!]

Crodworm/Cloud Eaters (Weak to Fire):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%) or Cast a Spell (25%)
Spell list: Tornado (75%), Typhoon (25%)

Darious/Tidalius (Weak to Lightning; No resistance to status ailments):
If used BuildUp last turn, attack
Otherwise, 3/4 BuildUp
Otherwise, 1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (87%) or Cast 8.0/Quake

Needle Puffers (37.5% Counter-Attacks; Weak to Fire):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (25%) or Cast a Spell (75%)
Spell list: Def-UpX/Shield (increases everyone's DEF), Shield/Barrier (increases everyone's Wisdom)

Burner Orcs (37.5% Counter-Attacks; Weak to Ice):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack or Fire Breath

Cyclops (50% Critical Hits; Basically no resistance to status ailments—Aspara has too much Wisdom):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%) or Cast a Spell (25%)
Spell list: Atk-Up/Might or Def-Up/Protect

Marble Golems (Always goes last):
65/128 defend
Otherwise, Attack or Cast Flare

Gallops (Will always outspeed, unless Sten is obscenely overleveled, or is using stat boosters):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Fire Breath or Cold Breath 17/256 (if over 50% HP), 33/256 (if over 25% and at most 50%), 65/256 (if over 12.5% and at most 25%), or 129/256 (if 12.5% HP or under)
Otherwise Attack

Tri.eyes/Ayyiyis (Weak to Fire; No resistance to status ailments):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack or Cast Sap/Drain (Steals HP)

—X2 Gallops: Normal Formation, and Aspara casts Agi.Down/Slow on one of them
—X2-3 Tri.Eyes/Ayyiyis: Fireblast + Melees + Agi.Down/Slow
Go south for sequence trigger, then Warp to Capitan

Rest at the Inn
Sail upper-left to SkyTower/Heaven Tower

Heaven Tower:
—Frizbees/Thunder Rods on Ammonite Squids & Darious'/Tidalius'
—Flameblast everything else
1st Underwater Floor: Go left, then up to the stairs
2nd Underwater Room: Get Guts Pill
Trio of Chests Room: Ice Shield, Ice Armor, & Norse Dagger
Talk to Spoona
—UNEQUIP: x2 Courage Belts from Lin
—EQUIP: New gear to Sten, with the Courage Belts. Equip Holy Scarf to Aspara

Sail up to beach
—EQUIP: Whip over Thorn Whip
Warp to Guntz

—CHANGE PARTY: Rand over Lin
—SELL: Smoke Bombs, Herbs, Thorn Whip, Flame Sword, Iron Shield, Auto Bow, Iron Armor, Papillon, Bowie Knife, Buckler, Solblade, Hawk Claw, Assassin, Dream Jewel, and all boosters except Guts Pills
—TRADE: BlndedSH/Alloy Shield (Rand)
—BUY: Up to x17 Vitamins, x4 Wisdom Seeds, x3 Ammonias, x8 Shaved Ices & Fire Spices
Auto your items
—STORE: All items except x8 HelpBLs/Vitamins, as well as your Frizbees/Thunder Rods
—BUY: x46 Frizbees/Thunder Rods!!!
Recruit Gigi Kapp from the northern house’s secret basement
Warp to Township

Cook x1 Dinker/Fast Food, x11 Biscuits/Hardtacks, & x5 Extracts/Restoratives!
—Dinker/Fast Food: x2 Frizbees/Thunder Rods
—Biscuits/Hardtaks: x4 Frizbees/Thunder Rods
—Extracts/Restoratives: x2 HelpBLs/Vitamins
Fuse Sanamo + Spoona with Sten for Super Sten!
Pop inside home for restoration, then Warp to Guntz

Sail left to Whale Cape
—X2 Gallops: Defensive Formation, and Aspara casts Agi.Down/Slow on one of them

Fog Valley:
—Burner Orcs: Switch
—Marble Golems: Run
—Cyclops: Use Agi.Down/Slow, then Idle/Paralyze, before whittling him down with melees
All Else: Crush with Fireblast + melees
Go straight down

Auto items, cast Smoke, then go straight down to Farma

Nothing interesting today.
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

A momentous occasion... Something finally happens! Complete with rescored music to fit the occcasion!


Part 21: Breath of Fire II Walkthrough—My Home Sweet Home (Paladin)

せいはち's ART GALLERY: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3498832
Special thanks for giving me permission to use it!

PLOT POINTS (Gone forever, if done before recruiting Beretta. She upgrades her wares for every 8 you get, up to a max of 24):
1. Breaking Nimufu's curse on Jean.
2. Recruiting Seso.
3. Acquire the dragon powers from the old man behind the waterfall.
4. Recruiting three residents and expanding Township.
5. Defeating Jailer.
6. Finishing the cooking contest in SimaFort.
7. Defeating Kuwadora.
8. Finding out about the Gate incident at the Rangers' Guild.
9. Defeating Munmar.
10. Defeat M.C.Tusk.
11. Acquiring the Famous Flute.
12. Finding out about the Queen of Tunlan's condition.
13. Defeating the monsters inside the Queen's body.
14. Defeating Aruhamel.
15. Receiving permission to investigate the Sky Tower.
16. Recruiting Spoo
17. Plowing Daisy's entire field
18. Talking to the guard outside Namanda.
19. Defeating Paladin.

Stones, Bushes, Stumps:
Do nothing

Baracudas/Valkyries (Weak to Wind):
3/4 attack twice
Otherwise, 1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (87%) or Cast Typhoon (13%)

Royal Guards (Immune to status ailments; Will always go first without excessive level grinding):
Run away with probability 3/8 (turn 1-4) or 100% (turn 5-7)
Otherwise, 1/64 defend, 63/64 attack

[The probability of running away is intended to be 1/16 (turn 1), 1/8 (turn 2), 1/4 (turn 3), or 3/8 (turn 4+). However, the turn number was capped in the wrong direction before looking this value up. Royal Guards are also supposed to have a 25% chance of casting Def-Up or Atk-Up on turns where they don’t run away or defend. However, the upper byte of the Y register is cleared before this probability and spell list can be read, so the probability is read as zero.]

Royal Slugs (Weak to Fire; 50% Critical Hits):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%) or Cast Spark/Flare (25%)

S.GOLEM/MARL A.I. (Weak to Ice; Immune to status ailments; Will always go last):
50% to Defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%) or Fireblast (25%)

PALADIN/MESSENGER A.I. (Almost immune to status ailments):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Cast a spell with probability 100% (turn 1), 62.5% (turn 2), 25% (turn 3), or 0% (turn 4+),
Otherwise Attack

Spell List: Multiply DEF by 1.2x (Def-UpX/Shield) or Double Wisdom (Shield/Barrier)


Rest at the Inn, if nighttime
—CHANGE PARTY: Ryu/Sten/Aspara/Rand party
—STORE: Hardtacks, then Extracts/Restoratives (Charcoals last, if applicable)
—TAKE: Wisdoms Seeds, Shaved Ices, Fire Spices, scroll up, then get everything else from top to bottom (will probably have excess Extracts/Restoratives. We overcompensated due to the chances of items getting burned into Charcoal)
Do Daisy’s gardening (Use Bomb/Simoon on stone—Use Ryu & Sten attacks on everything else up to...)

VS. Marl (1600 HP): Scatter
Turn 1: Ryu Ice Whelps, Sten attacks, Aspara & Rand use Wisdom Seeds
Turn 2: Ryu Ice Whelps, Sten attacks, Aspara uses Frost, Rand uses Shaved Ice

Get Coin from upper-leftmost house, if you don't already have one.
—CHANGE PARTY: Ryu/Sten/Aspara/Tapeta
Hop to Earth Temple

Earth Temple:
—Equip Speed Suit & Switch on Barucudas/Valkyries
—Go all-out on Royal Guard groups, or Defend and hope the guards run away.
Keep going up-right to the donation room
Donate 100z (or 2000z, if you care about the Earth Shaman)
Exit, then Warp back to Farma

Save your game!

VS. Messenger (496 HP):
Turn 1: Shaved Ice
Turns onward: Use x1 Biscuit/Hardtack for x1.2 DEF, then cycle between Extracts/Restoratives & Shaved Ices

—UNEQUIP: BlndedSH/Alloy Shield from Rand. Take off Aspara’s accessories.
—EQUIP: BlndedSH/Alloy Shield to Ryu & CharmSH/Defender to Rand
Warp to Wyndia
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

I just realized that I haven't been showing off the party chat lately, so I'm gonna catch you up on that in these next few days. First of all, the Queen... Deis finally gets unique Party Chat here!

PARTY CHAT (The Queen needs help!):

Image Bosch: How huge does a person have to get before they realize something is badly wrong with them?

Image Sten: The queen's condition can't be just from lack of exercise. That kind of obesity just isn't natural, period...
...Unfortunately, that kind of obesity IS something that can happen, via "generalized edema". That's when fluid keeps being retained in your body. The world's heaviest man was 1,400 lb, at 6'11".
Image Rand: A Diet Wizard? People can actually get paid for that?
One of the many career choices one has, living in a 1st-world country :P !
Image Lin (in the lobby): *whistle whistle* Hey, check it out! I'm talking in Melodian! Pretty good, huh?

Image Lin (in her room): You think I'll ever have curves like Nina?

Image Nina (in the lobby): The queen of Melodia is so badly out-of-shape, it actually has me worried about my own body... Perhaps I shouldn't rely on my wings so often and get some exercise walking...
I do think it's a nice touch that Nina's still worried about her body, despite her official art. Just goes to show that being worried is probably HOW she got that way.
Image Nina (in the lobby): It's true that I am a princess...but sometimes the word feels more like an insult than a title. The common conception seems to be that royal birth makes you a pampered, stuck-up airhead. It hurts to be thought of like that...
To be fair... Being exiled made her childhood a bit different than most royals.
Image Tapeta: Answer me honestly: Do I look fat to you?
Image Aspara: The people of Melodia are said to talk using music...but I can't quite see how that's supposed to work. How can they possibly convey meaning effectively without the aid of words?
...I mean, how can the plants and trees talk to you without mouths?

