I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Fingolfin »

Very much inspired by Jeneki’s, PC Engine Fan X’s and Koa Zo’s posts & BIL’s usual power of n fanatical enthusiasms (nothing to see here folks :mrgreen: )

Koa Zo from above:
“After so many years of playing the arcade with those tank-grip triggers, the rhythm of firing shots has become integral to the experience. Often tapping and slapping those trigger buttons in beat with the music – the dodge and shuck and jive of swinging the arcade grips left and right, toward and apart from each other, forward and reverse etc, in conjunction with rhythmic pinpoint sniper shots or frenzied bullet spray as your tank is spinning or roll-strafing – all of that produced one hell of a physical experience. The cabinet at times could literally rock back and forth during heated play on upper levels. All the while Shinji Hosoe’s tunes just screaming out of the cabinet like no other game in the arcade up to that time.“ :D

Redundant regurgitated regurgitation from above

“Here in my tank, I feel safest of all…It's the only way to live in tanks….” :D

https://youtu.be/Im3JzxlatUs Gary Numan “Cars”

Lateral tank rolling move musta been in some sci-fi war something — maybe Thunderbirds :P — it seems so vivid in memory…quite possibly just playing and getting slaughtered by Assault. :twisted:

All turtles / tortoises need that built in!
What was God thinking there!?! :shock:
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BIL »

Fingolfin wrote:All turtles / tortoises need that built in!
What was God thinking there!?! :shock:
That's even better :lol: Just teach a snapper to hold a gat in his beak, then place him on the sidewalk and unleash him on your gangland opposition :mrgreen:

Gives me NAM flashbacks to this bad bastard from Dogosoken - who is more safely tackled thus - and this nicer fellow from Space Harrier II :cool:


"Most Dangerous or Evil Enemy Turtles/Tortoises" is a great idea for a thread actually! :o
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Fingolfin »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote:Honestly, if you don't want to stick with an 8 way square or octo gate as a compromise, the other option is to get a cheap separate stick and designate that your 4-way stick. Use whichever one as needed for games. That way you don't have to fuss with swapping the gate.

Buying a separate stick just so you don't have to swap the gates regularly as an option obviously depends on how much space you have to store a second stick! In your case, trying out an octagonal gate seems like the most economical option first to see if you like that as a compromise solution and if you don't they don't cost much.

I've got a vert cabinet where I've got a 4-way stick on the left and an 8-way octo gate on the right. The only games that get played on it are 4-way games with cooperative play (so player 1 has a better setup) and a shmup that plays best in single player, where 2P side plays identical to 1P side. So if I'm playing Pac-Man/Dig-Dug arrangement I can use P1 Side as well as coop, and if I'm shmupping I play on P2 side.
Best of both worlds!!

Thank you very much BareKnuckleRoo!
Really appreciate all the advice and insights.

I know arcade games from BITD as a preteen and teenager, as well as continuing to play lifelong but I am a lifelong amateur very very slowly getting a little better at STGs with much practice and research.

I have Razer Panthera PS4 and though not a Seimetsu stick, it’s become familiar and works well for me; also allows for some relatively easy swapping of parts and configurations. Much more so than other arcade sticks I own.

Would be great for players/consumers if there was more cross platform interoperability!

Thanks again! :)
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Fingolfin »

Evil villain turtles and tortoises! AC 0 plus modifiers for age and species.
DMs/gods/God giveth and taketh away!

Perhaps give the shelled reptiles flame pods that can replace their limbs a la Gamera


Oh no Gamera!


Brief — if you can believe it :lol: — off topic: when I was about 7-8 my father ran over an alligator snapper while mowing a field (i.e. w/ a field type tractor/mower) and it barely put a dent/scratch in that turtle’s shell. Ancient fellow was over 100 lbs and probably 50+ yrs old and had only one eye (just scar tissue there). Very carefully caught and released in a local nature park (specifically Ward Pound Ridge Reservation in NY). Burlap feed sack used to capture him w/ heavy gloves and great care!
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by SavagePencil »

If we can get Assault, when can we get The Outfoxies?
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by soupbones »

Man... I have been sleeping on these AA releases!

Assault looks like a must have, and I think I need Hopping Mappy and Astyanax...

Any other gems you guys recommend? I pretty much like all genres...
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Sturmvogel Prime »

soupbones wrote:Any other gems you guys recommend? I pretty much like all generes...
Earth Defense Force
Double Dragon
In The Hunt
(Retire your SNES and Genesis ports for good)
Gun & Frontier
Dragon Saber
Thunder Dragon 2
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BIL »

soupbones wrote:Man... I have been sleeping on these AA releases!

