Space KaBAAM (PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 5)

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Sturmvogel Prime
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Space KaBAAM (PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 5)

Post by Sturmvogel Prime »

In 2022, Shmups Forum will face the Trash Side of Shmups.

We're half-way on this Trash Shmup Anti-Marathon and this is not gonna be a funny ride.
Today's review will be a bad PlayStation 4/5 shmup, Space KaBAAM by AutoSlavic.

Space warfare wasn't this boring, until today.

The gameplay of Space KaBAAM is, if we can call it like that, unexistant. All you have to do here is to fire nonstop to hordes of alien ships in (boring) space combat. There's no power ups at all, only your rapid firing ship with an 8 bullets-on-screen rate. Also, all of your enemies fire straight bullets with lower fire rates, so you'll be having the upper deck all the time, even with bosses. You have a life bar, and yes, it depletes faster since it also has Turridamage where you can't recover from one hit before taking the next one, and you only have one life. If you die once it's Game Over. I could complain about the last two, but this time I don't care since the game lacks of an ending and loses its replay value after getting 200,000 points.
With such an empty and lazy gameplay like this, ¿Is there a reason for this game to exist? Just like with Breakthrough Gaming's abominations, this sorry excuse for a game has 12 trophies which will be claimed in around 10-12 minutes.

There's not too much to say about the gameplay, that's why this part of the review was too short of words. Not because it was a demo or a prototype, it's because Space KaBAAM is a terribly bad shooter.

Well drawn ships and planet's doesn't make a bad game good.

Graphically, the ship designs are close to what Satur Entertainment brought in Stellatum and I, AI, and the same goes for the planets in the background which they look kinda realistic, so the developer have an idea there. But I think they should make a little more of an effort on the animation of every character of the game as they move across the screen without any "inclination" as they turn or rotate as if they're targets on a target practice game of a county fair. The beam effects are simple lines. No lighting or gradient like effects to make them look more like laser fire as if we're looking a Flash game from a crappy online web-browser games website. The explosion graphics are pathetic, they're just a cluster of sparkles and stars. It might worked on old games like Zaxxon/Super Zaxxon, but in this game it looks like a zero budget attempt to a fiery explosion.
As for the sound, there's only one tune for the whole game which is your generic industrial-techno drumming that becomes easily forgettable just like the rest of this game.

- The boss names are based on greek letters.
- The trophy name "Ad Infinitum" means "To Infinity" in Latin.

Just "Part III" is complete, Nina.
There's still two more trash shmups to review and Ascendshaft is next.

2022 Doesn't look good for the indie shmup scene with trash like Space KaBAAM. I don't know if Sony is not paying attention to the games submitted to the online store or they just don't care. But if there's something history taught us is that even with "Seals of Quality" there was no way to stumble with trash games. Even for Trophy Fodder is almost worthless unless you want to waste two dollars on it.
With all said and done, just forget Space KaBAAM, paying two dollars will only encourage AutoSlavic to develop more videogame trash.

*Sing "Crappy" to the tune of "Carrie" by Europe*

Well, this game sucks. This game's an insult.
Just save your cash, this game ain't worth your time.
Is only trash, a-bo-mi-naaa-tiooon.
God knows this sucks.
So please don't waste those buuuuucks!

Can't you see it with your eyes?
That this game is manure, PURE CRAAAAAP


This game stinks, my friend. (Oh, my God!)


A bag of filth it is.
Gargabe. Ugh, damn!

I've warned you, man, with that opinion.
Now thank me 'pal. I've played that trash for you.
It took me time.
And two damned dollars.
That's such a crime. Paying for trash, that sucks!

Can't you see it with your eyes?
Or are you out of your DAMNED MIIIIIND!? (OH MY GOOOOD!)


A putrid game, it is. (Go away!)


A putrid mess it is!

Can't you see it? Are you blind?
Or are you out of your DAMNED MIIIIIND!? (OH! OH, NO!) UGH!


Oh no!, This game stinks!
It's Crappy, crappy, CRAAAAAPPYYYYY! (Oh God!)


Garbage this game it is.

Ugh, God damn.
This stinks.

When games are trash.
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Bringing you shmup and video game reviews with humorous criticism.

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