PARTY CHAT (Fight the Cellulite!):

Image Bosch: Sometimes the cure's almost as bad as the disease. No offefnse, but I'd rather not have people running around inside me...

Image Rand: You know, there's a lot we could do while we're micro-sized. Maybe we could get inside Lin's head and do a little redecorating? Just imagine it: "Lin, the Genius Girl"!

Image Lin: You know, that mushroom has possibilites[sic]. We could use it on Rand and you could slip him into a pocket! Our very own pint-sized bruiser!
I love how the two are BOTH thinking of pranking each other :D !
Image Nina: Promise me one thing, Ryu. If I ever get like that...you won't go inside me to help. Instead...just put me out of my misery.

Image Sten: If the queen turned into a monster, I wonder what she'd end up looking like...

Image Tapeta: [Same as before]

Image Aspara: Entering a human body...this is an experience not even the Elder Tree could lay claim to. The fruits of our journey never cease to intrigue me.

Image Deis (in the lobby): Take an ordinary human, force-feed them with evil, and pow, you've got a demon on your hands... Whoever's behind all this is seriously warped...and seriously dangerous.
Girl, you don't know the half of it... And again, this is her first bit of unique Party Chat. I wonder if THIS was when the game designers originally meant to have her recruitable? I tested it, and she actually doesn't break the difficulty curve if THIS is when you recruit her... Wonder if that's what I should've done, instead? Save her for after Highfort, rather than banning her outright?

Also, most of her dialogue is lobby exclusive. Her bedroom dialogue is usually just her dreaming about Ryu.
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

PARTY CHAT (Gandharve's Speech Impediment!):

Image Bosch: Somehow, I wasn't expecting the Elder Tree to be so...goofy.

Image Rand: Looks like the Elder Tree's gone senile in his old age. Aspara's got an unenviable future to look forward to...

Image Lin: I'd like to think that the demon is solely responsible for the Elder Tree's current state of mind, or lack thereof... But something tells me he's always been like this.

Image Nina: Promise me you won't go into my mind if I end up like this...I'd never live it down.

Image Sten: I'd love to see what's going on inside Tapeta's head at any given time. He probably gives "toys in the attic" a whole new meaning!
"Toys in the attic" is a euphemism for insanity.
Image Tapeta: The mysteries deep in the mind... The mysteries deep in your brain... Is it real, or is it a dream? The questions will drive you insane... Did you enjoy that, Monsier Ryu? I call it..."Inside Your Head"!

Image Aspara: I cannot understand why the Elder Tree is speaking with that curious impediment. Nor do I know when he started... It's a possibility that the demons have entered his soul and started to possess him as well. We must hurry...
Guess that dashes the "he was always like that" theory.
Image Deis (in the lobby): Ah, the Therapy Pillow... Brings back memories... Long ago, a band of eight heroes used it to enter someone's soul.
This'd be another reference to Breath of Fire 1 reference, where you entered the mind of a party member called Mogu. Long story, lol.
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

PARTY CHAT (Mist Valley is blocked!):

Image Bosch: Do you know how to get to Heaven Tower from here?

Image Rand: South of Mist Valley is some hick town full of hick people. One of them finally got sick of the place and left. Dunno what happened after that.

Image Sten: Once we pass through Mist Valley, we'll find ourselves in Farma... Isn't that where Master Rand hails from?
Reminder that Ryusui was translating Party Chat without context. It's hard to tell if Rand was trying to hide something or not.
Image Lin: Funny... Ever notice how Rand's teeth start chattering around Mist Valley?

Image Nina: If I didn't know better, I'd say that the fog around Mist Valley is the product of some very strong magic...

Image Tapeta: Fog fog fog fog fooooooog... What do you think? I call it "Theme of Mist Valley". The lyrics require some work, but is it not an enchanting melody?

Image Aspara: I have never traveled south of the Sea of Green before. I am quite interested in seeing what lies in that direction...

Image Deis (in the lobby): I'm sick of sitting around and thinking. Let's get a move on!
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

PARTY CHAT (Rand's mother bosses us around!):

Image Bosch: I wish my own mother were like that...
The old translation put it as "I wish I had a mother like that"... It might actually be the more accurate translation, considering Bosch's status as an orphan.
Image Rand (in the lobby): Damn, this sucks!

Image Rand (in his room): Damn that crazy old hag! I wish the angels would hurry up and cart her off...but then again, they probably wouldn't wanna put up with her! ...Oh crap, did I say all that out loud?
I uh... Hope he didn't remember saying that after she got kidnapped...
Image Lin (in the lobby): How could a big guy like Rand be so scared of a little old lady like his mother? Who would ever peg him for such a big sissy?

Image Lin (in her room): Your mother died when you were just a child, right, Ryu? I wonder what she was like... She wasn't like Daisy, was she?

Image Nina: Rand may chafe at being called 'idiot boy' by his own mother...but from her, it's almost a term of endearment. In some ways, I'm a bit jealous...
I guess being exiled by your parents makes just about *anything* else look good :P
Image Sten: Even if Master Rand became ten times as strong as he is now, he could never hope to compete against his own mother! Ohohohohoho!

Image Tapeta: Such a remarkable woman Madame Daisy is! Who would imagine such an aged person could be so strong? She reminds me so much of Petape... They would no doubt make great rivals!

Image Aspara: Grassmen don't have 'mothers' in the same way as other species. I was raised by the Elder Tree, so the closest thing I have to a mother would be Gandharve...

Image Deis (in the lobby): Rand is just so adorable at times like this...


PARTY CHAT (Daisy's kidnapped! How do we get wings?):

Image Bosch: If we could just get to the Cathedral, I'm sure we'd have all our questions answered...

Image Lin: Nina looks a little distressed all of a sudden...like she's got something she wants to say, but can't. Maybe you should talk to her, Ryu?

Image Sten: What a surprise. Master Rand seems genuinely mortified that his mother has been abducted...

Image Tapeta: Monsieur Rand seems to be quite, how you say, flustered... You cannot tell? It is as plain as the nose on his face! No one can hide their true emotions from moi!

Image Aspara: It does not seem logical that the absence of one person could cause such an emotional disturbance... However, when I myself ponder Daisy's fate, I cannot help but feel...sorrow? I never imagined I could experience such emotions...

Image Deis (in the lobby): I have a plan! Let's make a whirlwind tour of all the Eva churches in the world and bust 'em up, one after another! ...What? Don't you think it's a good idea?

Image Rand (in the lobby): So what now? The only way we can get to the Cathedral is if we sprout wings or something! Heh heh...now that's a funny thought!

Image Rand (in his room): ...The power of the Great Bird remains in Wyndia. If we were to obtain it, we could reach the Cathedral easily.
Interesting character moment, here. Rand seems to know about the Great Bird ritual... But he seems hesitant to suggest it anywhere but in private. I wonder why that is?
Image Nina: Ryu...I'd like to speak with you in my room. I'm not sure the others need to hear this yet...

Image Nina: ...I know where to find the power of the Great Bird. It's possible I will be able to wield that power myself. With that power,I could carry you all to the Cathedral. However... ...I've made up my mind. I will obtain the power of the Great Bird. Take us to Wyndia, Ryu. I must speak with my father.
It's a good thing, for all our sakes, that Ryusui didn't translate this as "Big Bird".
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

Alright guys, this is the moment! This is so big, Capcom based their commercial around this! Put a copyright claim on the video and everything!


Part 22: Breath of Fire II Walkthrough—White Wings (Guardian)

PLOT POINTS (Gone forever, if done before recruiting Beretta. She upgrades her wares for every 8 you get, up to a max of 24):
1. Breaking Nimufu's curse on Jean.
2. Recruiting Seso.
3. Acquire the dragon powers from the old man behind the waterfall.
4. Recruiting three residents and expanding Township.
5. Defeating Jailer.
6. Finishing the cooking contest in SimaFort.
7. Defeating Kuwadora.
8. Finding out about the Gate incident at the Rangers' Guild.
9. Defeating Munmar.
10. Defeat M.C.Tusk.
11. Acquiring the Famous Flute.
12. Finding out about the Queen of Tunlan's condition.
13. Defeating the monsters inside the Queen's body.
14. Defeating Aruhamel.
15. Receiving permission to investigate the Sky Tower.
16. Recruiting Spoo
17. Plowing Daisy's entire field
18. Talking to the guard outside Namanda.
19. Defeating Paladin.
20. Acquiring the Mark of the Wing.
21. Acquiring the Great Bird.

Gargoyles (Weak to wind):
If any monster is under 75% HP, Cure 2 on whichever monster is missing the most HP. If there is a tie, choose the last monster slot among those qualifying. If no AP, attack instead.
Otherwise, 1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (87%) or Fire Breath (13%)

Baracudas/Valkyries (Weak to wind; Will always outspeed without grinding):
75% chance to attack twice.
Otherwise, 1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (87%) or Cast Typhoon (13%)

Royal Guards (Immune to status ailments; Will always outspeed without grinding):
Run away with probability 3/8 (turn 1-4) or 100% (turn 5-7)
Otherwise, 1/64 defend, 63/64 attack

[The probability of running away is intended to be 1/16 (turn 1), 1/8 (turn 2), 1/4 (turn 3), or 3/8 (turn 4+). However, the turn number was capped in the wrong direction before looking this value up. Additionally, Royal Guards are intended to have a 25% chance of casting Def-Up or Atk-Up on turns where they don't run away or defend. However, the upper byte of the Y register is cleared before this probability and spell list can be read, so the probability is read as zero.]