Assault looks like a must have, and I think I need Hopping Mappy and Astyanax...

Any other gems you guys recommend? I pretty much like all generes...
My most current ACA recpost (for STGs). :cool: As for other genres, limiting to fifteen in alphabetical order (there's way, wayyyy more worth the asking price, all of them to the same excellent standard, but I'd be here all night):

Easy Recommends:

ARGUS NO SENSHI aka RYGAR State-of-the-art sidescrolling action/platformer, with an instantly-arresting balance of extreme firepower, agility, and finesse to relentless 1HKO intensity. If you're into the classic examples that flourished on the NES - Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, Shatterhand et al - this one's essential. (includes both JP + US sets)

BUBBLE BOBBLE Taito's immortal nexus of bubblewrap-satisfying immediacy and fathomless depths. When Sumez - a man who takes his Bubbling deadly seriously - gave the ACA version his blessing, I knew I had to see what Hamster were up to.

CRIME FIGHTERS 2 aka VENDETTA Uncannily well-balanced brawling from Konami, pairing intuitively dominating movesets with a punishing intensity that'll put cocky players down hard. Smartly unifies the user-friendly refinements of Final Fight with Technos Japan's grittier, stagger-intensive beatdowns. Arcade beaters this perfectly-tempered are rare, and so are ones this wallopingly cathartic yet ruefully hilarious; truly Technos-sized personality. (includes JP/US 2P + JP/US 4P sets)

GREEN BERET aka RUSH N' ATTACK Like the following year's Rygar, a foundational sidescrolling action/platformer that any NES/FC aficionado will take to fast. Don't be fooled by the lack of pits! Aerial maneuvers and building-to-building leaps figure heavily. A marginally less twitchy, more tactical game, effectively the NES Castlevania to AC Rygar's NES Ninja Gaiden. If you can parse that lineage unaided, this is probably your jam. :cool: (includes both JP+US sets)

METAL SLUG A ubiquitous favourite for good reason. Flawlessly streamlined gun/knife/grenade action with an immortally gratifying jolt of armoured vehicle carnage, wrapped up in pixel art unsurpassed to this day. While MSX and MS3 gain on intensity and inventiveness, by those same tokens, neither is as universally recommendable as this.


SAIGO NO NINDOU aka NINJA SPIRIT IREM's seamless fusion of The Legend of Kage, Contra, and Gradius. Soaring wuxia combat with monster guns and cunning Option tricks, suffused with the cutting-edge horror of R-Type, and boiling volatility rivalling fellow 1988 landmark Daimakaimura. A six-out-of-five star game, docked to a mere five by its obligatory, quarter-munching caveat. Use my guide to restore justice. Image

NINJA RYUKENDEN aka NINJA GAIDEN 80s beltscrollers tend towards the gritty slugfests of their progenitor, Kunio-kun. This is a stark exception, with its sleek touch-of-death combos and deft somersault throw, paired with impressive (and combat-integral) scenery interaction/destruction. An underratedly funny game, as well, with its silly "ninja tourism" premise - never a bad thing in ultraviolent action affairs! (includes JP+US sets)

SHOCK TROOPERS For overall variety, accessibility, and consistency, this is possibly the finest topdown run/gun ever produced - and most definitely among the most readily-recommendable. Nails its base with impeccably smooth, efficient controls, then piles on a generous helping of diverse characters, freely mix-matchable routes, and an intriguing Team Battle system, topped off with wicked gory humour and a stomping OST. Even better in 2P!

SUNSET RIDERS OG mainman Hideyuki Tsujimoto presents the other Contra III. Unites the FC ports' refined controls with the biblical bodycounts of their AC blueprints, also hewing nearer their run/gun rampage than Nobuya Nakazato's more setpiece-driven SFC entry. Like Metal Slug, this is true crossover material; a generous, easily-accessible crowd-pleaser, undergirded with thoroughbred quality that'll please even the most discerning aficionados. (includes JP/US 2P + JP/US 4P sets)

