PS4 or Switch

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PS4 or Switch

Post by NAVVARR »

I own a PS4 and a Switch.

I usually just buy the PS4 version if there is a choice, but lately I've been enjoying some games such as Razion on my Switch.

I'm now thinking that buying the Switch version would be better since I can play it handheld or on the TV - what's your thoughts folks?

Continue with the PS4 library or start buying Switch games? Is there actually any real difference to the gameplay in general?
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by dmk1198 »

I got capcom arcade on switch for similar reasons yep

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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by To Far Away Times »

You get a portable and console version of every switch game you buy.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by Sengoku Strider »

Is an average difference of 1 frame of input delay a dealbreaker? If not, go with Switch. It's where the bulk of releases are now anyway.

These are the sales figures from the last week of 2021 and first week of 2022 (they're combined because of the new year's holiday) in Japan. The ol' PS quadruple had a great run, and it's still going in the West, but it's finished in the land of the rising shmup developer:

Switch: 393 980
PS5: 72 068
Xbox X/S: 2 159
Nintendo 3DS: 670[/td]
PS4: 68

Getting lapped nearly 10x over by the 3DS in 2022.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by Nugs »

Switch for me.
Being able to pick up and play anywhere is a huge plus for me.
My switch pretty much lives in a 3d printed flip grip type thing.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by Augemitbutter »

Lower lag, long-term support via PS5 and some extra trophies are a big deal to me. But if you rely on handheld play you probably got no other choice.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by BloodHawk »

I think it comes down to a few personal preferences:

-How much do you value the ability to play in handheld?
-How much do you value a frame or so less of input lag?
-Based on you usually buying PS4 versions in the past I assume you already have a stick/controller for it that you are comfortable with. Do you already have a stick/controller that you like for the Switch? Also something else to keep in mind, if you need to use an adapter it will add around another frame of input lag in comparison to using a native stick/controller on PS4.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by Jonpachi »

I only buy horizontal shmups on Switch, otherwise I go with best performance on the PS4.

I just want the best possible console experience, no matter where that may be. If for some reason M2 went crazy and started only releasing new games on PS3, I'd start shopping for a good stick for that system.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by BIL »

I was in the same position a couple years ago, wanting a console for a temp move and not about to lug a moving van's worth of stuff to Crackhead Terrace at RumpyPumpy Avenue. Went with PS4 for M2 Garegga, Ketsui, Dangun and Mahou, easy choice. The Psikyo ports would've been a dilemma opposite CAVE/Raizing, had they been M2/Hamster quality, but from what I can tell they're just the PS2 ones I've had forever with extra input lag, so nah. Eat my ass mother fucker. Also got enough ACA to last well beyond when I'm back to my old stuff.

As far as 1CC/Hiscore bucket list machines go, if I had to do a header out an exploding building I'd probably grab my PS4. Would miss my FC but if you're gonna live on a mountaintop hammering out clears you might as well go with the dick-swinginest lineup you can. Image

Missed out on M2 Switch AGES (chiefly Virtua Racing, Gain Ground & Shinobi), otherwise no regrets. Can always pick up a Switch later, got more than I can play competently as-is.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by evil_ash_xero »

I stopped getting Switch ports over PS4 ports, when I realized the input lag issue.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by kid aphex »

Switch has input and graphical fidelity issues, but has a portable option.

Portability means zero to me… I don’t know who needs/enjoys playing games like that.

Maybe it’s the fact I do yoga, because my body has NO PROBLEM communicating to me that it’s unhealthy to be hunched over a screen. It screams at me every time I try to devote more than a few minutes to portable play.

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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by bigbadboaz »

Portability also means zero to me. I like to properly focus in a large, comfortable setup or not at all.

That said, I don't really get the above. You can be posturally correct - or massively posturally incorrect - while viewing either a large or incredibly small screen. It's all about how you set yourself up, and paying attention to slumping/getting lazy over time.

Either way, you need to take breaks and get up and move around. Being on the home console won't make six-hour nonmoving marathons good for the body.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by Creamy Goodness »

Outside of the M2 Shottriggers, the Switch has a better selection of shmups. Then there is the portability factor. Only drawback is when it comes to controllers. Many of them suck, are pretty expensive, or both.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by Sengoku Strider »

kid aphex wrote:Switch has input and graphical fidelity issues, but has a portable option.

Portability means zero to me… I don’t know who needs/enjoys playing games like that.

Maybe it’s the fact I do yoga, because my body has NO PROBLEM communicating to me that it’s unhealthy to be hunched over a screen. It screams at me every time I try to devote more than a few minutes to portable play.