Royal Slugs (Weak to Fire; 50% chance to crit):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%) or Cast Spark/Flare (25%)

1/64 defend
Otherwise Cast a Spell with probability 89/256 (turn 1), 170/256 (turn 2), 100/256 (turn 3), or 170/256 (turn 4+)
Otherwise Attack
Spell list: Hush, Def-Down, Ag-Down, Pwr.Down

[Guardian’s max HP/AP are the same as Nina’s. Guardian was intended to cast Cure4 when under 5/16 of her max HP. However, this check is bugged and instead tests whether Guardian’s max HP is at least 16618.

Guardian was also intended to have the same spellcasting probability as Paladin (excluding Cure 4 mentioned above). However, the high byte of the A register is not cleared [Nitrodon tried to explain why, but I didn't understand], so the probability is looked up in some unrelated table instead.
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

"Scalding Coffee" from Something Awful makes an interesting point:
Scalding Coffee wrote: Breath of Fire III retcons it by implying it to be the result of
genetic meddling by Myria, though her son may also be doing the same in this game
Anyway, Party Chat time!


PARTY CHAT (Before Mina's Scene):

Image Bosch: If Nina uses the power of the Great Bird, won't she be able to change back? ...I don't want her to be stuck as a bird! Ryu! Talk some sense into her!

Image Rand: Nina's made up her mind. Even if Ma hadn't been taken by those Church of Eva bastard, we'd still have to get to the Cathedral somehow... Dammit! Doesn't she care how the rest of us feel?

Image Lin: I'm sure Nina will become a beautiful bird...*sniff* *sniff*... Aw, hell! Why does she have to do this? I don't wanna lose our Nina!

Image Sten: This shouldn't be happening.

Image Tapeta: Nina had done nothing yet, and already I am...how you say...traumatized! Are these terrible circumstances not cause for much weeping?

Image Deis (in the lobby): Looks like the little sprout's a real princess after all. Nina's sure got guts...

Image Nina (in the lobby): I don't need your tears. Any one of you could make the same sacrifice... I'm certain of it.

Image Nina (in her room): The thought of giving up this life to become a Great Bird doesn't faze me at all... But I have one favor I'd like to ask. Just say to me..."I want you to become the Great Bird". Please?...

Image Nina (if you said Yes): ...So I shall.

Image Nina (if you said No): I...understand. I'm sorry I asked you to say such a thing...
This is...actually a really interesting character moment, here. I say that because...
Image Aspara: I agree with Nina's reasoning. This is the most effective way for us to accomplish our goals...but why does it frighten me that she would sacrifice her life with so little hesitation?
...Nina's a death-seeker. Her line is NOT bravado—she is genuinely unfazed by the thought of dying. She won't out-and-out commit suicide, but... The prophecy's in her head. Her family's in hot water for as long as she lives. She has to live far away, just so no trouble befalls them. In her mind? Their lives would be so much easier, if only she could just...vanish.

Recall her willingness to be Joker's slave. Recall her joking about Ryu "putting her out of her misery" if she got fat. See how determined she is to become the Great Bird. The reason for her request to Ryu is to convince herself that it's what he wants... That he wouldn't be THAT badly torn up about her leaving.

And if that's not proof enough?
The final boss even confirms it. "Her wish will come true. Her life is over." or "She came to this place...and her fondest hopes were granted...thus was she erased."
It's subtle enough for kids to miss, but... It's there. It's why Aspara's shaken up on a subconscious level.

PARTY CHAT (After Mina's Scene):

Image Bosch: Mina...
I guess it's a good thing he never scored with her, eh?
Image Rand: I never imagined Mina could do something so brave and selfless... I guess it must run in the family.

Image Lin: I wish I could think of something to say to Nina...

Image Sten: I don't even have any witty remarks or clever puns for this situation... We cannot permit any more innocents to be involved in our struggle...

Image Tapeta: We must travel to Evrai, posthaste! This battle...it is no longer ours alone to fight!

Image Aspara: Mina laid down her life out of love for her sister... Let's repay that debt by getting to Evrai and putting those book-thumping bastards out of commission!
His language *probably* isn't a translation error. Vulgar language is pretty easy to spot, even for a newbie like me.
Image Deis (in the lobby): I see the look in your eyes has changed, Nina. Calling you a 'sprout' now would be an insult...you've grown into a fine woman.
You'll recall that was something of a thing in Deis' first Party Chat. The game lampshaded how badly Deis obsoleted her, with Deis calling her a "sprout", and Nina feeling insecure about it.
Image Nina: This is no time for mourning. Besides...Mina would be upset if she saw me crying...
Mina WOULD be upset... Because apparently, she's still sapient, and can speak English and everything...

...All the writers needed to do...ALL they needed to do, was have her be silent! Keep the bird noises, keep the wing flaps, and just have no dialogue. Nina says her line about not mourning her, and the scene proceeds.

Instead we get the Breath of Fire equivalent of "DUDE, MAH TRUCK!!". Like the sort of thing a localizer would throw in to censor someone's death... Except it's actually in the original script...
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

Wow! A grand-spankin' resistance group and everything! So this is who Gandalf the Elder Tree was talking about! But can we brave the bowls of the Thief's Tomb, and get them what they need? Find out, today!


Part 23: Breath of Fire II Walkthrough—Sandy Slumber (Thief's Tomb)

せいはち's ART GALLERY: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3498832/illustrations
Special thanks for giving me permission to use it!

PLOT POINTS (Gone forever, if done before recruiting Beretta. She upgrades her wares for every 8 you get, up to a max of 24):
1. Breaking Nimufu's curse on Jean.
2. Recruiting Seso.
3. Acquire the dragon powers from the old man behind the waterfall.
4. Recruiting three residents and expanding Township.
5. Defeating Jailer.
6. Finishing the cooking contest in SimaFort.
7. Defeating Kuwadora.
8. Finding out about the Gate incident at the Rangers' Guild.
9. Defeating Munmar.
10. Defeat M.C.Tusk.
11. Acquiring the Famous Flute.
12. Finding out about the Queen of Tunlan's condition.
13. Defeating the monsters inside the Queen's body.
14. Defeating Aruhamel.
15. Receiving permission to investigate the Sky Tower.
16. Recruiting Spoo.
17. Plowing Daisy's field and resting overnight.
18. Talking to the guard outside Namanda.
19. Defeating Paladin.
20. Acquiring the Mark of the Wing.
21. Acquiring the Great Bird.
22. Trying to leave Evrai after talking to Claris.
23. Acquiring the "Evidence" (actually called "Thief's Emblem") from ThvsTomd.

Cancers (Weak to Ice; No resistance to Death or status ailments):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%) or Cast Freeze/Iceblast (25%)

1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack or Cast S.Boom/Lightning

Titongs/Titans (50% Critical Hits; No resistance to Death or status ailments):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack or Cast a Spell
Spell list: Atk-Up/Might or Def-Up/Protect

Kimairas/Chimeras (37.5% Counter-Attacks; Weak to Ice):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack or Fire Breath

Anubis Mummies (Weak to Fire; Outspeeds all but Super Sten):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack or Cast a Spell
Spell list: Zombie Breath or Freeze/Iceblast

[Like many spellcaster enemies, Anubus is intended to just attack when its AP is 12.5% or lower. However, this check is bugged, so this will never happen. It will just keep trying to cast spells.]

Death Spiders (Weak to Fire):
Run away with probability 3/8 (turn 1-4) or 100% (turn 5-7)
Otherwise, 1/64 defend, 63/64 attack

[The probability of running away is intended to be 1/16 (turn 1), 1/8 (turn 2), 1/4 (turn 3), or 3/8 (turn 4+). However, the turn number was capped in the wrong direction before looking this value up. Additionally, Death Spiders is intended to have a 75% chance of using Poison Attack on turns where they don’t run away or defend. However, the upper byte of the Y register is cleared before this probability and spell list can be read, so the probability is read as zero.]

Sheefs/Zombie Thieves (50% Critical Hits; Weak to Fire):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%) or Zombie Attack (25%)

Kiyhoods/Grubwyrms (Weak to Lighting):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%) or Cast a Spell (25%)
Spell list: Dream Breath (50%), Poison Breath (25%), Zombie Breath (25%)

[Like many spellcaster enemies, Kiyhood is intended to just attack when its AP is 12.5% or lower. However, this check is bugged, so this will never happen. Also, none of its spells cost AP anyway.]



Get Wisdom Fruit in the right side of the big building
Talk to Claris
Try to leave
Talk to Claris again to go down toilet

Labyrinth: (Defensive)
—Royal Guards & Lord Slug: Same strat as last time
—X1 Enemy: Auto, unless it’s Chimera or Marble Golem
—Marble Golem: Run
—Chimera: Switch
—x2 Enemies (and 1-2 of them are Cancers): Kill the Cancer(s) with Lin & Sten
—Anything Else: Switch
Get Angler Rod upstairs after resting at the inn
Fly up till you get to Guntz, then fly left to Kotto

Talk to Tiga in the left house

Fly left to the desert continent.
Get the Turbocharge from the dresser in Deis’ Home
Go further left to the Thief’s Tomb

Thief’s Tomb (Defensive):
2nd Floor: Get Double Whip & Crimson Dirk, then fall down
—EQUIP: Crimson Dirk (Sten)
Puzzle Floor: Take left stairs
2nd Floor: Get Sun Mask & Bolt Gloves, then fall down
Puzzle Floor: Take fights on the yellow happy face until it teleports you to the end.
—X2 Grubwyrms: Switch
—X2 Anubis Mummies: Switch (while making sure Sten has Speed Suit equipped)
—Everything Else: Fireblast + Fire Spice (or Auto, if it’s just one)
Get the Thief’s Emblem, then Exit
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

Sorry this took so long! I'll try to pick up the speed in the future! Anyway... Here's us fishing some of the game's best equipment, and here's Tiga trying to fish himself a soul mate!