ZERO TEAM Like Crime Fighters 2, Seibu's brawler nails a rare balance of console generosity and arcade brutality, pitting powerful, intuitive movesets against coinop-relentless opposition. Control is exceptionally smooth, with an impressive range of offensive and evasive options neatly folded into its JAMMA setup, including some welcome innovations like recovery rolls and eight-way weapon throwing. Like CF2 and Ninja Gaiden, this is yet another smartly-refined, stingingly-violent brawler with a lovably goofy bent; make sure to stock up on TP! (includes Old and Newer sets; this is actually the first emulation, official or otherwise, of the original game, with MAME limited to its later New/2000/USA revisions)


Slightly more niche (but still good! I don't do bad games Image):

BIG TOURNAMENT GOLF aka Neo Turf Masters, but only going by BTG on Arcade Archives, due to legal issues w/the Augusta Masters Tournament. If Augusta were smarter, they'd have struck an official licensing deal - this is one of those sports games that nails the tenets of arcade excellence - technique, focus, pressure - so squarely, even the most golf-indifferent may find themselves thoroughly won over. Nazca's customarily wonderful presentation certainly doesn't hurt the effect, although maybe the subtly goofy roster of golfbros insulted Augusta's people? :lol:

LIBBLE RABBLE Toru Iwatani's personal favourite of his legendary oeuvre, combining Qix's hectic field-fill action with Wizardry-influenced secret-hunting. The dual-character controls are famously brain-teasing, but will be immediately compulsive to the right players. The ACA version even lets you rope in a second player, for marvelously tactical cooperative play.

MUTANT NIGHT Bizarrely minimalist/MAXIMALIST sidescrolling run-and-gun from lovable eccentrics UPL, starring what must be one of the late 80s' most unjustly forgotten player characters. The "air-walking" mechanic is truly strange, a sharp contrast to the simple-yet-deadly running and gunning; the result feels almost ROMhacky, like a glitch they knew was too good to throw out, subsequently enshrined at the heart of a full-blooded run/gun. Regularly punctuated by world-upending powerups and unbridled stampedes. A true one-off; not only do they not make games like this now, they really didn't make them back then!

NINJA-KUN II: ASHURA NO SHOU UPL combine Bubble Bobble's innately lovable little sprites with a sprawling, deceptively tough sidescrolling odyssey. The controls' deliberate heft won't be to everyone's liking, nor will the odd "bump-fu" combat that sees player and enemies collide violently, the victor leaving the target dizzied; even the basic weaponry is a little on the bent side. Rest assured it is every bit as tightly-designed around its eccentricities as more straitlaced affairs, however!

SABOTEN BOMBERS Bubble Bobble gone stark raving mad. Keeps the immediacy, dials up the careening carnage, with a willfully disaster-dicing kamikaze mechanic. Notably among these games, a riot in 2P cooperative (or even uncooperative) mode. Just like its Taito forerunner, a game of many secrets! (ta again trap!).

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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by soupbones »

Wow - thanks all! Going to be a great (and expensive) weekend!
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BrianC »

velo wrote: I'd buy Spartan X if they can bother to sell it to me. It's a fun one and I never did save the girl.
I would even buy it if they only had the Kung Fu Master version available. It's not like the game hasn't been released sans license before. The MSX Seiken Acho is a good example of this (probably renamed as such since MSX has a different game licensed from Spartan X and a different game named Kung Fu Master).
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Fingolfin »

As foretold by Sturmvogel Prime and hamfighterx

Aca Arcade Archives Darius for Switch today 10/6/2022

A Huge Battleship
King Fossil A
Is Approaching Fast


Also apparently a special presentation tonight 7 pm in Japan

Will have to try to catch it (or watch replay later) :mrgreen:

Happy Thor’s Day!

edits / revisions for clarification
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by DenimDemon »

So for those with the M2 port….there’s nothing to see here, right?
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Jeneki »

DenimDemon wrote:So for those with the M2 port….there’s nothing to see here, right?
There's the usual Arcade Archives hi-score mode if you want to dominate a fresh global leaderboard 8) . But yeah this is an unlikely double dip for those who have it.
Typos caused by cat on keyboard.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by alamone »

I'm glad there's an easy way to legally play these games, but have they gotten around to implementing integer scaling yet? No matter how I adjusted the picture size I would get bad pixel shimmering when scrolling. Also, VRR support would be great for games that don't run near 60 Hz, but I'm not holding my breath for that one.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by StrzxgvNuvWvfld »

alamone wrote:I'm glad there's an easy way to legally play these games, but have they gotten around to implementing integer scaling yet? No matter how I adjusted the picture size I would get bad pixel shimmering when scrolling. Also, VRR support would be great for games that don't run near 60 Hz, but I'm not holding my breath for that one.
No, scaling options are still poor.

