Ibara and Pink Sweets article on HG101.net

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Ibara and Pink Sweets article on HG101.net

Post by Masamune_Shadow »

Hello again everyone,
First foremost, I want to let everyone know that I wrote another article for Hardcoregaming101.net, this time about Ibara and Pink Sweets.
You can find the Ibara / Pink Sweets here...even if this notification post is more than a year late ("-_-)
These were done in the same style as my Mushihimesama Series article, which you can find here.

Now, the real reason for this post is to mention that the original Pink Sweets posting has been updated with proper translations for the story and character bios.The translations were provided by shmuplations (check him out at shmuplations.com!), and feature both minor and major corrections to the original version. I also believe that this is the first time these have been fully translated into English, so please check them out!
I have written a few more articles covering some other CAVE series, but I'll be waiting to post those, as I don't want to flood the forum with 3 consecutive posts of similar topics.

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Re: Ibara and Pink Sweets article on HG101.net

Post by KAI »

God job Masamune_Shadow.
One last thing of note is that for some reason they censored Dr. Rose's promotional art for the PlayStation 2, painting her previously exposed chest white, and it looks very out of place compared to the rest of her outfit and design.
Some of the character portraits have been censored as well. Ibara's port should be known as Ibara: No Thongs Edition
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Re: Ibara and Pink Sweets article on HG101.net

Post by Jonathan Ingram »

Great, comprehensive articles as one would come to expect from HG101.

Can I report a small typo?
The pre SH-3 titles were ported and published by Akira, and the games released on the new SH-3 hardware were ported by Cave and published by Taito. The Akira ports were really good, nearly arcade perfect, even featuring the same 15khz 240p graphical output as the original arcade versions.
Should be Arika.
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Re: Ibara and Pink Sweets article on HG101.net

Post by Masamune_Shadow »

KAI wrote:God job Masamune_Shadow.
One last thing of note is that for some reason they censored Dr. Rose's promotional art for the PlayStation 2, painting her previously exposed chest white, and it looks very out of place compared to the rest of her outfit and design.
Some of the character portraits have been censored as well. Ibara's port should be known as Ibara: No Thongs Edition
Thanks KAI, I recall either reading or realizing there was some censorship in Ibara between the two versions. I am not sure if I realized the thong censorship, but she also gained a white skin-suit to cover up her middle section in the ps2 version.
Jonathan Ingram wrote:Great, comprehensive articles as one would come to expect from HG101.
I'm Glad you liked them Jonathan, I wanted people to be able to walk away from them, and up to a machine and know exactly how its systems work, and what to do...without having it just become a walkthrough.
Jonathan Ingram wrote: Can I report a small typo?
The pre SH-3 titles were ported and published by Akira, and the games released on the new SH-3 hardware were ported by Cave and published by Taito. The Akira ports were really good, nearly arcade perfect, even featuring the same 15khz 240p graphical output as the original arcade versions.
Should be Arika.
You know I think I may have just done that every single time. I don't think I actually knew that it was Arika until maybe...three months ago? It never even occurred to me as to what all this might have affected ><
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Re: Ibara and Pink Sweets article on HG101.net

Post by trap15 »

The bar at the bottom of the screen in special mode isn't rank, it's the current CPU load.
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Re: Ibara and Pink Sweets article on HG101.net

Post by rancor »

I guess this is as good a time as any to plug the shitty Ibara manga translation I started:

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Re: Ibara and Pink Sweets article on HG101.net

Post by BulletMagnet »

rancor wrote:I guess this is as good a time as any to finish the shitty Ibara manga translation I started
Fixed. ;)
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Re: Ibara and Pink Sweets article on HG101.net

Post by rancor »

ugh.. it's so awful. I don't have the stomach for it. Read it, and you'll see.
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Re: Ibara and Pink Sweets article on HG101.net

Post by CloudyMusic »

rancor wrote:ugh.. it's so awful. I don't have the stomach for it. Read it, and you'll see.
Wow, you weren't kidding.
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Re: Ibara and Pink Sweets article on HG101.net

Post by AntiFritz »

Did that pink sweets article that you wrote ages ago (that I think i found a mistake in or something) seriously take a year for hg101 to publish it?
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Re: Ibara and Pink Sweets article on HG101.net