Part 24: Breath of Fire II Walkthrough—Fishing Man (Tiga & Fishing Treasure Chests/Spots)

せいはち's ART GALLERY: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3498832/illustrations
Special thanks for giving me permission to use it!

The Manillo merchant near Kotto will NOT spawn if you fight on the island directly next to him. You must fight on the landmass to the *right* of where he spawns, instead! Do like I do in the video!

You can cook Gold Bricks/Biscuits, or simply recruit Deis for her Might spell. We're at the point in the game where she's not that broken anymore.

PLOT POINTS (Gone forever, if done before recruiting Beretta. She upgrades her wares for every 8 you get, up to a max of 24):
1. Breaking Nimufu's curse on Jean.
2. Recruiting Seso.
3. Acquire the dragon powers from the old man behind the waterfall.
4. Recruiting three residents and expanding Township.
5. Defeating Jailer.
6. Finishing the cooking contest in SimaFort.
7. Defeating Kuwadora.
8. Finding out about the Gate incident at the Rangers' Guild.
9. Defeating Munmar.
10. Defeat M.C.Tusk.
11. Acquiring the Famous Flute.
12. Finding out about the Queen of Tunlan's condition.
13. Defeating the monsters inside the Queen's body.
14. Defeating Aruhamel.
15. Receiving permission to investigate the Sky Tower.
16. Recruiting Spoo.
17. Plowing Daisy's field and resting overnight.
18. Talking to the guard outside Namanda.
19. Defeating Paladin.
20. Acquiring the Mark of the Wing.
21. Acquiring the Great Bird.
22. Trying to leave Evrai after talking to Claris.
23. Acquiring the "Evidence" (actually called "Thief's Emblem") from ThvsTomd.

OTHER FISHING SPOTS (Scroll down to "fishing spots", and see what's next to the Treasure Chest icons):
https://vgmaps.com/Atlas/SuperNES/Breat ... -World.png

Mammoths (Weak to Fire):
75% chance to attack twice
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%) or Cast 8.0/Quake (25%)

Kimairas/Chimeras (Weak to Ice; 37.5% Counter-attacks):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack or Use Fire Breath

G.Idols/Vulcan Rocks (Weak to Ice; Always goes last; Immune to Death & all status ailments):
Always Attack if BuildUp was used last turn
Otherwise, 75% chance to use BuildUp
Otherwise, 1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (83%) or Cast Fireball (17%)

Cyclops (50% Criticals; Effectively no resistance to Death or status ailments):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%) or Cast a Spell (25%)
Spell list: Atk-Up/Might or Def-Up/Protect

Marble Golems (Always goes last; Immune to Death and all status ailments):
50% to Defend
Otherwise, Attack or Cast Spark/Flare


Fly up to Township

Heal up, save, then cook x2 Gold Bricks with Guts Pills & Turbocharge!

Fish out Emperor's Edge near Township
—Slay Ryu & Nina as you do so, in order to get the Flee bonus!
Fly up to Newhaven, up-left to Mt. Maori, then left to Gate
—Enter Gate for Warp point, if you haven't already
Go to the fishing spot, then spawn the fish
—Switch till you get a G.Idol/Vulcan Rock or Marble Golem, then Flee. It's guaranteed if Ryu & Nina are dead, and Sten is in fusion form!
Fish out some Life Armor for Ryu
Go lower-left near Kotto, go further lower-left till island, then fish out Manillo
—Equip best gear to Sten, and fight some battles. He and Lin alone should be able to handle the randos here.
Remove the Angler's Rod when all's said and done, then equip everyone like so before selling:

Ryu: Emperor's Edge, Life Armor, Bolt Gloves, Sun Mask, x1 Courage Belt
Sten: Crimson Dirk, Earth Armor, Ice Shield, Circlet, Speed Shoes + Courage Belt
Katt/Lin: Wind Robe, Alloy Band, Silver Tiara
Nina: Holy Scarf

—SELL: All except x2 Courage Belts, Restoratives, Vitalizers, Moon Drops, Holy Tears, Wisdom Seeds & Fruits, Fire Spices, Hardtacks, Speed Suit, & weak armor
—BUY: Ares Shield
Do cutscenes then fly up to Farma

You can also sell the Earth Armor if you really need to. The Speed Suit is sufficient enough Defense for Sten.
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

So how can we get into Evrai WITHOUT things going pear-shaped, like last time? Find out, today, as we attack Rhode Chapel!


Part 25: Breath of Fire II Walkthrough—Dying Corpse (Necromancer and the Secret Shaman)

PLOT POINTS (Gone forever, if done before recruiting Beretta. She upgrades her wares for every 8 you get, up to a max of 24):
1. Breaking Nimufu's curse
2. Recruiting Seso.
3. Acquiring the Tier 2 dragons from behind the waterfall.
4. Recruiting three tenants and expanding Township.
5. Defeating Jailer.
6. Finishing SimaForts cooking contest.
7. Defeating Kuwadora.
8. Defeating Trout
9. Defeating Munmar.
10. Defeating M.C.Tusk.
11. Acquiring the Famous Flute.
12. Hearing the Queen of Tunlan's condition.
13. Defeating the monsters inside the Queen.
14. Defeating Aruhamel.
15. Receiving permission to investigate SkyTower.
16. Clearing Daisy's field.
18. Talking to the guard outside Namanda.
19. Defeating Paladin.
20. Acquiring the Mark of the Wing.
21. Acquiring the Great Bird.
22. Talking to Claris.
23. Acquiring the ThvsTomd's treasure.
24. Recruiting Seny.
25. Defeating Necroman.

KaiserKN for Rand, then as many HolySHs, ShinyHTs, & HeroARs as you wish (just remember that you get one of each of those armors in the final dungeon). Don't bother with the HolyRBs—you get plenty endgame armors for mages that have equivalent defense and better resistances.

BANDO/RHODE'S HIDDEN TREASURES (must stand on right arrow for 5 minutes):
1st & 6th Rooms: Hidden fight (Warrior/Acolyte)
2nd Room: Star Shield (Lightning resistance)
3rd Room: Crimson Cape (Fire resistance)
4th Room: NPCs
5th Room: Seny/Saynie

Demon Spirits (Immune to status ailments; Weak to Holy; Halved damage from most else):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack or Cast a Spell
Spell list: Sap/Drain (Steal HP) or Drain/Leech Power (Steal AP)

[Intended to just attack when its AP is 12.5% or lower. However, this check is bugged, so this will never happen.]

Maindstrs/Mind Blasters (Immune to status ailments; Weak to Holy; Halved damage from most else):
1/64 defend
With probability 100% (turn 1), 5/8 (turn 2), 1/4 (turn 3), or 0 (turn 4+), Cast a Spell
Otherwise Attack
Spell list: Hush/Silence (75%), Freeze/Iceblast (25%)

Lyvermas/Living Armors (Immune to status ailments; Weak to Holy; Halved damage from most else):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, cast spell with probability 17/256 (if over 50% HP), 33/256 (if over 25% and at most 50%), 65/256 (if over 12.5% and at most 25%), or 129/256 (if 12.5% HP or under)
Otherwise Attack
Spell list: Curse or Sap/Drain (Steal HP)

Death Spiders (Weak to Fire):
Run away with probability 3/8 (turn 1-4) or 100% (turn 5-7)
Otherwise, 1/64 defend, 63/64 attack

[The probability of fleeing was intended as 1/16 (turn 1), 1/8 (turn 2), 1/4 (turn 3), or 3/8 (turn 4+). Death Spiders were also intended to have a 75% chance of using Poison Attack on turns where they don’t flee or defend. However, both of these are bugged]

If under 75% HP, Cure 2/Rejuvinate (or attack if 0 AP)
Otherwise, 1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%) or Cast Hush/Silence (25%)

1/64 defend
Otherwise, Zombie Attack (75%) or Attack (25%)

ZOMBIE/ENTOMBED AI (Weak to Fire & Holy):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack or Cast a Spell
Spell list: Sap/Drain (Steal HP) or Drain/Leech Power (Steal AP)

NECROMANCER AI (Weak to Fire & Holy):
If 50% HP or lower: Sap/Drain (62.5%)
Otherwise, 1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (25%) or Cast a Spell (75%)
Spell list: Zombie Attack (50%), Foul Breath (25%), Death (25%)


—CHANGE PARTY: Ryu/Sten/Rand/Nina

VS. Soldier (956 HP): Normal
Sten uses Ares Shield on Ryu while the others Defend, then Auto

Rhode Chapel:
Wait on the arrow till the room shakes four times, then go straight to the bosses.
—Death Spiders: Emperor's Edge + Fireblast
—Demon Spirits: Ryu Attacks with Might till dead
—Everything Else: Switch
—EQUIP: Life Armor + Ares Shield + Courage Belts on Sten. Leftover Armor & Courage Belts on Ryu.

VS. x3 Entombed (682 HP): Defensive, then Scatter
Turn 1: Ryu Defends, Sten gets Might on himself, Rand uses Fire Spice, Nina Rejuvinates Sten
Turn 2: Scatter; Ryu Defends, Sten OHKOs, Rand uses Rouse on Ryu, Nina Rejuvinates Ryu
Turn 3: Same as Turn 2, within reason
Turns Onward: Walk into the next fight with Ryu at full AP, Sten at full HP, and everyone alive.

VS. Necromancer (2400 HP): Scatter
Turn 1: Ryu Fire Whelps, Sten equips Ice Shield and attacks, Rand uses Ares Shield on Sten, Nina Rejuvenates Sten
Turns Onward: Be aggressive! You can kill him in 3 Turns if all goes well!

Cleanup (monsters disappear till you exit the dungeon!):
Go back to the arrow
Snag the Star Shield, Crimson Cape, & Saynie!
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

And now for a spot of characterization for Rand, and some not-so-subtle foreshadowing from Nina!