“Quit this shit.”
Well duh, that's why you lay back on the couch or in bed. There's also something intimate about popping headphones in and having this digital world right in front of you that sucks you in, as your body is allowed to completely relax in whatever position feels most comfortable to it. It's like the relaxation of a sensory deprivation chamber without the boredom. I'll often opt to play handheld even with a TV right there.

And then of course there's the question of significant others or kids who are using the TV, or just don't want the distraction in the living room.

If you're going to talk hunching, it's the PC-at-a-desk crowd who seem to be stuck with that.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by Johnpv »

Before covid and shit a lot of people had long ass commutes on trains. When I was working in the city I had a couple hour train ride each way, portable systems were clutch.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by harborline765 »

For multiplatform releases unless the input latency is notably lower on PS4, I'll go for Switch.

It's really just the flexibility that does it for me, not being tied to a single place and display to play a game pays dividends, even Tate mode with the tablet detached is really useful for shmups when I'm at a desk - the official carry case has a kickstand built in that enables Tate in tabletop mode.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by Rastan78 »

kid aphex wrote:Portability means zero to me… I don’t know who needs/enjoys playing games like that.

Maybe it’s the fact I do yoga, because my body has NO PROBLEM communicating to me that it’s unhealthy to be hunched over a screen. It screams at me every time I try to devote more than a few minutes to portable play.

“Quit this shit.”
I guess you don't read books either? It's basically the same choice of postures.

My body is so finely honed and my mind in perfect balance that if a read a book even for 10 seconds, everything shuts down. I get a headache, all my muscles seize up and I get severe constipation. Luckily I can hear my body crying out in agony, telling me to throw the book out the window and read on a 55 inch OLED screen for max comfort.

Lay down you say? Absolute torture for a physical specimen such as me.

Thank God book stores are all closing down now. Future generations will never have to know the suffering of being hunched over a book on the couch.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by kid aphex »

Rastan78 wrote:
kid aphex wrote:Portability means zero to me… I don’t know who needs/enjoys playing games like that.

Maybe it’s the fact I do yoga, because my body has NO PROBLEM communicating to me that it’s unhealthy to be hunched over a screen. It screams at me every time I try to devote more than a few minutes to portable play.

“Quit this shit.”
I guess you don't read books either? It's basically the same choice of postures.

My body is so finely honed and my mind in perfect balance that if a read a book even for 10 seconds, everything shuts down. I get a headache, all my muscles seize up and I get severe constipation. Luckily I can hear my body crying out in agony, telling me to throw the book out the window and read on a 55 inch OLED screen for max comfort.

Lay down you say? Absolute torture for a physical specimen such as me.

Thank God book stores are all closing down now. Future generations will never have to know the suffering of being hunched over a book on the couch.
Dumb interpretation of my post that says more about you than me, bitter kid.
But if you're stupid enough to equate the experience of reading a book to gaming on the Switch, what's to be expected of you?
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by Rastan78 »

kid aphex wrote:Dumb
kid aphex wrote: bitter kid.
kid aphex wrote:But if you're stupid
Stay with that yoga, brah.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by kid aphex »

Rastan78 wrote: Stay with that yoga, brah.
Unfortunately, my yoga doesn't prevent your ignorance.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by Rastan78 »

kid aphex wrote:Unfortunately, my yoga doesn't prevent your ignorance.
That reads like the shittiest, most arrogant bumper sticker ever.

Anyway, sorry my post offended. Let's drop it and stay on topic.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by Sengoku Strider »

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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Fucking hilarious. Bravo.
Creamy Goodness wrote:Then there is the portability factor. Only drawback is when it comes to controllers. Many of them suck, are pretty expensive, or both.
Yeah, the controllers are... less than ideal. The Joycons are gimmicky and felt really fragile. Does anyone have any reports of them breaking? They're usable, but I'm skeptical as to how well they'd stand up to rigorous use.

I'm also rather terrified of using something that's fairly large and expensive as a portable gaming device. A Game Boy was actually tough enough to handle a few drops (my poor GBC has suffered some with no real issues, oops) but the Switch seems like it'd be less capable of handling a drop...
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by Rastan78 »


The joycons are actually pretty sturdy, but the biggest problem is how quick they get random stick drifting and the lack of a d pad. The unusual four button d pad layout could be ideal for older arcade games that used 4 way sticks or for puzzle games. I think a lot of the really hardcore puzzle gamers in Japan these days that play Puyopuyo Tetris and Tetris 99 play on Switch and use the default joycons. You never get an accidental up or down press that way.

