launch & updates thread
greetings fellow shmuppers! I'm happy to announce that I've finally finished work on, which will now host all my past and future translation work. I always knew it was problematic that new users would have trouble finding them after they fell off the main page, and if the forum ever crashed or lost everything, these could all be lost. I also wanted a chance to format things more attractively. It's a really vibrant time for the community right now I feel, with STG Weekly, Bullet Heaven HD, Icarus' Special Demonstrations, trap15's pcb hacks, and everything else that makes this a great place to come to. I'm glad to offer my contribution now in a more unified state!
I haven't done much translation for the last couple months because this has taken up all my time. I've gone back through every translation I've done (there's 63 now, I believe) and annotated them with images, captions, video, etc. In many cases I found or scanned in old concept and design art that should enhance the reading experience. The site will also eventually feature more non-shmup game translations, for which a cool Chippoke Ralph no Daibouken interview will serve as the opening salvo.
12/1/19 shmupdates (haha):
Patreon launch!
Zanac - 2016 Developer Interview
Lined up for the near future are more superplayer interviews, a khdn interview, a Demon Front strategy guide, some old Capcom Mega Man materials, and a nice set of Konami DS-3 magazines I recently acquired. I'll use this thread to announce future updates, and you can also follow the site @shmuplations on twitter. Please let me know if you find anything that needs correcting... I optimized the site for higher resolutions on IE, Chrome, and Firefox, but I hope it will display adequately across the board.
...and now, I can finally go play SDOJ.