PARTY CHAT (Tiga & Lin!):

Image Bosch: Tiga and Lin... Two peas in a pod, if ever I saw such a pair. They favor each other, and I'm not just talking about their species. I'm sure they'll make a splendid couple.

Image Rand: I feel like a man who has just had all his debts taken up by a saint... But who am I kidding? It's like an empty nest all of a sudden.

Image Lin: My people are few and far between. This is the first time I've ever actually met another Woren...

Image Sten: Rand's face has been looking a bit longer than usual these days. I'd say he had a bit of a crush on Miss Lin himself...but then again, perhaps not. Ohohoho!

Image Tapeta: Two handsome men fight to steal the heart of the fair Mademoiselle Lin... Ah, c'est la guerre!

Image Aspara: [Same dialogue as last time]

Image Deis (in the lobby): Don't worry! I'm sure Lin'll come back to us!

Image Nina: ...My eyes must be playing tricks. For a second there, I thought you looked like Patty... Maybe you're related?... Nah!
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

You all ready for a two-parter?! That's right, it's our final attack on Evrai itself, the heart of the Eva faithful! Can we rescue Daisy? Will Tiga succeed in crushing the church? Find out, today!


Part 26: Breath of Fire II Walkthrough—Please God (Attack on Evrai, Part 1/2)

1. Break Nimufu's curse
2. Recruit Seso.
3. Get Tier 2 dragons.
4. Expanding Township.
5. Defeat Jailer.
6. Finish SimaFort cooking contest.
7. Defeat Kuwadora.
8. Defeat Trout
9. Defeat Munmar.
10. Defeat M.C.Tusk.
11. Complete Highfort.
12. Learn of the Queen of Tunlan's condition.
13. Defeat the monsters inside the Queen.
14. Defeat Aruhamel.
15. Receive permission to enter SkyTower.
16. Clear Daisy's field.
18. Talk to the guard outside Namanda.
19. Defeat Paladin.
20. Defeat Guardian.
21. Acquire the Great Bird.
22. Talk to Claris.
23. Acquire ThvsTomd's treasure.
24. Recruit Seny.
25. Defeat Necroman.
26. Incorrectly answer the guard's question in Evrai.
27. Defeating (spoiler).
28. Trigger the trap in Evrai
29. Recruit Solo the Earth Shaman
30. Defeat Guardeyes.

1/64 defend
With probability 100% (turn 1), 5/8 (turn 2), 1/4 (turn 3), or 0 (turn 4+), cast Atk.Up/Might
Otherwise Attack

Fly to Evrai (just below Guntz and Wyndia)

Evrai Church:
—BUY: As many Wisdom Seeds as possible
Talk to Tiga (located where Claris was)
Answer “Evanth” to the Temple Knight’s question, unless you wanna fight...

VS. Monk (1250 HP): Normal, then Scatter
Turn 1: Sten boosts Ryu, and Nina attempts to land Blunt
Turn 2: Sten boosts himself, Ryu Attacks, Rand Rouses Ryu pre-emptively, and Nina Blunts
Turn 3+: Keep attacking while Rand & Nina repeat their actions!

Do cutscenes
Make a Ryu/Sten/Lin/Rand party
—UNEQUIP: Life Armor & Courage Belt from Ryu
—EQUIP: Cloth + Speed Shoes to Ryu; Holy Scarf to Rand
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »


Part 27: Breath of Fire II Walkthrough—Approach (Attack on Evrai, Part 2/2)

THUMBNAIL ART BY:「せいはち」(Check the uncropped version in his art gallery!)
せいはち's ART GALLERY: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3498832/illustrations
Special thanks for giving me permission to use it!

In Daisy's field.

The PC's Wisdom gives the following chances for Death to hit:

0-16 (40/64)
17-32 (38/64)
33-48 (36/64)
49-80 (32/64)
81-112 (24/64)
113-160 (16/64)
161-204 (8/64)
205-255 (Immune)

And the enemy's wisdom gives the following bonuses

0-16 (None)
17-32 (10%)
33-48 (20%)
49-80 (30%)
81-112 (35%)
113-160 (40%)
161-204 (45%)
205-255 (Guaranteed if no Life Bracer)

The SkullBR and DmndBR multiply these by 1.5x and 0.5x respectively, but do nothing to the base chance.

So, say Katt fights Necromancer. With 46 Wisdom (36/64), Necromancer's Wisdom (45%) multiplies that to 52/64. DmndBR halves the multiplier to 22.5%, reducing his hit rate all the way down to...44/64. SkullBR turns it into a 90% multiplier.

TL;DR—DmndBR is almost worthless & the SkullBR is shmuck bait.

Assassin (50% Critical Hits):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%) or Cast Def-Down/Weaken (25%)

Dark Crusaders:
If any monster is under 75% HP, Cure 4 on whichever monster is missing the most HP. If there is a tie, choose the last monster among those qualifying. If no AP, attack instead.
Otherwise, 1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack or Cast a Spell
Spell List: Def-UpX/Shield (x1.2 to Party Defense) or Shield/Barrier (Double someone's Wisdom)

Magic Knight (Usually outspeeds; Immune to all non-Item Magic):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%) or Cast Cure 1/Heal (25%)

RAY AI (Cannot be dodged):
Phase 1 (before 256 DMG): Attack party leader (Ryu)
Phase 2 (after 256 DMG): Etherstorm (deals 100-163 damage to the entire party)

[If Ryu survives Etherstorm, he learns G.Drgn/Kaiser Dragon. Using that will automatically end the fight. If Ryu dies before it can be used, you can refight Ray—he'll start in Phase 2, and Ryu will automatically learn it again.]

3/4 Attack twice, 63/256 Attack once, 1/256 Defend

If all three Guardeyes are alive, with probability 0 (turn 1-2), 1/8 (turn 3-4), 1/2 (turn 5-6), or 9/16 (turn 7+), use Delta Attack. Delta Attack has the same effect as Fireball (6/16 chance), Hail/Blizzard (5/16 chance), or Bolt X/Valhalla (5/16 chance).

Otherwise, if any Guardeyes have 25% AP or lower, restore them to full AP.
Otherwise, do nothing

[The battle ends automatically when all three Guardeyes are dead]

HEALING EYE (Right one; Usually outspeeds):
If Oldman is alive and using delta attack, do nothing
Otherwise Cure 3/Vitalize (98.4%) or Defend (1.6%)

FIRE EYE (Bottom one; Weak to Ice; Usually outspeeds):
If Oldman is alive and using Delta Attack, do nothing
Otherwise Iceblast (98.4%) or Defend (1.6%)

CHILLY EYE (Left one; Weak to Fire):
If Oldman is alive and using Delta Attack, do nothing
Otherwise Fireblast (98.4%) or Defend (1.6%)

VS. Ray (~500 HP): Defensive
Turn 1: Ryu uses Whelp
Turn 2: Kaiser Dragon
—EQUIP: Life Armor to Ryu
—UNEQUIP: Speed Shoes from Ryu
——Kill encounters with 20 AP Kaiser Dragons (40 AP on Dark Crusaders)
Snag Blast Fist after Daisy’s death

VS. Archers (310 HP): Normal
Ryu Attacks, Lin boosts Ryu, the rest Defend.

Roof: Follow Habalk down
1st Room: Take the nearest left door
2nd Room: Snag Rainbow Robe.
3rd Room: Grab Crimson Cloak, if you missed it.
Boss Room: Heal everyone to full
—EQUIP: x2 Courage Belts to Ryu & Sten, Blast Fist to Rand, and Rainbow Robe to Lin
—UNEQUIP: Holy Scarf from Rand

VS. x3 Guardeyes (538 HP apeice): Normal
Turn 1: Frost Whelp on bottom eye while everyone spams Fire Spices
Turn 2: Lin boosts Ryu, Sten Fireblasts or Heals Ryu, Ryu kills left eye, Rand Blast Fists right eye (left if Sten had to heal)
Turns Onward: Ryu melee + Blast Fist right eye to death
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by BIL »

Can this be The Theme Of Sten, pls? :mrgreen:
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

BIL wrote:Can this be The Theme Of Sten, pls? :mrgreen:
Sure thing, friend :wink: !
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

Fun Fact: The "Tiga Dies" dialogue can be viewed immediately after Tiga dies, despite it also referring to Daisy's death. It's evident they didn't expect you to leave in the middle of it all.

PARTY CHAT (Tiga Dies...):

Image Bosch: First of all, I'd like to go on the record by saying I've always believed that every dispute can be resolved peacefully... But that bastard High Priest of theirs has to pay! In blood! I'll throttle him myself if I ever get the chance!

Image Rand: So...what do you need of me?

Image Lin (in the lobby): Tiga...Claris...Daisy... They were all good friends... And I'm going to make that bastard High Priest pay for what he did to them!

Image Lin (in her room): Hi, Ryu! I'm home! ...Heh...hard for me not to think of this place as home all of a sudden...
Reminder that she's been gone for a bit.
Image Nina: The Church of Eva is like a tidal wave, sweeping our friends and loved ones away in its zealous frenzy...

Image Sten: This is intolerable! There are so many people who still pray to that so-called 'Lord' Eva...what would it take to un-convert them all?

Image Aspara: I can only imagine the devious means by which they carried out their foul plans while keeping the faithful ignorant...

Image Deis (in the lobby): That Habalk guy...running away like a big, fat chicken... I wanna kick his ass just for that!
She says that, but... I swear, half the problem with the story is that the villains DON'T do that. Everyone that could've been a good recurring villain just dies shortly after.
Image Tapeta: C'est horrible that so many people continue to pray to Eva, not knowing the wickedness lurking behind his smile. They shall feed his evilness until the day they die...unless we, my friends, can stop the foul creature first!


