IGS PGM! How to Setup Affordable CAVE PCB Cartridges

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Re: IGS PGM! How to Setup Affordable CAVE PCB Cartridges

Post by 6t8k »

I found this was a really nice overview for Cave fans on how to take advantage of the PGM and play the games on original HW. :)

At 17:35 that is DOJ Tamashii; DOJ was ported onto the PGM2 platform and rereleased in China in 2010. It's a nice version, with an additional easy mode (my info is that in China, such games are better received if they're a little easier). It has some slight hiccups with the BGM though.

Note that most DOJ bootleg carts currently have Black Label on it, and BL only. These work nicely.
If you want to play White Label on a PGM cart,
a word of warning:

There are dual carts that contain both BL and WL, but for all ROM versions we know at the moment, WL sadly freezes on stage 1-5 on real hardware. So don't buy one of these carts just yet - the problem is most certainly fixable but as it stands, there's no known way to prevent it from happening and it's still unknown what exactly causes the bug.

The original arcade romset for While Label has only WL (understandably so), but the original romset for BL boots into a selection screen where you can choose if you want to start WL or BL. Now why is it that the non-dual carts only offer BL then? There are some technicalities and running the game(s) off of PGM carts is not as straightforward as one might think at first (more info in this thread, the information is scatterd all over the place and rudimentary at times, these are hobby projects..). I'm still in the process of figuring some of this stuff out myself as you can see at the current end of the thread. I consider myself a greenhorn with lower level arcade stuff, still jumped in on this problem since there was no apparent progress anymore and I wanted to see the game running correctly! My thought was that maybe I could find out something that was overlooked or so (not that I had high hopes). The peeps there are pretty awesome, they made it possible in the first place!

Still I learned many details in the process, also about 68k emulation in MAME, so it wasn't all for nothing in the end :P
I'm going to prepare another post there very soon documenting my approach and what I've discovered so far (or rather, what I didn't) in case it's of any help for others.
But I still have Ideas and going to tinker further as long as nobody more versed than me jumps in (shouldn't be too hard :lol: )
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