Some of the earlier Switch titles had a "sharp" scale mode which I quite liked, but it disappeared after a brief period.

It wasn't exactly what you'd get with interpolation on a Retrotink, but was sharp enough for me and also meant you could get a better aspect ratio than you'd get with an integer scale on some of those 256 width games, like Gradius.

Now it's either nearest neighbour which will *almost* but not quite scale to an integer, or some kind of binlear scale with scanlines to make it look slightly better. The later has reluctantly become my choice.

It's a shame they can't offer something better as they have some pretty amazing games in their line up.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Rastan78 »

alamone wrote:I'm glad there's an easy way to legally play these games, but have they gotten around to implementing integer scaling yet? No matter how I adjusted the picture size I would get bad pixel shimmering when scrolling. Also, VRR support would be great for games that don't run near 60 Hz, but I'm not holding my breath for that one.
The only way I've seen to get integer scaling is to play on Switch in handheld mode. For example the Neo Geo stuff at 150 scale with extra screen width option ON looks perfect. Switch handheld is 720p and for whatever reason you can get pixel perfect at 720.

Made me wonder if you could also set the output to 720p in the system settings while playing docked. It doesn't work. You get scrolling shimmer plus a blurry scaled image.

Agreed VRR would be cool. Looking forward to the day M2 and Hamster implement that. I'd really like to see the Raiden Fighters series come back to consoles some day with VRR for silky smooth gameplay at the correct 55hz speed.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by PC Engine Fan X! »

What size 4:3 based rgb monitors did the three-screen Darius cab use? I have an LCD-based screen projector and would like to replicate the exact size screen settings of the three screen setup used back in the day with the Switch Arcade Archives port of Darius (of course, I do recall looking at a pic of the three screen Sega Megalo version of Darius up & running at a Japanese game center which is larger than life/insane, indeed).

I recall seeing a three screen Darius cab setup at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk main arcade building back in 1988-1990 -- am not sure if it's still there nowadays (perhaps long gone by now) -- I'd feed it a few credits just for ol' times sake every time I'd see it. I did see & play the three screen cab version of Taito's Ninja Warriors occasionally at my local arcade joint, Tilt!, back in 1988-1989 -- that was a very cool & slick arcade experience not to be missed back in the day.

I've noticed that you can't turn on the "scan line type" nor "scan line thickness" parameters with the Switch port of Arcade Archives Darius as they're both "grayed-out" and not selectable from the "get-go". Is there a proper way to turn it on?

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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Rastan78 »

I heard they used small 13 inchers. Don't know if that was different if it was the upright cabinet or the big sit down version with a bench. Also keep in mind there was an inch or so of overlap where the mirrors cover the screen edges of the visible monitor.

So it should be easy to replicate with a flat-screen as the actual area was not that huge by today's standards where for some people a 55 inch is considered a small bedroom set lol. If you have the Cozmic version I'd turn on the option that mimics the color variations between screens. A nice feature for pros used to using the screen edges for positioning. It should also make it easier to measure your 13 inch diagonal when scaling.

BTW I also have some good memories of the SC boardwalk arcade. Very cool place. Never saw Darius there so that must've been before my time there?
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by StrzxgvNuvWvfld »

Rastan78 wrote:I heard they used small 13 inchers. Don't know if that was different if it was the upright cabinet or the big sit down version with a bench. Also keep in mind there was an inch or so of overlap where the mirrors cover the screen edges of the visible monitor.
I haven't seen a Darius cab in a long, long time, but my local arcade has Ninja Warriors which I believe uses the same design and I can confirm the individual monitors are small. The play area is probably less than the width of my 55" TV. I think the design was less about the size and more about a novelty aspect ratio in a time where almost everything was 4:3. Maybe the sit-down version is larger though.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Rastan78 »

https://twitter.com/htsonp/status/15734 ... tgR4w&s=19

Yeah there's a random video that shows a person playing at the large sit down cab. You can see how small the monitors are on that one too. If they're 13 inch ones then I'd estimate the overall width of the viewable area is around 30 inches or less. You could easily have that large of a display on a 16:9 screen that is anything around 40 inches or above.

One thing is the way the cabs are designed you have to have room for the monitors that are flipped upside down and reflected back with mirrors. They sit in between the control panel and the viewable screen. Had they used big 25 or 29 inch CRTs not only would you need a fork lift to move the cab around, but the screen would be pushed farther away from the player as well.