PARTY CHAT (Ganer Lives!):

Image Bosch: Isn't it awesome, partner? Your pop's alive, after all this time! I'm sure your baby sis is doing fine herself...somewhere out there!

Image Rand: So these bastards think they can get away from using innocents like batteries, do they? They've got another think coming!
What is that, like...two typos at once? "Get away from" and "another think"?
Image Lin (in her room): I can't imagine what Ryu's father had to go through. First betrayed by his own religion, then forced to help it destroy the world... Nothing I've gone through could come close to that.
What HAS she gone through, anyway? Before we first met her? I wish the game expanded on that..
Image Nina: We can't be too careful how we confront the Church. What good would our triumph serve if we merely sank to their level?
...I feel like this would've been better placed in the "Tiga Dies" section—where everyone's all angry.
Image Sten: The Cathedral is gone, but I doubt that loathsome High Priest went with it. Keep an eye out for him...cockroaches like that Habalk have a habit of popping up right where you don't need them...

Image Tapeta: I am so happy for you that you have finally found your long-lost father, Ryu. Know that I feel this from the bottom of my heart!

Image Aspara: With their Cathedral destroyed, the Dark God can no longer gather energy from the Church of Eva... But he can still leech the life from this world, bit by bit, just like he's doing to the forest near Gate. He will continue to grow, unless we can thwart him...

Image Deis (in the lobby): Your father's a great man, Ryu. If you can be even half the man he is, you'll be set for life!
And yet, Ryu is the one she'll keep on dreaming about :P .
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

Here it is at last! The next episode, complete with a new mic and everything! Also an apology to the lovely Word on the Wind for accidentally calling her a "guy" in the last bonus episode (that comprises the first minute).


Bonus #7: Breath of Fire II Walkthrough—Shamans, Boombada, Nympho's Love, & Other Things!

0:00-1:00: Apology to Word on the Wind

1:00-2:06: Setting up Angel Nina (Wind & Holy Shamans)

2:06-2:48: Whoopi (Township tenant at Hometown/Newhaven—shows off Nympho being in love with Jean, if you talk to her after curing the Queen)

2:48-3:20: Remington (Township tenant at Capitan)

3:20-5:01: Summoner & Farlan (Township tenants at Tunlan/Melodia

5:01-5:48: Sollo the Earth Shaman (must have donated 2000z to Namanda before Daisy's death)

5:48-6:10: Reminder of where the Holy Shaman is (if you didn't recruit her in Part 25)

6:10-9:19: Sesso the Water Shaman (where Angel Nina shows off Banish!)

9:19-13:16: Flavor Text (Elder trees, silly signs, and cameos from BoF1 characters)

13:16-14:35: 3x C.Sludges/Goo Champions (an Epic mob on the Isle of Giants)

14:35-16:21: x2 N.Riders/Ragnariders (an Epic mob on the Isle of the Hidden Armory)

16:21-17:15: The hidden armory (Endgame-tier equipment is sold here!)

17:15-21:34: Boombada mini-game (avoid at all costs...)

21:34-23:57: Elfarlan's Love (secret conversation at Township with Sten)

23:57-25:00: Nympho's Love (Obscure text at Township that reveals her feelings)

25:00-27:00: Sub request and ending words.
1. Break Nimufu's curse
2. Recruit Seso.
3. Get Tier 2 dragons.
4. Expanding Township.
5. Defeat Jailer.
6. Finish SimaFort cooking contest.
7. Defeat Kuwadora.
8. Defeat Trout
9. Defeat Munmar.
10. Defeat M.C.Tusk.
11. Complete Highfort.
12. Learn of the Queen of Tunlan's condition.
13. Defeat the monsters inside the Queen.
14. Defeat Aruhamel.
15. Receive permission to enter SkyTower.
16. Clear Daisy's field.
18. Talk to the guard outside Namanda.
19. Defeat Paladin.
20. Defeat Guardian.
21. Acquire the Great Bird.
22. Talk to Claris.
23. Acquire ThvsTomd's treasure.
24. Recruit Seny.
25. Defeat Necroman.
26. Incorrectly answer the guard's question in Evrai.
27. Defeating (spoiler).
28. Trigger the trap in Evrai
29. Recruit Solo the Earth Shaman
30. Defeat Guardeyes.

K.Sludges/Goo Kings (Immune to status ailments; Perfect accuracy with Death; Will always outspeed unless Deis is LVL 58):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Death with probability 17/256 (if over 50% HP), 33/256 (if over 25% and at most 50%), 65/256 (if over 12.5% and at most 25%), or 129/256 (if 12.5% HP or under)

N.Riders/Ragnariders (50% Critical Hits; Immune to status ailments; Will always outspeed unless Bleu/Deis is LVL 52)
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%) or Cast a Spell (25%)
Spell list: Typhoon (50%), Fireball/Inferno (25%), Hail/Blizzard (25%)

—You MUST donate 2000z to get Sollo the Earth Shaman, and it must be before *Daisy's* death, not Tiga's.
—The Wisdom & Mother Robes both make you immune to status ailments, and the Sun Mask gives Fire resistance.
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

What's our next step? What's going on with the forest at Gate, and when are we gonna deal with Father Habalk? Find out, TODAY!


Part 28: Breath of Fire II Walkthrough—Critical Moment (Halkamania & Bad Ending)

THUMBNAIL ART BY: 「せいはち」(Check the uncropped version in his art gallery!)
せいはち's ART GALLERY: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3498832/artworks
Special thanks for giving me permission to use it!

PLOT POINTS: (All 31 have now been covered! No more after this!)
1. Break Nimufu's curse
2. Recruit Seso.
3. Get Tier 2 dragons.
4. Expanding Township.
5. Defeat Jailer.
6. Finish SimaFort cooking contest.
7. Defeat Kuwadora.
8. Defeat Trout
9. Defeat Munmar.
10. Defeat M.C.Tusk.
11. Complete Highfort.
12. Learn of the Queen of Tunlan's condition.
13. Defeat the monsters inside the Queen.
14. Defeat Aruhamel.
15. Receive permission to enter SkyTower.
16. Clear Daisy's field.
18. Talk to the guard outside Namanda.
19. Defeat Paladin.
20. Defeat Guardian.
21. Acquire the Great Bird.
22. Talk to Claris.
23. Acquire ThvsTomd's treasure.
24. Recruit Seny.
25. Defeat Necroman.
26. Incorrectly answer the guard's question in Evrai.
27. Defeating (spoiler).
28. Trigger the trap in Evrai
29. Recruit Solo the Earth Shaman
30. Defeat Guardeyes.
31. Recruit Shin.

1) Visit the Well
2) Talk to Eichichi/Gigi Kapp in Guntz (find a hidden stairwell in the upper building—she'll be hidden by the foreground in the room below)
3) Save Ganer in Evrai
4) Visit the Well again

If at exactly 0 or 256 (max): 75% to Drain AP on the character with the highest current AP
Otherwise, if the party leader has at least 625 HP: AoEs (31.25%), Buffs (25%), Debuffs (12.5%), Healing (31.25%)
Otherwise, AoEs (56.25%) or Debuffs (44.75%)
AoEs: Bolt X/Valhalla, Hail/Blizzard, Fireball/Inferno, Missile/Sirocco
Debuffs: Hush/Silence, Def-Down/Weaken, Pwr.Down/Blunt, Ag-Down/Slow
Buffs: Def-Up/Protect, Shield/Barrier
Healing: Cure 2/Rejuvinate, Cure 4/Restore, Sap/Drain (targets HP), Drain/Leech Power (targets AP)
The current AP condition is a bug. The condition is intended to be “if at most 12.5% AP”, but this check is done in 8-bit mode.

The HP threshold is probably meant to apply to Habalk/Babaruku[sic], not the party leader. In fact, there are two more thresholds, but the highest HP any party member can have is 828. The intended attacks at higher HP are:
1875 HP or higher: AoEs (50%), Debuffs (25%), Buffs (25%)
1250-1874 HP: AoEs (37.5%), Debuffs (25%), Buffs (25%), Healing (12.5%)
625-1249 HP: AoEs (31.25%), Buffs (25%), Debuffs (12.5%), Healing (31.25%)
Less than 625 HP: AoEs (56.25%) or Debuffs (44.75%)
—CHANGE PARTY: Make a Ryu/Sten/Aspara/Nina party
Visit the well to unlock the good ending!
Snag the Wisdom Fruit from the middle building
Warp to Gate for scenes!
Enter Abyss Tower from the left and cast Exit (recruit Synne, if you wish)
Warp to Kotto to talk to dude
Warp to Township & meet Patty in the middle room on 2nd floor of PC Chat building
Warp to Gate

VS. Habalk (2500 HP): (Defensive)
Turn 1: Ryu uses Kaiser Dragon, while Aspara & Rand use Wisdom Seeds on him
Turn 2: Same as Turn 1, except Sten heals as needed (use Moon Drops or Hardtack/Biscuit, if an AoE was used last round)
Turn 3: Ryu finishes with Kaiser Dragon, while Sten heals as needed
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

The next video is almost here—in the meantime, have the final set of party chats!

PARTY CHAT (Patty & Halk):

Image Bosch: Feels like we're moving into the endgame now... Whatever's lurking behind that dragon, god or devil, I know you can handle it!
You know, Bosch, at LVL 33, is actually a really good choice for a final party member—if you didn't pick the cooking carpenter. He learns Vitalize then, which heals 120 HP to your whole party. Sadly, he's obsolete if you DID pick that carpenter.
Image Rand: The world beyond the gate... All right, let's move out! This one's for all the marbles!
This basically means "putting it all on the line". Ryu and friends have everything to gain, and everything to lose.
Image Lin: I'll do everything I can to help! ...The sooner we get this over with, the better. No one else should have to suffer because of these maniacs...