Wonder Boy in Monster Land is a good example of a game that could benefit from playing on the joycons. It's designed for 4 way sticks and any accidental down input will result in wasting your precious magic. Besides that, the whole Sega Ages series on Switch that includes this game isn't on PS4 anyway.

Other than that go with a more affordable hori D pad joycon on the left side if and when your original left joycon gets drifting.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

That's a good point, it is an optimal setup for 4 way games that were made with the assumption diagonals were impossible (arcade games with a 4 way gate). Having a very sturdy D-Pad to avoid accidental down inputs is nice, it's annoying playing something like Mega Man on a sketchy D-Pad and getting a slide when you meant to jump (this is a big advantage to playing on a keyboard or arcade stick, accidental direction inputs are far less likely).

I've had several controllers experience drifting and it shocks me that console games and PC games don't offer robust deadzone tweaking options more regularly. There's plenty of games where if I were able to adjust the deadzone my otherwise drifting controller would remain perfectly usable.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by MachineAres 1CC »

Creamy Goodness wrote:Outside of the M2 Shottriggers, the Switch has a better selection of shmups.
That's a pretty bold statment to make at this point. At least 95% of the shmups released on Switch are simultaneous release on PS4 as well. The only shmups I can think of that are on Switch and not PS4 at this point are:

the horrible Psikyo ports
the crappy Cave/Compile cell phone ports
Radirgy Swag
Quad Fighter K
Danmaku Unlimited 3
the 3 recent CAVE ports of Xbox 360 games
the two bare-bones Thunder Force ports
bare-bones emulated Musha Aleste (if you pay for the horribly expensive Nintendo online expansion subscription)
a few other absolute dogshit shovelware shmups
I guess Crimzon Clover? (did the PS4 port of Crimzon Clover just get canceled? I saw in original press releases it said it was supposed to launch on PS4 at the same time as the Switch version, then it was just radio silence from there.)

PS4 also has several that Switch doesn't have, so it kinda goes both ways, but most of the Switch "exclusive" games aren't particularly good or valuable to me, already owning most of them on other (better) platforms.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by Nugs »

Sengoku Strider wrote:
And then of course there's the question of significant others or kids who are using the TV, or just don't want the distraction in the living room.
This is key for me. I have three small kids so being able to pick up and instantly play in small chunks is better than nothing.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by Rastan78 »

MachineAres 1CC wrote:the two bare-bones Thunder Force ports
In what way are these bare bones ports? IMO both are so well done I would almost consider them the definitive versions even compared to original hardware. It seems like you're really going out of your way to dump on the Switch for some reason.

Fantasy Zone also has a Switch port that is basically M2 ShotTriggers quality. Has a brand new mode etc.
Nugs wrote:
Sengoku Strider wrote:
And then of course there's the question of significant others or kids who are using the TV, or just don't want the distraction in the living room.
This is key for me. I have three small kids so being able to pick up and instantly play in small chunks is better than nothing.
Definitely feeling you on that. With my sched between work and especially family, I'm barely able to play. So sneaking in practice sessions via Switch portable is key.

It's also a good way to be a bit sneaky with your gaming if you don't want to expose younger kids to games yet.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by MachineAres 1CC »

Rastan78 wrote:
MachineAres 1CC wrote:the two bare-bones Thunder Force ports
In what way are these bare bones ports? IMO both are so well done I would almost consider them the definitive versions even compared to original hardware. It seems like you're really going out of your way to dump on the Switch for some reason.
I think that's stretching a bit. They're just emulated ports with Kids mode and save states added, not nearly the quality M2 is capable of and have done on many other games (as you mentioned, Fantasy Zone and ShotTriggers.) I love M2 as much as the next guy, but people seem to go out of their way to praise them just for showing up at all when they didn't do anything particular to deserve it in the case of these Thunder Force ports.
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Re: PS4 or Switch

Post by Marc »

Rastan78 wrote:
MachineAres 1CC wrote:the two bare-bones Thunder Force ports
In what way are these bare bones ports? IMO both are so well done I would almost consider them the definitive versions even compared to original hardware. It seems like you're really going out of your way to dump on the Switch for some reason.

Fantasy Zone also has a Switch port that is basically M2 ShotTriggers quality. Has a brand new mode etc.
Ah, he's got previous. I find a little hate-boner (or indeed the reverse) for any machine somewhat odd at my age, but there you go.

For me, as long as it's at a similar performance level to other versions (I don't consider an extra frame of lag a viable complaint), Switch all the way. Just pimped mine with a pair of Pacman Split Pads, and I love nothing more than bobbing down to the local and cracking on with a bit of gaming in absolute peace while downing a few beers.
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