BTW anyone wondering about comparison between ACA and Cozmic Darius. I haven't confirmed on the Switch version, but my understanding is the ACA version runs at 60 fps on PS4. The Cozmic games are all adjusted to run as close as possible to the actual arcade refresh. I think Darius is one of the few Gotch developed ACA games and they tend to lock to 60. A minor difference for sure, but in that sense the Cozmic Darius just edges it out with more accurate game speed.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Sima Tuna »

I assumed an M2 port would be superior to the ACA offering. The main difference between M2 and ACA is M2 only port a limited selection of games, and often only for a Japanese audience. Hamster helpfully port damn near everything, for a reasonable price and at pretty high levels of quality.

Would I love an M2 port of the Crime Fighters series? M2 Zero Team? M2 Elevator Action Returns? Sure. Are they ever going to do it? Hell no. If you're lucky enough for your favorite game series to get an M2 port then you're doing well. For the rest of us mortals, we have to "make do" with M2. :lol:

I'm not crazy about the OG Darius games (they're pretty brutal). I might pick up ACA Darius Gaiden when Hamster get around to porting that one though.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Flashman »

Sima Tuna wrote:I'm not crazy about the OG Darius games (they're pretty brutal). I might pick up ACA Darius Gaiden when Hamster get around to porting that one though.
Yeah, with you on that - some great music, particularly Darius 2, but hard as nails and I don't have enough interest in them to "git good" Gaiden is an amazing game (probably the best Darius game) but still no slouch in the difficulty department.

I'll be skipping the ACA release (got Cosmic collection arcade physically and console collection digitally when it went on sale). Some of the console games are pretty fun, but best on OG hardware I find.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by DenimDemon »

I personally love the OG Darius. A lot. But since I’ve got the collection, I’m skipping this…now if they ever release the Mega Drive Mini port!
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Sturmvogel Prime »

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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Udderdude »

Interesting choice, another fairly obscure one from Namco's library. Ported to the Sharp X1 of all things .. and nowhere else! Oops. You'd think it would at least end up on the Famicom .. lol
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BIL »

It was part of the OG Namco Museum set back on PS1, though. ;3 (which is the only place I know it from)

I dunno if I ever even booted it up tbh, not really my style and I was a blood-crazed young nerd. However it gets lots of love from peeps I value greatly, and I long since learned some of the cutest topdown STGs are in fact the most hardcore, so I'm glad to have a definitive home version.

Said OGs are largely all here now (including slightly less marquee names like Gaplus, Rompers and Motos... and fucking Wonder Momo, bahaha - still haven't given that its MAME roadtest, but I sure do remember recoiling in disgust at it on PS1! a tantalising mystery :shock:). As much as I want them to start bringing more late 80s/early 90s stuff that never made the PS1 discs (Splatterhouse, Metal Hawk, Phelios, Finest Hour, Rolling Thunder 2, NebulasRay...), I hope they round out the set. I really want ACA Bosconian, Baraduke and Pole Position.

Legendary Rob favourite King & Balloon will be around soon enough, I expect. :lol:
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by CRP »

next week : Tecmo's Toukidenshou Angel Eyes
Ordyne, out October 27

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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Udderdude »

BIL wrote:I long since learned some of the cutest topdown STGs are in fact the most hardcore, so I'm glad to have a definitive home version.
Not even kidding. It's possible to get yourself trapped with the wrong weapon and die as soon as level 2 .. ouch.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BIL »

Sounds about right, I've heard harrowing tales over the years. :mrgreen: Gonna enjoy catching up with the last month or so's releases this weekend.
CRP wrote:next week : Tecmo's Toukidenshou Angel Eyes
Ordyne, out October 27

src: https://twitter.com/gosokkyu
Blimey, that one (and its Tecmo labelmate Ganbare Ginkun) have been on the wait list forever. Good for that one dude always asking about 'em on Hamster's twitter. Not a big FTG consumer myself, but I'm always happy to see more Tecmo stuff.

Totally forgot about Ordyne, there's another PS1 vintage. Was never head over heels with it (again mostly due to the cartoony aesthetic... I'm a gunmetal n' olive drab Sharky boi Image), but it's certainly a solid STG, easy pickup.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Sturmvogel Prime »

Just about time, that game was announced a lot of time ago. Hope we can also see Ganbare Ginkun and (why not) Final Star Force.
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