Image Nina: I wonder where the Church of Eva priest in Gate stands in all this. He may be simply another blinded fool like the rest, but I can't help but wonder...

Image Sten: It gives me the shivers to imagine what might be lurking behind those gates... Swarms of foul beasts...like locusts...

Image Tapeta: Why does not the priest understand that our enemy is not the dragon? C'est incomprehensible...

Image Aspara: I heard that the dragon in the town of Gate saved the village from a monster attack over a decade ago. Why would they now be trying to destroy it?...
Probably one of the memories Alzheimer wiped.
Image Deis (in the lobby): This is the end of the line, people! Only thing left to do now is to get down there and kick some ass! Gahahaha!


PARTY CHAT (Final Voyage):

Image Deis (in the lobby): [Same as before]

Image Bosch: I'll go anywhere you want to take me, as long as you can call me 'partner'!

Image Rand: I understand how the Dragonbrood must've felt. 'With great power comes great responsibility' and all that...

Image Lin: Even an idiot like me can lend the Fated Child a helping hand! ...Right, Ryu?
The fact Lin thinks of herself that way hurts my heart :(
Image Sten: Whatever happens, we have no choice any more but to push onwards!

Image Tapeta: It is the happiest thing I have ever done, to see the Fated Child through his venerable mission. Merci beaucoup.

Image Aspara: In my travels with you, I believe I have discovered something... I find hard to explain. When our final battle has concluded, I believe you, too, will understand...
Ryu vs Aspara! Coming to you live, on Pay-Per-View!
Image Nina: I shall bind my fate to yours, Ryu. And together, we shall see that the destiny of this world is a bright one!
Loyalty, or a declaration of love? You decided!
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

In any case, welcome to the final dungeon! Whoisthisgit calls it one of the worst final levels in video game history—but is it really? Find out, today!


Part 29: Breath of Fire II Walkthrough—Crooked Ladder (Infinity/Abyss Tower)

The cover of "Pandemonium: Devourer of the Lost" (by "Derek Edgington"). This is a cropped version of the full cover.

The overlays for the Bighands and Wraith Guards are slightly off, regarding their AI and attacks. Find them this description, instead.

My memory was a bit self-serving—the truth is that it was a team effort. A GameFAQs member called "DrugsRBad" discovered that dead PCs did not add to your run chance. I realized the possibilities of that—so I made a test video to confirm that it was true. It was! My Djinni Sten could run from enemies with near impunity!

I brought up the idea to Xujhan (the main Glitchless runner), who then battle-tested the strat. He found that Devil Lin would often outrun things even at LVL 17, hence...the strat! See our conversation, here:


WISDOM FRUIT RECIPE (have at least two before the final dungeon):
x2 Stamina Ups + x2 Tunas (If you got Daiye)
SprRib/Sirloin + Fire Spice + x2 Vtmns/Sacred Dews (If you don't have Daiye)
Sirloin is earned by killing a Grizzly Bear in a hunting spot—I recommend fusing Saynie + Synne to Bosch to create Robo Bosch. He has great range, and a fast enough rate of fire to stun-lock the animals you hunt (though you don't want to mash too fast or too slow).

Fire Spices are buyable from Guntz (x2 Fire Spices + x2 Tunas = Stamina). Vtmns/Sacred Dews are buyable from every early-game shop, up to SimaFort/Fort Nageur.

Subtract the average enemy Vigor from that of every living PC, and you'll get these run chances...
-33 or less: 8/64
-32 to -9: 10/64
-8 to -1: 16/64
0 to 7: 22/64
8 to 15: 28/64
16-31: 32/64
32-55: 36/64 (where Solo Djinni Sten is)
56-95: 40/64 (where Djinni Sten + Devil Lin would have been)
96-143: 44/64 (where Devil Lin might have reached)
144-199: 48/64
200-255: 52/64
256-511: 30/64 (*shrug*)
Check your current HP, and see if it's more than 70% of your max HP:
more than 70% HP: x1.0
70% or less: x1.4
Finally, you will gain an additional multiplier (or penalty) depending on where the internal clock was at (viewable via Address $CAC, in RAM Watch on your emulator of choice). Take this graph...
0-3: 32
4-7: 32
8-11: 96
12-15: 96
16-19: 160
20-23: 224
24-27: 160
28-31: 96
And then add it to the average Luck of everyone in your party. Compare the result to this chart here:
0: x0.95 (will only happen if you're Cursed)
1-63: x1.0 (Will not realistically happen, with the party in this video)
64-127: x1.05
128-191: x1.1
192-255: x1.3
Unfortunately, there's not a precise way of observing this on console—but a similar process is used for determining what each character's Condition is. Check Ryu's Condition, and see if he's in Super/Great. If he is, you'll be guaranteed the 10% or 30% boost, with my party—otherwise, it's a crapshoot. With Djinni Sten + Devil Lin alive, and nobody else, that's a 96-100% chance of running away from every single enemy, besides the Ganymedes & Charons.

Humus/Hypnos (Weak to Holy; Halved damage from most else):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%), SwtBrth/Dream Breath (12.5%), or Death (12.5%; Never has enough AP)

Bighand (Weak to Fire; Resists Ice; Moderately weak to status ailments):
75% to Attack Twice
Otherwise, 1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack Once or Def-Down/Weaken

G.Rider/Cavalrider (50% Critical Hits; Weak to Holy & Fire):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%) or Death (25%)

Racegude/Wraith Guard (Weak to Holy; Halved damage from most else; Immune to Status Ailments):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, cast a spell with probability 17/256 (if over 50% HP), 33/256 (if over 25% and at most 50%), 65/256 (if over 12.5% and at most 25%), or 129/256 (if 12.5% HP or under)
Otherwise Attack
Spell List: Sap/Drain (Steal HP) or Drain/Leech Power (Steal AP)

Ganymede (Always goes first; Full immunity to all spells—but not weapons or items):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (50%), Cure 2/Rejuvenate (12.5%), Atk-Up/Might (12.5%), Def-Up/Protect (12.5%), or Hush/Silence (12.5%)

Daedalus (Always goes last; Immune to Status Ailments):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, with probability 100% (turn 1), 62.5% (turn 2), 25% (turn 3), or 0% (turn 4+), Atk-Up/Might
Otherwise attack

[Note that in a lead-off attack, the first enemy action occurs on turn 2. As with all enemies who target one of their allies with a spell, if the intended target of Atk-Up/Might is dead, Dadelous will instead attack a random party member.]

Ifeleet/Ifrit (Weak to Ice; Resists Fire):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (25%), Fire Breath (56.25%), or Fireball/Inferno (18.75%)

Evil Dragon (Weak to Wind):
75% to Attack Twice
Otherwise, 1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (50%), Fire Breath (25%), or Curse (25%)

Skeleton (Weak to Holy & Fire; Full Immunity to all spells—but not weapons or items):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (50%), Poison Attack (25%), or Zombie Attack (25%)

Dragoon (50% Critical Hits; Weak to Ice; Resists Fire):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (25%) or Fire Breath (75%)

Carm/Charon (50% Critical Hits; Weak to Holy; Halved damage from most else):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%), Freeze/Iceblast (12.5%), or Hail/Blizzard (12.5%)

Conch/Zircon Shell (Weak to Lightning; Full Immunity to all spells—but not weapons or items):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%) or Def-Down/Weaken (12.5%)

Magicmas/Magic Master (50% Critical Hits; Weak to Wind):
1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (75%), Typhoon (12.5%), Fireball/Inferno (6.25%), or Hail/Blizzard (6.25%)

Dark Paladin:
If any monster is under 75% HP, Cure 4/Restore on whoever's most hurt. If there is a tie, choose the last monster slot among those qualifying. If no AP, attack instead.
Otherwise, 1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack or Hush/Silence

Amom/Ammon (Weak to Wind):
75% to Attack Twice
Otherwise, 1/64 defend
Otherwise, Attack (25%) or Typhoon (75%)


—Buy a weapon for Ryu so you can remove the Emperor's Edge

Re-do Djinni Sten and create Devil Lin with Synne
Find a Wisdom Fruit in the middle house
—Cook another Wisdom Fruit if this doesn't bring you up to two—or don't. It's not essential.
Warp to Gate

—CHANGE PARTY: Ryu/Rand/Lin/Sten
—EQUIP: Speed Shoes + Speed Suit + all your mightiest armor on Sten. Equip Tiara + all Vigor boosters to Lin, or the weakest armor you have (depending on if you allow optional fusions). Equip the weakest armor you have on Ryu & Rand.

Infinity/Abyss Tower, Part 1:
Slay Ryu & Rand (and Lin, if you're banning optional fusions).
Collect the Shiny Helm, Shadowstitch, & Final Blow on your way down
—Get the DreamBR/Hell Brace, if you plan to solo the semi-final boss.
Flee from every random encounter, except for those with Ganymedes—possibly Bighands, Evil Dragons, & x2 Cavalriders too, if you want to be safe.
—Ganymede Swarm: Use Emperor's Edge to ORKO
—Ganymede + Daedalus: Switch
—Bighands, Evil Dragons, or x2 Cavalriders: Switch if you want to be safe—you're not reaching 100% Flee rates unless the game's internal clock was in the right spot before entering. These foes can do enough damage in one round to undo your fusion. x1 Cavalrider can be OHKOed via Ares Shield + Sten Attack (w/Crimson Dirk/BananaDR equipped).

—SELL: Vitamins, Restoratives, Ammonias, Blast Fist, Holy Tears, Ice Shield, Earth Armor, Fire Spices, Crimson Dirk, Rainbow Robe, Circlet, & Bare Knuckle
—BUY: Vitamin & Ammonia stacks till you have 9 open slots left.