Post by Masamune_Shadow »

AntiFritz wrote:Did that pink sweets article that you wrote ages ago (that I think i found a mistake in or something) seriously take a year for hg101 to publish it?
No no, I was just a lazy and never brought it up here. It's original posting was a year ago though. I was always concerned with having to rely on a machine translation for the Pink Sweets story and character info, and the idea of having it translated only recently formed when I visited shmuplations' patreon page. I commissioned him about the translation, and about two weeks later it was in my hands, edited the next day, and posted up within a week. I happened to make the update exactly 1 year from it's original posting date. In my expierence, it's usually about a week or two from initial submission, where it's unlisted so mods can take a look at it and make sure everything looks good and works, and then is usually mentioned about two weeks later in an update, at which time it gets listed on the index. Though that time is an average, I've had something go from submission to live in about two weeks total before. Updates to articles usually happen within a week, but may be minutes after submission. Since this is done by hand, it's best to do one large revision rather than multiple minor ones,

And you might have found a mistake or two for sure. Somehow a very early draft got posted up at one point,(and was fixed within minutes of me finding out.) Sadly there are still mistakes in there, but nothing too egregious...though if there is, I can fix it.

...I write too much ("-_-)
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Re: Ibara and Pink Sweets article on HG101.net

Post by S_Fang »

Keres wrote:
rancor wrote:ugh.. it's so awful. I don't have the stomach for it. Read it, and you'll see.
Wow, you weren't kidding.
Can you tell me in what the "bad" factor consist? I'm pretty oblious about it.
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Re: Ibara and Pink Sweets article on HG101.net

Post by monouchi »

Thanks for these articles, I really enjoy reading at HG101.
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Re: Ibara and Pink Sweets article on HG101.net

Post by rancor »

S_Fang wrote:Can you tell me in what the "bad" factor consist? I'm pretty oblious about it.
It's just a shit story. The characters are all 1-dimensional, the situations are predictable, the art is well.. Not that bad, but I've certainly seen better! They also didn't spend any time at all talking about the ships or equipment, or any technical details at all (we are STG fans, after all). It's just awful in most every way imaginable. For the STG crowd having a median age of ~30 (my figure), the storyline of Ibara was magnitudes worse than the Archie comics I read when I was an elementary school student. Disappointed.

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Re: Ibara and Pink Sweets article on HG101.net

Post by S_Fang »

Expecting a well-written story from a videogame to another medium is really difficult if not impossible, especially with a minimalistic genre like STG. Granted, some games have a story and universe written in much better way than the norm, but those are exceptions, alas to the displeased ones.

I didn't play Ibara nor I did researches about its development, but I can assume that Cave didn't bothered with the story and the details of characters and equipment. Yet, they released a story bundled with the visual book/whatever to show off the antagonists and a preview to PinkSweets, just to advertise the consumers who brought the book, especially the most enthusiastic enough to know about the lore and the art direction.

Regarding the Archie Comics' comparison, as a person who followed the Sonic The Hedgehog's comics, I can tell you those reached the bottom of the barrel in term of story and art in its hundred of issues.

Again, I didn't find that bad (I'm jaded about these trans-medium operations), but I can see how can be frustrating for the fans to find something mediocre.
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Re: Ibara and Pink Sweets article on HG101.net

Post by rancor »

S_Fang wrote:Expecting a well-written story from a videogame to another medium is really difficult if not impossible, especially with a minimalistic genre like STG.
To that I say, have a look at "海底大戦争" or "In the Hunt" as it's known in English:


Very well written, the characters have depth (lol), good battle action, and lots of technical info / drawing on the subs. Highly recommended if you can find a translation. I wish I had done it instead of Ibara.. but then no one would know how bad it is! haha.

Anyhow, sorry to hijack the thread.. back to Ibara / PS. :mrgreen:
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Re: Ibara and Pink Sweets article on HG101.net

Post by cave hermit »

I loosely skimmed the first chapter of that Ibara manga, and it seems like the plot and characterization is slightly below most hentai doujins.
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Re: Ibara and Pink Sweets article on HG101.net

Post by Doctor Butler »

It's hard to tell that was even based on a shooting game.

They showed aircraft twice throughout the whole thing.
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