Infinity/Abyss Tower, Part 2:
Avoid Infinity for now—that will undo fusions, and we can death warp here later.
Get Riot Staff, Dragon Armor, & Dragon Sword on the way to the dark room
—Switch out Charons & Ammons—maybe Dragoons for safety.
Do your equipment swapping outside the dark room, lest you risk crashing your game :\ ...
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

Kept you waiting, eh? Well, here's the fated rematch with Barbaroi, at last! Who will come out on top this time? Find out, today!


Part 30: Breath of Fire II Walkthrough—Nightmare (Barbaroi: Team & Solo)

せいはち's ART GALLERY: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3498832/illustrations
Special thanks for giving me permission to use it!

BARBAROI AI (16%, 31%, or 47% Counter-Attacks, depending on HP thresholds. Also increases its attacking, according to these same thresholds):

Code: Select all

Attack All (50%)
Fire Breath (25%)
Ice Breath (12.5%)
Bolt X/Valhalla (12.5%)

2500 HP or higher: 380 Attack & 16% Counter-Attacks
1250-2499 HP: 473 Attack & 31% Counter-Attacks
1249 HP or less:  511 Attack & 47% Counter-Attacks
Round 1 ends after 1250 Damage. Barbaroi then starts the next with 5000 HP (if you fight him as a team) or 3750 HP (if you fight him alone).

Barbaroi was also supposed to have a 12.5%, 25%, or 37.5% chance to score Critical Hits, according to the HP thresholds... But you cannot crit on either Attack Alls or Counter-Attacks. Thus, the boost is effectively dummied out.

x2 HelpBLs/Vitamins (available in every Item Shop)

WISDOM FRUIT RECIPE (I forgot about the Sirloin recipe, at the time I made the video slides):
x2 Stamina Ups + x2 Tunas (If you got Daiye)
SprRib/Sirloin + Fire Spice + x2 Vtmns/Sacred Dews (If you don't have Daiye)

Sirloin is earned by killing a Grizzly Bear in a hunting spot—I recommend fusing Saynie + Synne to Bosch to create Robo Bosch. He has great range, and a fast enough rate of fire to stun-lock the animals you hunt (though you don't want to mash too fast or too slow).

Fire Spices are buyable from Guntz (x2 Fire Spices + x2 Tunas = Stamina). Vtmns/Sacred Dews are buyable from every early-game shop, up to SimaFort/Fort Nageur.

You could also fish out Tunas from many mid-late game locations, but I wouldn't recommend it—too much hassle.



EQUIPMENT SETUP (Team Fight): Two pieces of Thunder resistance to Lin, as well as one piece to Ryu & Sten. Make sure Ryu can switch between having at least 90 Vigor, and having less than that.

EQUIPMENT SETUP (Solo Fight): Make sure Ryu has a Dream/Hell Brace equipped—this sometimes nullifies Bolt X/Valhalla. Make sure he can switch between having at least 90 Vigor, and having less than that.

ITEMS WANTED (Solo Fight): x45 HelpBLs/Vitamins, x1 Biscuit/Hardtack, & as many Extracts/Restoratives as possible.
VS. Barbaroi, Round 1 (1250 HP): (Defensive, then Normal)
Turn 1: Buff Ryu while using Emperor Edge (Lin & Sten), Ryu uses Kaiser Dragon, Rand uses Wisdom Seed
Turn 2: Two Wisdom Seeds on Ryu, while he Attacks in Normal Formation.

VS. Barbaroi, as a Team (5000 HP): (Defensive)
Turn 1: Speedy pair use Emperor Edge while healing all, Ryu uses Kaiser Dragon, Rand uses Wisdom Seed
Turn 2: Speedy pair uses a Wisdom Seed while healing all, Ryu uses Kaiser Dragon, Rand uses Wisdom Seed.
Turn 3: Speedy pair use Emperor Edge while healing all, Ryu uses Kaiser Dragon, Rand uses Wisdom Fruit
Turn 4: Speedy pair use Emperor Edge while healing all, Ryu equips Life Armor before using Kaiser Dragon, Rand uses Wisdom Fruit
Turn 5: Speedy pair heal Ryu & Rand with Vitamins, Ryu uses Kaiser Dragon, Rand uses Wisdom Fruit. Make sure
Turn 6: Make sure Sten & Lin are unfused. Ryu puts the Dragon Armor back on, then finishes with one last Kaiser Dragon!

VS. Barbaroi, in a one-on-one (3750 HP):
Strategy: Get off a Kaiser Dragon at the start, then equip the Medusa/Ares Shield and use a Biscuit/Hardtack for boosted defense. Use HelpBLs/Vitamins to heal off Breath Attacks and Unboosted Melee Attacks—Use Extracts/Restoratives to heal off Boosted Attacks & Bolt X/Valhalla. Keep healing until you either dodge a Melee Attack or nullify a Bolt X/Valhalla, then restore your AP and/or use another Kaiser Dragon. Repeat until dead (swap to heavier armor for one turn before the 2nd & 3rd Kaiser Dragons—this way you take less melee damage).

—Lin smashes the hidden boulder to her right, Sten gets you across a gap in the invisible pathway, then you collect the Life Brace!
—Go into the next room and save.
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Re: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II!

Post by Fionordequester »

And now, after a long train of unexpected delays (sick with CO-VID19, unexpected quirks with Hitfilm Express, me realizing there was stuff I hadn't had Nitrodon crack yet, and etc.), we finally have our next episode! The big story sequence before the final battle!


Part 31: Breath of Fire II Walkthrough—What it Takes to be a Hero (Anfini/Infinity)

せいはち's ART GALLERY: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3498832/illustrations
Special thanks for giving me permission to use it!

The values in the slides are also modified by Tapeta's Condition, as follows:

Cursed: -75%
Tired: neutral
Fine: + 10%
Good: + 25%
Great: + 50%

So its accuracy can be reasonable, if Tapeta's condition is high enough.

Note that Poison Attack, Zombie Attack, Poison Breath, Miasma (Joker), & Zombie Breath also work via the following formula:

PC Resistance X Caster Bonus

The product of that formula (rounded down) is the monster's chance out of 64.

The PC's Resistance is determined via their Luck, and is based on the following chart:

0-31: 32
32-63: 30
64-95: 28
96-127: 26
128-159: 24
160-191: 22
192-223: 20
224-255: 18

The monster's Caster Bonus is determined by their "monster level", and is based on the following chart:

0-15: 12
16-31: 25
32-47: 38
48-63: 51
64-79: 64
80-95: 76 (No enemy is higher than 80--dunno why the upper values exist)
96-111: 89
112-127: 102

As for Aspara's Dream Breath (which she uses on you during a failed Spore attempt), she is using what was supposed to be an "enemy only" skill--one that uses the enemy's "monster level" (which can be found in BSiron's FAQ for each monster... though he calls it "Luck").

Since Aspara doesn't HAVE a "monster level", the game mistakenly uses her current helmet instead (which there are only 7 of, despite what my slides said). The values are as follows:

Bandana, SaladBwl/Headband, & Circlet: 87
Sun Mask or Silver Tiara: 88
Glass Helm or CrmsnRB/Red Scarf: 236

So if Aspara were to use Dream Breath on, say, Sten (115 Luck), and she were wearing a Bandana, the formula would be as follows:

26 (Sten's Resistance) X 87 (Aspara's Accuracy)

The product of that formula (rounded down) would be 7. Thus, Aspara has a 7/64 chance to put Sten to sleep. But, if she were to wear a Glass Helm or Red Scarf, that chance would jump to 23/64 (more than triple, despite what my slides said).


Zodiac (Weak to Lightning):
HP: 890
AP: 100
Attack: 441
Defense: 151
Vigor: 142
Magic Immunity: 89-90%
AI: Attack Twice (75%), Attack Once (12.5%), Fire or Ice Breath (12.5%)

Power Dragon (37.5% to Counter; Weak to Holy; Halved damage from most everything else):
HP: 999
AP: 200
Attack: 478
Defense: 162
Vigor: 133
Magic Immunity: 100%
AI: Attack (50%), Inferno/Fireball (25%), Zombie Breath (25%)

NATURE'S CHANCE TO WORK (Base Aspara | Dragon Aspara):
LVL 0-7: 40/64 | 48/64
LVL 8-15: 44/64 | 52/64
LVL 16-23: 48/64 | 56/64
LVL 24-31: 52/64 | 58/64
LVL 32-39: 54/64 | 60/64
LVL 40-47: 56/64 | 61/64
LVL 48-63: 58/64 | 62/64
LVL 64-99: 60/64 | 63/64

It has a 75% chance to target all monsters with the Idle/Paralyze spell (resistances apply), and a 25% chance to use Dream Breath on your own party.

CHOP/CLEAVE'S CHANCE TO WORK (based on "monster level", modified by Tapeta's condition, as listed at the start of this description):
1-7: 52/64
8-15: 48/64
16-23: 44/64
24-31: 42/64
32-39: 40/64
40-47: 36/64
48-55: 32/64
56-63: 28/64
64-71: 24/64
72-79: 22/64
80-87: 18/64 (no monster is higher than this)
88-95: 16/64
96-99: 0



Abyss Tower (Lower Levels):
Save your game
—CHANGE PARTY: Rand, Lin, Aspara, & Ryu
Warp out of this part of the dungeon

Rest at the Inn before going back down

Abyss Tower (Lower Levels):
Go slightly down and right into the small room
Talk to the Dragon Sage, then go through the doors till you meet your clone
Go back to the Dragon Sage, go back to the clone, then repeatedly choose No to get Infinity!
Follow the video if you want your fusions back--otherwise, Death Warp back to the save point



Abyss Tower (Lower Levels):

Walk back up to the upper levels

Abyss Tower (Upper Levels):

Warp to Township

Re-establish fusions, then swap out Sten & Lin for weaklings
Warp to Gate, then Death Warp


Abyss Tower (Lower Levels):
—CHANGE PARTY: Ryu, Rand, Sten, Lin
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